  • Report:  #366936

Complaint Review: Adsenseboy - Plimus - Mindaugas Lipskas - San Diego California

Reported By:
- D., Other,

Adsenseboy - Plimus - Mindaugas Lipskas
3830 Valley Centre Dr San Diego, 92130 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am posting the support-ticket of this whole rip-off:


Hi Mindagaus,

I just wanted to give a little report after running your script for 14 days now. So far it has posted to over 600 URLs according to "Trackback Reports".

However, "Verified Reports" shows absolute 0 results yet, on none of the over 600 URLs any comment has been published yet, even though I also have installed the antispam.php. I also check about 150 URLs in "Trackback Reports" manually, not one comment from me. I then also searched Google for the comment-phrases I am using (I am using 4 phrases as setup in comments). None of the phrases is appearing in Googles results.

So all in all I did not even get 1 comment approved yet after 14 days and over 600 URLs, all of them have been catched by SPAM-Filters of the Blogs it seems. Which leads me to the conclusion that the script is useless for me and doesnt work as advertised.

Before I ask for a refund as the script clearly doesnt work as advertised and I did not even get 1 backlink yet, what is your conclusion on that? Is the script simply outdated and the blog SPAM plugins nowadays to good for such trackback SPAM to pass through?

Thank you.

Best Regards



I see your installation is OK< but I got a question. Did you include antispam.php file in your promoted website (as described in user guide)?

I'm looking forward to assist you,



Hi Mindagaus,

yes, antispam.php is installed - we talked about it and how I was able to include it, remember?

Well, unfortunately it then seems the SPAM-handling of blogs has got TO good and Trackback Submitter wont work anymore, or just on a VERY few blogs that still dont have effective Anti-SPAM methods. But you see, over 700 URLs posted now and not one has posted the trackback:( I hence would ask for a refund please as the script is unfortunately not working as advertised and is pretty useless if I dont get 1 backlink after so many posts - definetely not worth 150$ USD to me for no backlinks.

Thanks in advance and though good luck with your business.

Best Regards,



Hi Mandagaus,

since the last response Ive posted here I have been running the "Verified Trackbacks"-tool daily and it didnt find any posted replies, now after 800 URLs submitted! Thats not a great ratio, actually a ratio of 0 and hence renders your script absolutely useless and definetely not worth the 150$ as it didnt do anything for me yet except to cost my money, you see?

As you aknowledge yourself, everything has been installed correct on my part and so it can only come down to the conclusion that the script simply isnt working anymore nowadays since SPAM-Plugins have become SO good to filter out any SPAM comment sent via your script.

Hence it is useless and you shouldnt charge 150$ for it but instead be honest and tell the people that it is not working anymore now.

So since the script has done nothing for me since I bought it, since you confirm its installed correctly and I also see that it is doing its work (just with 0 results) and since I have been running it since 17 days now on over 800 URLs with no results, I immediately want a refund please. I permit time for the refund to be send from your side until the 31. August, after which I will go to my online-credit-card-banking and do a chargeback. Please also not that I have informed your reseller Plimus, Inc. about the refund / chargeback and about this conversation here.

Since your script is protected by checks of my account on your server and will stop working once you disable my account, you have nothing to loose for sure. If the refund is being done on time I will also not mention my bad experience with the script in the SEO-Forums I am in (DP, BHW, etc.). And in general I am sure that you, as well as your reseller Plimus, Inc. as well as my credit card issuing bank in case I have to go this far: that I wont pay for a software that is not working at all and not providing any of the results its advertised to do.

Thank you very much and though wishing you and your business best of success. Of course, in case you have a working version of your script anytime in the future, feel free to inform me - but this time I would like to take a test-drive before buying into it again.

Thanks again,




I see that you have placed your order on 08/10/2008, and you opened refund request on 08/25/2008, while software comes with 7 days money back guarantee. I understand software must meet customer expectations, that'w why I offer this money back guarantee. However, when customers start writing me about chargebacks, I also send copies of communication logs, money back guarantee terms and other things right to their banks and Plimus, because filling out false chargeback dispute is against the law (as you may know).

However, if this tool does not work promptly on your server, I can change its license to Blog Comment Poster free of charge. As you may see at http://jmorris.name/software/blog-comment-spam-goes-pro/ it's so effective that webmasters could not stop it from working.

Please let me know if it's OK, so I cans end BCP for you, and you can freely test it.

I'm looking forward to assist you,



First off: how can I test a software in 7 days which should shield long-time results? Thats not possible to test-drive it that fast because the link-building is a steady process. 2,5 weeks, like it has passed now, that is OK to say something about it. And just as simple as it gets: your software doesnt deliver what you say it does: backlinks! There are 0 backlinks created by it yet, and it cant do anything else than that. So what should I spend 150$ for? Its not a muilti-purpose software, it CAN ONLY DO THAT, but IT DOESN'T DO IT AT ALL - so its 150$ for me spent on NOTHING right now, you see?

You, Plimus, and especially my bank will understand that in this case a refund should be absolutely no problem.

I also dont need the other software you mention, though thanks for the offer. I was after Trackback Submitter because of your advertising, though it doesnt do any of the advertised things - at least with absolute 0 reulsts for me. And that is simply called "false advertising" because you advertise something the software cant do at all. And hence you have tricked me in a sense. That alone will allow me to do a chargeback without any doubts.

And just to confirm that: upon your email I directly emailed this whole support-ticket to my custom contact at my bank, they called me back a few minutes ago and confirmed that this is "false advertising" and I can initiate a chargeback anytime I wish for this transaction. Also they say, this is an internet transaction and you dont have a underwriting from me - and since this is still a "grey" area until everyone supports MasterCard SecureCode, the chargeback definetely will be carried out in my favor.

Though since I am also a merchant and know that fees are involved for you, I give you or Plimus Inc, who performed the transaction in your name and are actually the responsible party in this case, a chance to refund me until end of August, after which I will file the chargeback without further communication.

Thank you.


Good luck. We have full proof that you ahve AUTHORIZED this transaction, so filling out chargeback is against the law.

Also tool comes with 7 days money back guarantee, what is CLEARLY displays on sales page, and you agreed to it when ordering. It will be sent to Plimus and your bank as well.

You are welcome to do anything you feel right, just keep in mind we have our own methods fighting against persons who believe doing chargebacks is the best way.

I'm looking forward to assist you,



Of course;) Good luck with trying to charge me 150$ for a software that IS NOT WORKING. I am wondering how you want to explain THAT to your reseller and the bank?? You dont seem to recgonize what is going on here: you have charged me 150$ for NOTHING BECAUSE YOUR SOFTWARE IS N-O-T W-O-R-K-I-NG, so I have paid you 150$ for what?? Forget your 7 days, if your software is not working I can request a refund at anytime because you have basically stolen my money and gave me nothing in return.

Obviously the bank will not even think the blink of an eye if to do the chargeback or not and your reseller Plimus,Inc. if they are serious, will also not think about this twice. Especially since in the support-ticket your reseller and the bank can clearly see that you said the software is isntalled correctly but it still doesnt work for me, and you confirmed it. So I ask you: for what do you want to keep my hard earned 150$??

This is the last email you will be receiving from me on this matter and I will prosecute the chargeback directly on 1.9. if no refund arrived. Though I believe that your reseller is not as unserious as you and will see what is going on here, as well does the bank - and if they see you are from Latvia, its obviousus that you are trying to SCAM people here.

Be sure that I will also leave replies on every forum I am on about your software and your behaviour - this unbelieveable and a serious company like Plimus Inc, should also not assign themselfes with scammers like you - thats definetely no good for their company-image for sure.


Oh boy, you seem to rip-off people regulary, do you?

I just called my bank again and showed them this:


Now my bank-contact said that this is obviousous scaming which you seem to do on a regular base and he also wants to get into personal contact with Plimus to advise to close your account completely.

I am also sure Plimus Inc will be interested to read this post:



--silence from this point, no more replies--

I have initiated a chargeback and hope I get it through. I will report here. Spread the word about this guy!




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