  • Report:  #165513

Complaint Review: Ameriquest Mortgage Company - Orange California

Reported By:
- Dallas, Texas,

Ameriquest Mortgage Company
P.O. Box 1100 Orange, 00000 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
It's been 6 days now and all of us former employees have spoken to each other and I have read these posts on this site, amongst other news sites. I still do not know what the h*ll happened to us?!?! How was this justified???

We're trying to figure out the exact motive behind why they fired the best and kept the worst??? People who were the best producers, the best motivation for everyone else,the blood of this company- simply the ones that made themselves and the company alot of money, and spent their career, building the reputation of this company to being the best, were canned!!! WTF!?!? The people who only maintained 5 or less units per month for a long long long time, and could give 2 sh*ts about the company they worked for, kept their jobs..... HOW DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE!?!?

This company is in for a serious shock though- how? well how about the fact that in each Area accross America, there was a brotherhood grown between each employee, manager, area and regionals...Our own form of politics will hold strong. You fired some high up people. Do you not think that once one of those people you canned gets into another company, that maybe all your ex and even the current employees will join that person, and suddenly leave your piece of sh*t company because they trust that person more than some a**hole over in California- who by the way has to record his voice on a loop for the entire company to be shattered by the news of loosing their jobs and putting their families life in jeopardy while he runs and hides, jerks it a couple times, and waits for this to blow over!!! Where are you Roland?!? Where are you Mary h*o??? The guy from GM had balls enough to go on camera and announce his companies demise!! How come you can't!?! Are ya to chicken sh*t!?! F**ckers!!!

But you just wait and see what the future holds for this company, I for one nor my family and friends will NEVER do business with Ameriquest ever again, and word will spread from there... call it a way of "PAY IT FORWARD" B**CHES!!!!!!

Do you even know what "Do the Right Thing" means???

"Proud Sponsor of The American Dream" my A**!! You're a nightmare to this country!!! And it's just a matter of time to when the American public wakes up and you're over!!!!

My name didn't matter to you before,

Why would it now!?!?!?, Texas

11 Updates & Rebuttals


In rebuttle to Jon.....yea right!

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, November 24, 2005

You surely can't be serious that there are some EX-employees who didn't commit the same fraudulent practices that your scumbag company required them to do. I know all about your training classes. It seems to me, while attending these classes, you would have ran like hell. But no, you stayed so you could join the rest by lying and stealing from their customers. If you expect us, the customers YOU and your company have screwed, to believe what you say, you must be stupid as hell. OH wait, you probably are since you worked for Ameriquest. I've noticed that the ex and current employees of suckass Ameriquest can't spell worth a s**t. But, you don't have to be able to spell to push a bogus contract at someone knowing the whole time you are screwing them. Like we care people are getting canned. I'm glad. Now they know what it feels like to be bent over and not even kissed first. I'm lovin' it. I don't feel sorry for anyof you. In fact, I'm elated. Maybe the employees that are still working for this f**kin' rip off company just lied a little more than the employees that got booted out. You say "it's your job as a consumer to educate yourself and know what you're doing with your money." That's bullshit if I ever heard it. Try checking out your stupid a*s commercials. Wow, it's like a dream come true to finance with Ameriquest. They work with their customers even in times of hardship. That's such false advertising. They should be sued just for that. Try looking on the internet, besides here, and see what you read about their lying asses. I did educate myself before becoming a customer you piece of s**t. If I had known about this site, you can bet your a*s I wouldn't have even considered Ameriquest. You can continue to try to convince us, the screwed customers, and probably yourself, that you were a good representative who told no lies, commited no fraud and never ever pocketed a lot of money for committing these acts. You all are a joke. How can you even sleep at night? How can you live with yourselves? Like you, I have a goal too. I will see that no one, at least in Alabama, even thinks about refinancing with Ameritheft. I have contacted governors, senators and the Attorney General. I have called radio stations. I will make d**n sure everyone knows what a rotten egg this company is. Then all your little buddies that are still working there will be canned too! Will that make you happy? It will sure make my day! Good luck to all you ex-employees. Hope your Thanksgiving holiday was as good as mine but I kinda doubt it. I work at a reputable company that doesn't screw over good, decent hard working people. But, I have morals and you don't. You knew what you walked into and now you pay. Bummer!


in rebuttle to JD from Duluth ..some of us (including myslef) NEVER EVER commited any kind of fraud or bad practices

#3Author of original report

Wed, November 23, 2005

Say what you will about us, but please understand that some of us (including myslef) NEVER EVER commited any kind of fraud or bad practices. Thats what blows my mind!! The ones that actually cared and treated everyone with respect and disclosed EVERYTHING to each and every customer and made the Ameriquest name regain a positive edge, got fired- when the ones who gave two shits, had negative attitudes, and forged docs just so they could make the money and get at least one loan for the month, were the ones who were able to stay and continue working!!! How!?!? Can you clean a carpet floor with a mop and a bucket full of mud?!?!?!?! I will say it seems to be more state specific. In our Area in Texas, people who did wrong were fired. Bait and switch were NOT allowed with us. So it seems like a lot of different states have problems due to horrible management. Our Area Manager NEVER displayed poor management!! His solution was never "make it work", it was "go onto the next one" And guess what, he was laid off as well. ?!?!?!? Another great move by Ameriquest, lets get rid of the best, most ethical managers too!!! I bet those in other states that demand each loan to be done no matter what it takes, are still with the company.. I extened my apologies to everyone who was ever affected by an Ameriquest bad practice, for doing business with a company that ruined so much, but I also have to say, the world is full of corruption, it's your job as a consumer to educate yourselves and know what you are doing with your money. Instead of pointing it at someone who is just doing their job. Especially the ones that did right everytime and did NOT add to any wrong practices. I will also say, it will be my goal in life to ensure no one that I know ever works with or for them again.


in rebuttle to JD from Duluth ..some of us (including myslef) NEVER EVER commited any kind of fraud or bad practices

#4Author of original report

Wed, November 23, 2005

Say what you will about us, but please understand that some of us (including myslef) NEVER EVER commited any kind of fraud or bad practices. Thats what blows my mind!! The ones that actually cared and treated everyone with respect and disclosed EVERYTHING to each and every customer and made the Ameriquest name regain a positive edge, got fired- when the ones who gave two shits, had negative attitudes, and forged docs just so they could make the money and get at least one loan for the month, were the ones who were able to stay and continue working!!! How!?!? Can you clean a carpet floor with a mop and a bucket full of mud?!?!?!?! I will say it seems to be more state specific. In our Area in Texas, people who did wrong were fired. Bait and switch were NOT allowed with us. So it seems like a lot of different states have problems due to horrible management. Our Area Manager NEVER displayed poor management!! His solution was never "make it work", it was "go onto the next one" And guess what, he was laid off as well. ?!?!?!? Another great move by Ameriquest, lets get rid of the best, most ethical managers too!!! I bet those in other states that demand each loan to be done no matter what it takes, are still with the company.. I extened my apologies to everyone who was ever affected by an Ameriquest bad practice, for doing business with a company that ruined so much, but I also have to say, the world is full of corruption, it's your job as a consumer to educate yourselves and know what you are doing with your money. Instead of pointing it at someone who is just doing their job. Especially the ones that did right everytime and did NOT add to any wrong practices. I will also say, it will be my goal in life to ensure no one that I know ever works with or for them again.


in rebuttle to JD from Duluth ..some of us (including myslef) NEVER EVER commited any kind of fraud or bad practices

#5Author of original report

Wed, November 23, 2005

Say what you will about us, but please understand that some of us (including myslef) NEVER EVER commited any kind of fraud or bad practices. Thats what blows my mind!! The ones that actually cared and treated everyone with respect and disclosed EVERYTHING to each and every customer and made the Ameriquest name regain a positive edge, got fired- when the ones who gave two shits, had negative attitudes, and forged docs just so they could make the money and get at least one loan for the month, were the ones who were able to stay and continue working!!! How!?!? Can you clean a carpet floor with a mop and a bucket full of mud?!?!?!?! I will say it seems to be more state specific. In our Area in Texas, people who did wrong were fired. Bait and switch were NOT allowed with us. So it seems like a lot of different states have problems due to horrible management. Our Area Manager NEVER displayed poor management!! His solution was never "make it work", it was "go onto the next one" And guess what, he was laid off as well. ?!?!?!? Another great move by Ameriquest, lets get rid of the best, most ethical managers too!!! I bet those in other states that demand each loan to be done no matter what it takes, are still with the company.. I extened my apologies to everyone who was ever affected by an Ameriquest bad practice, for doing business with a company that ruined so much, but I also have to say, the world is full of corruption, it's your job as a consumer to educate yourselves and know what you are doing with your money. Instead of pointing it at someone who is just doing their job. Especially the ones that did right everytime and did NOT add to any wrong practices. I will also say, it will be my goal in life to ensure no one that I know ever works with or for them again.


in rebuttle to JD from Duluth ..some of us (including myslef) NEVER EVER commited any kind of fraud or bad practices

#6Author of original report

Wed, November 23, 2005

Say what you will about us, but please understand that some of us (including myslef) NEVER EVER commited any kind of fraud or bad practices. Thats what blows my mind!! The ones that actually cared and treated everyone with respect and disclosed EVERYTHING to each and every customer and made the Ameriquest name regain a positive edge, got fired- when the ones who gave two shits, had negative attitudes, and forged docs just so they could make the money and get at least one loan for the month, were the ones who were able to stay and continue working!!! How!?!? Can you clean a carpet floor with a mop and a bucket full of mud?!?!?!?! I will say it seems to be more state specific. In our Area in Texas, people who did wrong were fired. Bait and switch were NOT allowed with us. So it seems like a lot of different states have problems due to horrible management. Our Area Manager NEVER displayed poor management!! His solution was never "make it work", it was "go onto the next one" And guess what, he was laid off as well. ?!?!?!? Another great move by Ameriquest, lets get rid of the best, most ethical managers too!!! I bet those in other states that demand each loan to be done no matter what it takes, are still with the company.. I extened my apologies to everyone who was ever affected by an Ameriquest bad practice, for doing business with a company that ruined so much, but I also have to say, the world is full of corruption, it's your job as a consumer to educate yourselves and know what you are doing with your money. Instead of pointing it at someone who is just doing their job. Especially the ones that did right everytime and did NOT add to any wrong practices. I will also say, it will be my goal in life to ensure no one that I know ever works with or for them again.

Bill & Ted

Dr. Phil and Ameriquest Maybe they gave you monet to this family

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, November 22, 2005

Barbara and Ron have only been married for two months, but their blended household of eight is already out of control. "When I met Barbara, I had been a widower for about two years. My precious wife died suddenly. Never again would I imagine anything being so difficult as waking the kids up, and telling them that their mother is dead," he recalls. "I never wanted to get married again. But when he asked me to marry him, I didn't even hesitate," Barbara says. "I never thought I would have six kids. I'm nuts!" An added challenge is cramming eight bodies in a house that was built for two people. "I feel like we're a pack of puppies on top of each other," Barbara complains. "After the wedding, Ron brought Jake his stepson; Nick his nephew; and Emma, his daughter into my house with my kids: Tom, Cece, and Trent. Ron and I have permanent custody of Nicholas." Eighteen-year-old Cece shares a room with Emma, who is half her age. Cece comments, "There are three 15-year-old boys hitting puberty, just battling hormones. My family is the Brady Bunch from hell!" "Did you guys think about what the challenges were before you did this?" Dr. Phil asks the couple. "No, not at all," Barbara says. "I thought it would be easy, not thinking that there are 15-year-old boys that are all hitting puberty right now. And they have such different personalities. I never thought that it would be just chaos." Dr. Phil finds this interesting. "You didn't think that putting eight people ... compressed in this space would be a problem, let alone the dynamics and the personalities?" Ron says merging the families was a risk he had to take. "I saw problems coming, but my main intention was to marry this woman," he says. "Although I knew we were going to be cramped together, I saw six good kids who could work together to make it work." "You said if it was up to you, you'd have five more," Dr. Phil observes. "Well, I would love to have more kids, yes. It's fun! Makes me feel young," Ron says. "What do you need from him that you're not getting?" Dr. Phil asks Barbara. She replies that she wants her new husband to help out more with discipline. "I always seem like I'm so strict. I'm the one who's yelling at the kids all the time and telling them what to do," she says, conceding that Ron does back her up. "But I'm there all the time. I don't know how to deal with so many different personalities in the house." "Does she need more help from you than she's getting?" Dr. Phil asks Ron. "Probably." Dr. Phil brings all six kids up on stage. "So, how do you ever get any privacy? Two of y'all are living on the porch, right?" Jake speaks up. "It's me and Nick." "And this gets cold, does it not?" Dr. Phil asks. "Yes, very cold," Jake informs him. Ron elaborates. "This is temporary until the basement is complete. Then we're going to move in the basement and give up our room for them." Trent expresses his frustration with the cramped living situation. "We argue constantly. We are always in each other's faces. We argue over the tiniest little things. We have to share everything." When Dr. Phil suggests that they come up with a family plan, Barbara says, "We have done that a couple times. We sat everybody down and said, 'Look, we're together in this. And we need you guys to get along.'" "And what happens?" Dr. Phil asks. "It's OK for a day or two, and then it goes back to everybody bickering and fighting again," she says. Turning to Cece, the eldest girl, Dr. Phil asks how it feels to share a bedroom with an 8-year-old. "Well, I'm at school most of the time during the week, and then whenever I come home on the weekends, it's very tough to have to come home and worry about if she's going to be in the room," she says. Young Emma says it's not easy for her either. "Sharing a room with an 18-year-old is sometimes hard because she has a lot of posters up, and a lot of people I don't know," she says. Addressing Barbara, Dr. Phil says, "First off, you said that you look at all of these children as yours because you're wanting to be a mother and be loving and all. But the problem is, you got Jake and Nick who are not yours. And I can just tell you, that deciding that you're going to become the mother for Jake and Nick, it's not going to work. You don't have a history with them. To put you in the position of trying to mother them, discipline them, guide them in that fashion it won't work for you. It doesn't work for anybody. If you blend two families, and you've got teenagers, the stepparent is not going to come in and be the primary disciplinarian ... The two of y'all have to make a plan where everybody plays by the same rules, and you two support one another." Dr. Phil says that the constant bickering and feuding in the household is caused by reflexive biting. "If you put too many people in too small a space, no matter how docile they are, it can really create problems," he explains. He applauds their efforts for trying to blend their families. Since Ron and Barbara have been married for two months but never had a honeymoon, he has a surprise for them. "We want to send you on an all-inclusive trip to Fiji!" he says. The couple will fly Air Pacific for a seven-night stay on the island, a trip valued at $15,000. As Barbara covers her mouth in shock, Dr. Phil has more gifts for them. "With eight people living in a small, three-bedroom house, space is really big issue ... The people at Ameriquest, who are really good about creating families and homes and bringing them together, wanted to give you guys $100,000 to help this family. " "That's unbelievable!" Ron says, stunned. They will also receive a new dining room and bedroom furniture from JC Penney's Chris Madden Collection, worth $15,000. Bosch Home Appliances is providing $15,000 for a new stove top, range, dishwasher, refrigerator and washer and dryer. Dr. Phil also thanks Barbara Palmer, Senior VP of Ameriquest.


It is SO pleasurable to me to see all of these scumbag AE's at Ameritheft finally get what they deserve.

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, November 22, 2005

LMAO.....I think that letter was just beautiful. It is SO pleasurable to me to see all of these scumbag AE's at Ameritheft finally get what they deserve. Amazingly enough they only NOW badmouth their great and glorious Ameriquest now that THEY too...like all of their customers...have officially been shat on by this awful company. They cry because they lost their jobs...its not fair!!...we do TWICE as many bad fraudulant loans as the others...why do THEY get to stay? Ahahaha...you really expect any pity or sympathy from anyone? Plain and simple...you knew what a piece of garbage this company was...you stayed anyway because you were greedy and had no morals....you perpetrated it's fraud over and over again...robbing good people of their equity...only now when you have been canned on your asses do you come forward and speak against Arnall and Ameriquest. I say...when you play with a snake don't act suprised when it bites you on the a*s!! Boo f**kin h*o. I hope you all starve. ps: Just so you know...there is a hiring freeze with most mortgage companies now that prevents any hiring of ...you guessed it...former Ameriquest employees. Good luck finding a new job in this industry!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!


It is SO pleasurable to me to see all of these scumbag AE's at Ameritheft finally get what they deserve.

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, November 22, 2005

LMAO.....I think that letter was just beautiful. It is SO pleasurable to me to see all of these scumbag AE's at Ameritheft finally get what they deserve. Amazingly enough they only NOW badmouth their great and glorious Ameriquest now that THEY too...like all of their customers...have officially been shat on by this awful company. They cry because they lost their jobs...its not fair!!...we do TWICE as many bad fraudulant loans as the others...why do THEY get to stay? Ahahaha...you really expect any pity or sympathy from anyone? Plain and simple...you knew what a piece of garbage this company was...you stayed anyway because you were greedy and had no morals....you perpetrated it's fraud over and over again...robbing good people of their equity...only now when you have been canned on your asses do you come forward and speak against Arnall and Ameriquest. I say...when you play with a snake don't act suprised when it bites you on the a*s!! Boo f**kin h*o. I hope you all starve. ps: Just so you know...there is a hiring freeze with most mortgage companies now that prevents any hiring of ...you guessed it...former Ameriquest employees. Good luck finding a new job in this industry!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!


It is SO pleasurable to me to see all of these scumbag AE's at Ameritheft finally get what they deserve.

#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, November 22, 2005

LMAO.....I think that letter was just beautiful. It is SO pleasurable to me to see all of these scumbag AE's at Ameritheft finally get what they deserve. Amazingly enough they only NOW badmouth their great and glorious Ameriquest now that THEY too...like all of their customers...have officially been shat on by this awful company. They cry because they lost their jobs...its not fair!!...we do TWICE as many bad fraudulant loans as the others...why do THEY get to stay? Ahahaha...you really expect any pity or sympathy from anyone? Plain and simple...you knew what a piece of garbage this company was...you stayed anyway because you were greedy and had no morals....you perpetrated it's fraud over and over again...robbing good people of their equity...only now when you have been canned on your asses do you come forward and speak against Arnall and Ameriquest. I say...when you play with a snake don't act suprised when it bites you on the a*s!! Boo f**kin h*o. I hope you all starve. ps: Just so you know...there is a hiring freeze with most mortgage companies now that prevents any hiring of ...you guessed it...former Ameriquest employees. Good luck finding a new job in this industry!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!


sponsor of the american dream - more like nightmare

#11Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 22, 2005

I'm so sorry to hear about the trouble you are going through with this company, try being a home owner that has lost her American dream. And than has to sit and watch them on tv, American dream my butt. Rolling Stones,Access Hollywood and who ever else helps them shame on you.

Bill & Ted

Hey Texas He's giving YOUR money to BUSH and buying a new Racecar for Dawn.

#12Consumer Comment

Tue, November 22, 2005

And having a Great Thanksgiving.

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