  • Report:  #156296

Complaint Review: Ameriquest Mortgage - Orlando Florida

Reported By:
- Palm Bay, Florida,

Ameriquest Mortgage
200 E. Robinson St Orlando, 32801 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My story is basically the same as everyone else's.

I have recently come to the conclusion that I have been the victim of predatory lending. I have hence done much research on Ameriquest Mortgage, and they have a terrible reputation. I wish I had known this beforehand. I contacted them after receiving a mailer to see about doing a cash-out refi on my home. I had a low interest, 30yr. assumable 5.75% FHA loan, but I was interested in converting it to a conventional loan and also do some home improvements. My credit scores at the time were EQ: 625 EX: 579 TU: 564

Ameriquest said that because of my low scores, I could not qualify for a prime rate. I was attempting to get $20,000 cash out for home improvements. They were valuing my home at $191,000, although actual market value was closer to $250,000. Their first offer for a 30yr. (first 2 yrs. fixed, then converts to an adjustable loan) was well over 8%, and was charging around 6 points. They couldn't give me the whole $20,000, and they wanted me to pay off my new auto loan. They also wanted me to pay off a judgment that was showing up on my CR. There was also a pre-payment penalty the first 3 yrs. I agreed at first, but then backed out a few days later. They were quite annoyed about it, and tried to talk me into keeping their offer, claiming it was a "credit building" program and would be the best way to raise my credit scores. They were wanting to close in less than a week, and something just didn't seem right about it.

Their second offer was announced in a phone call from Diosa claiming that they could give me the whole $20,000 cash out I was asking for, and wouldn't require paying off the judgment. The interest rate was reduced to 7.7%, but the other elements remained (3 yr. prepayment penalty, first 2 yrs. fixed then switching to adjustable, must pay off my automobile loan that was under a year old). I asked for a GFE, and she said she would produce one. Again, they pushed for a quick closing, less than a week. I asked for the GFE a couple days later, and still they would not produce one. I was told it would be available at closing of escrow. This confused me, and scared me, as I had no idea how much this offer of credit was going to cost me.

At closing, the GFE was finally revealed. I know now why they waited. My payoff on my mortgage was only $113,820, my auto loan was $14,670, and cash to me was $20,000. This left $11,680 in misc. fees!!! Of this amount, $8,013 went directly to Ameriquest Mortgage!!! Their loan discount was 3.986%, appraisal fee was $325 and I sent a written statement asking for a copy of the appraisal and they never sent it. Other fees were $70 for tax related service fee, $9 flood search, $626 lenders processing fee, $239 admin fee, and $360 application fee!!! This does not include the title fees. Outrageous!

I do believe that they purposely omitted the GFE in order to intimidate me, since at the time of escrow, it's difficult to back out. The GFE wasn't even explained in any detail, and each page of the contract was rushed through. Although I had a week to back out, I had already invested a lot of time and effort (copies, faxes, taking time off from work, etc.) and felt that what the mortgage company was telling me about my credit wasn't going to get me any more favorable terms.

I do not know what is available to me as an outcome, since I started making payments on this new account in July, 2005. My monthly mortgage payment has gone from under $1,000 a month (very manageable, with my old FHA mortgage) to over $1,300 a month (very unmanageable). I am afraid of not being able to make my mortgage payment in the near future, and of suffering credit damage because of it. Thank goodness I found this site. I have contacted a consumer protection attorney about this matter, and will attempt to sue if he thinks we can win. Either way, I'm going to have to suck up the prepayment penalty and get out from under this loan. Just worried about my seemingly high back end debt ratio. (was told by Ameriquest it was 45% or so)

I haven't even scrutinized my paperwork that much, so not sure what else Ameriquest masked at closing, but that's what the attorney is for too. Why a company would screw it's customers that could very well become returning customers or referrals is beyond me. What a way to shoot yourself in the foot.


Palm Bay, Florida

Click here to read other Rip Off Reports on Ameriquest Mortgage Company

11 Updates & Rebuttals


Kim-Govt turns the blind eye

#2Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 14, 2005

Kim, Nice observation on government not doing anything. Problem is we've had a BUSH in the kingdom for far too long now. That and a republican controlled senate and congress are why nobody can approach the big business machinery that allows companies like this and Enron to exist. It's because all their pals run these corporations, donate gazillions of dollars to their campaigns, and nobody but rich people can get into congress or senate any more like it used to be. Rich people don't give a d**n about you and me and anyone else they screw along the way. They're going to protect their interest as you would your own baby. Pres. Bush (Sr.) said it best when he was trying to get re-elected "I will do everything possible to remain in office". That's straight out of Machiavellian phylosophy. That "everything" includes lying, cheating, murder, fraud, and anything else you can think of. Bush & Reagan should both be in jail...but then Bush was in the john when the Arms for Hostages thing happened....or so he said. Nice. Anyway....Ameriquest will eventually go the way of Enron but not until the people here complain to the PRESS about what is happening and take things into their own hands to publicize the Ameriquest fiasco as much as possible. Nobody reads George Hayduke any more...but you all should...and take it to heart. Big business has deep pockets...and Ameriquest will be forgiven their sins until someone's political position is put in jeaprody because of them. Then just like Mr. Brown at FEMA...they will be cut off from the family fourtune when they are publicly shown to be as big of a fraud as we all know they are. It's time to show up at Ameriquest offices with picket signs saying "I got screwed here-with help from the NFL and the ROLLING STONES" and let people know who's behind the scenes pumping money into this company and protecting it. You gotta do it on a public walkway so-as not to get arressted for tresspassing...and you'll likely get put in the pokey (but released because you never really didn't do anything illegal)...and intimidated by the thug cops Bush hired with our 911 money to further erode at our rights. You'll get some press out of that for sure since they are sponsors with big bucks and a public image someone wanting a pulizer prize will want to drag through the mud. That's the way you are going to get these guys.

Kim And Teresa

Saint James,
What has't this company done.

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, September 14, 2005

It't pretty sad when you hear from all these different lending companies how Ameriquest has Ripped -Off so many people in so many different states and is still operating in the USA. Goes to show how are goverment works. T.M.


564 FICO will not get you 5.5

#4Consumer Suggestion

Tue, September 13, 2005

All you saying 564 FICO is not sub-prime...what planet are you on? I've been doing this a long time and YES by all means it is sub-prime...and of course all the other stuff like debt ratio and so forth is considered. But below 620...you're not going to get a great rate..plain and simple. Aside from that, this person obviously did a lot of hind-sight research...why don't more people put forth even 1/10th that effort on the front-end. Obviously she found this site after the fact. I work for a lender and always tell people to check it out....yeah...we're on there 3-4 times...but nothing like the 300+ Ameriquest has...200+ Countrywide has and all the others. JESUS can't people think in this country any more? Either way...if they failed to get the GFE to you within 3 days or the RESPA papers...they violated RESPA laws. (GO LOOK IT UP-I'm not gonna explain it here for you). Closing costs may also not exceed a specified percentage of the loan without being in violation of HOEPA - another one you shoudl look up. Likely they violated both. The simple fact is that this company got booted from Connecticut and are being sued left and right in more than 26 states as of July 05. More are likely on the way. I'm ashamed that they have sponsored the Rolling Stones tour, NFL, MLB and all...this just shows they have very deep pockets and high-up connections you are going to have to fight tooth-and-nail through to get some results. 4-5% of the loan would be an average of closing costs including mortgage tax, title, bank fees, recording fees, and the whole lot. If you do refinance again, ask for a CEMA so yo only pay the mortgage tax on the "new money" and not the whole loan again...that should save you a couple grand.


Sorry, Thats Funny.

#5Consumer Comment

Sun, September 11, 2005

Hum, You have a black and white husband? on my deed I have two husbands, and I'm not even married. and we are all on the same deed. I hear lately, That the Ameriquest lawyers read this site and post here. I hope ameriquest is paying them well, I'm sure they are laughing all the way to the bank. Good Luck to everyone! From Florida :o) U.S.A?


Sorry, Thats Funny.

#6Consumer Comment

Sun, September 11, 2005

Hum, You have a black and white husband? on my deed I have two husbands, and I'm not even married. and we are all on the same deed. I hear lately, That the Ameriquest lawyers read this site and post here. I hope ameriquest is paying them well, I'm sure they are laughing all the way to the bank. Good Luck to everyone! From Florida :o) U.S.A?


Sorry, Thats Funny.

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, September 11, 2005

Hum, You have a black and white husband? on my deed I have two husbands, and I'm not even married. and we are all on the same deed. I hear lately, That the Ameriquest lawyers read this site and post here. I hope ameriquest is paying them well, I'm sure they are laughing all the way to the bank. Good Luck to everyone! From Florida :o) U.S.A?


Sorry, Thats Funny.

#8Consumer Comment

Sun, September 11, 2005

Hum, You have a black and white husband? on my deed I have two husbands, and I'm not even married. and we are all on the same deed. I hear lately, That the Ameriquest lawyers read this site and post here. I hope ameriquest is paying them well, I'm sure they are laughing all the way to the bank. Good Luck to everyone! From Florida :o) U.S.A?


Palm Bay,
Update they made many misrepresentations on my application

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, September 11, 2005

I went through all of my paperwork, and saw that they made many misrepresentations on my application, as well as leaving a lot of information blank. From inflating my gross income, to adding assets I don't have, they even put my husband's ethnicity as "white" even though he's "black". Some of our other complaints were being denied the opportunity to choose our own title company, not receiving a copy of our credit reports and scores (not being able to keep them from running my credit report even though I was not going to be on the note), and not being allowed to set up an escrow acct. for taxes and insurance at the time of the loan. Diosa was oblivious as to how consumers can improve their scores through credit repair, and I knew there was inaccurate information on our credit reports. She said that even if I did get things fixed or removed, our credit scores are based on the last 2 years, so won't move up or down until then! What a nutcase she was. Do loan officers really believe the BS they feed people? Can't wait to litigate.


Palm Bay,
Sueing Ameriquest

#10Consumer Comment

Thu, September 08, 2005

I talked to an attorney today who has a lot of litigation experience in these types of cases, and he believes I have a solid case against them. It is my intent to recover damages and/or bargain for the dismissal of the prepayment penalty, and of course to refinance. I have been doing some credit repair in the last several months getting rid of negative and inaccurately reporting trade lines on my credit reports, (another lawsuit or three waiting to happen!) so my scores should be going up after the initial shock of losing age/high credit limits/etc...(I hate FICO!) I've sent letters to the FTC and BBB, and am getting ready to send one to the AG as well. I don't see any point in complaining to the company especially in light of Ameriquest's long history of fraud and misrepresentation as well as discrimination. What are they gonna do? Say "I'm sorry I screwed you?" But will keep ripoffreport updated as my case progresses. I've never sued anyone in my life. But there is a time and a place for everything. Ameriquest deserves to be punished.


Tom, I think you need to check your "facts" before posting incorrect info

#11Consumer Suggestion

Thu, September 08, 2005

Tom, being a "state licensed mortgage broker" does not mean you have correct answers. You said that a 574 FICO makes a borrower "sub-prime". That is absolutely incorrect. I have scored loans through Fannie Mae's D.O. engine with scores lower than this and received "Approve/Eligible" scores. You should know what this means if you are a licensed broker. FICO scores are usually NOT the determining factor that makes a transaction "sub-prime". Income(debt ratios), over 90% loan-to-value, lack of reserves, mortgage lates, other derogatory items will make a transaction sub-prime. A loan amount of $152,800 (80% of $191,000) would have been sufficient to pay off what she wanted, gotten the $15K-$20K and still had enough room for settlement charges. Even if Tracy had to go over the 80%LTV, a little bit of PMI would have been better than a sub-prime loan. Tom, you do realize that FICO scores are not even a factor in delivering a conventional, comforming loan to Fannie or Freddie, right?



#12Consumer Comment

Thu, September 08, 2005

tracy: my name is tom and i am a state licenced mortgage broker in ohio. first off -ameriquest is right -your middle score of 574 puts you into the 'sub prime ' category. however, fha allows you to refi up to 85% loan to value - about 170000 according to even a 200000 appraisal. you could still keep your prime interest rate -but not get ripped off by ameriquest and get cash out. the idea of converting out of fha to convential with your score is impossible. you dont qualify for conforming yet. Conforming for a score less than 620 (680 really) isnt availiable. even with the pre pay - in the long run its better for you to refi right now again fha and get these Ameriquest monsters out of your life. they sold you down a river of bs. Your closing costs should not have been over 4500 for your loan size. contact a mortgage professional in florida and im sure he will be glad to tell you what i have written here.

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