  • Report:  #1132212

Complaint Review: Antrim County DHS & CPS - Bellaire Michigan

Reported By:
Christina MacQuarrie - Bellaire, Michigan,

Antrim County DHS & CPS
205 E Cayuga Bellaire, 49615 Michigan, USA
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Report Attachments

Is the law really on parents side?


Every state authorizes certain personnel – doctors, police, social workers (the list varies by state) – to remove your children from your care without a warrant, a court order, or any proof of abuse or neglect.

My five children were legally removed from my home because of a few fake phone calls to the police complaining kids were outside playing naked in the yard. The police always came within minutes and proved kids were fine, clothed, playing inside the house and even checked them for any marks, scratches, bruises and ect. finding none.

CPS finally took the children falsifying a report that the kids were being neglected, and placed my children with Christian Foster parents who have encouraged and worked hard to change the children's religion from Islam to Christianity.

CPS now seeks to fully terminate custody and legally adopt my children out in a few eeks. There has never been any physical evidence of neglect, abuse or harm.


CPS cite that even though my husband and I comply with all their service plans, the courts service plans and the Dr. Service plans we are unfit parents because:

1. Children eat with their right hands sharing from one platter as is customary in Islam.

2. Kids laugh in the hallway on the way to bathroom.

3. Kids turn bathroom light off when using bathroom for thirty seconds playing around.

4. Mother (I) wash toys and furniture santizing them once during flue season to cut down on illness.


5. I teach the kids Islamic belief that CPS Social Worker do not understand or agree with that are perfectly normal and acceptable for Muslim Americans.


What Can Be Done?

There is hope! A proposedParental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is already making its way through the Congress. Once adopted, the PRA will guard the fundamental right of parents to make decisions – medical, educational, in fact all kinds of decisions – for their children. To join the effort, sign the petition atparentalrights.org/petition.

Report Attachments

4 Updates & Rebuttals

Erik H.

Lots of Ignorant People Who know Nothing About CPS

#2General Comment

Wed, May 07, 2014


You need to do research before you write. If you think CPS is a perfect government entity than you are living in a lala land so wake up! More news about CPS corruption than news about police or military or any other politics corruption. CPS get sued everyday by innocent family. Google search it, it's easy to do so just do it!!!! Ever heard of the Justina Pelletier Family???? Next time when you think CPS only takes children away due to real threat, you better do your home or else CPS will come to your door to be their next prey due to your ignorance.


The Whole Story

#3General Comment

Thu, April 10, 2014

Christina MacQuarrie is a fraud.  She claims that DHS and other entities have gotten things "wrong."  There is in fact physical, psychological and medical evidence that proves that Christina and Halim are mean, sadistic and evil individuals.  Their children were taken away because they were mentally, physically and verbally absuive.  At least 3 of the children have cigarette burn scars, other physical scars and are all psychologically damaged due to Christna and Halim's intense corporal punishments and mistreatment of their children.  They both deserve to rot in the depths of hell for what they have done to these children.

 8 other states have taken these children away from them as well as Canada for a period of time in each state and they have moved constantly to keep from having the same states removing the children from their homes.  Christina and Halim decided to pull the "religion" card to get these children back and unfortunately the system has failed in regard to these children and myself and many others pray that no more harm or mistreatment befals these children.  

We are also hoping that Christina and Halim are met with the karma they deserve and rot in hell.  The children were placed with a loving family who gave them and treated them better and with more love and affection than they will ever get from Christina and Halim.  Its sad that the system did not work for these children and we pray that GOD will watch over them. You should be ashamed of yourself Christina for the way you have treated these children, the lies you have told and the person you are.  You should save us all the trouble and just find the end for yourself. 

Christina MacQuarrie


#4Author of original report

Thu, April 03, 2014

 I am unable to remove this original report that I wrote while angry regarding several local organizations in Antrim County Michigan. I should not have used such strong descriptions as false allegations and fraud. I would like to point out that in a recent meeting with Child Protective Services they have endeavored to say they see the favorable conditions and solutions in reuniting my family. There is no doubt from the police report that my neighbor who caused me to lose my children over their hatred for our religion of Islam, has indeed done me a favor. I am much closer to Allah seeking His pleasure, rewards and forgiveness then I was before. They have done me a favor I can never repay. This problem has blessed me to write, illustrate and publish several children's books as well as become an Islamic Law Student. Thank You. We hope and trust in Allah for their well being of our family and hope to be re-united soon.



#5Consumer Comment

Fri, March 21, 2014

 provide legal proof of these allegations.  CPS does not remove children because of religious beliefs and NO I do not nor would never work for them.  Your children (as you stated) were LEGALLY removed from you care for reasons that you fail to provide.  This report is one sided and I think the children were removed for reasons they deemed necessary. 

Once again CPS does not remove children due to religious beliefs - as for your "petition" that is crap.  Denying a child medical rights ie: religion to deny a child medical help is a CRIME! Instead of using the internet get a lawyer.  If you are innocent then get legal help.

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