  • Report:  #122148

Complaint Review: Angela Curtis - Nationwide

Reported By:
- singapore, Asia,

Angela Curtis
http://www.astro-group.com/cgi-bin/angela_form.cgi?code=&fname=&d= Nationwide, France
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In the month May 2004, Frequently I got mail from Angela Curtis, about The Venus Transit of June 8, 2004. She told me that 8th June 2004 will change my life. She compelled me to predict.

I believed her because of her frequent mails. I mailed her that I am not that much rich to pay you what you asked. Then I was asked to pay US$20. After I made the payment I realised that venus transit report is love and romance report. Then Immediately I emailed her that I made payment but you please predict for my academic and career, bcause it will be more useful than the love and romance report. I have not get any reply from her.

I got the reading also, It is venus transit- a love and forecast reading. Really I dont have girlfriend yet and I am single. But she sent me a love and forecast reading. I read the meaningless report. The report was talked about relationship with my girlfriend.

I mailed her back that I am single and now I am not looking for girlfriend, then how come your report will come true. She thought that I am a married man. I asked her, who told you that I am married or i have girlfriend. But I have not get any reply from her.

I told her that refund my money otherwise I have to make police complaint against her. For that mail also, I have not get any reply.

I can paste the txt file what she had sent me. it is a very general report which can match to anybody in this world, she sent me nothing about personal. Actually she predicted love and forecast report for a Bachelor who is not looking.

I dont think so, that she is a real astrologer. She must be cheat. I am sure about it. In my rest of my life, I never trust anybody. She must be punished. Because, Killing my emotions and killing me is the one and the same.

The report i got from her:


Love & Romance Forecast for


May 31, 1980

6:45 AM


June 8, 2004 - December 8, 2004



1 route de Bordeaux

33550 Langoiran


Your Love & Romance Forecast begins on the following page. If the time period for an interpretation is, for example, given as "Apr 1, 1998 (Feb 15, 1998 to May 15, 1998)", then it starts in mid-February, reaches greatest intensity around April 1, and ends in mid-May. The first date listed is the time when the influence has reached maximum strength; we can call this date

the "peak date". The influence starts on the beginning date, gradually increases in strength until the peak date is reached, and then it gradually fades out until the ending date is reached.

You may also notice that the same interpretation shows up periodically during the year; this is not unusual. To eliminate redundant interpretations, you may be informed that the astrological influence also occurred earlier and that you should refer back to the previous occurrence of this interpretation.

At the top right margin after the dates, the abbreviated names of the aspects and the two factors involved are given. For example, "Jup Sqr Sat" means that during the given dates "transiting Jupiter" is squaring your "natal Saturn". That is to

say, the first factor that appears is always the transiting planet (present position of the planet in the zodiac), while the second component of the pair is "natal", or the position it was in the zodiac at your birth.

At the beginning of each interpretation the complete name of the aspect and the two factors involved are given in capitalized letters. As before, the first planet is in "transit" while the second is "natal".

Below it, the INTENSITY of the aspect is indicated in a scale from 1 to 10. That is to say, an aspect with an influence of 1 is very weak and may not even be noticed. On the other hand, an influence of 10 is very powerful. We can consider aspects with an intensity of 8, 9 or 10 VERY STRONG, 6 or 7 STRONG, 4 or 5 AVERAGE, DECREASING at 2 or 3 and VERY WEAK at 0 or 1.

This report interprets the aspects between the transiting planets and the following three natal planets: Moon, Venus and Pluto.

Tropical/Placidus NATAL CHART

Calculated for time zone 0 hours

Natal positions:

Sun= 9GE58 Moon=26SA28 Merc=28GE56 Ven= 1CN45 Mars= 9VI46

Jup= 2VI01 Sat=20VI16 Ura=22SC52 Nep=21SA37 Plu=19LI11


Natal: Sun Moon Merc Ven Mars Jup Sat Ura Nep Plu

Transiting: Sun Merc Ven Mars Jup Sat Ura Nep Plu


Conj ( 0 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min Oppos (180 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min

Sqr ( 90 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min Trine (120 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min

Sxtil ( 60 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min

June 6, 2004 5 PM(June 5, 2004 to June 8, 2004) Mars Sqr Plu



A disharmonious aspect of transiting Mars to Pluto greatly increases your vital and sensuous energies. Your desires, feelings and even passions can be quite high, which makes it necessary to control, moderate and soften these forces. You tend to express yourself with strong emotions and great psychological vigor, but on occasion could be a bit sharp or slightly explosive. Thus, you will also have to control your imagination, in order not to exaggerate or be obsessed by small details in your relationship. For example, there could be groundless jealousy with respect to your companion, or you may attempt to

impose your decision on him/her. If you think that your mate has offended you, or you are hurt by something that recently happened between you, it is best to express it clearly, with respect and as soon as possible. If both of you would be accumulating concerns or susceptibilities, they would come to

light quickly in the near future and would have to be discussed unnecessarily.

It is necessary to accompany the act of making love with intensive communication, before as well as during and after. Real sexuality requires a good psychic understanding between both partners so that there can be a real union. If distrust exists or one is concealing certain aspects from the other, it is very difficult to reach real ecstasy and happiness.

It is necessary that both of you share your daily decisions, so that you are not bound by commitments that previously have not been planned jointly. If each one acts on his own, then the other will feel why bother, which could increase individualism.

It is an excellent time to bring to light the psychological defects of each that had been retarding the development of the relationship. It would be good to talk about what you dislike about each other as well as what each one intends to change in himself. Conversation about your behaviors, attitudes, virtues

and psychological defects, as well as both of your daily experiences is the better way to strengthen your affectionate life. Sharing life together makes happier, and helping one another to better yourself establishes strong roots for the future. If each one wants to improve himself, and if each one

wishes that the other improve, the sentimental relationship will be firm and very creative. Speaking about the daily problems from a constructive and positive view without a doubt generates a better vibratory and psychic atmosphere in the relationship.

June 9, 2004 5 PM(June 8, 2004 to June 10, 2004)Sun Trine Plu



At this time your sexuality and total vital energy will be revitalized and must be released through a creative exchange.

You will be fully aware of the effect of love and of each instant in the interrelationship with your partner. Moments like this cannot be repeated and, without a doubt, constitute a great opportunity to develop and improve your own psychological

qualities. Sexuality is not only a release of energy, but to understand yourself through exchange with the other. The act of love is an event of self-understanding and personal self-realization.

This is a good time to openly express your feelings so that you will be totally sincere with yourself and with your loved one. Sharing is being open to new realities, and opening up is necessary for a confident and respectful environment. Putting

these qualities into practice will prove that boredom and monotony do not exist in real love. There always is something new to experience, to communicate and to put into practice.

Sexuality should not wear out your energy, but release, expand, revitalize and recover your personal strength. This is a good way of finding out if the relationship works correctly, since "nothing is created, nothing is destroyed and all is

transformed". Thus, the integral act of love must result in the revitalization of both partners on the physical as well as the emotional and mental levels. As a rule, when someone is tired, it is because you are not achieving an energy circuit adapted to the environment. On the other hand, when someone is revitalized, it is because you readily tune into others, and in this case,

your partner.

Talk about your improvements since you were together, comment on the psychological deficiencies you have surpassed, and bring to light those that still need a bit of polishing. This sincere exchange produces great results and deepens your level of communication.

These vague comments went on for the whole year telling me nothing - DO NOT give this woman your money!



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