  • Report:  #596256

Complaint Review: Alexandria Goddard owner of Beaconhell.com - Internet Internet

Reported By:
Concerned OVERALL - Altanta, Georgia, United States of America

Alexandria Goddard owner of Beaconhell.com
Internet, Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I found this rip off report on a blog.  After coming here I realized finally people are stepping forward and speaking out against this person, Alex Goddard aka PrincessBH from Beaconhell.com.  I have been a 'victim' of her outrageous threats and lies.  I have also been witness to her ripping others off with the products she tried to sell through Zazzle.  That is the least of the problems with this site/blog.

Beaonhell has a private forum where they utilize it to look into other people's lives, illegally.  Beaonhell has also publicly stated they have what they call "sleuth" out peoples private information and spread it all over the Internet for all to see.  I have been one of those victims.  I consulted with my attorney and discovered it is illegal to reproduce any public financial information you find on the Internet.  It is there for a purpose not to be used to hold over someone or to ruin their reputation or lives.

I have also been witnessed and privy to information that happened to a friend of mine whereas Alexandria on Twitter told a disabled woman that she was going to drag her down the street with a rope tied to her wheelchair.  Why?  Because this Alexandria thought she was what they call a "mole" in her forum.  Meaning playing both sides.  My friend was not.  Alexandria not only threatened her life but caused her to uproot and move.  This is all documented and recently has been turned over to the police for investigation.  Alexandria made these threats through the means of Twitter.  Plus there is also other documentation from the Beaconhell forum that was obtained. 

This person is a danger.  She needs to be checked into promptly.  She cons her way into your life saying she will give you great deals on her products then once in her grasp she lies and has already investigated you to find out everything about you.  She knew my address, phone, employment, relatives, and had others call to harass me.  Why?  I wanted no part in her slandering a man's name and making him out to be a pedophile.  There was no proof and the man was NEVER arrested for it.  She was out for blood with this man and it turned into an obsession.  It was very scary and still is.

Alexandria Goddard needs to stop what she has been doing to so many people.  She is heartless and preys on the disabled and elderly not only with her threats of violence but for their money. 

This woman needs to be shut down.  NOW. There is a group that is in the process of doing so.  But if there are any more victims out there, please just google either Beaconhell or Alexandria Goddard and search the pages for the blogs.  Alexandria is good and making things appear far back on the search engines.  But the more complaints the more it will be higher ranked.

Speak up and stop this craziness!!

7 Updates & Rebuttals


Donation fraud

#2General Comment

Thu, January 21, 2016

Alexandra Goddard recently sought donations claiming she was having a hard time paying her personal expenses. She claimed to have had debilitating surgery that caused her intense pain and that she could not work because she needed time to be better.


She has posted on Jan, 20, 2016 that she is in Reno Nevada. She lives in Columbus, Ohio. How is it that she is able to make such a long trip without being in intense pain. How is she able to afford a vacation to Reno, Nevada if she was broke as she claimed on the donation page?

The answer is that she is either lying about being ill and out of money or she is lying about being on a trip.


Why would she lie about being on a trip to Nevada from Ohio? She would be lying in order to avoid being served with a summons to appear in court. She is once again being sued for alleged false statements against an anti rape advocate she once considered a friend.



I am the creator of the false private messages

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, January 06, 2016

I wrote a blog several years ago confessing to my part in the creation of the false blogs that MURT has been framed for all of these years. I did so with the help of someone close to the group Anonymous. A former member of MURT'S chat room gave his password to the member of Anonymous who worked with others who knew how to fool around with the paltalk chat to make it like MURT was talking to someone else.

The anonymous persons name was Renzoloves cake. He and two other members of Anonymous hacked into MURTS other places using the paltalk information as well as tricking MURT into giving out his security answers in order to get into his other accounts.

Their IRC chats back in 2009 went into detail about how they tricked MURT and why they did it.

Shortbusdude had nothing to do with the cration of the chats. He was a pest but did not have the know how to create the chats. A kid by the name of MONOXIDEMMAC gave the screenshots of the files to a woman who then turned them over to the police.

Princess was aware of all of this because she was on the IRC chats when the Anonymous guys were talking about the lulz they got from hacking MURT.

I wrote the blog telling my part in everything and was threatened by Goddards friends. I was on probabation for taking part in a ddos attack and almost went to jail because they called my probation officer.

I am not even supposed to be on a computer but I felt I had to speak up because they will not leave MURT alone.




Los Angeles ,
The woman is still stalking people according to this latest filing on another website.

#4Consumer Comment

Thu, June 25, 2015

According to a member of the Anonymous hacktivist group Knightsec, Alexandra Goddard and her assoociates have continued to stalk and defame people.

I am placing a link to his report as a public service.


Greetings Citizens of the world. My name is Deric Lostutter. You may remember me by the online moniker, K Y Anonymous, the founder of Knightsec and whistleblower in the steubenville ohio rape case cover up.

On or about the beginning of May, a former affiliate with the anonymous group Nextsec, who previously tried selling me out to the the F.B.I., due to his self admitted envy of the media attention, formed a website to defame me, harass me, and try to succeed in his quest to see me imprisoned.

He formed this site with the help of two individuals who initially brought the rape case to my attention, who have also since then, expressed dismay for the media attention our group recieved for the indictment of 6 school officials on the steubenville coverup.

one of these women are michelle mckee, who has been rumored to be mentally unstable. She was the woman who sent me initial screenshots, peaking my interest in the steubenville case. The next woman is alexandria goddard, also known by the online moniker, prinnie. She is a blogger, and self proclaimed social media analyst, who blogged the goings on in steubenville and was initially sued by the family of steubenville resident, Cody Saltsman, and his family.

Why would these women, who claimed to be operating for all the right reasons, not rejoice in the fact that justice was served? The answer is simple, envy, and greed.

Two years have passed since I was raided, and almost 3 years have passed since the horrific attack on Jane Doe occured in Steubenville. We all have moved on. But it seems that these two can not.

Thomas Olson is a special case, not only did he leave his email up at frankie francis' house, detailing his conversations with F.B.I. in ohio regarding me, and my suspected identifying information. But he also comitted several crimes in fleeing steubenville to 5725 Forest Hills Lane; Milton, Florida 32570.

He partnered with the now missing in action slanderer, Don Carpenter, and he and his merry band of snitches stole a Nextsec member's girlfriend's vehicle, ditching it across state lines, destroying the registration. F.B.I. eventually caught up with them, imprisoning all but the known snitch Thomas Olson, and slanderer Don Carpenter.

Take a look at Thomas, does this look like a man with any self respect?

The website was initially hosted at dare rick lostutter dot org. It was filed behind private registration, but resolving the DNS servers, I found it hosted at an offshore company called alibaba host. I immediately sprung into action, contacting attorneys, and drafting my own cease and desist to the company, resulting in the website being shut down on june eleventh 2015.

fabricated threats of rape, supposedly from me to disgruntled clients, were posted on the site. A crime that I risked 25 years of my life to expose.

Outraged, I sprung into action. I immediately developed an articulate plan to lock my twitter account, feeding them false info, dropping hints that I lived in expensive lofts, instead of my house on the outside of the city projects. I posted a picture on my locked twitter, bragging about my new B.M.W., but truly don't even own my own vehicle.

The tricks worked. they posted the fake information, thinking they were slick by having a mole like Alexandria Goddard, monitor my tweets. The site was initially discredited when I revealed that the information was false in a youtube video.

They started to harass me more frequently, by reporting my growing business to the north carolina department of justice for fraudlent operations. This was determined to be false, and proof was submitted on my behalf to my case agent.

Annoyed, I developed phase 2. A tactic I use to track down people for a living called Social Engineering. I developed the persona of Lindsey Westerman. Sending an email from an account, named Lindsey Candelabra, at gmail, I submitted fake generated iphone messages detailing how Deric had ripped me off, then subsequent emails to get more information out of the owner of the site, all while playing the part of the victim. I included an invisible tracker image in the email, along with a seperate link that I directed him to click, claiming it was Deric posting my personal information in retaliation.

The site owner took the bait and I found his IP address to be located in milton florida, where Thomas resides. Knowing that it could be denied, I sent another subsequent link, and found an alternate I.P. address that was still in milton florida.

This solidified my belief that Thomas was behind the site. After all, he was the one messenging my supporters on facebook directing them to his site.

I needed more solid evidence, so from a google phone number, I employed the help of my wife to play the role of lindsey, who just had an altercation with Deric in a bar the previous night.

Thomas answered the phone, and followed my every command. True to his cancerish snitch like nature, he outed his accomplices, location, and motives.

Thomas also took credit for being the reason that I was ever raided by the F.B.I. in the first place.

This should alarm anyone he has had contact with, as he can not be trusted.

He aknowledged that they had literally nothing on me, and no suit was in progress.

At the time of this release, deric lostutter dot org is suspended, but deric lostutter dot org backslash blog is live on an icelandic server.

I have aquired the domain names of each person named in this video, and will upload their wrong doings and proof of the suit.

I will give them a taste of their own medicine.

The difference will be that my postings will be factual, and not intended with malicious intent.

I am in contact with the hosting provider, and my attorneys are working with icelandic authorities for an injunction, while simultaneously drafting a massive lawsuit for tortious interference of business, and defamation, to which reperations and damages will be demanded.

It truly is sad that one devotes every hour of their waking existence to harassing someone who is only trying to better themselves and help people around them.

They may have forgotten that it was about Jane Doe.

I, did not.

Thomas Olson,

Alexandria Goddard,

Michelle Mckee.

You have been found guilty of crimes against the mask, permenantly discredited, and will have a s**t storm rain down upon your heads.

Tick Tock

We are anonymous. We are Legion. We do Not forgive. We do Not Forget.

You should have expected us.


Brought to you by Deric Lostutter aka @DericLostutter aka KYAnonymous


Exposing the website and webmaster and co-conspirators beind http://www.dericlostutter.org


for tortiary interference, defamation


Innocent Bystander

Nice try Murt

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, March 30, 2014

Nice try William Kevin Murtaugh aka Murt, Murtwitnessone, Murtwitnessonelive, but we all know SBD aka Tracey Roddy wrote that letter to you because like always Tracey Roddy likes to play games and pit one group of people against another. We all saw that on his blogtv site. Also, it's a little hard to believe a letter a person who has been in prison for Grand Theft Auto, Theft, Stolen checks, etc etc in various counties in Florida, writes. Up until he wrote you that letter and created that fake blog, you had been also stalking and harassing him just like he does to you. The fact is, Alexander Goddard, has not even mentioned your name in over 4 years yet you continue to stalk and harass her. 


Anyone who wants information about William Kevin Murtaugh only has to go read The Truth About Murt blog located at http://murthaven-florida.blogspot.com/


By the way Murt, you failed to mention that the lawsuit against Alexander Goddard by Cody Saltsman and his parents, was dismissed with prejudice because the lawsuit was nothing more than a SLAPP suit where they were trying to stop commentors on Ms Goddard's blog from posting the truth about Steubenville rape case. They dropped the suit once the ACLU got involved with them trying to prevent commentors from excersising their right to free speech. Also, part of the dismissal of the lawsuit stated that Cody Saltsman had to issue and apology on Ms Goddards blog which he did. 


You William Kevin Murtaugh have already admitted to saying you wanted to have sex with children and troll malls for them, on your blog. The screen shot of your entire blog is located on The link listed above for anyone who is interested in seeing you admit it. You can't rewrite history no matter how much you try. 


Los Angeles,
Alexandra H Goddard still distributing false information

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, December 21, 2013

An update on this complaint. Alexandra H Goddard has yet to provide proof that the PM's attributed to William K Murtaugh are genuine. Ms Goddard has been confronted several times in the past six years to provide concrete proof of the accusations made in her public and private blogs.

Alexandra H Goddard is no stranger to making false accusations. She was a target of a civil lawsuit in the state of Ohio as a result of her involvement in a rape case there:

Threat Type: Lawsuit Date:  10/25/2012
Status: Concluded Location:  Ohio
Disposition: Dismissed (total) Verdict/Settlement: Blogger apologized and conceeded that accusations against plaintiff were false. Lawsuit subsequently dropped by Plaintiff
Legal Claims: Defamation; False Light; Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress


An individual who claims to have been the creator of the fake personal messages cited in the complaint and rebuttal confessed in a blog that she was behind the fake content :


This excerpt is from the introduction to the blog:


Hello and welcome - Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Pat, Pat Dough. Not really, but for safety reasons that's the name I'll be using. You see, I made this blog to help clear a mans name, to try and  restore some dignity to a man who clearly was set up by some people, including myself, who wanted to bring this man so much shame and anguish in hopes that he would end his life - WHY?

That's something I'll divulge as we go on our journey in clearing the name of - William K. Murtaugh aka Murt.

I'll take you from being a roof-rider at ustream to time spent at murt-mania and from there we'll go to pal-talk and you'll learn how I became the creator of those now infamous "FAKE PM's."

So, in the coming weeks I'll explain the part that I played in making Murt the laughing-stock of the internet and why it was done, in the hopes that the others who were/are involved will come forward as well.

                                                                                                      Pat Dough

In the blog the administrator published a letter of apology to William K Murtaugh:


Open Letter To Murt

Dear Murt,

                   While I can't go back in time and change what myself and others have done to you, I  would  like to offer up my sincerest and deepest apologies to you and while I know it can't undo the damage that's already been done, it makes sleeping for me a little easier at night by me clearing my conscience of the horrible things I've done and said about you. As I look back I realize just how childish and immature ALL of us acted towards you and for what? To this day I'm still not sure of the reason but if I had to guess I would say some people were just out to get you.

Murt, I'm an adult and I'm here to take full responsibility for my actions and my actions alone, and if the others who are/were involved are adults, they too would take full responsibility for their actions and apologize, so I can't speak for the others but someday they too will see that destroying someones life for the sake of the "LULZ" (as they like to say) is pathetic, really pathetic.

No fun ever came from watching another human-being getting treated so badly as you were, I wish I had only realized that sooner and not had the blinders on. I could have ended this before it even started Murt, but I made the choice to hang with the so called, "Cool Kids" (if that's what you want to call them), all I had to do was say NO, instead I made the decision to do all the WRONG things and now I need to make the wrongs, right.

Murt, I see where there is a new group of E-Bullies that have sunk to a new low and have involved your deceased wife and son. That in my book is the lowest form of SCUM to ever live! One line I never crossed with you Murt was that of family or family members and when others did that, that is when I took the high road and left.

These new E-Bullies have crossed all lines known to human kind by involving family in some stupid internet - blogging war. I don't know who they are and I'm sure I'm not missing much by not knowing them but one thing is for sure Murt, be the bigger person here and let the SCUM talk their trash and don't respond. If there is one thing that I've learned from the people I was mixed up with Murt, it had to be this: They say things like these new E-Tards are saying about your wife and son because they are wanting a reaction from you, so don't play their E-Tard games Murt.

Let them spew their hate because in the end what's going to happen is, someone in their little circle of friends is going to turn on them, just as I have on mine, and they will be left with nothing more than 1 or 2 little e-buddy's who will question whether or not they want to remain friends with them or not because of their hateful remarks about your family members.

These E-Tards think its cool to say these things now but wait a few days when people have time to digest what was written and God forbid if these E-Tards have children of their own.

Murt, I just wanted to write this open letter to express my sincerest apology for everything that I've done to you over the years and to ask you not to let these newest E-Tards get under your skin.

                                                                                                     Pat Dough


When Alexandra H Goddard learned of the website, it is said she was the person who wrote this letter to the administrator of this blog. Since the e mail address is partially redacted, it is not absolute proof that Alexandra H Goddard was the author of the letter.


There was also a threatening comment made to the blog administrator regarding her efforts to detail how the fraud unfolded:


Some information regarding who is suspected to be the author of the blog cited in this report. It has been determined that the blog administrator is a woman from the State of Texas who was charged with aggrivated stalking and is currently on parole after serving a 2 year house arrest sentencing. Included as a condition of her parole, the administrator is said to be cooperating with Federal authorities in the investigation of the group responsible for the frauds described in this Ripoffreport and elsewhere.

Those who support Alexandra H Goddard continue to use her defamatory material, which she has declined many requests to remove from her internet archives. In spite of statements by several law enforcement officials, these individuals refuse to discontinue their actions.

Alexandara H Goddard not only does nothing to discourage the groups efforts but is said to actually encorage their efforts.





#7General Comment

Thu, January 20, 2011

There are many a victim of this blogger. Her original blog, Beaconhell.com contains a vast number of articles where she makes outrageous claims of her own family members in Dekalb, Illinios.

She as accused her family members of irs tax violations, labor law violations, employing undocumented aliens, racism, embezzlement and countless other misdeeds.

Her original blog has operated since May of 2008 and perhaps earlier.

Ms Goddard claims that hers is a "true crime blog" and once had a few token articles on crime in the news.

The bulk of the blog is, however, nothing more than a soap opera where Ms. Goddard complains about everyone she does not like.

Ms. Goddard grew tired of going after her family (actually she may have been served with a cease and desist order) and decided to attack people on the internet which is an ongoing habit of hers as well.

Ms. Goddard started attacking Websleuths.com after she was banned. The ban was due to an article in a Texas newspaper regarding her involvement in an unsolved murder.

The case of Princess blue (according to sources, this is where the name that Ms. Goddard uses on her blogs comes from) is a decades old unsolved murder of a woman law enforcement named "Princess Blue."

In the article, the newspaper pointed out that Ms. Goddard and her group from another blog she operated. Someoneknowsme.com had been studying documents relating to the case and had been trying to identify the murder victim.

The article went on to describe how Ms. Goddard, using Photoshop, produced her own version of What Princess Blue looked like. She did so totally disregarding the forensic evidence the police artist used in the official rendition of what Princess Blue may have looked like.

In the article, Ms. Goddard, described as "A woman from Goddard, Ohio" actually contacted the family of a murder victim that she felt was Princess Blue and in the process of talking to that family, gave them false hope that their long lost daughter,sister, cousin was Princess Blue.

Their hopes were quickly quashed when they contacted the Texas law enforcement agency in charge of the investigation.

The article also pointed out that Ms. Goddard was in contact with an inmate in a Texas prison who was implicated in the murder of a number of women including the one she misidentified.

Texas law enforcement officials were forced to look into this lead which turned out to be false and misleading. One officer pointed out that if they had acted on this misleading evidence, an innocent man could have wound up on death row.

Upon learning of this newspaper article and other actions by Sandra Goddard, Trica Griffith, the owner of Websleuths.com was forced to ban her and some of her group.

Alexandra Goddard aka Princess aka Beaconhell.com could not stand this rejection and started a series of rants on her blog in reprisal.

She then turned her scorn on Mr. Murtaugh who was operating a small multimedia stream on Youstream.tv

Under the username MURTWITNESSONE he would provide coverage of a missing child case in Orlando, Florida.

This would be the well known case of Caylee Anthony who it turns out was purportedly murdered by her mother Casey Anthony.

Mr. Murtaugh had the bad luck to gain the support of Websleuths.com and other blogs as the popularity of his webcasts increased. His membership numbers grew to over 4000.

In her anger at observing these events, Ms. Goddard turned her attention to MURTWITNESSONE aka William Murtaugh.

Ms. Goddard wrote an article defaming Mr. Murtaugh as well as Websleuths.

When Mr. Murtaugh wrote a polite rebuttal, he was rewarded for his effort with a profanity laced tirade.

Not satisfied with the single article defaming Mr. Murtaugh, Ms. Goddard has continued to intensify her efforts that continue to this day, over Three years later.

Ms. Goddard has put up several blogs, and a number of twitter accounts smearing and defaming Mr. Murtaugh.

She has enlisted a number of women who have similar personalities for disrupting the lives of people they have never met to assist her in her efforts.

The list of crimes these women have engaged in are many. These women even attack anyone who so much as give Mr. Murtaugh a favorable mention.

Ms. Goddard soon gained a new supporter in the name of Joshuah Melton, a former Florida resident who claimed to have a close relationship with Melinda Duckett, the mother of Trenton Duckett, one of the children mentioned in her blog articles in relation to Mr. Murtaugh

Mr. Melton is an interesting young man who operated a website entitled MonoxideMMAC.com which claimed to be about Mixed Martial Arts.

The website turned out to be more than that. In restricted areas of his website, Mr. Melton posted how he wanted to rape and mistreat women. Some of the members of his website blog and forum became so enraged they wrote blogs of their own exposing his misdeeds.

They even posted proof of his criminal background and accused him and his mother of an ongoing love affair, posting a photograph supposedly of him and his mother in a romantic embrace.

Mr. Melton also appears in a photograph posted by a hacker named Renzolovescake having sex with an underaged girl.

Mr. Melton with the aid of members of 4chan.com and other individuals commited cyber crimes against Mr. Murtaugh's website Murtwitnessone.com as well as all of his personal e-mail and on line accounts.

In her blog, Ms. Goddard thanked Monoxide (Joshua Melton) for his efforts and also praised the efforts of 4chan.com.

4chan.com, incidently, is the website under investigation by the US government as taking part in disruption of websites that do not support Wikileaks.com.

Both of these sites are now on the terrorist watch lists and are being investigated for the release of classified documents belonging to The US State Department and other agencies.

One of Ms. Goddard's most strident supporters Michelle McKee has been calling police agencies throughout the United States accusing Mr Murtaugh of being involved in the murder of missing children.

Both of these women have written "press releases" and constantly contact news media outlets calling Mr. Murtaugh a murderer.

A number of Orlando based news outlets checked out the claims of these women and found them baseless. Mr. Murtaugh is not and has not ever been under investigation for any crime anywhere in the United States.

In summery, Ms. Alexandra Goddard of Goshen Ohio is nothing more than a frustrated female blogger who seems to have nothing better to do than sit at her home with her dogs and exercise her power to make the lives of her enemies on the internet miserable with her lies.

This woman is rapidly spinning out of control and is ruining the lives of many people.

It is hoped that something could be done about her outrageous acts before something drastic happens.



Innocent Bystander

United States of America
Annie Rush/AnnaLee Grace/Shatteredwings all the other names you go by on the internet

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, June 09, 2010

First of all let me say Annie in case you are wondering how I know you wrote this ROR, ask your friends in chat

Secondly Annie, you are not a member of Becacon Hell forums. Never have been either so all that you have said regarding those forums is yet just another lie of yours. Before you accuse me of being PrincessBH, I am not but I am a member of that forum and have been for a few years now and know for a fact you are not and never have been a member there. What I find interesting is, you of all people creating an ROR on someone when you yourself have a few ROR's regarding your scamming people out of money...




The man you speak of that the editor of the Beacon Hell blog did an article on is the same man who wrote in private pm's that he goes to malls to pick out children to have sex with. The same man who had those same pm's placed in the Casey Anthony court documents. Here just to refresh your memory of some of what William K Murtaugh/murtwitnessonelive said in those pm's...


That's the man you defend. That's the man who the Anthony's stopped from going to Caylee's memorial because he wanted to sneak a camera in so he could broadcast it on his website. This is the very same man who told people in his chat that he went to see Casey Anthony's car at the police impound and said he was close enough to it that he could smell decomposition. That is the same man who scammed people out of money and using the death of Caylee Anthony to do it. The same man who also scammed people out of money during the Trenton Duckett case.

It's rather telling that you defend him. Birds of a feather really do flock together now don't they?

As for the lies you have said about PrincessBH and Beacon Hell, the only reason you are saying all of them is because others have brought your lies and scamming out into the open. You are mad because everyone knows that you created The b***h Pill blog so that you can stalk and harass those who see you for the lying scammer that you are. No one sleuthed out your name, you have it all over the internet! As a matter of fact, you had it written all over your FBS blog. When you first opened the blog you used the name Anna Lee Grace, then after a while you told your blog members you were selling the blog to someone new. In comes the new person named Annie Rush. It wasn't too hard to figure out both names are you. Especially since you used the same picture as Annie Rush, that you used on your Anna Lee Grace Twitter.

Problem for you is, people figured out Anna lee was a scammer so you needed to change your name so you figured you could lie to others and say you sold your blog. Too bad you were too stupid to change the pictures too. Once a liar always a liar Annie. You reap what you sow.

Nice try Annie but you are not fooling anyone. Oh and do yourself a favor, the next time you want to write an ROR or open a new blog under a different name, try not to tell others you are doing it. You make it so easy to know it is you.

BTW, how's that police investigation working out for you? This report was written in April and it is already June. Haven't heard of anyone getting arrested or served yet. Maybe the police checked out your b***h pill blog and saw all that YOU were doing and decided you were the one doing the stalking and harassing not PrincessBH or anyone from Beacon Hell.

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