  • Report:  #933427

Complaint Review: Air Essentials - Saint Charles Missouri

Reported By:
angrycustomer - St. Louis, Missouri, United States of America

Air Essentials
636-447-3369 Saint Charles, 63304 Missouri, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Do not trust this company at all. First of all, they put an ad on craigslist offering a weekly salary of $625 base+commission, this is a good way for them to sucker people in looking for a job. They lie to you saying you can make a lot of money and give you this speal about staying positive. It is a bunch of crap. I was suckered in doing this and they also lie saying it is not door to door, when actually it is, but that's not the problem. The company lies and says that you have to meet these impossible odds of going door to door and lieing to people saying they will win $1000 cash and once the appointment is set up they call people saying they've won a free trip, which is not free. They give $1000 worth of useless coupons that you can get cheaper online, what a total rip off. They show you a machine, granted the machine is pretty neat, but it is totally overpriced and they expect the average person to come out of their pocket and pay $2495 for it, way to pricy when the "HYLA" can be purchased on both craigslist and eBay for under $1000. They expect their reps to have over 50 door registrations, they call door regee's plus 72 referrals and 12 demonstrations just to get the $625 they offer, this is a total scam because they know you cannot make those promises. The machine is hand washed and they use the same one over and over again, pretending as though it is brand new. All they do is just wipe it off with some towels and lie saying this is a brand new machine, not telling the customer that the same machine has been demonstrated at least 7x or more before they actually shown it. Plus on top of that, no matter how hard you work for this company, they will not pay you a dime! unless you meet their quota, which is almost impossible to meet, they say that referrals make you money, but again another scam getting people to call their neighbors, friends, family to try a machine that leaks water if it is not fastened correctly and is way overpriced. This company did not pay me for the hard work I put in for them although I did not get one sale because everyone that I talked to complained the machine was overpriced, which I too agreed....but should a salesperson agree to such a thing, of course, especially if it is found cheaper on eBay. Don't buy a HYLA from a dealer if you want one, get it online at eBay or wherever site you can find it. A salesperson will lie saying only dealers sell the "HYLA" this again is a bunch of crock and they are trying to scam you. I admit that I was a fool for ever thinking these people would acknowledge my hard work and pay me for what I did. The young married couple of this company are total liers and cannot be trusted because they are only out to rip you off and if they can get away with it, they will. Everything that I'm telling you is true and these people are not to be trusted because they will smile in your face and stab you in the back. The machine is awsome, but never buy it from a dealer, buy it online and get the facts about the HYLA and its accesseries that come along with it. They train people to lie and be decietful so buyer beware!

3 Updates & Rebuttals


hyla ripoff

#2UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, September 26, 2013

 All of the things mentioned in this compaint are 100% correct. However it is not only the office listed but most HYLA offices. All of their "BASE" pay guidelines are the same. 12 demos, 50 door registrations and 72 referrals. They make it sound so easy in interviews and orientations but its really not. Even if you get the required door reggies or referrals you are relying on their phone room to set up your twelve demos. 99% of the time you are not going to get those 12 demos and they know this. Thats why they set it so high so they never have to pay anyone base pay. That way you go out and sell one or two and make a couple hundred bucks off each sale if you are lucky and they make thousands. Its a great scheme for the owners but screws their employees.

When I was working for HYLA I did not see one single person in our office making base pay, not once. I did see a few people making more than the base but that was a very select few. Its so hard for people with families or that even want a life to do this job. It takes all of your time, which they never tell you either. You might as well plan on working 60+ hours per week if you want to make any money at all.

The machine is great, does a great job cleaning the floors but it doesnt clean the air at all and its really loud. There are machines out there that do everything the HYLA does and they do it 100 times better and quieter and they are almost one thousand dollars cheaper. So definately be careful if you are thinking about buying a HYLA or if you are thinking about working for HYLA.

HYLA also gets people hooked by telling you that you can move up into management quickly and move up to open your own store really quickly and how much money you can make doing that. Managers make less than the sales reps do a lot of the time because if the reps arent selling then the managers dont make anything. So unless the store is selling 30-60 or more per month dont even think about being a manager or you wont make crap. And as far as owning a store yeah it can be great but you can also get screwed royally because they dont explain half of the things you have to do. A lot of the owners of small stores again make less money than the sales reps because of all the overhead and cost of machines. Its all very hard to make money at and they try to make it seem simple because they want to make money off you for that short time you are there. They know most people only last a few months so they use you and use you until you quit. They dont fire people they just let them starve themselves out. I actually have heard several owners and managers say that, "Dont worry about firing them they will eventually run out of money and food and just quit". Thats rediculous they would say that but they do.

The company also claims to be like a big family. Which is true if you are doing good and making them money. If you are then they treat you great and treat you like family. But that is only because you are making them thousands then. But if you arent selling or making them money then they could care less about you. They toss you to the side and move on to the next poor sap that they get in the door. If that is how a HYLA family is then screw that I would rather be out on my own.

The truth with these companies is that they are out to make a buck and do not care what they have to do to you to get there. They use people. Thats the name of the game. I have heard managers and owners of the company say many times to hire anyone that comes through the door with a pulse, they might make one or two sales and make us some money. Thats a great way to run a business. Hire people that you know cant last just to make a few thousand dollars and pretty make get them to waste all of their money and go broke in the process. I dont wish failure on anyone but most of the time these stores last a year or two and then go out of business. The programs they use dont last because they get a very bad reputation in the town very quickly. Thats why so many offices move from town to town or change their business name just like this company did moving from st charles to rolla. They are running so they dont have to pay people or take care of their customers. That should tell you right there that this product isnt anywhere as close to as good as they try to tell you it is. If you want a 2800 dollar vacuum that wont last then go for a hyla if you want something that actually cleans the air and cleans the floors then research some other products.

To all the people out there screwed over by these companies im sorry to hear it. I was screwed over to and definately learned a very important message. To all of you out there working for these companies, good luck, i hope it works out better for you.

If any of you cant get in touch with the company you bought your hyla from then call HYLA US GASSMANN in Florida, they will "TRY" to help you but good luck there to.



St Louis,

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, July 04, 2013

This posting is so hilarious to me. I applaud the person who posted it, I only wish their posting was more grammatically correct. 
I too found this job listing on Craigslist. All it said was "Bob has job. Bob gets fired. Who wants Bob's job?" Great way to advertise, but I was still skeptical. I called the number, a gentleman named Jason answered and scheduled me the next day for an interview. "Air Essential" used to be located in St Charles off of Harvestor Rd. I walked in, everything was nice and clean, was interviewed by Jason's wife, Kayla. I was told that I had to meet a quota in order to receive the weekly base pay of $625. I was told that the appointments would already be set up, and that I'd be introducing their air sanitation product to people with allergies. 
I was so ecstatic when I started working for Jason and Kayla. They taught me about their product, the "Hyla". Have you ever heard of The Rainbow vacuums? This is an updated version. Within the first week they had showed me and taught me how to demonstrate their product before actually going door to door. Need I mention I'm not getting paid for this? Yup, it's one of THOSE jobs lol. 
In order to get paid, you need to meet your quota, which is: 50 QUALIFIED door registrations (married, employed, own a house), 72 referrals, and 12 demonstrations in a week. Or, you sell their product. They also insist on you coming in at 1pm every day for a "pep" talk and sometimes held us for 2 hours. It being around Thanksgiving and Christmas, it's completely dark outside by 6 o'clock. And they expect you to walk door to door in the rain, sleet, or snow lying to people saying that we are "Air Quality specialists and your neighborhood has been chosen for a demographic study. Participating in the survey will enter you in a contest for a free prize". 
The survey asks if anyone in the household has allergies, any pets in the house, do you rent or own, married, kids, and "do you think you work in a healthy environment". Basically, they just want to know if you are married,  own a house, and working. (Qualified Door Registration) if you are, they call you and set up an appointment for you to drop off their prize and "briefly" show them our health product. That is when Jason and Kayla sends me back to the persons home, i walk inside this strangers house, and do a 2 hour demonstration if they allow me to stay long enough. Then, I pressure these people to buy my product by talking to Jason on the phone and play "Good Cop, Bad Cop" and he pushes me to pressure them to the point where they basically kick me out the door, offended by the persistence. Then expects me to get 12 referrals from them! 
It is an impossible quota. Especially with myself having a daughter. I devoted 2 months to this couple and their brand new company, and only made $500. I even talked my boyfriend who has his Masters Degree in Marketing, is always #1 salesman everywhere he works, and even with him Air Essentials method is a clear failure. They're from a small town called Sullivan, and aren't used to dealing with business close to the city. We continuously tried to help them in order to finally make money. My boyfriend and I believed in the product, and felt that you don't need to trick people into setting up appointments. It's deceitful. 
What was really the "last straw", I guess you'd say for us was that Jason and Kayla did not care about the people working for them. They are money hungry. Jason bragged several times about how on their 1st or 2nd date he bought her $500 earrings. One of our pregnant colleagues ended up falling and was in the hospital, so Kayla calls us asking to work the girls demo for her. It's over an hour away and we had just came back from an appointment canceling on us for the 2nd time due to the lack of communication on Jason and Kayla's end. We hurry up and put this next demos address in our GPS, drive there in our Tahoe and arrive in about an hour to.....a dark and empty house! We call Kayla back, it turns out she's the Queen of miscommunication because the people told her they could meet for the appointment the NEXT DAY. By this time it's 9pm and my 2 year old has been with a babysitter since that morning because of this job, and now they're telling us to get door registrations since we're out there. It was now near Christmas, and I still had no presents for my daughter under our tree. We even welcomed Jason inside our home and he saw how bare our tree was, and continued on about his broken dream. 
The requirement is to get 50 qualified door registrations, so my boyfriend and I some weeks even went out and got 100. Which took up most of the week. Kayla was only able to set up maybe 5 demonstrations (12 needed for quota) for us at most during a week. And each demonstration is 2 hours. I had 8 weeks or more of hard work trying to at least get the base pay and was not able to reach it once. 
They did not care that they were being selfish and didn't care that they were wasting my time, because they knew we were the best salesmen they could ask for and was going to make money off of us one way or another even if it means we had to struggle. I was in the need for a stable job when I began working here, and by the time I quit... I was struggling to put food on the table and still pay my bills.
During the 2 months, I sold one of the Hyla's to my boyfriends mother. She spent over $2,000 and I believe it's a year warranty. Since then, she's given it to us because she thought it was too loud. Within a matter of months, the vacuum attachments do not work at all. We once had a dog, and she's been gone for almost 4 months now, and there is still dog hair in our carpet that once upon a time the Hyla did such an immaculate job on cleaning. We tried calling Air Essential and the number has been disconnected. Fortunately we have Jason and Kayla's cell phone numbers, we contact Kayla and she tells me they  moved to Rolla, which is 2 hours away and that they'll come to town in a week. The day to pick it up comes and we don't even get a phone call. My boyfriend calls up to get an explanation and Kayla tells him that it's policy to bring the product to the store, and so now we either drive 2 hours to their new location, or pay $75 shipping this 30lbs (plus the several vacuum attachments that add on another 20-30lbs) and will NOT be reimbursed. 
Do you remember me saying that this post is hilarious? Not only because the original poster was 210% right with everything they said, but the "employee of 3 weeks" is actually Jason and Kayla. When we complained about their policy, they gave us, "it's like when you get a new car" spiel.  So just showing that they will post something PRETENDING to be a current employee (they told me when I started working in October or November that I was their first sales rep at this brand new store), proves that they are just one deceitful and dishonest business. 
I tried to search their new stores phone number, to find this Rip Off Report and see that Kayla used the same spiel this "employee of 3 weeks" used, and the context of that whole post is in fact these people that I grew to know so well over the months I worked with them. When I brought this post up to Kayla over the phone while complaining about their Customer Satisfaction, she had nothing to say except that this is her day off and to call her during business hours. Before I talked about the Rip Off Report though, she tried telling me that she had called my boyfriends phone and left a voicemail saying she needs a call back, and that's why we never received a call on the day of pick up. Either his phone is messed up bc he did not receive any calls, or the people who prove daily that they are dishonest and deceitful once again is lying. 
So in return, Shame on you Jason and Kayla. You do not care about your employees or Customer Satisfaction. If you truly appreciated the $2000 you received from buying customers, you would understand that your business moving is an inconvenience to your previous customers and do your best to keep them happy. Nope, not this couple! It's not surprising they moved their store from this bigger city back to another small town because LIKE WE SAID, their method is not working in this area. You'll have more luck entertaining people who are secluded from the real world into buying this product than the average joe who knows what's a necessity and what's not.
I have seen first person how this couple can't keep a stable team. I know that every other person I worked with agreed with me and everything that this original poster mentioned.
I'd hate for this couple to scam you as well. They're just snakes in the grass waiting to attack ya! I guarantee that if this isn't the first pththese about these people, it won't be the last!
And before they come back on this site to comment and try and criticize me like they did the original poster about being unemployed, I'm ecstatic to say that aside from working for this mediocre couple, I was able to find a great job in the city working with financial advisors while my boyfriend also started working again for AT&T making $90,000 a year.
As for Jason and Kayla....see ya, wouldn't wanna be ya!! ;-)
Previous Employee and Client


St. Charles,
United States of America
You Have The Wrong Info.

#4UPDATE Employee

Wed, October 31, 2012

I would like to say to the person who wrote this, shame on you! I have worked for this company for three weeks now and I cannot believe someone would be so cruel to go on to a site like this and say FALSE things. 

Here are the facts:

1) Our pay structure is lined out in the first week of training and all of us have to sign the contract, so if you weren't happy with the pay structure, you should not have began the job. You have to meet the work required to get paid. Just like in any job. It is $625 a week, guaranteed if you do ALL the work. For this individual complaining, you obviously didn't do the work or you would have been paid.

2) It is sales and they say that up front. However, if you do the requirements, the 50 demographic surveys, 12 appointments and 72 referrals, you make the $625 a week, like they offer. Plus, any commission if you sell.

3) These are the nicest people I have ever worked for. Sure, it's hard work but what job isn't. And, if you don't fully do your job, of course you won't get paid. What job will keep you employed or pay you for a job you did not do.

4) This product comes with a warranty and is good quality so of course it will cost more than if you bought it off ebay. If you buy off of ebay or some other site, you pay for what you get and what condition you get it in. Plus, it doesn't have the warranty. Just like if you buy a car off ebay... I bet it wouldn't run right or be the best condition because all you have is a picture to go off of. And, do you think if someone test drives a car at a car lot, they would destroy the car because it had been shown once? No. We take immaculate care of the product, so that if someone does not buy, it's brand new quality for the next person. And, this is only for the instance of those that do not sell.

5) Also, just like any sales job, we work off of leads and referrals. We do not however scam people. The company does daily drawings for those individuals who help us out with the demographic surveys. They are FREE gifts to those who win. And, they just ask that when representatives, like myself, comes to give the gift, that they also take a look at our product.

Everything is very straight forward and spelled out in your contract. The owners are very honest people.

For this individual who did not obviously do the work to EARN the base salary that they offer, then you should NOT be posting false things. I personally love the job but can see that sales and customer service are not for everyone. That does not mean that you should come on here and say false things just because you were not either good at it or did not try hard enough. No wonder why you are unemployed. 

If you are a hard worker and want to make great money, I would come in for an interview and check out the opportunity. Oh, and for the person who wrote this... You have to be positive in any job and have a good attitude, so good luck finding your dream job!

If you feel you have been ripped off and deserve a check, I encourage you to call and speak with the owners about your concern and not get on sites like these. I don't appreciate this comment, since I am very happy with this job and so are my customers. 

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