  • Report:  #109054

Complaint Review: American Marine Overseas - General Dynamics - Falls Church Virginia

Reported By:
- saipan, Other,

American Marine Overseas - General Dynamics
2941 Fairview Park Drive Falls Church Virginia Falls Church, 22042-3000 Virginia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Please view the geocity for Kathryn Coluzzi at


Joseph Coluzzi a Merchant Marine from Nyack New York moved worked for AMSEA American Overseas Marine and hired on out of their Personnel and Administrative Office on Howard Steet in Quincy Mass. He was assigned to a non conscripted cargo vessel, the Merchant Vessel Lopez with a home harbor on Saipan, in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands ( a US PRotectorate neare GUAM) in 1998. He married Kathryn Stewart an AMerican who lived and worked on Saipan. The marriage was officiated by Captain Boltin.They were married on the Vessel.

A few months later the crew and Captain rotated and the Vessel went on a "routine refueling" to the Guam Navy base to refuel.

Joe Coluzzi never came home. Kathryn was told he was missing.

Kathryn was told by this new Captain that her marriage was invalid.An article appeared in the Pacific Daily News to the effect that Joe was AWOL This impeded any effort by local police to investigate the crime, they thought it was a military matter.

In fact, the company was hiding the truth because they feared losing their contract with the Department of Defense.

When Kathryn was able to prove that her marriage was legal and when she located witnesses, copies of the marriage license, and the Captain who married her NEW YORK LIFE AND Lloyd's of London refused to pay her benefits. Read http://www/geocities/yahoo.com/coluzzijosephmissingperson

Kathryn learned that Joe was assaulted and cremated on Guam she has contacted many law enforcement agencies which illustrates the arcane laws empowering Captains of ships with absolute authority and demonstrates the frustrating matter of jurisdication in international maritime laws.Please contact her.



4 Updates & Rebuttals

Joseph and Kathryn Coluzzi Saipan

#109054 American Marine Overseas

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, June 03, 2011

   I remain deeply concerned about the posting which used my nickname variously Katan-ko, Katan or Ko  which was not one I used in the USA in any electronic correspondence until January 2007. At that time I breifly used the nickname electronically. I am quite certain the person who reported the complaint is someone who was obsessed with the opportunity to exploit my circumstances. My attorney, with the assistance of US Navy and US Army investigators as well as documentation I provided US Central Intelligence Agency and Scotland Yard have obtained admissions from individuals who insinuated themselves into the tragic circumstances surrounding the death of my late husband, Joseph Coluzzi.


A US Marshal asked me to identify a photo of a man who was identified in a photo caption as Captain Harold Boltin, the man in the photo I later observed in Charleston WV with a man wearing a phony Navy Uniform in W.Va. and also at CAMC hospital where I was a patient.


Witness names are known to my attorney. I am absolutely outraged by the innuendo surrounding my late husbands death which originate in WV . I know the names of people who acquired my property and am highly traumatized these people are  relatives of  a  politician (to whom I  wrote  requesting a field inspection and  also  to forward my mail  requesting a full report of the details surrounding my husband's death to the Admiral ) and also to an FBI Agent who has been quite obnoxious to me . I do trust and feel confident that Agent Diane in Alexandria, and Lewis with the US Marshal's office in Alexandria and Agent Kahn with DOJ and Agent Jiminez with DOJ and Agent Javier Canne with DOJ and the FBI on Saipan and other authorities, including a friend of my father's who is at West Point and is a Professor Emeritus will resolve. 

An adult  child of an acquainnntance  caused me tremendous distress and has exhibited deviant behavior which has caused me injury through a vicarious interest in my life. This individual's behavior is documented and witnessed. Please contact my attorney, Donald Chavous, MD JD in Palm Desert California for information concerning this matter.

Factual information and a detailed report concerning Joseph's death was mishandled by incompetent people who accepted the word of a man who attacked my husband just days before his death. There were serious issues which Joe reported to the home office of his company, military authorities and the US Navy were informed of these issues. My cell phone is available to the owners of this site, but please contact my attorney, his information is available on the internet.

My name was forged, the forgery was proven and I was apparently impersonated leading to embezzlement of my property.

Joseph and Kathryn Coluzzi Saipan

United States of America
American Marine Overseas complaint was not written by me

#3REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, May 31, 2011

I am Kathryn Coluzzi, I married Joseph Coluzzi aboard the MV Lopez more than 200 miles off shore from Saipan two years after I divorced Dr. Jay J. McDonald, Optometrist on Guam, USA. My first rebuttal dropped a few lines as I was tremendously upset the author of the report which mistakenly identified the company Joe worked for using the wrong name of the company. I did not have any accounts using my log  Katan Ko until I received my laptop as a gift on Christmas 07. I believe the report dated 2004 was written by someone else. My byline for Saipan Tribune was Kat Ko or Ko, for Marianas Variety my bylines were Kathryn Stewart or Kathryn McDonald before my divorce. During the 80's I wrote an article about the company Joe worked for which was published in Louis Benevente's newspaper when I visited my parents from my former home in Texas.  I used my name for articles written between 1976 and 2010. My

name Kathryn Stewart McDonald is on all correspondence along with my married name Kathryn Coluzzi.

I am upset the posting for American Overseas indicates I have complaints against Lloyd's of London. Nothing could be further from the  the truth  I met Allen met in Virginia when I returned to the USA. Llyod's of London is very honorable. I sent lists of incidents and some terrifying situations after my return to the East Coast USA to Scotland Yard. I believe my name was used by a person who wanted to insinuate themselves into my legal problem. My attorney, Donald Chavous made a phone call to a US Marshall to confirm the problems I had with people from West Virginia for years, and incidents involving people in vehicles with WV license plates have also been reported to Alexandria Virginia police who were kind enough to organize a teleconference which included Scotland Yard. I also have a witness in Alexandria a US Marshal who observed emails which were menacing and concerned my late husband in Alexandria Va in April  08 at King and West Street. Since that time I have participated in other

teleconferences managed by Donald Chavous MD JS  law office/ Just a few weeks ago  a US Coast Guard man who was in our house was asked to listen to statements made to me by telephone when I called for an ambulance to assist my mother.

I have nothing but the highest regard for Lloyd's of London and Scotland Yard and Donald Chavous, MD JD in Palm Desert California who offered to help me locate information about my husband. I appreciate Rex Palacious and my friends on Saipan who stepped forward. I am grateful Allen in UK met with me in Alexandria.  I have provided Rip Off Report with my cell phone, which might be out of minutes and will be refilled in a few days. I can be reached at [email protected] I am presently in WV where I am very unhappy as Joe's death has been used to harass me. I taught school in South Korea, taught at Connecticut School of Broadcasting, worked for DC Government, worked for a lobbyist and had quite a few temporary jobs after Joe died. I did not receive any benefits. I apologize for the typing errors and other gaps in my previous post but I was upset to find it. I did once run across a bogus web site with the photo image of a man who was captioned as Captain Harold Boltin and showed it to US Marshal in Alexandria. Perhaps this man also posted the original report which incorrectly names the company. I too reported all incidents to the CIA, the Central Intelligence Agency, with correct contact information. Perhaps I was impersonated by the person who posted the reported using my nickname before I ever used it electronically ! 

I am not hard to find. I accept e-mail and reply to anyone with a legitimate reason to contact me

about Joe I have very limited financial resources at this time. Please don't use my cell number unless the situation is very grave.

I have also contacted a Professor Emeritus Jag office at West Point who was a friend of my family in Tunisia where my parents were posted by the US Dept of State when I was a child. I have also contacted friends who are currently posted to Embassies abroad. It seems to many people my husband was murdered and there was a cover up, later the insurance was misappropriated and so too was the house we were to have inherited. I grieve Joe's father died in a nursing home because if I had the money, the life insurance, I would have gone to his father and helped pay the bills. I could easily have found a job in their area. I grieve his mother died not knowing what happened to her son. I am disgusted by West Virginians who have seized on my situation which they learn of through hear say and very twisted self serving local people and attempt to use my family tragedy for their own personal gain

. I have attempted to constructively apply my energy to bringing forward flaws in the awarding of DOD contracts and flaws in oversight, I also believe the process of assigning  field inspectors to vessels has a lot of room for improvement.

I will be pleased to hear from the US Navy or Coast Guard.

I have had background clearances and criminal background checks and lab corps tests for my professional positions since 1976 and have clearances.  I have been bonded, studied Criminal Justice, worked at District Attorney's office as intern and at Austion Police Dept as a temp during college. I also have worked for attorneys and for Equifax where I was registered as an investigator. I am a journalist and author. I do accept temporary jobs which may be considered menial, but the friends I made in these positions are wonderful people.

Please do not contact me if you have an interest in my husband. My attorney, Donald Chavous MD JD is a wonderful person, accepts email through his web site and is located in Palm Desert California.

Joseph and Kathryn Coluzzi Saipan

United States of America
AMSEA Coluzzi Typo

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, May 30, 2011

I am Kathryn Coluzzi writing to correct the name of the company which employed my husband

the company is

AMSEA-  The link is



I was asked by a man with ties to WV government to describe the efforts I made to contact authorities

for information about Joe.

FBI on Saipan and Guam

Coast Guard on Saipan and Guam

US Air Force  Guam

US Navy Guam

AMSEA Qunicy office ( They were nasty)

Guam Police

Saipan Police

Saipan Ports Authority

City of Houston Police Dept

Phone call Judge Joe Keegans baliff (for general information)

Merchant Seaman's Association


Master's Mates and Pilots in Person

Seafarer's International

I constructed six web pages and blogs

Coluzzi Joseph Missing Person,  Captain Joseph Coluzzi, Coluzzi Joseph Merchant Seaman

and others

US Senator McCain (very helpful)

Former US Senator Clinton (very helpful)

Max Bacchus Montana (very helpful)

US Capitol Police Washington DC (where I had job related tasks for lobbying firm)

NYC Police

West Nyack Police

Traveled to New York

Captain Joseph Coluzzi, ColuzziJoseph Merchant Seaman, Joe and KathrynColuzzi

Reported Joe's name to Missing Person Web Site

I went to Pacific Daily News and asked them to do a story

Social Security

Veterans Hospitals

Guam Hospital

 US Marine Corps Pentagon USA in person

Pentagon in person 2nd visit in 2005

Norfolk in person

I also contacted an acquaintance at United Press International and asked the Bureau Chief to please maintain my list of contacts and responses from those whom I contacted

Ports Authorities in all ports visited by AMSEA fleet vessels and local newspapers at those ports

Spoke with retired Admiral N.C.

Spoke with Jag office Gen at West Point

Spoke with US Marshall B Lewis in Alexandra, Va. April 14 2008 at King and West

 I Located Donald Chavous MD JD who has taken  case pro bono

I lost my husband, our unborn child, became destitute after returning to the USA to pursue this matter

I discovered people with ties to former member of the Defense Committee acquired my family home in Nyack, I discovered Joe's life insurance was dispersed to the wrong person and that many people have an interest in covering up the issues which Joe reported before his death. Of all law enforcement involved Crish... is the worst. At a university lecture open to the  public in 2011 in WV he announced

a bullet had been removed from my husband's brain. He asked if I had killed Joe. No and I was never a suspect.

My Senator in Virginia is very decent and has offered suggestions. 

I also entered information into  'Rally Congress' to assure documentation of my issues would be in bins.

US Senate Defense Committee Member (unfortunate choice as this person demanded money in exchange for forwarding the mail)

The most trustworthy people have been Loyd's of London  and Scotland Yard  ( where I sent an ongoing journal of incidents ) both Lloyds and Scotland Yard provided me with information and direction which was honorable.

Joseph and Kathryn Coluzzi Saipan

United States of America
Coluzzi Joe and Kathryn Saipan

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, May 30, 2011

I am the widow of Captain Joseph Coluzzi of the Merchant Vessel Lopez. We made our home on Saipan where my family first moved in 1970 after my father left the United States Dept of State for the Dept of Interior. While on Saipan my father had TDY with State Dept and other Federal Agencies relocating to other countries. My parents returned to Saipan where my Dad worked with local government and my Mother opened an advertising agency. I was divorced in 1993 and moved home. I lovd my husband more than anything in the world. We were very happy. Joe died a short time after we eloped. I could write  volumes about why I loved him, how amazing I found him to be. I could cite thousands of examples which illustrate his character and integrity. I could tell you the stories of his childhood, I could tell you about a  relationship in his past  his earlier heartbreak which paralled my own previous experience. I could tell you what a good musician he was and how much fun he was, but he was also a serious man and a man who was not afraid to stand up for what is right. Instead I can only tell you my husband died and noone  informed me in writing.  this isn't something which happens to people in the world we inhabited. Husbands don't die and if they do it isn't like this.

Joe and I knew each during the 70's and 80's  as friends. He arrived on Saipan aboard the Merchant Vessel  Lopez, we fell in love and were married by Captain Harold Boltin on the vessel after Joe had passed his Captains license.  When he arrived on Saipan I was the happiest person on earth. He was well liked by my friends and my cousin who also were employed by AMSEA. We eventually eloped, his father and mother were both in poor health and could not travel to a wedding on Saipan. My father and mother traveled to Guam for medical treatments. Our marriage was announced and has been affirmed by those on Saipan who knew Joe and I, including the clergy who were also close friends of mine. We had a beautiful love story. Joe was romantic, humorous, compassionate, mature, stable, intelligent, inquisitive and thoughtful. Joe was a member of Mensa, while on Saipan he participated in our community. People gravitated to Joe, he was interested in other people. Joe was a multi lingual.

My husband provided insurance for me. When Joe went to work on the aforementioned routing refueling to Guam, it was the  day after  he was attacked in front of many witnesses at Rudy's by John M.

A rotation had occured, Captain Boltin was on vacation and another Captain was on the ship. The Vessels often have two Captains. Joe had reported equipment problems, personnel problems, violations of the crews union contracts by the personnel office in Quincy and criminal problems aboard the ship.

Joe was previously a United States Marine, he was awarded Five Silver Stars and a Purple Heart in combat. Joe had been  a POW in Vietnam.

Joe never came home, I received a fax during a  Chamber of Commerce meeting. The man who gave me the fax simply told me that there were problems and I should go to the shipping agency, Ambyth.

The fax said Joe was Missing. I went to the shipping office, they said he was AWOL. I knew immediately something was wrong and suspected he was hurt or killed by the man who had attacked him in front of witnesses. I informed all local and federal law enforcment agencies, went to local newspapers and also called his home company in Qunicy.

I heard four or five versions of what happened. The company denied our marriage was valid. Our marriage was valid. I believe Joe was murdered. I later learned his remains were sent to Wiesbotten for processing My inquiries to Defense Committee Members started a chain reaction which involved impediment my efforts to obtain information about what happened to Joe and obstructed release of life insurance he provided me as well as auctioning our family home which belonged to my in laws preceeded in death only a short time by their son.

I went to tremendous personal efforts to locate Joe, I returned to the USA with very little money and visited the Pentagon. It makes me sick to learn that the familyof a federal law enforcement officer and a person in W.Va were involved in dispersal of my property and insurance settlement. Lloyds of London had nothing to do with misappropriation of the funds. Joe never lived in or visited W.Va. I have always loathed the state where my grandmother lived. I unfortunately wrote to an elected official in W.Va. with details of my efforts to obtain a report from the US Navy concerning Joe's disappearance. The mail was processed by unsavory people who at this time seem to have illegally acquired my settlement and my home, as with insurance I would have been able to make  payments for Joe's family. I am sickened by the ignorance of people in positions charged with handling this situation and I am nauseated by the politicians who permitted this exploitation.  

I do believe that there were efforts made to cover up the crimes and violations my husband reported. I believe my husband was murdered, otherwise one Captain would have lost his job and another crew member might have gone to prison, also the company might not have had their Department of Defense Contract renewed had the ship failed to pass inspection. The union might have been able to file a lawsuit against the company. After the rotation there were motives for murder of my husband by people employed with the company. Joe died following  a witnessed assault against him by John M.  All through this process obstacles and impediments to release of information prevented me from obtaining my husbands remains, my settlement, our home. I have encountered very corrupt public officials. Someone in WV started a rumor that I killed Joe, a person I have never seen before put a gun at my head while I was visiting my grandmother in the hospital apparently under the impression there is a reward or bounty for me or information about me. 

My husband's faith sustains me. When I am bewildered by the degree of evil which took  my husband's life, I think of the faith Joe and I shared together. 

I am convinced correspondence I sent to  a US Senator in WV because he was on the Defense Committee was seen and used for financial gain by unscrupulous  people in W.Va. Te people I have met here are vultures. I met a federal agent who said Ann P, his cousin, bought my home. This man is related to the WV politicians. I sent copies of  demands made of me via mail to law enforcement some time before I was attacked at the hospital.

There is something sick and depraved in our society, criminal behavior is tolerated at the highest level of government, including the Department of Defense.  It is more than negligence which prevented me from achieving a resolution to my husband's death, which sent me into a despair unfathomnable to most people. I am appalled by the immaturity and ignorance of people in WV who have seized on this issue as a source of entertainment and view my situation as a great treasure hunt. Women in WV, generally those who are ugly, uneducated and jealous of my lifestyle ask me if I killed my husband. I do not know these women, but all work for the State Government. It is obvious my husband's death is used as a weapon to hurt me by women who possibly maintain relationships with those who received correspondence about Joe. I  have a  very distant cousin  with  criminal inclinations who might have been involved  in exploiting me for financial gain after hearing about Joe before my grandmother died through the family grapevine, but this would not have been possible without assistance from a public official who used a federal agency to divert information and assets.

I have finally located an attorney, after living behind political  smoke and fun house mirrors for years. Of all the people I encountered those in WV are the must rabid, I have few contacts in WV and studiously avoid involving myself with local people in WV. They insinuate themselves into my life and do not have exhibit middle class behavior, even those educated WV'ians. For example, Dr. Poll was at my grandmother's hospital, he made a point to tell me he worked previously at Weisbotten and described what he did to human bodies, out of the clear blue sky. This made me very sick. I caught a glimpse of a WV politician nearby.  I hate West Virginia passionately. The mindlessness of people, some apparently
 even educated, is incredible. They just go along with whatever anyone asks them to do without question. I have never met such lower class people with professional degrees as I have in this State

 I am eager to leave.

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