  • Report:  #352266

Complaint Review: American Intercontinental University - Hoffman Estates Illinois

Reported By:
- Everett, Washington,

American Intercontinental University
5550 Praire Sone Parkway Hoffman Estates, 60792 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was excited to be accepted by this school for the criminal justice program. Steve Frake was my counselor and was very hard working and sincere.

However, when I checked out the president of the school, Dr. Alan Drimmer, I was horrified to find that he was involved with the surveillance application department of the the very inept and corrupt Homeland Security office. I immediately withdrew my application. Mr. Frake was disappointed as was to be expected, and wanted to know what changed my mind concerning enrollment. I mentioned Dr. Drimmer's affiliation with Homeland Security and Mr. Frake just could not understand what I was saying. I was further horrified and annoyed that AIU seems to be a very conservative right wing school. I ended the conversation by saying I'd lost interest but if I change my mind, I will call back.

I received a call from Bradley Koyak within the hour, he was an administrative clerk of some sort. You would have thought I'd taken an egg out of a basket that he'd counted on. He was absolutely put out with me, demanding to know why I'd changed my mind so that I could get "back on track." Not having any patience with someone so devoured by the corporate demons advocating this sort of behavior that had employed him, I told this representative of a conservative and hateful machine that he wasn't listening to me and that I was hanging up.

They called repeatedly, wore out my caller ID. After about a dozen calls I realized the wisdom of my decision.

I wanted to work with at-risk kids as a parole officer with a criminal justice degree. I wanted to serve people, not a corrupt machine. I'm still interested in restoring the integrity of this country, not making another dollar for the modern day fascism created by the sleepy heads of the conservative right-wing. I read a book, "Men are Not Cost Effective," by June Stephenson, PHD. I highly recommend it to anyone confronted with immature, aggressive men.


Everett, Washington


10 Updates & Rebuttals


AIU and the Rip-Off Dilemma

#2Consumer Suggestion

Mon, September 15, 2008

First, I am a graduate of AIU online. I spent three years and ultimately received an MBA in Project Management. The courses were accelerated. I was pleased then and am still pleased when I have to repay my loans. I have had one negative experience from a company that refused to interview me based on the fact that it was an online degree. The Challenge: It took me by surprise but it strengthened me because I was able to discern that it was not my degree's fallabilty but that of an ignorant hiring manager. Here's how I came to the conclusion. The Quest: I went to a website for networking professionals called linkedin.com. I searched for every AIU online graduate (and there are plenty) in the database. That's when it became apparent to me that the hiring manager was mentally challenged. Each person I came across on Linkedin.com showed an employment record or a furtherance in education to the PhD level. Enlightenment: For the most part, each person enjoyed successful employment. In fact, they were employed in high raking positions and with the best corporations in the world (See for your self). Life's a Self-Serve Menu: It's what you make of YOUR education... that's what AIU promises... an education... not a job. I become dismayed at how many individuals think that a college education means guaranteed employment. Yes, there are employment placement services... but the bottom line is that... "You have to sell yourself" to that prospective employer and your education should enhance each requirement of becoming employed. No Robot but Radical: I graduated from AIU in the undergrad capacity with a 3.86 GPA. My biggest disappointment was missing Summa c*m Laude by .04 percent. I received several thousands of dollars in grant money from the U.S. Department of Education. Doing their Job: Money that AIU found and reduce my tuition automatically without my asking or inquiry. So, they even worked for me when I worked for myself. A Kin to Lot's Wife: I admit... after graduating from AIU with an MBA... I am still trying to return to my old self... but then I realized... wasn't I trying to move on from my old self and be a better person? Didn't I achieve that distinction? Yes, I did. Apples & Doughnuts: So, IMHO... the majority of gripes and name calling/listing is from people who can't quit focus on the new person they agreed to be. The only person I see that really needs help here is the lad who claims that the school closed and he was not able to be reimbursed; otherwise, every gripe is from people who didn't or couldn't quite concentrate on their education but rather found it better or to seek negative motivation as their learning experience. Affiliations that Hold You Back: Am I to believe that a Republican/Democratic and Homeland Security affiliation is stopping people from acquiring a decent education? I'd have to say no. Old History: A schools accreditation is very serious but it was my understanding that AIU focused on what they needed and overcame that challenge. So, what's the beef? Are we talking about petty issues from people who wouldn't graduate from any university if it could save their lives? We are the Champions...: Believe me... getting an education and keeping your mouth shut while focusing on the real goal is the stuff of champions... it is obvious that some of us are not and gives me the impression that their personal and professional lives are handled in the same manner resorting to drama and turmoil as a solution. An Application for Money: And don't give me the crap about needing a degree to get a job either... I worked in the field of information technology and landed a job in one of the most prestigious (bricks & mortar) universities in the country. Find Your Niche: At the time, I did not have more than 80 undergrad credits from 29 years prior. My lack of a degree did not stop me from becoming a lead engineer. In fact, I went back to school to confirm my knowledge and felt that I was losing out on not having a bachelors when aside from the competencies; a bachelors was mandatory. When you are typically responsible for achievements and being a champion, you don't let side or petty issues deter you from the primary objective. A person who gets things done knows that challenges are imbedded in the plan for success. Frustration and angst is always present as an undermining process towards progress. Victori Spolia: No victory is without challenges... it how you turn your stumbling blocks into stepping stones. I wish AIU online had a PhD program... I'd re-enroll right now but then again some of you still haven't graduated from another institution despite all of the yapping. ###


Virginia Beach,
These unfounded negative posts provide a disservice to working professionals

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, September 07, 2008

It's a shame that someone like Bepath and the latest post from Tianni would even make it to a board such as this without some form of validation. These allegations are not constructive and do nothing to help educate potential students. In fact, it is a disservice to working professionals seeking degrees from accredited universities. To counter the last post about admission fees; I had lurked on the rip-off report website for about 8 months before deciding to go with AIU for my graduate work. I originally applied back in November 2007 for the January 2008 semester. However, I decided to cancel my enrollment because of posts on this board. I saw that AIU was on probation with SACS. So, I looked at Capella, Strayer, CTU, and others as I was unsure about AIU. When I called my assigned admissions counselor, I expressed my concerns and had my admissions fee refunded within two weeks. No big deal. I continued to read the rip-off report and investigated some of the posts and none of them seemed to be based on actual facts. In most cases they were exaggerated and completely baseless claims. In fact, AIU is fully accredited and recognized by several organizations as a top online university. The Military, Better Business Bureau and Online Education Organizations rate AIU in the top 10 of all online universities. After the continued research, I again enrolled with AIU and couldn't be happier. The curriculum is challenging and is on par and some cases exceeds that of traditional schools. AIU is recognized in the both business and defense industry. Moreover, my employer and many like it have formed partnerships with AIU because the curriculum is continually updated to reflect the latest trends whereas most traditional universities are lagging behind. The bottom-line is that AIU provides a quality education to working professionals that will significantly enhance their professional development with a fully accredited degree.


District of Columbia,
"Fake School"

#4Consumer Comment

Wed, September 03, 2008

My sister was just verbally abused and harassed when she came to her senses and realized this "school" was sham. To the person that says that they are "s-a-t-i-f-i-e-d" and has a degree from this school just proved my point. DO NOT fall prey to these scam artist. If you withdraw your application DO NOT let these bullies harass you and trust me they will try. What a joke!


Little Elm,
I am still satified

#5Consumer Comment

Wed, August 27, 2008

I have reviewed every reponse to the so-called AIU online university scam. I am not at all convinced that AIU online is a scam. I am a graduate and current student of AIU. I absolutely love everything about what the online university has provided for me. It has provided me foremost flexibilty, and support. In response to AIU being in business only for profit; my reponse would be WHAT SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS ISN'T? All businesses are in business to make a profit. Every business has a marketing strategy. All businesses that have a product or provide a service have a sales pitch as well as sales department. I think it aweful for upset ex-employees to submit negative information about a company that is simply doing what everyone is trying to do: succeed, grow and make money. AIU is expensive. But what creditable university isn't? My admission advisor was wonderful. I truly enjoyed the entire process. She did keep in contact with a great deal of time. She was their to answer all of my questions. I personally would have felt that I was not important to the university had someone not kept in contact with me. We have to understand most businesses that provide a service have a follow up process. It causes the consumer to feel important, valued and appreciated. Most of the ex-employees were complaining about goals, quotas, demands made my the university. I onced worked as a collection agent. We had quotas, goals and demands that needed to met. I was hired as well as paid to collect. Why would I think the company wanted anything else of me. If I did not meet my required core role, why should I expect to be reward? I am very please with AIU. I have done my own research and discover that it is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (www.sacs.org). Students are able to transfer credits. It is great school for someone who is self-motivated, and disciplined. If you are go-getter, you will be successfull.


Little Elm,
I am still satified

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, August 27, 2008

I have reviewed every reponse to the so-called AIU online university scam. I am not at all convinced that AIU online is a scam. I am a graduate and current student of AIU. I absolutely love everything about what the online university has provided for me. It has provided me foremost flexibilty, and support. In response to AIU being in business only for profit; my reponse would be WHAT SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS ISN'T? All businesses are in business to make a profit. Every business has a marketing strategy. All businesses that have a product or provide a service have a sales pitch as well as sales department. I think it aweful for upset ex-employees to submit negative information about a company that is simply doing what everyone is trying to do: succeed, grow and make money. AIU is expensive. But what creditable university isn't? My admission advisor was wonderful. I truly enjoyed the entire process. She did keep in contact with a great deal of time. She was their to answer all of my questions. I personally would have felt that I was not important to the university had someone not kept in contact with me. We have to understand most businesses that provide a service have a follow up process. It causes the consumer to feel important, valued and appreciated. Most of the ex-employees were complaining about goals, quotas, demands made my the university. I onced worked as a collection agent. We had quotas, goals and demands that needed to met. I was hired as well as paid to collect. Why would I think the company wanted anything else of me. If I did not meet my required core role, why should I expect to be reward? I am very please with AIU. I have done my own research and discover that it is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (www.sacs.org). Students are able to transfer credits. It is great school for someone who is self-motivated, and disciplined. If you are go-getter, you will be successfull.


Little Elm,
I am still satified

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, August 27, 2008

I have reviewed every reponse to the so-called AIU online university scam. I am not at all convinced that AIU online is a scam. I am a graduate and current student of AIU. I absolutely love everything about what the online university has provided for me. It has provided me foremost flexibilty, and support. In response to AIU being in business only for profit; my reponse would be WHAT SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS ISN'T? All businesses are in business to make a profit. Every business has a marketing strategy. All businesses that have a product or provide a service have a sales pitch as well as sales department. I think it aweful for upset ex-employees to submit negative information about a company that is simply doing what everyone is trying to do: succeed, grow and make money. AIU is expensive. But what creditable university isn't? My admission advisor was wonderful. I truly enjoyed the entire process. She did keep in contact with a great deal of time. She was their to answer all of my questions. I personally would have felt that I was not important to the university had someone not kept in contact with me. We have to understand most businesses that provide a service have a follow up process. It causes the consumer to feel important, valued and appreciated. Most of the ex-employees were complaining about goals, quotas, demands made my the university. I onced worked as a collection agent. We had quotas, goals and demands that needed to met. I was hired as well as paid to collect. Why would I think the company wanted anything else of me. If I did not meet my required core role, why should I expect to be reward? I am very please with AIU. I have done my own research and discover that it is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (www.sacs.org). Students are able to transfer credits. It is great school for someone who is self-motivated, and disciplined. If you are go-getter, you will be successfull.


Little Elm,
I am still satified

#8Consumer Comment

Wed, August 27, 2008

I have reviewed every reponse to the so-called AIU online university scam. I am not at all convinced that AIU online is a scam. I am a graduate and current student of AIU. I absolutely love everything about what the online university has provided for me. It has provided me foremost flexibilty, and support. In response to AIU being in business only for profit; my reponse would be WHAT SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS ISN'T? All businesses are in business to make a profit. Every business has a marketing strategy. All businesses that have a product or provide a service have a sales pitch as well as sales department. I think it aweful for upset ex-employees to submit negative information about a company that is simply doing what everyone is trying to do: succeed, grow and make money. AIU is expensive. But what creditable university isn't? My admission advisor was wonderful. I truly enjoyed the entire process. She did keep in contact with a great deal of time. She was their to answer all of my questions. I personally would have felt that I was not important to the university had someone not kept in contact with me. We have to understand most businesses that provide a service have a follow up process. It causes the consumer to feel important, valued and appreciated. Most of the ex-employees were complaining about goals, quotas, demands made my the university. I onced worked as a collection agent. We had quotas, goals and demands that needed to met. I was hired as well as paid to collect. Why would I think the company wanted anything else of me. If I did not meet my required core role, why should I expect to be reward? I am very please with AIU. I have done my own research and discover that it is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (www.sacs.org). Students are able to transfer credits. It is great school for someone who is self-motivated, and disciplined. If you are go-getter, you will be successfull.


I know Bradley Koyak!

#9Consumer Comment

Fri, August 08, 2008

I read the letter pertaining to American Intercontinental University. I have been enrolled in AIU since 2005, I am still enrolled in AIU working on another Bachelor's, which will be completed in November 2008. I will be enrolling for my Master's after this program. I know the person Bradley Koyak since I have enrolled and this man is nothing that she has stated. He is not pushy, rude, or anything she stated in her report. Mr. Koyak has been nothing but nice and helpful in everyway imaginable and always my best interest in mind. He has also been polite, sweet and kind. So I just can't believe this is the same Bradley that she talked to. I have known and worked with him for a very long time. Maybe she just picked a name out the hat. Who knows? Also, Why would she say those things about Mr. Drimmer, who cares what the man does after school? Someone could be a cross dresser, who would care. What people do behind closed doors is no ones busy anyway, Those are some pretty mean things this girl stated and I tell you, She needs to hope she isn't hit with a lawsuit. I wish her all the luck, she will need it. Thanks. Lena



#10REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, July 30, 2008

I would also like to point out the fairness of this website, while this Drop out can post my name hers gets blocked out. Lets get serious for a moment i admit i was rash in my previous posting but in all fairness i poor my heart into helping my students and was hurt that some student i don't even know put my name on this site. I had to contact Mr. Frake to find out who this student is. It costs a lot of money in man hours to prepare a students financial aid and degree plan so when they cancel we are out a lot of money. Therefore my job is to call them and see if i can use my knowledge (a Masters degree and half a PhD) to trouble shoot. Out of a 100 people 20 or so use my expertise and end up graduating. I am never pushy (i really don't care enough to be) and am rarely as dramatic as this student describes. Her information is false, Steve Frake is not that advisors name. We are not a conservative institution i mean its online how much more liberal can we be? Also we don't use test or quizzes, the whole program is paper based, sound s very conservative to me.....that was sarcasm. To be honest this whole site bothers me because this will remain permanent and it is unfair to my future that employers will see this if they type in my name on Google, given this is all a little on the hard core lunatic side. Simple fact, i help people, they graduate, than they make more money and live a better life. I will just have to learn to ignore this site and focus on the thank you letters i get from the students whom i have helped.


this lady is a whack job

#11REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, July 29, 2008

Melissa ****, whom i have never spoken to is nuts, Drimmer is a democrat and a hard core one at that. And my job is simply to re-enroll dead beat students like Melissa who is in fact in default with a beauty school she dropped out of, remind anyone of a song from Grease? I do good work here at AIU and do not appreciate my name being mentioned on here. I will be contacting a lawyer.

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