  • Report:  #789166

Complaint Review: Ajay Jain - Toronto Ontario

Reported By:
Jon - Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada

Ajay Jain
7720 Markham Rd, Toronto, ON Toronto, L3S 3K1 Ontario, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
*I do NOT recommend EVER getting into business with Ajay Jain founder of ibidbroker.com*

In June 2011 I signed up for the Freelancer website "Elance.com" and my first big job was providing Internet Marketing services for iBidBroker.com working for a man named Ajay Jain. He refused to fund the entire job from the start, but I trusted that he was honest so I told him that is fine, you don't need to fund the escrow account until the end.

That was a BIG mistake on my part.

The job was supposed to be paid in small payments when I finished certain parts of the job. $200, $200, $250, $250, $200. I received the first 2 payments, then Ajay Jain said he wanted to end the job with me as he didn't feel he was getting the results he expected when we first started. I expected to of course be paid for the work I had finished, but instead Ajay Jain left the country without notifying me.

When he returned after 1 month, he told me he would pay me only $100 more and that was all. He still owed me $700 for work completed because HE asked me to stop when everything was already near completed. I was only paid $400 out of the original $1100 promised to me. I told him as a compromise, because I was 90% finished the work, I would accept 90% payment, he again proceeded to insult me by telling me $100 was the most I would get.

So for 90% of the work (and I wanted to finish the job, Ajay Jain was the one who asked me to stop) he offered to pay less than HALF of was he originally promised.

In my opinion, he was very shady about this entire job.

Here are some statements he made to me about the job:

"I understand that you can't offer a guarantee for people to sign up. My main concern would be to create buzz with internet marketing. I don't want to pay for anything in addition to what I would pay you. I stronglybelieve that our site can be very successful with proper word of mouth marketing."

He said he understands that their was NO guarantee for people to sign up using his website, he ONLY was concerned about me creating work of mouth about his site. I sent THOUSANDS of qualified visitors to his website and he had many new registrations from Real Estate Agents thanks to me. I believe he blames me that no home sellers are using his site, but that was NOT my job.

I have proof of all the work I have done, and I have sent it to Ajay Jain and he refuses to acknowledge the proof I have sent him, he simply ignores it every time.

Be VERY CAREFUL if you plan to do business with Ajay Jain, I was ripped off and spent hundreds of hours working for him and did not get paid what I was guaranteed.

5 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Evidence is Clear: Ibidbroker needs to pay up.

#2Consumer Suggestion

Mon, October 17, 2011

After reviewing the original post and the subsequent replies, I have some simple questions to ask those involved. Was there any agreement that "Jon" had to guarantee that people would sign up and use the websites services? I have looked over the terms as presented by the Owner and the terms simply state that payment will be made as the milestones are achieved.

What is the exact reason that payment is being withheld? I can very clearly see, as anyone else who reads this page can, that there were 5 Articles written for the website, and there was supposed to be a $250 payment for that, but it seems there was none. Why was payment withheld?

We can also very clearly see the increase in Subscribers and Views on the YouTube channel, that is simply indisputable fact. There was to be a $200 payment for that service as well. Again I ask, why was payment withheld?

From any impartial view, we can clearly understand why ibidbroker doesn't want to pay. They are upset their website wasn't converting visitors into new users registering with them. But alas, that wasn't part of the deal which was presented here. The deal was simply for certain milestones to be achieved, and the evidence shows that the milestones were achieved and the Marketer "Jon" has not been paid for those milestones.

P.S. Owner of Ibidbroker: Maybe the 43,000 Fake Real Estate Agent profiles are scaring off potential clients? Its hard to get registrations when nearly 100% of the Real Estate Agents on the site are not created by real people and were created using Scraped content online. If 43,000 Agents were truly registered you would have a much hire Traffic Ranking over all, as well as more Images would be uploaded for the Profiles.

The idea seems neat for Ibidbroker, but simply refusing to pay for services rendered is a poor image for the website to show to the world. We have seen evidence of the work done by the internet marketer as per the terms of the agreement. There is no reason I can see that Ibidbroker doesn't feel obligated to pay. I would recommend taking them to small claims court if they don't pay.


British Columbia,
Response to Debashis Chakraborty

#3Author of original report

Sun, October 16, 2011

This reply is meant in regards to Debashis Chakraborty, whose company designed the website for iBidBroker. As he must understand, it was not in my terms that any new home owners had to sign up for the website. My job at this point was simply to complete the milestones laid about by Ajay Jain. Nowhere in the terms does it mention that a certain number of home owners must register to use the website.

In fact, I am not sure if there has EVER been a legitimate real home owner who has registered to use the site despite News coverage from many major Canadian news agencies and thousands of Canadian visitors being sent to the website. This is not my responsibility, this is the fault of the website designer.

The designer is who should be held responsible for conversions. If the website owner doesn't know how many hits it takes to get a conversion, then how can they say if my marketing was successful or not? The website design of iBidBroker is very poor and unprofessional and looks extremely outdated and is not user friendly. The site itself is quite confusing for the average home owner to use and that is why there have been no sign ups from home owners.

I did not come up with the Milestones/Terms of the job. Ajay Jain, owner of iBidBroker came up with the terms. My only task was to complete those milestones, which I did. It was made VERY clear from the start to Ajay Jain that I could not guarantee sign ups to the site, and he said he understood this. He believed that if people just visited the website, people would sign up. But that is not the case. You could send 10,000 Canadian home owners to the site, and there will still be 0 sign ups.

My job was the marketing, not the signups. It is up to the website owner and designer to work the traffic which was sent into conversions.

I don't dispute that nobody signed up to sell their home. But there WERE many Real Estate agents who signed up due to my efforts. But thats besides the point. I was offered a job to complete certain milestone, and I have proven that I did that. So why is it that I am not being paid?

Debashis Chakraborty

Know Ajay Jain for years , he is the Best client one can ever get.

#4General Comment

Sun, October 16, 2011

We "iTechnoweb" are the development partners of iBidBroker and have also worked with Ajay Jain in some more projects for years. Ajay has been so consistent with payments and response that he automatically creates his own priorities. Elance is a Platform where we got Ajay and we are really thankful for the same. The project was a dream for Ajay and also for us because of its unturned market in Canada, we made our bit work as good as possible to satisfy the site's requirement.. It was time that the site needed a solid marketing and hence Ajay got with Mr. Jon-Marc who claimed to be a pro in giving the site get what it needs.

I was personally reviewing the marketing movement without Ajay's request , because the better the site is marketed the more we will gain privilege of creating a Great website.. but unfortunately the site was as blank as it started the day it was live.. No additional campaign effort , no additional home owners interest was seen in the site.. nothing was working around with the site. Mr. Jon- Marc may have been spending days working, but his work was bringing no colors to the site neither it was a business oriented effort for the website. 

Ajay has spent thousands of dollars for this website just to make sure it worked some money for him, which was not happening for him with the marketing efforts of Mr. Jon-Marc.. I myself was so frustrated and kept on asking him if the site is getting a proper marketing.. just imagine what was going with Ajay being the person spending another thousand for this marketing part.

I myself is a service provider of elance and also know what rip off is, but its certainly not AJAY's style.. he is a man of words.. if he tells you he will pay.. he will do it instantaneously on the same hour he sees the work done. I have seen that for years. Believe me, its very tough to get money from a client even after work is done, but not from Ajay.. I have never asked payment from him ever, because he never gave me the chance to ask, The payments were done immediately as and when the milestone update went to him..   

After such an consistent approach from a client for such a long period, I cant withstand this type of words or allegations about Ajay ..  He is just a Dream buyer to any service provider and that's a fact.. So I would recommend Mr. Jon-Marc to spend his time making the marketing efforts more industry specific which stands for some value to the client.

Best Regards
CEO & Founder 

Report Attachments


British Columbia,
Reply to Owners Response

#5Author of original report

Sun, October 16, 2011

First let me also point out, since this job, I have done the exact same work with many other clients on Elance and ALL of them have rated me highly. This client is the only one who wasn't happy with my work due to his own misunderstandings of how internet marketing works. All of my other clients are Internet Marketing Professionals who understand the value of my work.

1) Why did you not pay for the 5 original articles which were written? Everyone can see proof of the articles written here:


These articles were all original content written by me. I was offered $250.00 for this milestone as YOU yourself state very clearly, and you also admit you didn't pay for that service.

2) You can very clearly see on the YouTube videos that you have over 1,000 subscribers and nearing 10,000 views on each, with the numbers increasing each day.  http://www.youtube.com/user/iBidBroker and the numbers WOULD be over 10,000 but I stopped promoting your youtube videos because of your refusal to pay me for the other milestones. Do you really feel you owe me nothing for the 1,100+ Subscribers and 16,000+ views (which I could easily increase to the 20,000 agreed views if you didn't refuse to pay).

3) If anyone doubts that I populated over 1,000+ blogs/forums/review pages etc. with his articles simply Google search the following phrases:
"How-to-Find-the-Best-Realtor" ibidbroker
"Acquiring-New-Real-Estate-Listings" ibidbroker
"Innovation-in-Real-Estate" ibidbroker
"home-selling-made-simple" ibidbroker

You can clearly see plain as day that these articles exist on OVER 10,000 pages! I was in the process of leaving reviews on the 500+ Canadian websites required when we started to see differently on how the job should be completed.

4) You are upset that many of the people who visited your website were American or Indian, but this is the internet. I can not be held responsible if someone from the USA or India finds your website interesting. Did I increase the Canadian Traffic as well? The answer is YES. When I began the project, iBidbroker.com was ranked as the 122,501 most visited website in terms of Canadian only visitors. When I finished the project, it was ranked 71,733 in terms of Canadian only visitors. Increasing your Canadian visitors amount higher than 50,000+ other websites seem like you WERE getting Canadian visitors and not just Americans and Indians.

5) I have presented this proof to the owner of iBidBroker many times, and he simply states that he is "very concerned about the type of marketing and traffic that is being generated." I was hired to do the internet marketing for you. I have worked with hundreds of websites before. I own a very successful internet marketing company. Not every website goes VIRAL and spreads to millions of people. All I promised was that: I would complete the milestones as presented to me and that I would create awareness of your business. I have done that, and I demand payment for the PROOF I have presented above.

Report Attachments


Richmond Hill,

#6REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, October 16, 2011

It is true that our company hired Mr. Jon-Marc to work on the online marketing and social media of our website. 

Mr. Jon-Marc was new to Elance when we hired him. We have done over $20,000 worth of business on Elance and have paid every one of our service providers. The way e-lance is setup is: 

1) You hire a company;

2) set mutually agreeable milestones and payments for those milestones

3) You fund each milestone only once the previous one has been achieved and completed. 

So it is true that we did NOT fund the full amount. We funded each one as the project progressed. 

The milestones were as follows:

1. Develop a full online marketing strategy & goals  

2. Obtain 1000 facebook fans for ibidbroker.com      

$200 (PAID)
3. Manage the Twitter Account for iBidBroker.com    

$200 (PAID)
4. Write 5 fully unique articles                   

5. Populate at least 1000 blogs, Newsgroups, Review Pages with articles  $250
6. You Tube Views & Subscribers


Each of the Milestones had a goal:

1) You will provide a detailed list of all the activities that you will implement in order to ensure success of our marketing program. You will take the time to fully understand what our website service is about and will demonstrate that by providing us a plan of action on how we will create awareness about our site. 

2) Our target market is the Greater Toronto Area. Your goal is to create a minimum 1000 facebook fan 'likes' for the ibidbroker page. If you are able to obtain greater than 2500 fans you will get a bonus of $100

3) You will manage the ibidbroker twitter account. your goal is to get 1000 followers on our twitter page. Our twitter followers need to be from Canada. If you obtain more than 2500 followers you will get a bonus of $100

4) Your goal is to write at least 5 fully unique articles about our site. Each article should be at least 750 words. Each article will be checked for plagiarism. Each article must be written in Canadian / American english. Grammatical and Spelling mistakes will NOT be acceptable. 2 of these articles should be written for real estate agents and 3 should be written for home owners looking to sell their home. 

5) You will populate a total of 1000 websites/blogs/newsgroups/review pages etc with the articles that you have written. You will also write reviews about our website on sites like redflag deals. You must give us a list of these sites. At least 50% of these postings must be Canadian. If you populate more than 2500 sites you will get a bonus of $100

6) You will get at least 10,000 views of each of the youtube videos we have created and at least 1000 followers.  If you obtain more than 25,000 views you will get a bonus of $200.

As you can tell our goal was to create awareness among Canadians about our website. This was one of the reasons that we hired Mr. Jon-Marc to work on our website. He was very new to glance and didn't have a track record so we took a big chance on him as well. In any case majority of the views, followers or likes that he created was from people in India and the United States. On numerous occasions we wrote to him to tell him that we are very concerned about the type of marketing and traffic that is being generated.

He kept telling us that you have to build a critical mass in order to gain credibility and  then you will have organic growth. This never happened. We continued to work with him in hopes that his logic would work; unfortunately it didn't. We tried to amicably resolve the matter with him, but he wouldn't listen. 

Yes, he was offered 100 in good faith to cancel the project, he wanted $200 instead and we said no. He then demanded that he be paid in full. We requested arbitration from Elance. The response from elance was to simply close the job and NOT fund the account anymore. 

This is the first and only complaint that we have against us. Mr. Jon-Marc is obviously unhappy working with us. This was apparent even when we were working together. On our last days with him we got over 10 complaints from website owners that he was posting articles about ibidbroker on their website. We got many letters requesting that we stop SPAMMING their websites. When I brought this to Mr. Jon-Marc's attention he got very mad and said that:

"I am not sure why you send me links to articles like this. I did not come up with the terms and milestones, you did. I do what needs to be done to populate the articles/reviews on such a small budget like the one we agreed upon. I am not responsible for other peoples thoughts and feelings about me posting an advertisement on their blog, especially someone like this "Sue" lady who claims I am a HACKER for some bizarre reason.

Listen, I think we need to consider bringing an end to our deal. I can not deal with the restrictions you are trying to put on me and I don't want to have to sit here for an hour trying to type a reply to some random Blog owners complaint. That is not my job. My job is to reach milestones that YOU gave me. I didn't ask for these milestones. I just agreed to them. I am willing to lower the final price by $100.00 if you want to bring an end to the elance deal. Everything is growing at a natural rate now, except for the Facebook Page which unfortunately seems to be on a steady decline because Facebook users simply aren't interested in iBidBroker. I have tried Facebook ads and nobody is interested."

"I am sorry if this comes off as harsh or rude, but I am quite upset you would send me a link to the article, and nothing else. That just really upsets me that you expect me to take time out of my day to read that, and I assume you expect some reply from me on it. So here it is."

After this email we decided that we didn't want to work with him anymore and offered him a $100 to cancel the job. He didn't agree. I was never looking to take advantage of Mr. Jon-Marc, I was simply looking at him to deliver what he agreed to.  

Since then we have cancelled the job; based on Elance's suggestion:

Tonya, Sep-30 10:01 am (PDT):Dear ****,Thank you for your email. We have received your Dispute Notice as well as the Contractor's response. We see that there are no further funds being held in escrow, so there are no funds within Elance's control to either refund back to you, or to release to the Contractor.At this time, you may continue to work with your Contractor to negotiate further payment, or you may elect not to release any further payments to the Contractor if the work has not been completed to your expectations. Since there are no funds remaining in escrow, there are no funds available to Dispute for this job, and the Dispute Notice will be closed.Regards,
Elance Dispute Assistance

Tonya, Oct-03 11:23 am (PDT):Dear ****,We are unable to cancel the job since funds were released for the project. However, you may mark the job as 'complete' at this time since no further work will be done on this project.Regards,
Elance Dispute Assistance

Going forward I wish Mr. Jon-Marc success in his work as an online marketer. Thank you for taking the time in reading our response.

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