  • Report:  #747904

Complaint Review: All County Towing - Ft. Lauderdale Florida

Reported By:
Educated Consumer - Cooper City, Florida, Virgin Islands (US)

All County Towing
520 Northwest 7th Street Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 Ft. Lauderdale, 33311 Florida, United States of America
(954) 925-3371
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I visited a friend in a Pine Crest Condo in Ft Lauderdale for a night. We had both parked in a time reserved spot for Building Admin Manager in a spot that said M-F 8AM-6PM. I parked at 11PM and went out to get the car around 7:30, it was towed at 5AM! There was no one in building admin to support my claim that I was not in a resident reserved spot, and had nothing to argue with the tow company. They charged me $124, am missing a pair of sunglasses and found a new scratch. The lady on the phone trying to get directions was rude and raising her voice at me, the guy at the window was a total a**, denying me access to view the car before paying or signing the papers.

These guys are scam artists, consumers and realty associations BEWARE, they will scam and steal from your residents and their guests. They are unethical and impolite.

6 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
you're lucky.......

#2General Comment

Fri, March 09, 2012

.........all you are missing are sunglasses

i have personally seen them RANSACK a stretch limo in a nearby lot they no longer use as they finally figured out about a thousand windows were looking down on them

now they await in hiding along the railroad tracks and RANSACK elsewhere

the city of sunrise has enacted new procedures against ALL towing entities because of their actions, and at least two major public corporations are bring suit against them, all resulting from a friday night tow-fest from the sawgrass mall as well as the mayor asking the state attorney to get involved as well since fraud is suspected

a number of people personally involved in the black friday fiasco have had ALL COUNTY TOWING terminated from their condo and homeowners associations as a vendor, and more are pending termination of them, as well as downtown businesses who had them as vendor

strangely enough, personalty from some of those two hundred cars towed found it's way to pawn shops - how do you think that happened ?

there also was a roping off of a very productive corner near the courthouse that was ultimately the result of towing the wrong car and RANSACKING it

their scams are well documented and well publicized

i found one of their "spotters" at a local macdonalds who told me about actually luring cars into the lot whereby they would hook them up to extract a drop fee of $50, which the driver and spotter would then split amongst themselves,  but the management at ALL COUNTY TOWING got wind of this "scam within a scam" and killed it

now the "spotter" must notify the base as well as the driver and the base expects a vehicle to be delivered to the lot

the town of davie is also working on plans to follow the city of sunrise lead in enacting regulations so that ALL COUNTY TOWING scams don't come to davie. it should be easy since the administrator i spoke to has her own ALL COUNTY TOWING horror story as she herself was taken by them in a scam

and now you also have your ALL COUNTY TOWING story as well



United States of America
Really funny

#3Consumer Comment

Sat, February 25, 2012

First off, I quote" they will scam and steal from residents and guests.. unethical" end quote.

How are you sitting here saying you are not accusing them of stealing and damaging your vehicle when it's written in black and white that you did!

Also what was your attitude like when you called this place? Did YOU give them a hard time. Something tells me you refused to pay for the car until you searched it over.. What, were you planning on just leaving it at the place if the car didn't pass your inspection? Geez So it is his fault that he required you to go ahead and pay the bill prior to entering the impound lot I mean isn't that why you were there? to pay and get your car>> any other objections would have to be settled later in court.. Common sense! Use it!

Also why on earth would a tow truck driver unlock your car and steal a pair of womens sunglasses? Maybe they were for his wife, eh? It's not possible you left them in another place- Why gosh no! you don't make mistakes, now do ya?

I think it's great for the property owners to here about this company keeping people like you from parking anywhere they feel like parking. I would LOVE to have them watch my property... When I get to work at 8am, I won't have to worry about people like you being in my parking space!

mr rik

Get in touch

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, July 02, 2011

with building management, let them know about the predatory towing going on.

If they won't help- you may consider vandalism.

Also you can stake out the tow place, and find out where these guys live. 

Report Attachments


San Antonio,
Kind Of Funny

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, July 01, 2011

Parking in the the Building Admin Manager's spot is probably the LAST place I'd park. They know his/her vehicle and they knew your vehicle wasn't it, hence the tow. You probably DO have a case with the wording but I suspect in the by-laws of the condo's homeowner's regulations there are rules and regulations about who can park where and when that supersede the sign.  Good luck dealing with any HOA.

Educated Consumer

Cooper City,
Virgin Islands (US)
Perhaps not

#6Author of original report

Fri, July 01, 2011

There were two identical spots that were occupied and only one car was towed. Perhaps the point is they were rude, unhelpful, and disrespectful. Im not accusing them of taking the glasses or scratching the car, I just know the service was abysmal and people total jerks. There is like twenty plus postings about this company, obviously they're at least inconsiderate. My objection was to how any business or property would want these people in any way representing them or their name. 



#7Consumer Comment

Fri, July 01, 2011

You should rethink your friends because it looks like they gave you some bad advise.

Unfortunately the "Well my friend told me it was okay" is not a valid reason to keep you from getting towed.

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