  • Report:  #922903

Complaint Review: AFNI INC. - Bloomington Illinois

Reported By:
AM - Dublin, California, United States of America

1310 Martin Luther King Drive Bloomington, 61702-3517 Illinois, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am writing this letter to make general public and BBB, FTC and all the other organizations who help people in fighting for their rights, aware of AT&T and AFNI, Incs business practices who are is not having fair and legal business.  They are ripping off people and ruining their credit.

I had account with AT & T, and upon cancellation AT & T billed me for $142.19.  I did not owe them anything since I canceled the account and paid them off but, they kept sending me harassing letters and calling me that they will report my account to credit bureaus and ruin my credit.  Then they sent my account to a collection agency called AFNI, Inc.  who then started harassing me also. Finally, they sent me a settlement offer letter on  10/26/2011 and according to the letter, if Ipay them $56.88 instead of $142. 19 they will settle my account and close it.

So I called AFNI, Inc. on 11/17/2011 at 12:30 PM and talked to a representative named Mathew (you can see my hand written note on actual bill with time and date etc.).  He told me that if I pay two installments of $28.44 each by 12/30/2011 they will settle my account.  So I immediately scheduled payments with my bank online for the two payments of 28.44 each for 1st payment for 11/22/2011 and second for 12/22/11 so AFNI can get them by 11/30 and 12/30 as instucted by mathew (the rep for AFNI, INC.)

After arranging for the two payments I thought that I am done and can relax.  I even checked my bank account to see if they have disbursed the amount on said dates and they did.  First payment of $28.44 had left my bank on 11/22/2011 and cashed on 11/30/2011 and the second payment was sent from my bank on 12/22/2011 and was cashed on 12/30/2011. 

But, on April 27th 2012, I received another collection letter from the company called ERC (Enhanced Recovery company, LLC).  This company was offering me for $29.86 instead of $85.31 to settle AT & T account.  I called ERC and told them that I have already paid AFNI, Inc but ERC told me that AT & T never received the payment from AFNI, Inc. so I should called AFNI, Inc to find out or ERC will report to my credit report company.  Then I called AFNI, Inc immediately and asked them about the payments that I have made and they told me that they never received my payment on-time so it never got settled (even thought they cashed my checks). 

I told them that according to our agreement I sent them two payments and you cashed them also by 12/30/2011 but, AFNI, Inc told me that it supposed to get here by 12/14/2011 not 12/30/11.  I told them that when I spoke to your representative Mathew, he told me that since you called us to arrange for the payment plan and we agreed on payments to get here by 12/30/2011, go ahead and make the payments and I will write a note in my system that you will be paying by 12/30/11 and its ok and we will settle and close your account.  

After hearing my whole statement and concern the AFNI, Incs rep told me that since we received your second payment on 12/30/2011 instead of 12/14/2011, we can not close your account.  I told him again and again that even thought it is written on the bill that I should pay by 12/14/2011 but when I talked to Mathew he told me that since you are making payment plan so make second payment on 12/30/2011 and  we will settle your account but the new rep did not listened to me and hung up on me saying that you should talk to AT & T.  And when I called AT & T they said the same things that you should talk to AFNI.  

I don't know who to contact and resolve this issue.  They got my money and cashed it but they did not want to resolve this issue.  I want to get it resolve that is why I am contacting you.  

Please help!!!

For you reference I have enclosed the copies of:
1.     Collection letter from AFNI, INC.  (dated 6/30/2011) for $142.19    
2. Settlement Offer letter from AFNI, INC. (dated -10/26/2011) with my handwritten notes on it. 
3. Copy of the first payment installment from my bank     
4. Copy of the second payment installment from my bank  
5. Collection letter from Enhanced Recovery Company, LLC (dated 4/27/2012

Please look into this matter and take appropriate actions that can stop these companies from committing fraudulent activities and ripping people off and ruing their credit.

I just want AT &T and AFNI, INC. to clear and settle my account since they got paid already and report it settled and clear to all three of the credit bureaus.

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