  • Report:  #509319

Complaint Review: Adtegrity - Scott Brew - Online Gaming Network - OGN - Jurrassic Jungle - Godnova - Starwake - Internet Internet

Reported By:
Sheli - Pharr, Texas, USA

Adtegrity - Scott Brew - Online Gaming Network - OGN - Jurrassic Jungle - Godnova - Starwake
[email protected] Internet, Internet, United States of America
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I have played Dark Warriors and am know as a long term player. I was for a short period of time one of the onsite Admins which i soon requested to drop from for many reasons. Not the reason i actually gave them as i was trying very hard to be able to not be involved in all that had been going on but to be a regular player of the game again and hope it would get better and improve. It has gotten much worse.

They claim anyone can play the game and you dont have to pay any more and this is true but if you dont pay then you will never have any kind of hope of having a decent account. If you do pay then what they have been doing lately is changing the games and though this is not a bad idea, but it is how they are doing this that comes to the crux of the problem.

They claim World One is a "Beta" verson so they are allowed to change and update the game without notice any time they wish. I have issues with the timing of late of when they do these changes as it is costing those of us that have paid money to be entered into one activity(CBR or Clan Battle Ranking) that these changes completely destroyed what we had done. Beta or not any changes that effect money we have spent to participate in something should be posted or at least done at the beginning of the month so we wont be throwing money away and cheated out of a win we had deserved but lost due to these changes.

I post what was posted on public forums for all players to participate in discussion so you can see what i dealt with when i asked a simple question.

Subject: i like the update but
Why cant this be done at the beginning of each month rather than in the middle of cbrs!
What has been worked hard for this month already is just taken away and just wrong.

Subject: Response
You are part of a BETA world that can change without warning. If you want 28 days warning before a change is made then I suggest you head over to World 2.

Subject: another option
i can leave the game and thats what im doing. Since my voice and opinion means very little my money wont be missed either. 5 days my ultra runs out and thats it for me.
Your "suggestion" is taken in the spirit it was given.

Subject: Response
Not a problem, there are thousands of other players that will gladly take your place.
The BETA is clearly known throughout World 1. If you like I can remove your account early if its that much of a problem to you?

[i]This is clearly when i got angry but held back on saying anything until someone else complained about why he was being so rude  and he replyed i was an older player who he didnt have time to spoonfeed. To me theres no excuse for his behavior and when his Head Admin(Buzz) stepped in to say i should know the rules i decided i wouldnt take this kind of behavior from either of them as i had every right to ask a question and broke no rules.[/i]

My Responce:
As for your using me saying im an older player that doesnt need to be spoon fed you just keep being nasty and insulting when all i did was ask about the timing of this update.  So what if its Beta version? There is nothing said that you have to do something at a certain time and cant give some kind of warning or say there will be changes the beginning of next month.

You took it personaly and theres no excuse for being nasty and rude nor should it have anything to do with ingame age. I pointed out a concern.  Fine.go ahead. Delete my account. You really should because i dont like bullies and i dont take being disrespected without reason from anyone.

[green]you just broke two of your own rules so whos going to bring you to account for it?[/green]

" Community Failure"

[red]Any activity that undermines the game community, presents a general nuisance to the community, or breaks the spirit of any game law is forbidden.[/red] is no set punishment for these actions, and it is up to the discretion of game staff to determine the penalty, dependent on the severity of the infraction.[yellow]Threatening to delete my account because im an older play that shouldnt need to be, what was it you said? "baby fed"?[/yellow]

Player harassment

Public harassment will not be allowed. If you have a gripe with a fellow player, please take it to a [red]private venue[/red]. If the persons involved cannot straighten out the situation privately, then contact an admin or game staff to help mediate the situation. There is no reason for public harassment of a fellow player or players, and if you do so, it will result in a 10-day jail term. [yellow] self explanitory i think[/yellow]

I know the rules very well Buzz , thanks.

But i remember, this is the same thing you did with Death Bringer in local chat, so clearly you two are above the rules and this post will surely be deleted. Delete my account now please for i lost respect for you long ago and ive seen good reason why no one should ever trust either one of you.
Btw Buzz. ever found those missing paypal reciepts for that stat boost we are to stupid to know how you really got? (just in case you needed any more incentive to delete my account-not that you couldnt make up anything which also wouldnt be a first time)

Yes. i know of many things Felt and his head admin have done that make this game very unfair to not only paying members but those that dont pay money. I have screen shots and if one looked into thier systems ive no doubt at all of what else they may find there to show this game will never be a fair game to players.

Felt gives out stat boosts and special skills and allows them to be used agianst other players. Ingame mail is read all the time to pass onto other players when it has nothing to do with catching a cheater but instead to help another player or to pass on private conversations for a laugh between the admins and thier friends.

Some of this could have been prevented had he been honest from the start. When asked if admins or staff got anything from all the time they put into the game he could have said "yes" but he didnt. So they lied and said it was all volunteer.  A lie because they have recieved special skills. stat boosts. subby and ultra subs in return for thier work and time.  The sub and ultra i have no problem with as it takes a longer period of time to increase and make gains from this but the stat boosts and special skills used against other players make it completely one sided and unfair. They shouldnt be allowed to play when they are given this.

Felt shouldnt be playing with scripts during a clan battle Run either for his own amusment as he was the only one laughing and ive not yet heard him apologize for this either.

Felt feels now with the influx of new players hes worked on to gain he no longer needs the older players who know him so well and the new players will spend more than the older players now so he no longer thinks he has to listen or be decent to us.

Copy right infringement? possibly. one or two names i can understand but more than that needs to be checked into closer.  The book Sword of Truth has many names the same as what Dark Warriors is using. Coincidence? westlands, upper ven, ruben, wizards healing, da'harans (in the DF)

End result is that he didnt delete my account but would i trust him or anything he ever says or buy from him again? Not a chance.

I am not asking for any money back unless its paid back for every single member thats ever bought from this game. What i want most is this game to be fair. I am not even angry anymore but very much disgusted  by whats been going on.  New players need to be warned.

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