  • Report:  #1336668

Complaint Review: ADT - Nationwide

Reported By:
Joe - San Diego, California, USA

Nationwide, USA
(561) 988-3600
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Upon moving into my home, I discovered all door sensors were installed using silicone caulk instead of double-sided adhesive stripes typical of competitors.

I spoke with ADT Corporate to explain my situation. I learned they will not have a tech visit my home unless I activate my system. AKA:  Pay to Play!

I went further up the chain of indifference and was told they won't help clean up their mess or alert their installers that silicone is to be used as a last resort. What's more, I was told once the customer signs the work order, it's a done deal regardless if the customer was not informed how the sensors were to be attached to their property.

My statement about their apathy to my problem and concern for the property of their customers fell on deaf ears and led me to comment that their wireless-only competition has and will continue to eat their lunch just as the banking, financial services, automobile, and other industries have experienced in recent years. The corporate shills I dealt with could care less.

As to my nightmare:  It took me several hours of very careful scraping with a razor blade to remove enough silicone caulking from my doors so that I will be able to cover the former sensor areas with a different security product.

Caveat:  Don't lock yourself into long-tern contracts or deal with maverick installers who don't ask for consent before permanently mouting their sensors on your doors and walls.

Lastly, ADT is a perfect example of a company too big to fail; or so it thinks. When I get screwed, I don't leave kicking and screaming. I simply get online and tell others of my experience. When 100's if not 1000's of people experience similar distress dealing with a particular company, they have the power to bring a company to its knees. Like the American automobile industry in the early 70's, ADT hasn't awoken to the reality that the large security services industry is already undergoing disruption. For example, SimpliSafe, LiveWatch and others. Viva disruption!  















2 Updates & Rebuttals

When YOUR Rebuttal leads with “Assume”, YOU make an A** out of YOU and a feeble attempt at me!

#2Author of original report

Sat, November 05, 2016

Robert (USA),

Here's the scoop on the veracity of my Report:

1) I rehabbed my property several years ago

2) I personally (handled lease up myself) rented it for several years; hence, I know ADT handled the installation!

3) My first tenant was ADT's customer. Tenant was not aware (he claimed not to be aware) of the use of silicone to mount sensors. As any property manager/investor knows, tenants say the darnest things. I have 13 years of in-the-trenches expertise in renting my properties and have heard it all.

4) Upon moving into my property, I discovered ADT's sensor-mounting method. According to manufacturers of silicone caulking, scraping then sanding, or chemical removal (also requires scraping and sanding) methods are the only choice. Fortunately, I was able to sufficiently remove enough silicone caulking to apply my replacement system sensors without refinishing the doors. But then, you could care less as evidenced by your "Assume" everything core message in your passionate, personal (consumer) rebuttal.

5) As to my experience removing "good" adhesive strips as you call them, you know, the brand of strips used my some of the “other” security companies which go by the name of 3M Command Adhesive strips, these are the only brand of adhesive strips used throughout my property per my instruction to my tenants for hanging pictures.

After four years there remains no evidence of prior adhesive strips having been applied to walls. Are you even aware of this product? You certainly aren’t experienced at silicone removal. A complete job requires refinishing the surface after the scraping and/or chemical removal has been accomplished. Or, as I did, simply cover the area with another sensor.

Now that I have adroitly refuted your major argument in attempting to dispel the core of my report (using "Assume" as its theme), what’s left is the fact that ADT had a perfect opportunity to assist me in the removal of its product with minimal damage to all surfaces. Instead, it took the low road and weaseled out of responsibility--period. Either I reactivate the system, buy another or "Hasta La Vista Baby".

Robert, you seem to have an ax to grind. Why even a bona fide ADT representative hasn’t jumped at the chance to respond to my Report within the first 24 hours. Additionally, as a consumer, why are your trolling for ADT Ripoff Reports? On this fact alone, I suspect you work for ADT.

Robert, it appears you have an ax to grind. One would expect a bona fide ADT representative to respond to my Report within the first 24 hours—not a dispassionate alarm owner. Given this fact alone, I suspect you work for ADT.

ADT is a dinosaur in the security industry, a relic of old practices and ways of thinking about it customer base. Sure, their slick commercials tout high tech imagery and use Ving Rhames as its spokesperson which appears to project the warm and fuzzes of smart marketing upon the uninformed alarm audience.

However, and it’s a big however: Entrepreneurs are disrupting many industries once dominated by giants like ADT. ADT is one ship which I believe will sail into Chapter 7 Bankruptcy if it doesn’t amend its indifferent practices. Upstarts like SimpiSafe, LiveWatch, FrontPoint, Protect America, Vivint et al. are slowly pecking away at ADT’s market share.

Furthermore, the trend toward high-touch vs. high-tech will nourish smaller outfits and win over customers who prefer no-frills, no-long-term contracts, simple to D-I-Y, competitively priced products.   

Lastly Robert, I have an investment in my Rippoff Report, after all, I am the aggrieved party—not you. So, it’s time to come clean Robert: you work for ADT, an affiliate or a dealer, don’t you? C’mon Robert, you can tell me?


You know what happens when you....

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, November 05, 2016

Your entire report is assuming several things, and you know what happens when you assume.

By your own words silicone can be used as a "last resort"..this is important as we go along as even you admit it could be used.

You bought a house that was previously occupied.  You make statements that "assume" the previous owners didn't give their consent to the method of installation.  You assume that they didn't try the adhesive strips first.  You even "assume" that the installation was done by ADT or an installer authorized by ADT.

None of those things are things you know for a fact.

By the way, double-sided strips can become the "Dollar Store" method of Alarm Installation.  As while the strips can be good in some applications, in others after a period of time the adhesive can loose it's strength and start to cause the sensors to fall off.  The preferred way is actually the use of screws, if that is not possible then other methods will need to be used.

You talk about removal, well apparently you have never tried to remove "good" adhesive strips.  As if the strip was good enough to hold for any period of time, it often leaves residue that is equally time consuming to remove. 

The fact is that you want ADT to give you free labor....by the way that is not "Pay for Play".  All because for something that seems such a critical "deal breaker" in purchasing a house, you didn't notice it during any pre-inspection you should have done. 

And no before you even think it I am not one of these "shills" you think are out there, I do not now or have I ever worked for this or any other alarm company.  In fact I do have an alarm system with one of these "wireless" companies you talk about that I changed out sensors, silicone and all, from a previous company that started with a "B".

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