  • Report:  #212025

Complaint Review: Adi Peretz - Globus Moving - Moving In And Out - Northridge California

Reported By:
- Gresham, Oregon,

Adi Peretz - Globus Moving - Moving In And Out
19408 Londelius Northridge, 91324 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Here is the time line, notice how it gets worse as it goes on:

I posted my information on a website called Merak Movers. 3 people called me, one of the was Global Moving. They had a reasonable offer to move 300 cubic feet of already packed boxed items. The price was $1500 flat rate no hidden fees.

(Mistake 1)

I called Global Moving back and after 2 hours of trying my hardest to understand the operators broken English, I agreed to pay a deposit of $375. I figured even non English speaking people have to work somewhere, and I guess a moving company wasn't to out of place for a job.

On my moving day GLOBUS moving show up with a 53foot Bekins trailer attached to the largest International Tractor I have ever seen. Lucky for me my entire household is neatly packed into a 300 cubic foot space in a storage unit that happens to also be a parking lot for tractors, dump trucks, Logging trucks, and you guessed it 53 foot tractor trailer combos. I guess living in rural Arkansas had its advantages. Or maybe not.

The incompetent driver will not try to get the truck into the facilities gate which has a 40 foot opening. He claims the truck wont fit and we will have to load the truck while it is parked on the road. I agree that HE is going to have to do it. Its 105 degrees out after all. (Mistake 2) He says it will cost me additional $250 for him to load the truck. I don't have that so I tell him I, by myself will load the truck. BTW i have photos of my stuff STACKED up outside their truck because the claim I made them late. (I did that right i think) So I have him grab the paperwork, so we can get this thing going.

But wait. Are you Global or Globus? His english skills get much worse. In fact I didn't realize he couldn't speak anything else but english until now. His explanation still leaves me confused, but it left me believing that they were the same company.

Paperwork laid out on the trunk lid of my car. I am filling it out, and asking questions (Good consumers do this) Apparently too many questions about money things, you know like $105 fuel charge, $150 long carry charges, damage waivers. The drive becomes agitated and tells me to call Adi.. Call Adi.. Call Adi... OK, I call Adi. Adi says all the charges are standard and I can not remove any of them. I argue. He tells his driver to leave. they get in the truck.

I scramble for the phone, stand in front of the truck. call Adi tell him not to make the drivers leave. Hes not getting my $375 that easy. I finally agree to only pay the $105 but he is to take it off when Global reimburses him. I then tell him to just bill the balance of the $1605 to my master card (PayPal debit card - Hint: These can not be over drafted when no backup funds are available) I previously put 1650 in my paypal account and was using the card JUST in case THIS happened. He says and I quote "Pay as you like." I ask what does that mean? He replies, "Your card will be billed."

Back at the trunk of the car.. I try to read the papers. The driver asks me if I want him to leave again. I reluctantly initial and sign where he points. Now I hate the whole experience.

OK, game over right? Lets get to moving my stuff in 105 degree heat! I start huffing the boxes furniture etc including a 300 lb 61"TV over to the truck. The driver and his buddy SLOWLY load the truck and sweat and complain alot.

boxes moved... water drank... hateful thoughts... etc.. time passes...

OK, last box. The driver asks me how much money I will give him for doing ME a favor? What? He says I am over 300 CU FT. WHAT?!? I SHOWED him the measured boxes stacked to the standard 9 feet high by 5 by 7 270 cu ft! this dolt stacked it 3 feet high to take up over 900 cu ft according to the floor.

Some stacks were 5 feet. I said NO it is 300 cu ft and then took a picture of the mess with my phone camera while he was looking away. To keep him from thrashing my stuff I pulled out the only cash I had ($10) and offered it to him. (I wish I had time to read how tipping 15% was typical earlier ha ha) He insulted me and said how that was nothing and it was insulting. SO I gave it to his much nicer and quieter cohort kind of as a condolence prize for having to work with such as a-hole.

Everything is on the move, say good bye to all your worries, right?


This move was supposed to take 5 to 8 days to complete. My travels, in fact everything I planned went perfectly and even today I am sitting comfortably here in Oregon minus a few of my favorite possessions typing this as a result of the planning gods good favors.

The movers were the ONLY thing wrong with this plan. Day 8, I call and leave 2 voice mails. NO callbacks ever. Truck left Jun 23, its Jul 3 holiday coming up... OK, I wait until the 4th. call again... nothing... try the driver cell phone (got this by luck I love caller ID) no answer. I am too busy to worry about this, had to find apartment that takes 2 dogs! Getting employment transfer completed etc.. Jul5 The globus driver calls me and lets me know he is IN Portland.

Interesting. Anyway I ask where he is. This time he cant explain anything. see Mc Donald's, Car wash, Cheese factory, people. "How am I supposed to know where he is. Why cant this guy get a $300 nav unit? 2 hours later he finds my apartment complex after making me stand out next to a 55MPH Highway the day AFTER July 4th.

Here comes the HUGE 53 foot trailer, but this time a different one. My stuff is moved to a different location in the truck. Hmm.. He says the truck will not fit into this place either. i did forget to mention earlier I said I DID NOT know if where I was moving could take a 53 foot truck.

The truck would have fit (Just like the 48 foot one that came to move a lady out of the complex) if he would have pulled in, then backed to my apartment (straight line) Anyway.. I ask him what I should do about this. He gets in his truck and leaves. Literally. I run to my car, and chase the truck down the street, pull in front of it, and slam on my brakes. I motion for him to turn into the next parking lot (he has no trouble with doing that truck fits fine) He turns on his blinker.

We meet in the parking lot. More calls to Adi. Adi now says I owe $1230 WHAT! I paid you already you crook. Then I talk to Sam at Global Moving. Turns out NObody thought to bill my credit card during all of this. Now I need a cashiers check, a uhaul and a miracle. First off My money is in the PaypPal account and you CAN NOT get a cashiers check with a credit card.

I had to borrow the money from my roommate. talk about a weird situation. Thank GOD it was there to borrow. Oh by the way I am being charged $90 an hour while dork waits in his truck. He calls and informs me to bring $180 CASH. I am thinking of ways to stop these fools in their tracks. but nothing comes to mind. I cant stop payment on the cashiers check because it isn't 24 hours old yet, so I have to reluctantly give him 1230 dollars and hand him 180 cash AND i had to pay 49 dollars for the uhaul. I am Ticked Off at this point.

Guess what I get to unload and then load MY stuff off his truck into the U-Haul I rented in a Safe way Parking lot. I almost accepted the $300 vacuum he offered me, but I figured that was not only wrong, and the people who owned it might need to pawn it to pay their light bill after paying Globus.

I get home to my apartment and me any my roommate unload the Uhaul up 3 flights of stairs. Oh what fun. Guess what is missing? My roommates XBOX360! Guess what we in its place in the shipment, someone Else's clothes in a box. Many items were smashed, even though they were technically hard to break items.

Example. My full size desktop tower computer packed in its original shipping box. The processor was smashed into the mother board yet there was no way I could see how this happened. Amazing. A statue that fell from my window sill and survived was cracked because of what appeared to be weight damage. This is a sturdy plaster statue with a thick steel armature. My poor wall clock was thrashed, and EVERYTHING had a scratch on it somehow. BUT my 61"TV not a scratch hmmm amazing. why? they "packed"it for me. How did they pack it? they taped a blanket over just the screen on the front.

I mailed my second notarized claim to Globus a week ago. It was signed for, but no calls, nothing.. what is going on here!

I hope you guys can help, and I hope NOBODY EVER uses Global or Globus

This is what I would have done differently. I would have gotten the cashiers check a week in advance. Then put a stop payment on it BEFORE even handing it to them. Like while the truck was being unloaded. Then when they complain or sue. Bring all this up in court along with a counter suit. Hind sight is 20/20. I need a solution for what I have though. Thanks for letting me vent!


Gresham, Oregon

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