  • Report:  #384202

Complaint Review: AdultfriendFinder.com Passion.com - Sunnyvale California

Reported By:
- Not there, Tennessee,

AdultfriendFinder.com Passion.com
adultfriendfinder.com Sunnyvale, California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Three years ago, I signed up for Adultfriendfinder.com all depressed and achy inside, looking for the ultimate answer to heartbreak. A rebound boff. I paid my $20.00 for a silver ball and then I found myself in chatrooms. Ewww I shudder a bit just to mention it, because I picked up some unsavories along the way that thrive off of depression, cynics and uproar (a lot of people call it drama for short).

I can't remember the last time I had a good laugh for the sake of being funny in a chatroom and most likely it came from me. If you're funny and female, oh watch out! The low self esteem regulars will challenge you and the life-long pontificators are losing their virtual spotlight. They get you banned for speaking back and boom, your silver membership is gone!

I had a chat addiction for a month. Then I went to one of the parties. That cured me.

If you trudge into a chatroom on AdultFriendFinder and read between the lines you'll discover the same couple of battle axes that are parked there 10hrs everyday for the past five years. They orchestrate a silly little mob of zombies that have The Mynah Bird's Guide to Curse Words propped up on their keyboard, ready for a junior high chatroom brawl against anyone that the battle axes deem not part of "their beloved chatroom". (Did you just shake your head? BWAH HA HA HA HA)

I then made my way over to Blogs thinking that more literate and educated folk were to be found there. Instead I found super heroes disguised as Aids Councilors and condiments SoyKofla and retired multiple felon steroid users AlissaTim who shoot up and pick fights with homeless people later to follow up with ex email boyfriends of their female fight fan club.

When he's not dropping Xanax, AlissaTim is killing protected birds of prey with a compound bow for the crime of gasp eating a wild rabbit and stalking people he's decided he doesn't like, while threatening to make them "drip their red rubies.". Of course Tim is also a chat room doctor (read dropped out medical student) with a god complex and a decent ability to copy and paste medical literature. An Infectious Disease Major who is instead a Major Infectious Disease in blogs going by how many posts are about him. "AlissaTim" has decided he is the "arcangel" of the blogs. Is that any relation to an Archangel? Not only has he been to jail multiple times, he can't even spell what he claims to be! It's interesting that his first incarceration in New York was prior to the time period his blog reported he attended medical school. Last I looked no program in the armed forces OR the medical schools accept felons. But golly gosh gee, perhaps I need to buy a vowel on how THAT happened?

AlissaTim was banned permanently from AdultFriendFinder, much to my joy and rapture. But this site showed me once again that they love their stalkers, trolls, felons and sociopaths by not banning him at all. He's back with THREE new handles, Venom4Point0 and Carnage636 and AlissaTim2. At least he's come out of the violence closet with these new handles. He thinks he's in disguise on the first two while he's so doped up he signs his original handle and refers to himself as Tim, speaking directly as Tim. Meanwhile he makes bad references to Sweeney Todd the Demon Barber of Fleet Street or should I say, the Demon Barbieri of Fleet Street."

Guess drugs really do affect your brain. They make you think you're an Archangel. I wonder what Mr. SoyKofla is taking that he thinks he's Superman? To much Viagra? Because he sure has a hard on for Drama!

AlissaTim is loosely glued together by his sidekick Mr800lbGorilla who is slapstick funny and backstabbing. To bad he has junior high ideals of friendship and parenting. As he ignores the other big web site scoundrel LCR (see below) who made death threats against 800s wife, children and himself but he is chummy enough now to hang around in the same posts and even acts civil. What is up with THAT?!

Then there is FireGryphon Tim's maid in waiting who has problems with how tight her tinfoil hats are and how baked her brain is. If she stopped wearing her big gurl panties over her head like a face mask, she might actually wake up and realize that's her own feces she's smelling.

Meanwhile there is the big bad LordChaosRules now incognito though he always types in a black text box, obviously to project his bad guy image and build on his sinister character. He only needs a black hat and to twirl his mustache while he puts up photos of legendary rock and roll musicians. When he isn't harassing women on the site by cyber stalking them and threatening them or reporting their activities to social services so their children are taken away, he's instructing hardened criminals and drug users like AlissaTim how to use IP spoofing software to anonymously harass other members of the site with no retribution, simply because these members had the NERVE to not fall in love forever on a SEX SITE!

Then there is the Melissa crowd from Ohio and around who write all day about trolls while actively acting like the biggest troll on the site. Stirring gossip, recruiting members to harass and complaining that other people react or, heaven forfend, keep their blogs on private so only their friends can read it.

Of course, the "Melisa" crowd is always threatening to leave, making major announcements they're leaving, only to be back the next day with new blogs and new handles. ROFL They are such drama they could win a day time Emmy for Blogging the best soap opera.

Those two troll forces join forces with the British trolls, and you have the perfect storm on three fronts who actively can harass on so many sides a fellow blogger is lost as to what to do. That group is lead by IAmRubyTuesday and her fellow henchwoman EnchantingWench who regularly lambast people in blogs from a far. Making up handles to torment, which is easy to do when you're on the dole and your partner in crime is obviously your social worker. Ruby and her friends seem to think they're being stalked by some Lofty/Jade who seems to be thousands of miles away from them. One good conspiracy theory of course, deserves another perhaps their sandwiches are oozing pickles and the ants are really at their picnic.

As I understand it, they all got abducted by aliens and were stripped of their ambition in life, a hard day's work, common sense, dignity and a sense of decency. They're easy to pick out because they were left with the implanted memory that they possess ownership of a free sex site blogs and that chatrooms and blogs are real life (and they don't realize how ridiculous they are let alone that they perform US federal felony stalking daily.) When the anal probe was removed the only things left was a useless ugly shells and a set of wildly flapping lips connected to fingers - same ones that have the off site party phone lines, keep 6 concurrent profiles for blogging only (translation: confrontations & tormenting anyone that doesn't agree with them or is the ex friend of a friend of theirs) and iterate A.F.F means Always Friends Forever like a high school yearbook, sadly enough. Mulder & Scully chalked it up to Munchausen's by proxy and the peculiar men and women were placed in the XXYY Files. But it's the right place for them, as they all seem to belong to that entire Planet X movement.

Of course they are probably instead are headed for a trip to the pokey courtesy of the FBI.

Rating the most revolting blogs, well that would be chatting or blogging in detail about how you intend to harass other members and calling in other members to do it. C'mon you sexy, upstanding citizens of blog land. Let's go hit the trail to storm spam some dickheads blog and then post about it. Let's write evil things about them and gossip about what must be wrong with them to be on our website doing their own thing! What are those people thinking?!? It's a SEX SITE, not yahhooligans course what am I thinking? It's Daycare for Big Kids, Felons, old Battle Axes and Borderline Personalities, not to mention the outright Sociopaths we're going to see on the evening news. Tune in and like OJ on the freeway you can watch them in the act.

If you find someone on this site that's babbling make-believe chat rules according to their fantasies, because there are NO CHAT RULES on this site, four things should go through your mind. First is CHAT ADDICT, next is Need to Dominate, then Peter Pan Complex then "Feet don't fail me now," because those are not the kind of people that live in reality or have jobs and are crazy as a sack full of ferrets with no teeth living in filth. Of course you can find her there daily as Artimus4u.

If any of them got out and exercised, enjoyed life, earned enough money to live comfortably, go on vacation, have close friends you can trust intimately, resolve your problems on your own and have some self respect, then most women or men that spend ten hours a day in chat or blogs are not what you're looking for. **** NO SELF RESPECTING PERSON PARKS THEMSELVES IN CHAT AND BLOGS AND GIVES IT CREDIBLE CONSIDERATION. ****ITS CALLED DESPERATION!!****

If you're reading this and you feel yourself getting hot under the collar, let me guess. You're either female or XXYY male, and you're planted firmly in your chair all day pretending to be a brilliant bulb with connections at Langley and a speed dial button to the FBI and a wealth of Venom to share.

Uh huh. Okey dokey then.

THE ENTIRE site needs to be reported to the FBI, CIA, HOMELAND SECURITY, MI5, Interpol and if the KBG was still around, Get Smart, CHAOS, and 007 and lets toss in the Fantastic Four and Spiderman they'd find their criminals too.


** 2 or more hours in a chatroom everyday + Blogging for hours everyday = Heaven's Gate Candidate **

So now you know why I highly DON'T recommend AdultFriendFinder AKA Passion.com Its more like Adult FIEND Finder or Adult FREAK Finder. They rip you off and do NOT remove the riff raff. Save your $20.00 for a night out at the bar. At least there you won't have you identity stolen while trailer trash squeal like pigs and brag about their single digit d**k size and double digit IQ.


Not there, Tennessee


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10 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Consumer Comment

Sun, November 29, 2009

Geez I thought I bitched a lot..... and they didn't even accuse you of molesting your child or physically harm you?   

I hope you have met these people, cuz if not, that is a lot of energy to give a stranger that is no real threat to you.

Well, I think I am going to add 8 more pages to my complaint.


why name people?


Fri, September 04, 2009

I would have to say the report filed about adult friend finder is a good example of how AFF does sem to attract people with real mental problems and a lack of social skills. And I say that because if the person who posted did have problems with the site, couldnt she have posted about the problems without making attacks on the members shes named? I dont know who posted that nor do I want to know. But there are literally THOUSANDS of blogs on adult friend finder, yet she acts as if the persons shes named are the only ones, and thats just not true. I see someone who is doing nothing but spewing hate at venom. I found this post by accident and I almost wish I hadnt, It does reflect a growing trend in the blogs where people just make attacks on others for no reason I can understand, and its one of the reasons I dont find myself enjoying the blogs as I once used to. All I can say is whoever posted the report I feel sorry for. She obviously has problems and has to blame others for those problems.


North Royalton,
Very Well Written

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, January 27, 2009

Very good investigative reporting, you forgot to mention though about your own postings of fraudulent pictures of yourself, passing by California while running through Tennessee and making your way back to Florida again I see. Steven-----


this site has a reputation for being a "swinger' and XXX-kind of place...

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, January 27, 2009

So if he or she didn't like the kind of people they found there they should have stayed the hell off of it. This is NO SUNDAY SCHOOL FRIENDSHIP SOCIAL.


North Ridgeville,
Tenn? Ain't it Florida? Or did you Move?

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, January 26, 2009

I really think you should have change up your Writing Habits, wording, you know, your normal Babble if you really didn't want people to KNOW who you were. I am flattered that I am one that you Highlighted.... Thanks.....

Rev Josey Wales

Bitterness isn't pretty.

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, December 04, 2008

Knowing all of the above mentioned folks, some personally, I can attest that the great majority of the acusations above are totally and completely false. Even one of the responses (the first from EW) is a sham and a fake. This screed is no mare that the antics of a very bitter person. AFF has it's faults (many), but this particular comment is no more than an attempt to trash the reputations of individuals, and has no bearing on the site as a whole. It really should be eliminated by the site monitors here. Rev Josey Wales

The Real Ew


#8Consumer Comment

Thu, December 04, 2008

Oh dear, it appears i have someone who is immitating me, they do say its the highest form of flattery though. It is a shame they didnt get their facts right before posting this...Dad did not go to school with Mr Lennon, theres a few years age difference. They grew up in the same area & new each other. Bobby Davro is nothing to do with our family. Ive paid for my own hotel rooms when we have been on meet & greets, my wing mirror is still broken & any jobs ive had done in the house ive paid for with cash. The window was fixed by my mum but a boyfriend discovered what the problem was, for which i was very grateful. I cant recall what else i was accused of. Isnt it amusing how from the original post on here i end up getting the shitty end, much like with Heidi. Jeez i left the site months ago to get away from all this. As for who told me about the original post here, it wasnt a man but a woman friend. Frankly im really surprised by those two comments, havnt you caused enough hurt!


Fantasy Land,
United Kingdom
Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, December 03, 2008

Do you know what, it stinks on the blogs at the moment. I don't go on no more i just know everything what is going on because my friend Lindoboy00 who clearly knows i'm a woman of integrity tells me everything. He text me about this. He is very astute with a nose for drama and has an impressive back door lurking ability, so don't underestimate him. I know who you are and you'd better watch out because he will do a blog post divulging the truth about all the recent goings on from that site, and i won't stop him this time. I thought you was better than this but i was wrong, wasn't i hun. I got sick of all the jealous women on the site and being constantly accused of not looking like my pictures. I look the way i do because i eat lots of fresh fruit and veg (i bought a sack of curly Kale only yesterday) and bake all my own bread, and apart from the time i started my new medication, i am a regular once a day girl concerning toilet activities. My Dad went to school with John Lennon and his cousin is Bobby Davro, so i am also very well connected. If you don't want to be ripped off don't pay. I never paid a penny to AFF and i have met up with loads of men off the site. Even though i am hard to get, they aren't. I got my toilet mended, my bedroom window fixed, a rabbit cage for 2, a wing mirror, petrol money, several stays in hotels where i stole the complimentary toiletries and loads of meals amongst other things, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. All this for free, and i am actually quite cynical and suspicious by nature. my advice to you is read between the lines and trust no one hun. G.x


United Kingdom
AdultfriendFinder.com Passion.com Psychos and Stalkers and Felons, OH ME!

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, November 30, 2008

Ha ha ha! Touche! This is an excellent piece of writing, and you are uncannily correct about certain aspects of the personal lives of certain people mentioned in your report...hmmm. At first i suspected the sizzling blogger from Michigan, but then i realised i could understand it after reading it only once Lol! You should put your name to it - i haven't laughed so much since Sensuallykatey went AWOL, and was busted, after being shamefully found to have been hiding in her own apartment (eating lots of Big Macs) all along! Lol! Now seriously, stop bothering me when i'm on my way to pick up a client to sign on the dole. It's hard enough trying to drive, flick these pesky ants of my pickle sandwiches and peer over my shoulder suspiciously for a lurking Australian/Australians all at the same time!


United Kingdom
Who are you? Ooh ooh? (sings CSI theme tune...)

#11Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 25, 2008

LMAO!!! I wish I knew who wrote this report. It's a real doozy. I'd give it 10/10 but for the fact it's anonymous. Kinda like all the AFF cyber stalkers with multi profiles actually. Hmmm... Anyhoo, here's a simple solution to your 'problem': If you don't want to pay to join the site, don't. If you don't like the chatrooms, stay away from the chatrooms. If you don't like the blogs, stay away from the blogs. If you don't like anything about the entire site, stay away from it altogether! Problem solved. ---Sweetbabydee07--- Happy to express my mirth publicly :-)

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