  • Report:  #434444

Complaint Review: Armand Budish Speaker Of The House State Representative D Ohio - Columbus Ohio

Reported By:
- Mayfield Heights, Ohio,

Armand Budish Speaker Of The House State Representative D Ohio
77 S High Street Columbus, 43215-6111 Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
In Ohio, despite the Dems taking over the State House, it is just politics as usual - Hillcrest payoffs to Dr. O'Day continuing and unnecessary legal fees to Lt. Gov Lee Fisher's firm = the premier administrative law firm in Columbus for innocent physician Medical Board cases - sometimes for just objecting to the wrong care and not being a 'good' physician patient (allowing ridiculous surgeries, unnecessary exams by extra males, etc).

Armand Budish just thinks that no one is interested in the fraud and the ruined female physician lives - the Medical Board has been accumulating false physician disciplines since the early 1990s for stats - so what is one more case or life? - not worth 5 minutes of Speaker's time. Women physicians get the worst of the 'confidential' complaint system as anything can be re-invented into some psychiatric 'making too much,' ie why I didn't like Dr. Nice has been discussed in Columbus for years now - he's married, doesn't do hand fractures well, and is fat, balding and short. So the Ohio State Medical Board continues as the worst Medical Board in the country. They will fabricate anything even psychiatric diagnoses, cheat on any test and laugh, change or alter any testimony, and change the rules endlessly; 'change' is the name of the game in Ohio - just the wrong kind.

Meanwhile, physician lives, families & careers continue ruined with confidential' files which are not about patient care confidential' means that no one can face and defend the facts and that the Medical Board can continually morph' the facts privately behind the scenes trying to find a case which they won't share with other state licensing boards for peer review. And if you disagree, that IS an 'impairment' in Ohio. 'Confidential' means that the case can be endless, the appeals useless.

This corruption happens in no other of the 50 states. The witnesses are faceless, silent and anonymous and many are just hired guns' and you can't say this. This trying to find a case' has taken 17 years of my life, about orthopedic care that didn't happen, and piles of Ohio taxpayer monies misspent. The Army could have really really used me if my bone condition could have been treated in 1992 - the ARMY SPEAKER BUDISH - but maybe you are not patriotic. There's enough misspent, and continuing misspent, in my case that it could pay the unemployment bills in Ohio for quite a while - just end the daily legal retainer fee.

Meanwhile, Speaker Budish is supposed to be trimming the budget of Democratic excesses even if it means opening Pandora's box for a few weeks to allow some resolution of Medical Board cases which have been going on for decades at the State Medical Board of Ohio cases that the Dems started with inappropriate appointments to the State Medical Board of Ohio. Accountability is something that should be held up to Speaker Budish, Dr. Carla O'Day, and Lt. Governor Lee Fisher as well as other MDs in Ohio. Dr. O'Day and Lee Fisher apparently know each other well just another business' association from Rocky River Ohio - another 'scam.'

When you appoint political, average-Joe or -Jane MDs or DOs, sportsperson-business lay-members, and corporate-trained lawyer-members to the State Medical Board this inevitably results in dissension in the MD ranks where the average physician justifiably feels that they should be better judged and represented than by Mrs. Celeste's pillow-talk suggestions, the DOs that couldn't get into Medical School or medical residencies, and the business-persons who couldn't pass a college Chemistry course at a community college. Many lawyers have never taken even one college-level science course let alone an -ology course (Microbiology, Osteology, Endocrinology). Many physicians at the Cleveland Clinic are not too happy with Mr. Whitehouse's house. Carla O'Day MD never finished any formal residency training - she caused too much interpersonal trouble every residency she started - so Governor Celeste appointed her to the State Medical Board circa 1990.

Governor Strickland's choices haven't been much more objective or merited seemingly coming from Lee Fisher's mouth, or office, to a Strickland appointment. They will stand up for no one and nothing as Dr. Stephen's office put it she's not interfering with business as usual.

The cases are from 1992-present, and involve physician impairments' where the physicians just disagreed with the Medical Board and their friends,' sometimes just over referrals, turf battles where 'general' orthopedics want to TRY to set wrist fractures, and if physicians when ill with a physical illness - should be allowed care-to-function' before their licenses are suspended as in EVERY other state. This SIMPLE courtesy is allowed every lawyer in Ohio, Drs. Nice, Keith, and even Dr. Keith's boss Dr. Victor Goldberg - but not their female MD colleagues.

Physicians don't usually see patients when ill, but in the past have always been able to keep their credentials while healing from a self-limited fracture or thyroid illness getting the casts, physical therapy, consultations and workup. And the supplemental care is not usually withheld to cover up malpractices or negligence; my case was so the statute of limitations' on the inadequate care of Drs. Nice & Keith 'expired' as Mr. Whitehouse puts it. Mr. Whitehouse says that I can't sue' anyone anymore, but the crucial case file is still 'confidential' - let's give it up and resolve things fairly guys - some COMMON SENSE.

My supposed 'complaint' about Dr. Nice's care was released to the public in 1991 against state law; confidential only applies to women physicians who can't know what the males are complaining about, and my 'case' involved a lot of suggestive innuendo from Dr. Nice's office - that I should watch him play polo, tear down my father's office wall so that he could use the office free, to come to parties, 'come up and see' his 'antique car collection,' and to 'understand' him as his wife didn't. 1990-2 flirtation at Hillcrest Hospital approved by Dr. Fred Suppes. Then Dr. Keith made sure that I understood that I kept him from good sex at night - his worrying about my fracture case supposedly interfered with his manly performance. Dr. Keith was promised that we wouldn't sue him, but that wasn't enough INSURANCE so I was beaten up in his office to get the 'message.'

The confidential' problem is DESPERATE binding outside EXTERNAL review of political Medical Board case decisions is needed. No one is in charge,' or has review' power over the present arbitrary Board of political appointees. AND no other state Medical Board allows the investigation of confidential' physician complaints like the Ohio State Medical Board, or such arbitrariness. Most states will not investigate 'confidential' complaints against physicians - they expect the complainer to be identifiable and verifiable; the complainer has to justify the case, not the Medical Board.

Governor Celeste, in the early 1990s, appointed his wife Dagmar's friends as Members of the State Medical Board of Ohio with some disastrous physician discipline case results disciplines for just making too much of bad care of a friend of a Board Member. Mine is one such case' - where as a physician I complained about orthopedic care and not being able to get my medical records to the consultants the complaint dealt with a Dr. Timothy Nice of Mayfield Heights Ohio who just assumed that I would do all kinds of things for him personal & professional.


The inter-personal stresses, of this colleague referral relationship, were probably one of the reasons that I started fracturing in 1990 - Dr. Nice was always calling even if my parents intercepted. The Medical Board in 1992 had one of Dagmar's friends on it Dr. Carla O'Day who stood to benefit from a multi-year mega-bucks Emergency Services contract and Directorship - where Dr. Nice would have to approve/award Dr. O'Day's group the bid, and she was besides a close personal' and professional' business friend of his. ER Directorships are 6-7 per annum figure jobs depending on the hospital(s).

Dr. O'Day was not objective' about anyone disagreeing with Dr. Nice - or any holdup in her contract and she didn't sign off her running of the case against me until the last vote until she was sure that any complaints against Dr. Nice would not be investigated - he's 'protected' by the State Medical Board of Ohio. And REMINDER: Dr. O'Day was in the Medical School Class ahead of me at CWRU, and actually I took a year off and should have been in her class - so she's my 'competition' from day#1. The case involved no patient complaints - merely that I was impaired' that I disagreed with Dr. Nice who shouldn't have been caring for my wrist, or fractures, anyways. Dr. Nice is a hip and knee surgeon by practice and experience, ie no small joints, hands or feet person. But he does have cast materials for temporary casting and a phone line to Cleveland Clinic which he misuses.

The case against me was fixed, even an inkblot Rorschach test was cheated on (which shouldn't be used for anything except movie scripts), and piles of misinformation, hearsay and innuendo were acted upon. At one point I supposedly had a gun, and Gates Mills is not Alaska, and then was carrying pink bombs' = hand weights from a sporting goods store - which those lay Members should know about. The impairment: I made too much of admittedly bad, boys being boys, orthopedic care = not an impairment' to medical practice in any other state where this kind of care' is not allowed.

This isn't a psychiatric impairment either; women are supposed to be able to say No' to drugs, sex with married men with two children, and the wrong medical or orthopedic care = autonomous patient consent which is not allowed in Ohio.

Even every conflict of interest in the book is not a conflict' for the Ohio Medical Board: Dr. Carla O'Day led the charge, even though she was in the class ahead of me at Medical School (as Carla Streepy, the Magistrate's wife). No Ohio State Medical Board Member has to admit any conflicts-of-interest or contract/appointee payments/consulting jobs on the side. No disclosures of tax/bank records. Governor Taft tried to get the case opened by having Dr. O'Day investigated internally in 2005 it didn't work the Democrats found some unpaid for golf games. Lt. Governor Lee Fisher's ex-law firm Hahn Loeser Parks LLP profited hugely from all the false discipline cases in the 1990s; 7-figure profits at least, not a few holes of golf. Lee Fisher and Carla only deal with 6-7-8 figures and up.

Lee Fisher now wants to run to replace Voinovich in the US Senate with all those physician monies. Speaker Budish thinks that the Ohio State Medical Board will self-correct, admit their wrong, dismiss the case after 17 years and return my medical license? all without some changes in legislation and Membership which hasn't happened so far. Or I should just go along with the failed appeals; but going along with constantly changing conditions and procedures has been insane in the past - the State Medical Board doesn't know what it wants except for my humiliation for disagreeing with them and having a point. There are witnesses that need to come forward including the administration of Geauga Hospital, where Dr. Nice was taken off the active staff before 1990 for sloppy fracture results among other complaints.

Several Medical Board Members are left over at least from Governor Voinovich's time, and INTERNAL REVIEW OF THE OHIO ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE DID NOT WORK WITH MARC DANN. There needs to be an external review system for Medical Board cases that have gone on for over 10 (or even 2) years without being proven where the Medical Board continues to look for a case against the physician involved at huge taxpayer expense or at least release of the confidential' files where patient names are not involved so that the physicians can resolve their cases with the real facts. The patient names in my case were released in 1992; because they would not return for care to Dr. Nice = punitively their confidentiality was breeched.

This legislation needs to be before the State Medical Board collects its 2009-2010 budget monies - the need for the legislation has been admitted since 2003 by previous Speaker's Offices. The Medical Board has at least spent $500,000 on my case where I had no physician complaints, but I disagreed with a more senior male physician' about my own care care that neither Drs. Nice or Keith were qualified to do neither had Boards in Hand Surgery at the time.

Cheating in Ohio Government: Cheating, or lying, with medical records, medical tests, and medical diagnoses (or even making them up) are what led to the false case in 1992 at the State Medical Board of Ohio = just college level cheating. The Medical Board cheats to get out of liability for a false case or procedural irregularities pretty much daily since 1992 - and changes the rules every week.

Maybe Mrs. Budish should know that her husband favors cheating as a way of getting ahead, outright lying as long as you have the power, beating up of musician woman physician's hands when they object (physical abuse of women physicians to make them admit a case or diagnosis) or try to appeal, and abominable women's health care where the boys play with women patients in the offices with sexually-laced comments, special casts, and 'special care' as they are 'learning' from your case - instead of 'knowing their stuff.'

Speaker Budish might be in favor of education for his sons, but not in their telling the truth, being honest, not cheating on tests or lying to get ahead - everything is ok for Democrats. Physical abuse of women colleagues/classmates or physicians is ok under the Budish/Fisher/Strickland administration = they deserve' it as Dr. Nice so aptly puts it.

CURRENTLY MALE PHYSICIANS CAN ABUSE THEIR FEMALE COLLEAGUES IN OHIO = the only form of physical abuse tolerated, encouraged, and legalized in Ohio. You get this question at the Cleveland Clinic about abuse, and you say the male MDs did it, and it's not recorded as abuse,' just a job-related injury, i.e. the bruises from Dr. Keith's office in 1992.

Speaker Budish figures that this isn't his responsibility past Democratic sins are just to be swept under the Democratic change' umbrella Lee Fisher's included. Abuse is going to happen and a fact-of-life for women MDs in Ohio = should have told me that in 1984 when I applied for a medical license then.

Finally, Speaker Budish hasn't figured out that I have better things to do with my time than trade e-mails and insults with Daniel and Mindy in his office. Mindy should try medical school in Ohio and then judge but she probably can't get in. At least when I worked for Congressman Vanik in the 1970s I was on my way to Medical School, not a perpetual government employee with an attitude.

Some states need good physicians, even women who will disagree with the men when it means a better patient outcome or the correct diagnosis. The Army needs good women. But that means that Speaker Budish has to stop being one of the boys, take some responsibility, and stand for something; 'change' has to mean real 'change' - not just of 'confidential' files at the State Medical Board.

Healthcare reform in Ohio has to start with reforms at the State Medical Board they control the physician licenses and the care standards. The files in my case need to be opened, and if I did nothing except object to the wrong medical and orthopedic care, then my medical license needs to be returned before Lee Fisher runs for Senate a campaign which I've already donated to.

Finally, endless psychiatric evaluations of women physicians to discuss their sex lives should be halted - this should not be a condition for re-licensure. And any physician rehab in Ohio is a 'joke' - the brain-dead could do what Dr. Nice wants without question or thought. These evaluations are ordered until the woman physician admits the Board's case, or says something that can be misconstrued for another 'go' at a case - 5 times in my situation so far. Even terrorist suspects, Speaker Budish, are not allowed this inhumane treatment any longer under Obama. Could we update in Ohio before 90 days? Just open the 'confidential' file and let's get on with things.


Mayfield Heights, Ohio


85 Updates & Rebuttals


New Jersey,
'Beatings'? Surely you filed a police report that you can produce right?

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, April 27, 2009

And the only 'abused' people are the ones you continue to slander. It is funny that you keep ranting and slandering 13 years after the fact. Where have you been all this time anyway? You can certainly type a lot of slander with bad wrists. No one 'fixed' any case. Your license was rightfully revoked as proven by your rants. And luckily no innocent people will become victims of your butchery. As you were proven wrong on 4/5/09 A Donna Sweets M.D. was on DHC CME discussing the AIDS epidemic in the country. Seems the men in the vocation are doing a poor job at keeping your conspiracy theory alive.I thought you said male doctors were keeping all females from the medical field and not just the incompetent ones such as yourself. The Discovery CME program has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm


Mayfield Heights,
Armond doesn't have 20 minutes, and the Medical Board can't open a 'confidential' file that doesn't exist for 17 years - Ohio

#3Author of original report

Mon, April 27, 2009

Armond doesn't have 20-30 minutes - when he does - for shopping, for dining, for parties. The State Medical Board can't open a 'confidential' complaint, opened to everyone in the Cleveland area but the woman physician, so that you know what you are accused of - Dr. Nice was complained about because he wouldn't take 'No' and wouldn't do any 'normal' medical things: refer, consult, call for you, send records. He's a bully - a medical bully in the terminology. There's just no reason that every secretary has read the complaint, but I haven't. This needs to be over - please find 30 minutes Speaker Budish. Talking to me and Tom separately, without the crucial files - which you can keep them in your office (that way I can't do anything about it) - is not ok. But at least I'll be able to defend myself and say who that signer was or I never met that person - there are some signers that I never met, never knew, never saw - paid signatures = mercenaries. The statute of limitations is over per Mr. Whitehouse - everyone expect there to be some facts, some resolution and some explanations. Wrecking my life for 17 years - will you do that to your son's wives if they marry MDs? Will you insist that they be evaluated 6 times if they don't like Dr. Nice and can't say that what he does is 'fine?' Your sons should be afraid of you; you espouse cheating on tests and defrauding of licenses on that basis, allow wholesale fraud by Carla O'Day MD (millions), and will bully woman physicians into orthopedic care by monsters licensed by the State Medical Board of fools, foreigners, and the medically ignorant. It's not a Board representative of physicians in Ohio even - just special interests. Will you insist if it is your wife one day that Dr. Nice can do whatever he wants to women patients, including her, that Dr. Keith do experiments without informed consent or consultations - he can order one for Mrs. Budish? Dr. Nice controls the ER privileges still at Hillcrest, if she goes to the ER she might get him - he was Chief of Orthopedic Surgery for awhile - a disgrace for most physicians there. It was 'simple' care to start, in my case, but calling got nowhere at University - a black lady who told me to 'go to an urgent care.' Look they can use me in Rhode Island, Hawaii, the Army - you are just wasting someone's life because they won't say you are 'right.' And I had a 'right' to say 'No' to Dr. Nice and ask that he call the Cleveland Clinic and tell the fracture type and care so far - that's all that was asked - but HE DIDN'T HAVE TO. This needs to end - 30 minutes. It's about saying 'No' to male colleagues and having that 'No' respected, and not begging for the truth, some fairness, and 30 minutes. You're as bad as him in another way.


Mayfield Heights,
There needs to be some accountability at the State Medical Board of Ohio - physicians are needed and should not be abused by colleagues for surgeries, experiments, or castings when the physician has no experience and won't call CCF

#4Author of original report

Mon, April 27, 2009

There needs to be accountability at the State Medical Board of Ohio and in the State Legislature - Mindy & Daniel I'm just a 'normal' person or was. Women physicians should not have to say 'No' and report male physicians for abuses of power, privilege, and the wrong care without referrals, consultations, and workup. It's gotten worse instead of better, you can't say 'No' without it being a personality disorder - well it was just 'No' please refer and respect my wishes. Dr. Nice was asked to triage - to refer to the Hand Surgeon at CCF - just neighborly help. He couldn't do it, but going after me for 17 years because I said 'No' and reported the situation - is wrong. It's not about 'feeling sorry' for Mrs. Nice - she has an abuser husband - he abuses other women not her. Saying 'No' to a man - whether a colleague or date - should be respected - cop at airport. Guys it's 'NO' - the rest is harassment for whatever reason. This isn't 'fine' until there's some 'rules' in Ohio - about male colleagues leaving women colleagues alone unless consent is given - for medical care or sex, for referrals or business associations. Dr. Nice saw me outside a window and started sending me patients - patient stalkers - without my consent or agreement - where did that come from? Dr. O'Day tried to get me to her girlfriend psychiatrists - where did that come from? to understand Dr. Nice? Dr. Nice requires a psychiatrist after he does care - he does everything but orthopedics - give you patients, give you referral pads, stale angel food cake, parties, but no cast materials and no change of cast. I've now reported Dr. Nice to the lawyers at CCF - but nothing will be done - he's the worst advertisement, the worst collegeague/referral MD they could ask for - he won't refer until he's butchered the person and psychiatrically emotionally traumatized them for life - otherwise the patient has a personality disorder that they refused Dr. Nice. The Cleveland Clinic should restrict his privileges requiring immediate referrals for mistakes - there are lots of them.


New Jersey,
'Beatings'? Surely you filed a police report that you can produce right?

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, April 27, 2009

And the only 'abused' people are the ones you continue to slander. It is funny that you keep ranting and slandering 13 years after the fact. Where have you been all this time anyway? You can certainly type a lot of slander with bad wrists. No one 'fixed' any case. Your license was rightfully revoked as proven by your rants. And luckily no innocent people will become victims of your butchery. As you were proven wrong on 4/5/09 A Donna Sweets M.D. was on DHC CME discussing the AIDS epidemic in the country. Seems the men in the vocation are doing a poor job at keeping your conspiracy theory alive.I thought you said male doctors were keeping all females from the medical field and not just the incompetent ones such as yourself. The Discovery CME program has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm


Mayfield Heights,
Medical care for women physicians is not 'fine' in Ohio, the Medical Board takes licenses forcing 'help' to accept bad care, missed diagnoses, and beatings in offices

#6Author of original report

Mon, April 27, 2009

Things are not 'fine' in Ohio medicine. The State Medical Board is the worst in the country and takes licenses when you complain about bad care practices, outdated care practices - for being a BAD PATIENT PHYSICIAN - not liking the boys - the immaturity - the lack of care. Fractures become multiple fractures, fractures aren't casted, blood work is a joke - and the reasons for no care = that you were 'seductive.' Things need to CHANGE; care needs improvement for women patients, and the ability to discuss the problems needs to improve, but my case needs to be opened and the 'confidential' outted. There's nothing I can respect about the legislature, the Medical Board or the Governor - when you cheat on psych tests and laugh about it, make up diagnoses to prolong cases, try to find cases for 17 years because you made a mistake and were sold a 'lemon' to get Carla O'Day MD a contract. When does it end? When you cheat for the 50th time on a psych test, after the 10th evaluation that you can't prove, after I fracture both hips from neglect? How many more contracts does Carla O'Day MD need? Can you really go home to your sons, or to your office, and say that you BELIEVE in a state where a woman MD gets her life ruined for 17 years for saying 'wrong care,' where she tried to explain and is lied about with the worst lies she has ever seen, or her hardened experts have ever seen, because her care WAS MALPRACTICE (lies don't get this good for misunderstandings)? There's no case like this in any other state for sure. Tell your sons you cheat and like it - you tell physicians to lie for the Medical Board, and cases and appeals are jokes of no discovery, no truth, and trying to make a woman physician have a diagnosis that she has no criteria for - while you don't let her get even routine ob-gyn care (DR. STEINBERGH). Please tell your sons, and wife, that the State Medical Board cheats BLATANTLY on cases and expects physicians to admit those lies & say that the cheating was ok - the best liars win in Ohio. Your sons can cheat in school, because it's ok to you - the Medical Board of Ohio does it; they can lie, because you do at work every single day - just like Daniel. Just so long as you WIN. There's no case here, just a pile of lies that there's no interest in unearthing because Carla O'Day MD made big money $, and I wasn't worth my training (I wasn't Jewish, part of the Carla crowd, and I didn't get to marry well) - even though I had no patient complaints. An aborted career by Lance Talmadge MD - who spends his life promoting 3rd trimester abortions - and trying to find a diagnosis for me so that I can never have a child or a son. You take for yourself, and don't anyone else a life, fairness, a family, healthcare or a career. My Ohio fracture care wouldn't be ok for a dog in NYC - not that you care.


New Jersey,
They have already wasted enough of their time. Where have you been these 17 years? A psych ward?

#7Consumer Comment

Mon, April 27, 2009

And the only 'abused' people are the ones you continue to slander. It is funny that you keep ranting and slandering 13 years after the fact. Where have you been all this time anyway? You can certainly type a lot of slander with bad wrists. No one 'fixed' any case. Your license was rightfully revoked as proven by your rants. And luckily no innocent people will become victims of your butchery. As you were proven wrong on 4/5/09 A Donna Sweets M.D. was on DHC CME discussing the AIDS epidemic in the country. Seems the men in the vocation are doing a poor job at keeping your conspiracy theory alive.I thought you said male doctors were keeping all females from the medical field and not just the incompetent ones such as yourself. The Discovery CME program has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm Update


Mayfield Heights,
'Confidential' complaints at the State Medical Board can't be 'confidential' when they involved an outdated care practice -

#8Author of original report

Sun, April 26, 2009

leaving wrist fractures to rot to 'EXCRESCENCE' before casting them with an x-ray or reduction equipment = outpatient care in Ohio (Cleveland). This is not about my personality being too particular or paranoid - it was something that I was naive about and couldn't believe at first - the cruelty, the complete nonchalance. Armond Budish wants to look the other way, just like Dr. Nice, thinking that 'confidential' in a medical sense = 'confidential' at the Law Board in Ohio. At the Medical Board 'confidential' is used to hide complaints by or about 'friends' of Members. No one gets to evaluate what gets evaluated, no one sees the 'confidential' to make any assessment on the 'confidential' and what it hides. But anyone in the Cleveland are who might be able to bolster the Board's case against me after 17 years has seen that complaint. The 'confidential' complaint in my case is Dr. Nice's answer to my complaining about his negligent orthopedic practices and abuses - abuses that were allowed to continue long after they were proved to be inadequate. There are no patient complaints involved - just the physician-patient's care from hell, in a state where women physicians are not highly regarded. No thinking orthopedic lets the patient splint themselves and then casts after 5 days of swelling because he's fooling around and his office can't order cast materials = the problem with outpatient care as many physicians share offices with 'bundles' of other physicians, ordering different supplies. Armond Budish needs a wake-up call regarding what is really going 'down' at the State Medical Board of false disciplines and physician abuses.


Mayfield Heights,
Armond Budish you are invited to sit down with Tom C and I to DISCUSS this situation

#9Author of original report

Sun, April 26, 2009

In the next 2 weeks, in Cleveland/Beachwood, in your office. There's no way you can understand how a 'normal' person can be so monsterized unless you meet me = the physician bad patient impairment. When physicians goof, it's their license against your life, function, or license if you are a physician-patient. Most states, not Ohio, have come out with a position paper on colleagues caring for colleague or professional patients. Ms. Chalifoux wouldn't have taught me if I was a monster - she was very selective about her harp students. There no way to summarize this on the phone in 5 minutes or even 10 - Tom C knows parts and wasn't involved in other parts becuase he worked with Carla O'Day's second husband. But it's all a farce of a colleague-colleague dispute, as the Ohio Court of Appeals noted, because of outdated orthopedic practices that Hillcrest Hospital allowed physicians to continue doing. And Dr. Nice's paranoia about referring to the Cleveland Clinic - when he would have gotten a complete report of what I had in 1990-2. None of this makes any sense and it's wasting what I have left of my life - these false investigations cost the State from $500,000-$1M each. Your office - aren't you curious that I'm a godzilla or whatever?


Mayfield Heights,
Armond Budish you are invited to sit down with Tom C and I to DISCUSS this situation

#10Author of original report

Sun, April 26, 2009

In the next 2 weeks, in Cleveland/Beachwood, in your office. There's no way you can understand how a 'normal' person can be so monsterized unless you meet me = the physician bad patient impairment. When physicians goof, it's their license against your life, function, or license if you are a physician-patient. Most states, not Ohio, have come out with a position paper on colleagues caring for colleague or professional patients. Ms. Chalifoux wouldn't have taught me if I was a monster - she was very selective about her harp students. There no way to summarize this on the phone in 5 minutes or even 10 - Tom C knows parts and wasn't involved in other parts becuase he worked with Carla O'Day's second husband. But it's all a farce of a colleague-colleague dispute, as the Ohio Court of Appeals noted, because of outdated orthopedic practices that Hillcrest Hospital allowed physicians to continue doing. And Dr. Nice's paranoia about referring to the Cleveland Clinic - when he would have gotten a complete report of what I had in 1990-2. None of this makes any sense and it's wasting what I have left of my life - these false investigations cost the State from $500,000-$1M each. Your office - aren't you curious that I'm a godzilla or whatever?


Mayfield Heights,
Armond Budish you are invited to sit down with Tom C and I to DISCUSS this situation

#11Author of original report

Sun, April 26, 2009

In the next 2 weeks, in Cleveland/Beachwood, in your office. There's no way you can understand how a 'normal' person can be so monsterized unless you meet me = the physician bad patient impairment. When physicians goof, it's their license against your life, function, or license if you are a physician-patient. Most states, not Ohio, have come out with a position paper on colleagues caring for colleague or professional patients. Ms. Chalifoux wouldn't have taught me if I was a monster - she was very selective about her harp students. There no way to summarize this on the phone in 5 minutes or even 10 - Tom C knows parts and wasn't involved in other parts becuase he worked with Carla O'Day's second husband. But it's all a farce of a colleague-colleague dispute, as the Ohio Court of Appeals noted, because of outdated orthopedic practices that Hillcrest Hospital allowed physicians to continue doing. And Dr. Nice's paranoia about referring to the Cleveland Clinic - when he would have gotten a complete report of what I had in 1990-2. None of this makes any sense and it's wasting what I have left of my life - these false investigations cost the State from $500,000-$1M each. Your office - aren't you curious that I'm a godzilla or whatever?


Mayfield Heights,
Armond Budish you are invited to sit down with Tom C and I to DISCUSS this situation

#12Author of original report

Sun, April 26, 2009

In the next 2 weeks, in Cleveland/Beachwood, in your office. There's no way you can understand how a 'normal' person can be so monsterized unless you meet me = the physician bad patient impairment. When physicians goof, it's their license against your life, function, or license if you are a physician-patient. Most states, not Ohio, have come out with a position paper on colleagues caring for colleague or professional patients. Ms. Chalifoux wouldn't have taught me if I was a monster - she was very selective about her harp students. There no way to summarize this on the phone in 5 minutes or even 10 - Tom C knows parts and wasn't involved in other parts becuase he worked with Carla O'Day's second husband. But it's all a farce of a colleague-colleague dispute, as the Ohio Court of Appeals noted, because of outdated orthopedic practices that Hillcrest Hospital allowed physicians to continue doing. And Dr. Nice's paranoia about referring to the Cleveland Clinic - when he would have gotten a complete report of what I had in 1990-2. None of this makes any sense and it's wasting what I have left of my life - these false investigations cost the State from $500,000-$1M each. Your office - aren't you curious that I'm a godzilla or whatever?


Mayfield Heights,
The 'confidential' complaint needs to be opened; so that I can be a human being again - not abused every minute of every day to prove a wrong case - by the Daniel & Mindys

#13Author of original report

Sun, April 26, 2009

and I'm willing to be responsible for what I really did, said or complained about - but not 'confidential' and piles of lies to embellish a non-case of physician discipline for trying to save my hands. This is all the 'help' I needed; not the Board's help to lie or look at malpractice in another way - there isn't a good way to look at negligence that costs two years of severe bone pains. But REFORMS with mistake laws, allowing & mandating earlier referrals, help for colleague-colleague disagreements at the hospitals - some harassment offices that work - some courses in how to deal with difficult colleagues/bullying colleagues that other Medical Schools offer. The orthopedic care was BAD - you didn't punish the negligent orthopedics becuase they made up piles of lies - but punishing the harmed patient isn't fair either. Physicians that goof will lie unless there are MEDICAL MISTAKE LAWS - then they will lie less. I didn't deserve the bad care; all they had to do was refer and blame it on me - which they did anyways. But for 17 years I've been treated as if piles of lies were true; I'd like to start tomorrow being treated for just me - the person who tried but couldn't get records before they were edited and couldn't get the orthopedics to REFER and CONSULT - the Medical Board has to mandate those things and issue some policies on physicians caring for colleague physicians - like other organizations, states, and hospital systems.


New Jersey,
They have already wasted enough of their time. Where have you benn these 17 years? A psych ward?

#14Consumer Comment

Sun, April 26, 2009

It is funny that you keep ranting and slandering 13 years after the fact. Where have you been all this time anyway? You can certainly type a lot of slander with bad wrists. No one 'fixed' any case. Your license was rightfully revoked as proven by your rants. And luckily no innocent people will become victims of your butchery. As you were proven wrong on 4/5/09 A Donna Sweets M.D. was on DHC CME discussing the AIDS epidemic in the country. Seems the men in the vocation are doing a poor job at keeping your conspiracy theory alive.I thought you said male doctors were keeping all females from the medical field and not just the incompetent ones such as yourself. The Discovery CME program has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm Update


Mayfield Heights,
Confidential complaints, $10 million dollars, and the Ohio economy after the State Medical Board mistakes

#15Author of original report

Sun, April 26, 2009

'Confidential' complaints at the State Medical Board of Ohio are bankrupting Ohio government - one false physician case costs about $500,000 (legal alone), and there are at least 20 of them at the State Medical Board of Ohio in the last 20 years - physicians have to carry malpractice insurance for this = $10 Million of misspent state monies with nothing to show for it except wrecking 20 physician careers for statistics. That's a lot of money - each case is very expensive especially if there was no case to start. There has been at least one wrong case/year in Ohio - or many more - given how the State Medical Board under Mr. Whitehouse, and his predecessors, collects physician complaints - the worst way, ie by making things 'confidential' - so there's no verification, no evidence or rules of evidence, and piles of lies = what the Board Members want to hear. The complaint in my case, with no patient complaints, if the statute of limitations is over, needs to be opened. Otherwise I'm beaten up, operated on for things that I said 'No' to, placed under anesthesia that I said 'No' to, and otherwise abused in every aspect of my life (accused of drugs, etc) - I'm trash for the State of Ohio and every other place that needs a victim. And the MDs involved in this are no better than the 'craigslist killer' - out for themselves every one. Carla O'Day MD collected big ER contract jobs with fixing my situation for Hillcrest Hospital (of course no one wants to open that 'Pandora' $ box) - my impairment is not even defined under Ohio law - objecting to Dr. Nice 'care' - which isn't 'normal' orthopedic care - so a special impairment. Anyways, every job, university, physician, hospital, etc, expects that at this point the complaint would be out there with my response - otherwise I'm 'guilty' because I complained about fracture care from hell 17 years ago and don't even get to respond - therefore, I killed a patient or did something unmentionable and I did nothing bad to patients. At this point, everyone knows this is not my CME - except Senator Grendell's office staff. In 1990-2, I was in my mid-30s, and hopeful of getting married - until I was put into a referral situation with Dr. Timothy Nice - a situation that I did not ask for, interview for, or want. He saw me out a window and decided that I should work with him at Hillcrest Hospital - what the guys do. But what caused the problem was that with all the stress of doing his workups, and caring for my father's patients, I started fracturing bones. Bones that Dr. Nice casted badly, while saying that I had to ask his advice as he would/could 'make or break me' at Hillcrest Hospital in Ohio - he had 'friends' on the State Medical Board of Ohio and in the hospital administration. It was about feeling threatened, in a situation that I did not anticipate, apply for, or want to be in - so threatened that I sought the wrong help. So I asked if he would refer me to the Cleveland Clinic Orthopedics Department with his 'friends,' and the answer was 'No' - they stole his orthopedic patients. First the problem at the State Medical Board of Ohio is that certain physicians have 'friends' who allow them to practice in unusual, often negligent, ways - with outdated practices, comments, and bizarre expectations of patients. Dr. Nice is one of those physicians to this present day - you need to supply your own splint, cast materials, stethoscope, and refer yourself after he goofs. Second, when you complain to the State Medical Board of Ohio - that you can't get care or your records - you are mishandled. The male MDs get their complaints, the women MDs don't (there's a double-standard that Speaker Budish ALLOWS); but if you don't know what the problems are no one - including the State Medical Board of Ohio & the Ohio Court of Appeals - can solve the practice problems - cases go on forever with legislative oversight. This case, as the Ohio Court of Appeals put it, is about a colleague-colleague fight over care principles and complications of the sloppy care. The State Court of Appeals told the Medical Board to solve this case in another way in 1993; so that was another reason that I didn't re-appeal - the State Court of Appeals recognized that this was not about a 'bad physician' in the usual sense; just a new physician who had newer standards about things. They gave the Medical Board their advice, but the Medical Board doesn't listen to the Ohio Court of Appeals. Senator Grendell stands up for every desperate case except mine, where he laughs about how the State Medical Board falsified the Rorschach test in 1992 and carried on the case to try to find another case until 2009 - that's money badly spent when Ohio is begging from the Federal government and President Obama. And all Senator Grendell can do is count on whatever has been promised him if he gets me to Dr. Resnick = the Ohio Medical Board 'cleaner.' Something has been promised, and nothing is funny here. My complaint about orthopedic care in Ohio - was something that I should not have had to do - Dr. Nice was allowing himself to sit on fractures for days, not reducing or referring, not x-raying or casting - he was arrogant with his connections - something that Medical Board Member 'turnover' shouldn't allow - there should be limitations on appointments to the Ohio State Medical Board - limitations on 'friends.' But the lies that then happened are beyond imagining. And Dr. Nice probably didn't start out this way, but he needed a wake-up call which I shouldn't have had to lose my life for. What should have happened - as Dr. Suppes, Dr. Robert Botti, Dr. O'Day and his friend Dr. Tozzi knew that Dr. Nice was doing this - was that the initially neglected fractures were referred for the best care in town (Cleveland Clinic) - Dr. Tozzi wouldn't tell the truth either and he knew about Dr. Nice's trying to do care that he had no experience or good results with attempting (foot care). But a cover-up started immediately so that all the signers of the 'confidential' complaint against me watched me go without any care, including no help from the Hillcrest hand orthopedic, for 3 weeks - while Dr. Nice told them all that I 'didn't deserve care' as there had been problems with his casting care - he never makes mistakes. That should never happen, that disagreements, and difficulties, progress to the point of neglect of a physician-patient and a Medical Board complaint - but it happens rather more often than it should in Ohio - because of the system 'confidentials' and the changing of the evidence, morphing of the complaint, the misuse of the physician impairment law. But fast-forward, there's no way to solve the problems of mistakes at the Ohio State Medical Board without opening that 'confidential' complaint - in my case and the other false discipline cases at the Medical Board of Ohio (Mr. Dilling has an idea of the names of the false cases from 1999, and is still at the State Medical Board) - cases which should have been opened years ago with some reforms. When things are happening in double-digits, it's time for some improvements - even a handful should have signaled a problem years ago - with a better Governor. These are REFORMS that Tom Dilling, the last Executive Director of the State Medical Board of Ohio, knew had to happen eventually, and in 1999 he wanted to use my case for this purpose - open up what happened so that 10 more years of Ohio monies didn't get spent on it and discuss reforms. My lawyer and I agreed in 2 seconds, but the offer didn't last 5 minutes. Tom Dilling was apparently then told to 'find a case' against me (after 7 years) - which has caused more fractures, more beatings, a false drug accusation, and an unnecessary surgery to remove a 'normal' nerve - everyone has taken advantage and I can't say 'No' and have it be professionally accepted - that I'm competent and caught in a medical crossfire situation, where reforms were needed long ago. This situation has resulted in 'craigslist killer' MD behavior - where I'm mistreated medically, professionally, and in every other way - after all I'm the equivalent of a 'prostitute' in medical circles. There has to be a way for reforms, for improvement in care practices, and you can't leave it to the individual physicians to reform himself/herself and his/her office. Out-patient care has become critical in the Health Care System in Ohio -and Speaker Budish knows that many times things are done badly, sloppily, superficially, or not at all. But will it take some negligence to a family Member before he wakes up? Please open the 'confidential' complain in my case - the STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS IS OVER - the public and I deserve to know what is going down at the State Medical Board of Ohio. And in line with that, I've been abused by Mork & Mindy in your office (Daniel & Mindy) - things said that would never be said to me if I was 'innocent' officially - if I complained with good reasons and had been able to have a life with reforms happening to protect me and other women physicians getting care in a state where women's medical care is not what it is in New York City. And they have their jobs, but I can't even get the 'confidential' to prove my case - hardly fair. There needs to be a non-punitive track, where practice deficiences discovered are corrected non-publically - what Dr. Nice's office needed. And there are other orthopedic's offices at Hillcrest Hospital where things get done poorly or not-at-all from poor organization - you can make out-patient care, but if the system has physicians who can't do it - you put patients in jeopardy - because the documentation is fudged, and 'nurses' aren't usually the physician office staff. My fractures would have been admitted to the hospital in the 1980s, and I would have had a good result and a workup on the first fracture - but that was another medical system ago. The out-patient system, even if connected to University Hospitals and Cleveland Clinic, is only so organized as the physicians in every step of it and their staffs - only so good as the oversight - which doesn't happen in private offices. Most medical offices hire the worst help - the cheapest - the stupidest. Please open the 'confidential' complaint as every aspect of my life - if the statute of limitations is over - expects that document to be out there with my response. This is not the way to solve practice problems or physician-physician colleague disagreements. Dr. Suppes, Dr. Robert Botti Sr, and Dr. Carla O'Day knew that this was 'classic' Dr. Nice - that he had pile of these bad results and bad care problems from his off-days - the days after he partied and the days he just didn't care. But I shouldn't have had to go near that type of physician ever; I expected the process of medical training/hospital staff screening to screen out physicians who just didn't care, and it didn't anymore than Catholic seminary training kept out the homosexuals, or guys wanting to be priests for all wrong reasons. If the medical school process lets in everyone minority, special interest, and guy/gal who just wants to make money, then there has to be quality checks - and not just peer review by 'friends' of Dr. Nice. If you are objecting so much, there's more to the 'confidential' complaint than me - something else is wrong about what happened here. Otherwise it's just trashing me to the public again - for trying to save my fractures and my professional life from a monster - but you think he's 'God's gift' to Ohio so that shouldn't matter. The signatures however, did not allow me even one set of blood work or to finish the physical therapy - they knew the mistakes were critical and suit-worthy - so I complained about real problems that got handled in the wrong ways.


Mayfield Heights,
Speaker Budish can't find 30 minutes to meet with a woman physician about a 17 year Medical Board mess & he knows the lawyer

#16Author of original report

Sun, April 26, 2009

Meanwhile Speaker Budish can call on the phone and say 'summarize in 5 minutes,' and get Daniel and Mindy to write bizarre notes - when they know nothing about his - that won't solve anything. Sit down with the documents and discuss. This case alone has cost the taxpayers about $500,000 in legal monies, falsified Hearings, falisfied documents - that's a lot of money X many cases. This started with BAD ORTHOPEDIC CARE in Ohio - where you have to get to the 'right' person first or there's a mess - most orthopedics don't have a clue these days. And the blood work was lost - but this is not about patient care - it's about Medical Board mistakes. Mistakes that cost a career, a person's health and family life. Trashing people for Carla O'Day's gambling money - she's a craigslist killer of another sort - she took advantage of physician cases at the Medical Board to get her ER group contracts. Now find 30 minutes Speaker Budish and lets open the 'confidential' file -the 'confidential' file that everyone has read in the Cleveland area except the physician accused of the 'confidential' - confidential only for me - for one - my medical insurance will not pay for another evaluation based on that rot. This is ridiculous - and there are no patient names on that list - just physician names that other physicians should avoid like the plague - physicians who would destroy another physician for the money. Carla O'Day's money was a multi-year, multi-million ER contract - not small change or golf games. Yes it matters, not that you can get that money back, but that I can have a life again. Open the confidential and lets solve the mess - confidential was meant to protect patient names, not colleagues who hated my father MD. No other state does this.


New Jersey,
It is funny that you keep ranting and slandering 13 years after the fact. Where have you been all this time anyway?

#17Consumer Comment

Sat, April 25, 2009

You can certainly type a lot of slander with bad wrists. No one 'fixed' any case. Your license was rightfully revoked as proven by your rants. And luckily no innocent people will become victims of your butchery. As you were proven wrong on 4/5/09 A Donna Sweets M.D. was on DHC CME discussing the AIDS epidemic in the country. Seems the men in the vocation are doing a poor job at keeping your conspiracy theory alive.I thought you said male doctors were keeping all females from the medical field and not just the incompetent ones such as yourself. The Discovery CME program has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm


Mayfield Heights,
Armond Budish and his office thinks that the problems with women's care and the State Medical Board are just 'funny' and just me

#18Author of original report

Sat, April 25, 2009

Look it isn't just me; I've never heard of the care that I got in Ohio that the State Medical Board allows - it's Ohio and the politics. What 'brat' deserved a wrist fracture uncasted for 3 weeks while her orthopedic, her chief of staff, her chief of medicine - all drank & partied the hours away. Dr. Nice was more concerned about his parties during this time, than any fracture alignment or care - and that's continued to the present day. There were many consultations with out-of-state orthopedics, all completely professional, who did not agree with the Ohio way of doing wrist fractures - to let them rot, displace, and then call the psychiatrists that you don't like - take the women physician's medical license to hide the problems and make everything 'psychiatric' that she won't accept and deal with the bad care and 'boys being boys' atmosphere in Ohio medicine. Anita Steinbergh DO, and Varyani et al, think that it's ok to leave wrist fractures until they become EXCRESCENT (monsterously swollen) before casting, to not re-do casts that have problems, to not use cast padding, to require that physician-patients order their own x-rays, supply their own splints, do their own fracture reductions, and diagnose and handle their own tendonitis - after all Dr. Michael Keith of University/Metro thinks that tendons are 'veins' and expects women MDs to believe it or we are 'crazy.' It's orthopedics for dummies in Ohio. Then when you finally 'salvage' your right hand, after months of every orthopedic complication in the book because of poor quality of care in Ohio, the Medical Board will take your license that you might sue - that you asked the orthopedics for an explanation of the 'care from hell.' Why they couldn't even REFER? And I asked this to Dr. Nice's office one day and got laughed at - Dr. Nice doesn't have to refer. And Anita Steinbergh has been covering this up for 17 years now; you'd think she'd get tired of inventing new lies daily. But the problem is the 'legal lobby' in the State Legislature - that allows the corruptions, bad care, bad appointments to the State Medical Board (only the most immature physicians need apply), and 'confidential' files at the State Medical Board of Ohio. So if the physician has no patient complaints, the case can't be found for 17 years, and hundreds of dollars of taxpayer monies are down the drain for a good physician. And the person behind the case, Dr. Carla O'Day, would seem to be giving Armond a 'cut' in her contracts from fixed cases at the State Medical Board of Ohio - with evidence that a fifth grader would reject. There are no rules of evidence, so anything that a cat says is ok.


New Jersey,
Why should it be reviewed when you state you are deformed and diabled? How could you perform what you couldn't perform before?

#19Consumer Comment

Wed, April 22, 2009

You can certainly type a lot of slander with bad wrists. No one 'fixed' any case. Your license was rightfully revoked as proven by your rants. And luckily no innocent people will become victims of your butchery. As you were proven wrong on 4/5/09 A Donna Sweets M.D. was on DHC CME discussing the AIDS epidemic in the country. Seems the men in the vocation are doing a poor job at keeping your conspiracy theory alive.I thought you said male doctors were keeping all females from the medical field and not just the incompetent ones such as yourself. The Discovery CME program has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm


Mayfield Heights,
Speaker Budish there needs to be external review of my situation with the State Medical Board - complaining about medical care that didn't happen

#20Author of original report

Wed, April 22, 2009

Does anyone else see that there's no way to solve this situation without opening of the 'confidential' files - what I did or supposedly did - and external review of the situation? The case has gone on now for 17 years and the Ohio State Medical Board is still looking for their case. Dr. Nice was begged to just refer no fault, in 1990, and he didn't have to refer. The State Medical Board of Ohio tells certain physicians that they are 'protected' - so care doesn't improve - that's why the Board was called & written to. The rules should be the same for every physician, not different for 'friends and family' of Board Members. Confidential complaints, repetitive psychiatric evaluations to admit something, and falsifying public records, Rorschach tests, and diagnoses are so far beneath the State of Ohio - or should be. Most states do not do these things - because they don't work, are ineffective, and are cruel. The only way that I can defend myself, given the outrageous Medical Board accusations, publications on their web site, and continued harassments - is to put the facts on ripoffreport. There are no patient complaints about me; not that I'm perfect, but I communicate and don't do therapies that don't work or try things on patients that I haven't discussed with them - I have some humility that you can't do good care unless you work with the patient. Fracture care in Ohio, and workup of women with endocrine issues, or a thyroid inflammation (the commonest thyroid problem), needs to improve - before it gets to the loss of the woman physicians medical license for objecting to no care. Then my thyroid gland is 'blown' out for life = really not a good idea. Yes the care was bad, should have been faulted and improved at Hillcrest & University, in 1991-2, and the situation resolve in the no-fault way that many other states have of improving care paradigms that have been outdated. Right now there's a time warp as no one understands how bad things were - that was the point; now things have changed so what am I complaining about - that I can't undo the wrist fracture deformities or the damage to my heath, my career and my life - how can I get my life back? Mistake laws will allow physicians to admit problems early and refer without liability or penalty - at least initially - Ohio needs to look at the possibilities in that regard. Medicare has stopped paying for at least 8 medical mistakes and more 'no payments' are coming, including probably no reimbursement if you leave the fracture to rot to excrescence for 5 days = the orthopedic pays for all the subsequent complications. If care providers were fined for sloppy care, with a point system for their medical licenses, then things might improve. But allowing Dr. Nice to take the stockingette padding for the polo ponies, leave fractures uncasted and lie about it - unlikely to resolve anything.


New York,
More bashing

#21Consumer Comment

Wed, April 22, 2009

"It's a soccer mom' move to leave your children's competition with untreated fractures for days & weeks" Geez, have you really run through everyone else you know and now you have to bash soccer moms? Get a life Rita. If I were you, I'd be asking myself, "Is it possible, since I have absolutely no support from anyone on this board, that I am even the tiniest bit wrong? Perhaps I should just accept that fact that, right or wrong, I am not now, nor will I ever be, a licensed physician. It sucks and I don't think it's fair. But it is what it is and I can't change it. I should consider another line of work and do something productive with all my knowledge and skills." That's what we in the mental health community call "rational thinking". The rest of us engage in it a majority of the time to ensure we live as happily as possible. Try it. You'll like it!


New Jersey,
You can certainly type a lot of slander with bad wrists.

#22Consumer Comment

Wed, April 22, 2009

No one 'fixed' any case. Your license was rightfully revoked as proven by your rants. And luckily no innocent people will become victims of your butchery. As you were proven wrong on 4/5/09 A Donna Sweets M.D. was on DHC CME discussing the AIDS epidemic in the country. Seems the men in the vocation are doing a poor job at keeping your conspiracy theory alive.I thought you said male doctors were keeping all females from the medical field and not just the incompetent ones such as yourself. The Discovery CME program has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm


Mayfield Heights,
Armond Budish re Dr. Nice leaving wrist fractures uncasted for 5 days or 3 weeks it's not just the carpal tunnel syndrome and the extreme excrescence' (monstrous swelling) this move' is lifetime disabling, deforming and painful

#23Author of original report

Wed, April 22, 2009

and allowed by the State Medical Board of Ohio, yourself and the present legislature (Health Committees), Hillcrest Hospital (now owned by Cleveland Clinic Foundation). It is the 'Dr. Nice wrist deformity' (so many degrees of angulation) the Dr. Keith deformity' is just leaving it; there's no experimental' casting that will disimpact the Dr. Nice deformity that was just an insurance con.' And then leaving the Mayo Clinic to save the tendons and have their orthotics do a splint a University Hospitals of Cleveland turf.' Then shutting me up' for 17 years Ohio has a State Medical Board from medical care hell' - can't do wrist fractures, psychiatry, or blood work - not even a vitamin D level in Ohio before your medical license is 'gone.' There are lifelong complications of this Nice' deformity including possibly needing eventual surgery (painful osteotomy), early arthritis, carpal (hand) bone instability, and chronic pain. Anatomical alignment of wrist fractures preserves range-of-motion, in wrist flexion and extension, and protects against long-term complications as well as leading to quicker healing without tendon & nerve problems but that anatomical alignment is not the standard in Ohio. Less swelling, not more, means faster & more bone healthy healing - but Dr. Nice is allowed to do the opposite. The Dr. Nice deformity is like Chinese manufacturing; it has an expiration date after which you will need more orthopedic care it not a life-long good' result for a 36-year old female physician, who wanted to get married, or for anyone reason for person interested to ditch' you. The Ohio State Medical Board allows Dr. Nice this negligence and malpractice no other state allows orthopedics to leave wrist fractures uncasted & untreated until they ripen to excrescence' this is Strickland (Celeste), Fisher, Budish, Ohio State Medical Board, and Hillcrest Hospital (CCF) approved in Ohio - the Ohio Democratic Party approved this wrist fracture 'message.' Orthopedics and their family members, Ohio State Medical Board Members, Democratic party members, etc, are casted within hours to 2 days no longer. Dr. Victor Goldberg of University Hospitals of Cleveland had a fracture at the same time that I had my second wrist fracture within 48 hours it was in surgery and casted (he was hospitalized, just not women MDs) well on the way to healing by one week (7 days) when I was getting carpal tunnel from a cast applied at 5 days on Dr. Nice's way to a drinking party.' Dr. Nice is always in-between parties, polo games, and assignations 'on the side'; then he accuses women physicians in huge pain with 'excrescently' swollen wrists of drinking and being seductive' when you can't shop, open bottles, cans or use silverware, or when you can't comb your hair or apply make-up, and can barely dress yourself to get to the office (and your MOTHER has to drive you). You aren't even presentable,' except to your poor parents & family, who love you anyways regardless of swollen deformed wrists, and you can't fight back from Dr. Nice's personal attentions, 'needs' or office visit insults what he and his office count on - or Dr. Tozzi's laughing and podiatry 'casting' jokes. This neglect,' or just bad' orthopedics, isn't allowed in better orthopedic training programs such as Boston University, Syracuse University, and the Indiana Hand Clinic or most other states (Pennsylvania) - where you have to reduce and set the fracture in anatomic alignment within 48 hours - because of the morbidities (complications) and months of hand problems that will follow: INCLUDING nerve, tendon problems (damage, rupture), and reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) or complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) = what happened to me. And then you aren't recruited for clinical trials Dr. Nice and Dr. Keith won't say the words in their testimony to the State Medical Board of Ohio and keep the diagnosis a secret' between them why they campaigned together two of the most unlikely 'bedfellows' in the Cleveland orthopedic community. The extreme swelling, once wrist fractures get that way, doesn't go away for months to years. The fracture angulates and impacts so that it is not reducible (like 'frozen' rigidity), and you set the patient up for months to years of complications (2 years in my case) which takes your marriage, keeps you from every going back into surgery or ob-gyn (this is a guy disable the competition' move in Ohio), and just minefields your career on purpose. This intentional harm' is allowed done to certain physicians by the State Medical Board of Ohio; to get women physicians out of the competition.' And when you object your medical license is taken for 17 years for care not allowed anywhere else in the US just Ohio basically the Mayo Clinic hand orthopedic had not seen anything like this abuse.' The key symptom of regional sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), or complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), is continuous, intense PAIN out of proportion to the severity of the injury, which gets worse rather than better over time - worse when you lay down at night and the wrists swell - you have to keep your hands/arms perpetually elevated - sleeping in a chair. CRPS most often affects one of the arms, legs, hands, or feet, and often the pain spreads to include the entire arm or leg. Typical features include dramatic changes in the color (to a bluish dusky color) and temperature of the skin over the affected limb or body part (always 'cold'), accompanied by intense burning pain, skin sensitivity, sweating, and swelling there is no treatment and even spontaneous remission takes months. CRPS often follows fractures that are mistreated - left swollen without stabilization for days - or over-manipulated fractures. It is a diagnosis of exclusion - so the orthopedic won't write it on the chart, and the Medical Board won't understand why you are continuing to 'bother' the orthopedics who let this happen - and most orthopedics just run if you try to refer this to them. The Medical Board of Ohio still hasn't 'gotten' the hidden diagnosis from this neglect; Dr. Nice 'excrescence' causes CRPS - epiphany moment needed. It is best to have wrist fractures casted once early on to prevent swelling, impaction, angulation, carpal tunnel and RSD or CRPS. Dr. Nice KNEW THIS, Dr. Keith KNEW THIS; Dr. Nice caused the carpal tunnel syndrome by neglecting the fracture until it became excrescent,' and then casting in severe flexion from the textbook he was reading in the office who knows when he last bought that textbook as he mostly buys polo gear. Wrist fractures are to be casted in slight flexion and ulnar deviation - Dr. Nice is still learning this (ADD learning curve) - but not to the point of cutting off circulation and nerves = the 60-plus lb polo grip' problem. Dr. Nice didn't notice the next day as he was in his after-party-glow,' and his staff isn't medically trained just Dr. Nice trained. So leaving fractures uncasted to swell to excrescence is a disabling, intentional neglect, and a direct cause of RSD or CRPS. For women physicians - not being deformed is important for life, marriage, and function; patients look at your hands first, children look at your hands first, and dates look at your hands first - it's not just about carpal tunnel - and none of this have I been allowed to 'say.' If Dr. Nice couldn't have' me, he was going to deform me, and a condition that he and Carla O'Day MD put in the Ohio Medical Boards requirements for re-licensure (besides referring to Dr. Nice), was that I can't practice with any MD family members least I learn something or be treated decently. They meant to disable me, and then keep me from any practice with a family member for competition. Dr. O'Day can't beat me on a standardized test, but she can destroy me by leaving my fractures uncasted and having me beaten up in Dr. Keith's office - for supposedly trying to 'rebreak' my R wrist fracture = a bizarre excuse that not even a 5th grader would buy, and certainly not on TV. Both Dr. Timothy Nice and Dr. Carla O'Day were 'jealous' that I had a father physician both are extremely 'pathological'; they, along with Dr. Fred Suppes, have children that are inadequate to getting into medical school - can't get the GRADES. So they destroy everyone else's children. Dr. Suppes had a boy who was virtually guaranteed a Medical School spot,' but he partied starting at University School high school. It's a soccer mom' move to leave your children's competition with untreated fractures for days & weeks; a move now allowed by Cleveland Clinic that gives Dr. Nice his yearly medical staff privileges at Hillcrest -something that Geauga Community Hospital stopped for similar malpractice neglects. And even when Dr. Nice messes up, he won't REFER to Cleveland Clinic he expects the patient to refer him/herself. And even if you can say RSD or CRPS, who believes you even as a woman MD? As one Dr. Keith MD associate put it; how does she know the names of the tendons and diagnoses - of course rotating on the University Hospitals of Cleveland orthopedic clerkship didn't teach that? So she must be 'obsessed' that she read a textbook of orthopedics years ago in medical school - when the orthopedic residents didn't and don't. So it's not just that Dr. Nice goofs or is allowed to do malpractice it's that it is approved by the Ohio State Medical Board, the Ohio legislature (Speaker Budish), and Hillcrest Hospital where other orthopedics do this also -condemning older patients to pain & complications for the rest of their lives. It's not just the carpal tunnel syndrome. . .it what this 'care' does to the rest of your life and career, to your being a woman and loving someone with your hands. It's not that I'm a 'brat,' I just wanted a life.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
Okay, what would you do IF you got your license back?

#24Consumer Comment

Wed, April 22, 2009

I know, let's look at it from RITA's point of view Okay Andromeda, have it your way. Let's say EVERYTHING Rita has told us is one hundred percent accurate and balanced, now what? Let's say she has a lots of french fries in her happy meal, and that there is this big out to get her conspiracy that after 17 years is still alive and action. Let's say EVERYTHING she says is true...BUT we can use anything she WRITES as evidence. Fair enough? Let's say she gets her license back tomorrow, then what? 1)She hasn't practiced in 17 years...a lot has changed in that time...I don't care how many classes you take, do you want someone seeing your mother in the hospital when she hasn't (legally) touched a patient in 17 years? 2)Even if you get a license, you need Malpractice Insurance...If you're the malpractice provider, might you look a little sideways at someone who lost their license for 17 years...Even if everything Rita has told us is true. Imagine her on a witness stand for a malpractice suit.. Dr. Kralik, tell us about this 17 years lost time on your resume. Well I lost my license" Why is that?" Well, you see, I broke my wrists..and there was the thyroid...and then some pounding...then a conspiracy...and Dr. Nice is a Man w***e..." IT's called WRITE THE CHECK." 3)Rita said she wants to join the Army...Well, just read what she writes...do you think she'll do well in the macho" and boy's club" of the US Army??? Get real. Not to mention TOO OLD. It's also an insult to military physicians that they would automatically take her without question. 4)Hospital Privileges: Every medical staff is going to need to approve her application for hospital privileges. Well do you think any of her LOCAL hospitals are going to consider her? Just read her writings...burnt one or two or 50 bridges there....So she'll need to go out of area or out of state. Now remember, the hospital is REQUIRED to learn of all circumstances about this physicins's history BEFORE granting privileges....They don't have to say WHY they refused privileges because that is supposed to generate an HONEST system...Oops, doesn't sound like Hillcrest will be very nice to her now does it? 5)Other States: Even if she has her Ohio licenses, other states are going to be VERY nervous about giving her a license...EVEN IF EVERTHING Rita says is true. 6)Other issues: We still haven't discussed her racism, sexism, religionism (if that's a word) as typed by her on a website that advises it NEVER deletes entries...Oh my, follows her around FOREVER. 7)She also has written with contempt in regards to Foreign Medical Graduates...there's a lot out there, how does she plan to work with them? How are they going to work with her given her published opinions? How about all the other folks she insulted. 8)Oh, and do you really think ANYONE is going to want to take care of her or her family when any PERCEIVED error is going to result in a lifetime of misery by the can't type enough words fast enough with broken wrists Rita? 9)So Andromenda...Who is doing Rita a favor by pointing out her wasted time and effort? Myself and John? Or you by trying to be her knight in rusted armor? 10)Except for you....it seems as if NO ONE else is there to defend her. Not old friends, not old associates, okay, her mommy, but otherwise she seems ON HER OWN. Don't you think there might be a LITTLE reason for this? 11)Remember, she wants to get back in a profession where you have to work as a TEAM and she doesn't exactly seem like a team player. She also insulted all the other members of the team. Don't you think it would be in her best interest to lose the thyroid/broken wrist/everybody is against me/I don't have any children/Men hate me/My mom is an enabler/Delta hate's me/no one knows anything about medicine but me/everyone screws up my surgery...but I still keep going to them....ATTITUDE. And move on to another area of her life and be productive??? So while she tries to paint herself as a victim and you feel she should be wrapped in protection by some memo on this site...Look at ALL the people she attacks with no proof. Explain to us all New Mexican, why this is appropriate? Why is this justified? I don't see it, but I'm not as smart as you.


Give it up Rita

#25Consumer Comment

Wed, April 22, 2009

You seem to post your rants but ignore the rebuttals which only shows that once again you are incompetent to practice any form of Medicine The Ohio Board was right - you were wrong and will always be WRONG The more posts you make the worse your case becomes I would say thing about it but your ego once again gets in the way of rational thinking


New Jersey,
No one 'fixed' any case. Your license was rightfully revoked as proven by your rants.

#26Consumer Comment

Wed, April 22, 2009

And luckily no innocent people will become victims of your butchery. As you were proven wrong on 4/5/09 A Donna Sweets M.D. was on DHC CME discussing the AIDS epidemic in the country. Seems the men in the vocation are doing a poor job at keeping your conspiracy theory alive.I thought you said male doctors were keeping all females from the medical field and not just the incompetent ones such as yourself. The Discovery CME program has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm


Mayfield Heights,
Speaker Budish thinks it's ok that Medical Board Members 'walk' with millions of dollars in hospital contracts for fixing cases at the State Medical Board of Ohio - she was a friend of Governor Celeste = friends & family

#27Author of original report

Tue, April 21, 2009

Carla O'Day MD knew me in Medical School - and would not allow proper reduction, casting or care of fractures - or a medical workup - before taking my medical license for making too much = care that every other patient in Ohio is allowed, blood work that she got many times when she was pregnant. She knew that Dr. Nice was kicked off of Geauga Hospital Medical Staff for the same problems - trying to care for fractures/cases that were byond his trainins - misrepresenting his skills and then refusing to refer. Dr. O'Day reportedly 'drinks like a fish' and Dr. Suppes ditto - yet nothing is ever done - except if you notice this. Two husbands and millions of dollars, and why was she on the State Medical Board without completing any residency, with skipping days of class in Medical School, and judging her 'competition' harder than anyone judges her. Most women physicians in Ohio don't have a chance; at care, at a life, at a marriage, at fairness. Speaker Budish is against that.


Mayfield Heights,
Speaker Budish bone pains for 2 years, and 3 fractures, are not usually 'psychiatric' - even if Carla O'Day MD says so - she's usually WRONG

#28Author of original report

Fri, April 17, 2009

Speaker Budish: Look Carla O'Day MD was in the class ahead of me - she skipped so much class in medical school that she could never be counted on to be in class if you had a question or were in an elective with her. Dr. O'Day (then Streepy) walked the CWRU medical school halls in tight jeans, flirting, married with 5 children - she never spoke about her husband except if he was taking her on a trip or letting her sit poolside in a resort. Ask Cleveland Magistrate Streepy about the truthfulness of his ex-wife. Had she not know Governor Celeste she would have had many many problems - apparently she had many connections in the 1970s with politicians - before she got on the State Medical Board or into medical school - she was a 'political' student - every year they take at least one of those types at CWRU School of Medicine. The Deans at CWRU had problems with her, and when I went to them in 1992 - they told me that they had 'no control' over what Dr. O'Day was doing or did -they had had enough years ago. Every problem to her is PSYCHIATRIC - she's misdiagnosed many many patients and the word on her is that if you get a patient from her - and I got one at Hillcrest - you recheck everything - especially the lab work that she doesn't know how to order or read/interpret. Everything is psych - her ex-husband - everything. Carla O'Day MD knows about as much Endocrinology - even women's endocrinolgy - as her dog - she would spend those class hours with the dog when the dog was sick = her excuse. That's not someone who should have been ordering me to Rorschach tests in 1992 - without any blood work. But that's the State Medical Board of Ohio. She has no what they call 'clinical maturity.' Dr. O'Day is a crude talking lightweight, a liar, and an abuser of her women & male colleagues = she's a nasty piece of work even on her best days = the Rocky River Horror Show brat. You can't have multiple fractures that don't heal, and continuing bone pains, and take the women physician's medical license for 'psychiatric' - it won't be a good case. Bone pains and fractures are usually NOT PSYCHIATRIC - unless you have the most stupid physicians in the US on that Ohio State Medical Board. The fracture results were SUABLE in 1990-2, and aren't any better - things are not 'fine,' but I've healed. LET ME GO. This is a MONSTER of a medical community - except for some physicians at Cleveland Clinic who didn't come from University Hospitals. Maybe Speaker Budish, if you can't sit down and DISCUSS in person for 20 minutes, you need psych help - this is not normal or a normal case for a State Medical Board. It's insane. You can't get a decent job with all the nonsense on the State Medical Board of Ohio's site - the jobs want to know what is really going on - they don't believe that stuff but they want ALL THE FACTS OUT THERE - and end to the NAME CALLING. Please open the 'confidential' complaint - if I'm at fault at least I will be punished for what I know, if I'm innocent then LET ME GO - you have a life - let me have one. You have children, you didn't let me have one with a cleared career - you just trash women, abuse women, and say that's Ohio government.


New Jersey,
As you were proven wrong again on 4/5/09

#29Consumer Comment

Fri, April 17, 2009

A Donna Sweets M.D. was on DHC CME discussing the AIDS epidemic in the country. Seems the men in the vocation are doing a poor job at keeping your conspiracy theory alive.I thought you said male doctors were keeping all females from the medical field and not just the incompetent ones such as yourself. The Discovery CME program has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm


Mayfield Heights,
My medical license was taken 17 years ago this June for piles of lies after I objected to fracture care where the orthopedics couldn't reduce 'simple' fractures or cast; care admittedly where the 'boys were being boys'

#30Author of original report

Thu, April 16, 2009

Could we move forward please, open the files, see how much Dr. Carla O'Day collected in Hillcrest Hospital contracts for 'fixing' the case against me - and debunk the lies? How much has it cost the state to prophylactically take a woman physician out? I should be allowed to confront my accusers and say what happened, and who hated my father, who wanted to collect $ from Dr. Nice/Mrs. Nice. The medical insurance will not pay for multiple evaluations until the State Medical Board of Ohio Fraud gets the diagnosis that they want to be out of liability; this is like paying for 5 mistakes already - 5 surgeries where a foreign body was left in - 5 emotional hells with disgusting evaluators, guys that you wouldn't even speak to if there were other choices. Dr. Resnick is not the appropriate person to do anything - he totally personally just 'turns my stomach' with his involvement without my consent. There were no patient complaints and I've never known a pathological physician who had no patient complaints - a personality disorder with a personality that all the patients liked, just not her competition. Fractures have to be casted, reduced and followed for neurovascular compression, tendon damage, etc. It took two years to heal and then Dr. Keith had the wrists, arms, beaten up to 'teach me a lesson' that he was not responsible for the 'bad result' - well who was responsible as I didn't set my fractures? My days are hell, but this update is to document the 'hell' - so that Drs. Nice, Keith, O'Day, Suppes, Mr. Whitehouse and Mr. Budish can go home and get their sex without having any problems in Ohio - problems are just lied about and destroyed. So who's responsible for fracture care in Ohio? It's not FINE as the alignment will never come back and I'm a walking 'bad result' because I was in Ohio when the fractures occurred = I'm an orthopedic joke in Indiana (the Indiana Hand Clinic uses my carpal instability films to teach residents), NYC, and MN. This nightmare, after 17 years of lies, will never go away - at night you wake up and can't believe that this is the US - where you are tortured until you admit a diagnosis or have to KEEP going to a psychiatrist with 'fixed' information so he can come to a foregone conclusion - what happened to having the diagnoses that you have and correct fracture care? What happened to physicians doing no harm? Because they can't do fracture care in Ohio, they make it into a psychiatric case, that the woman physician can't accept 'care from hell' instead of improving the quality of the care and the Drs. Nice & Keith results. The Medical Mutual will only pay for more evaluations if the 'confidential' complaint is opened, the physicians who signed are able to be evaluated themselves, and the whole story is out - it's not about my patient care or my being a 'brat.' During the time that I worked with Dr. Nice: under threat of losing my Hillcrest Hospital privileges from 1990-2, I had to (1) sign for his drug rep samples - so he could be doing his polo, (2) help his office with vital signs on patients (including donating a stethoscope as he wouldn't buy one - too cheap saving for the parties), (3) watch him getting his pants hemmed during an office visit (real 'turnon'), (4) endure him piling his office furniture in front of my father's office to obstruct the entrance as he couldn't put the furniture anywhere else while his office was being redone, (5) babysit his patients while he, and his office, partied for long lunches, (6) take care of a 'pile' of patients upset from his/his office's care, behaviors, and results, and (7) endure comments unendingly - to this day - about how my being 'seductive' distracted him from orthopedic care = couldn't keep his mind on his orthopedics. It's 17 years later and when will this nightmare of lies end? You've ripped apart my life, my career, etc. and this wouldn't have been done to any Jewish women MD - in Beachwood or elsewhere in Ohio. It's not going to be solved by another psychiatric evaluation of me for being angry about not being able to get MY MEDICAL RECORDS to the consultants to save the fractures - it wasn't even about the mistakes - but they happened and fracture care paradigms in Ohio should be improved. But it won't happen with Speaker Budish, Governor Strickland, or Lt. Governor Lee Fisher - the Ohio State Medical Board will remain status quo.

Devilsadvocate4education*just My Opinions*

Las Vegas,
A different view of Rita's reports for Andromeda

#31Consumer Comment

Thu, April 16, 2009

I admit there have been a few occasions in which I thought John might be little harsh, however he may have his own reasons for which something in those reports REALLY gets under his skin. We all have personal things which are MAJOR pet peeves for personal reasons known only to us and not always explained in our posts. I can't speak for John or anybody else for that matter. Her reports DO frustrate the heck out of me though and I am obviously not the only one. I've gotten the feeling you may identify with Rita a bit due to a similar problem and/or experience with diagnosis trouble? Or maybe your area is just the medical one. Dr. John may have simply done some research. Plenty of us do which may be why he can only speak on the basics. He did however put the effort in. Posting the other complaints? I appreciate that. It can give plenty of insight and helps research occur faster and gives a bigger picture of WHAT may be going on or at least a better place to form your opinions from. I think pointing out why a poster may not be entirely correct and pointing out serial poster's can be just as constructive, educational, and helpful as offering advice and support to those who truly have been wronged. How would anyone learn ANYTHING if we all just said, yeah okay, your right when they aren't or no one makes the effort to find out if they really are? Are you, like Rita focusing on her medical issues? It seems to me that has little to do with the subsequent events and with every post she makes it more apparent they made the right decision. I have some major problems with the pdf for some reason and haven't been able to read it but you can get plenty of the big picture from Rita's own posts. SHE is focusing on that and attempting to link it to the other issues, it doesn't seem they did. While it may have occurred that way (the treatment and diagnosis issues) it appears unrelated from the LICENSE issues she is trying so hard to connect it to. When you add the other reports which do not actually have anything to do with the license it furthers the impression that the whole situation had more to do with her mental/emotional issues and actions and that she just may not be processing the situation correctly (which again would point to the fact that they made the correct decision). It may be more apparent now than it was then, but they obviously saw some early signs. She seems to make plenty of attacks of her own on people. I feel bad that her life has taken the turn it has, but what does posting continuously about it and the conspiracy theories and refusal to accept responsibility or reality tell us? She would do far better by attempting to find a different path that she finds fulfilling (as well as some help) instead of dwelling. You know, be constructive. She just keeps going, and going, and going.. That doesn't say anything to you? There is also a question to me as to why she did not implement some of the procedures, testing and actions she believes the other doctor should have at the time. It was certainly in her capabilities even if she had to go a town over and see another doctor or something if she knew then what she thought should be done. What's your take on that? For most of us I think she proves them in the right consistently. When you look at the whole big picture (after following the links though one report might do it) how could anyone think there's NOT something wrong aside from the issues she states? What is it that makes you think she may be right, or do you? *just my opinions*


New York,
To "Interested Person"

#32Consumer Comment

Thu, April 16, 2009

To answer your question about Charles, he's another poster who rants and raves about the injustices committed against him and his mother. He's a lot like Rita - all complaining with no real substance. I tend to ignore him. As for Rita, she's obviously mentally ill. I'm a mental health professional so I'm pretty sure that without ever having meeting her my diagnosis would match those of previous posters. Amazing how you can tell so much about a person based on their writing style! I've enjoyed some of your other posts, "IP".

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
Jeanski - Great Comment, but whose Charles?

#33Consumer Comment

Thu, April 16, 2009

I find Rita's equations fascinating: "Fractures = TSH + Vitamin D level = nothing" Therefore Fractures = nothing then: "psychiatry = lab work" Which I'm sure would make the shrinks happy "The lab work came back...bi-polar with psychotic features...no license for Rita" I pity the poor shrink who had to sit there and LISTEN to her rants. and Finally Ohio State Medical Board Members order 6 evaluations before blood work = Stupidity = Ohio. But what I CAN't figure out, is what this has to do with losing a license. How: No lab work = Lost license? "Oh look, Rita has a high TSH...no wonder she acted like such a dunce. Here, give her a license and Synthroid and she's good to go..." What's REALLY interesting is that every broken bone requires lab work. "Jimmy fell out of the tree, check his Vitamin D level.." "Drunk in car wreck, bone sticking out his thigh..forget the CT scan, Type and screen, Drug screen, ETOH, chem panel, UA....just make sure his dang thyroid isn't low....remember...Rita's law: broken bone equals blood work. It's just so silly you got to laugh. And then she spends time talking about broken bones in Lassie. (get it, a COLLIE'S FRACTURE...Look it up Colle's /Collies, it's a joke son get it?) Question Rita - Do you actually have any job AT ALL? Are you on disability for your mental problems? You say your taking all these graduate course, are you DOING anything with them??? Even though you had to leave a program for PERSONAL REASONS? Don't complete what you start do you? Just keep HARPING about these things.


Mayfield Heights,
Who's the BRAT; the 20-minute discussion chip' that Speaker Budish is missing he can't put the issues together anymore than Ohio orthopedics can put fractures together or The Ohio State Medical Board cases' together

#34Author of original report

Thu, April 16, 2009

Speaker Budish: FRACTURES = TSH + VITAMIN D LEVEL = nothing to do with psychiatry, just 5 minutes of patient history, 2 minutes of writing out lab requisition, 5 minutes of looking at results = something that Ohio physicians can't do = nothing to do with Daniel, Mindy, John or being a brat' = labs that Ohio State Medical Board Members don't understand. The Ohio State Medical Board is the only State Medical Board that allows the taking of women physician's medical licenses for (1) PROPHYLACTIC purposes because they might sue for negligent care or not send Dr. Timothy Nice enough orthopedic referral patients (the State Medical Board of Ohio is his business partner'); (2) without allowing the women physician care-to-function - while male physicians, including Dr. Nice - are allowed all the blood work, workups, and medical care that they need to get back (Dr. Nice had more blood work and care' than I did during 1990-2), and (3) allowing the taking of medical licenses of women physicians based on confidential' complaints that are not about patient care or keeping patient names confidential' rather these complaints are about colleague-colleague disputes of care practices that nearly cost the women physician the use of her hands because male orthopedics in Ohio have trouble doing women's fracture care, and don't know the workup for women patients with a multiple-fracture syndrome. The Medical Board Members in Ohio - too busy drinking, campaigning, and making up false cases don't know the workup for endocrine bone problems either they can't string sentences in conversation together for 20-minutes when you meet with them it's the one-liner only. But this Board only takes the WOMEN physician's license before the blood work is done; only women get their medical licenses taken for being a bad patient' in Ohio men can be difficult, psychotic, and anything else they want to be as a patient. It's a brat double-standard the men are the brats, the women just have to put up with the brat-pack behaviors. Who's the BRAT? All Dr. Nice was asked to do for months in 1990-2 was walk a one paragraph medical records summary, or a copy of my records, 10-20 feet at most down the hall of the Hillcrest Medical Building he didn't even have to spend postage or saddle up a polo pony no polo swings involved. The records turned up 1 years after they were needed by the consultants with piles of sexual innuendo and made up care; when Dr. Nice goofs he makes up a story that the Blue Cross doesn't buy, but the State Medical Board of fools does. Dr. Nice can invent any care,' and the Medical Board will buy it without a question. Then Dr. Nice, or his nasty staff, was asked to stop giving out misinformation, stop thinking that he/they could just send his patients to my father's waiting room for our staff to babysit while he/they partied for lunch sometimes for hours, and sit down for 20 minutes to DISCUSS the situation of what he did to my fractures and render some decision about who he wanted to use as an internist for the patients that he had sent to our office who they should be referred to as I couldn't resume working with him with all the bone pains. Instead the State of Ohio, Hillcrest Staff/Administration, the Medical Board, and Speaker Budish (and Dr. Michael Keith, Mayo Clinic, Indiana Hand Clinic, Syracuse Orthopedics, and The Hospital for Special Surgery in NYC) have all tried to do his job because he left everyone with a mess, and a pile of lies, and no one knows why he did the crazy' care, the crazy' medical records, and refused to refer to even the Cleveland Clinic that gives him Staff privileges at Hillcrest Hospital every year = Dr. Nice who as one patient puts it, is not-so-nice' and that wasn't me. Yet I've now had to go through 5 evaluations, saying that there were problems that I couldn't handle with two wrist fractures and no care you'd think that the Ohio Medical Board would have gotten the message that women's care in Ohio is not very good and improve the care instead of doing more goes.' You'd think that the Board would mandate that physicians complaining about another physician, who couldn't deal with the boys being boys,' would be required to sit down and DISCUSS with the woman physician before the State of Ohio spent close to $1Million going after her that she couldn't finesse boys being boys' = her personality flaw. Who's the brat here? The money clock is still ticking on this case. Then Speaker Budish can't spend 20 minutes with the lawyer and myself but he spends hours trying to damage-control' Daniel & Mindy, hypothetically speaking about what might be in a confidential' complaint about a woman physician with no patient complaints. Well, the message is that no one can solve the problems without the confidential' complaint and probably the lawyer, myself, Dr. Nice, Dr. Keith, Dr. O'Day, and Mr. Whitehouse in the room because this is personal bratty behavior just not all at one time = the lawyer might have to deal with Nice, Keith, and O'Day alone. Dr. Nice, Dr. Keith, Dr. O'Day et al, and Mr. Whitehouse want their 20-minutes of FAME for going after a woman physician who they hate for being good, for her father being a physician (they have mandated that she can't work with her father in any patient care or medical situation that's nasty and the one person who's hated me for have a physician father since medical school is Dr. Carla Streepy O'Day who had a Magistrate husband that she USED to the MAX to get into Medical School). So Dr. O'Day used her ex-husband, her Celeste connections and everyone else to the max, and I'm not allowed to spend time working with my father as that might be an unfair advantage? Dr. Nice was allowed to bring his middle-school children to watch him bloody butcher a hip replacement surgery at Hillcrest Hospital the hospital didn't like it and he just said tough.' This needs to end, but I'm not the BRAT we asked Dr. Nice, Dr. Keith, Dr. O'Day, Mr. Whitehouse, and Speaker Budish for 20 minutes, at different times, and all they can do is spend taxpayer monies making excuses for 17 years. Dr. Keith was asked from 5/1991-5/1992 to spend 20 minutes with my father going over the care, x-rays, problems and where to refer the case so that he could SIGN OFF he couldn't be bothered, but he could be bothered to instruct his staff to beat me up and throw me out if I came with the hand all swollen from his experimental' care. I had to go speak with his Chief Dr. Victor Goldberg who in 3/1992 wanted me to find another University Orthopedic, for another experiment?' All that was needed was an explanation, and a meeting with himself, my father and I and Dr. Keith that couldn't be arranged for some reason but hours of lies before the State Medical Board of Ohio were arranged without any blood work as Dr. Keith doesn't believe in blood work, just the bone biopsy. Where's the missing chip, and who's the brat that has to win at all costs, leaving a pile of wreckage and bills for the taxpayers to pay? 20 minutes of DISCUSSION should have been required of Dr. Nice, Dr. Keith, and Dr. O'Day before any suspension of my medical license, and 20 minutes of a call to the Mayo Clinic where my cousin came fracturing with the same endocrine bone problem. They could have charged the Blue Cross for this time and BC/BS would have paid as it was something real' that they did most of the orthopedic care was virtual. There needs to be some common sense here, and it isn't going to come from Daniel & Mindy Speaker Budish you need to give them better example. Everyone in the State of Ohio, except Dr. Nice, has been doing and paying for his slipshod orthopedic care, and his ruining other professional lives the double-standard needs to top. Speaker Budish, the State of Ohio Medical Board, and Cleveland Clinic need to require that Dr. Nice resolve his colleague disputes and stop confidentially' complaining about colleagues, before they re-license him and give him staff privileges for another year of this at Hillcrest Hospital. It's not just my fault, my complaint was never investigated, but Dr. Nice complaints are, and they ruin lives, and any physician doing this to other physicians over many years, has some psychiatric problem. Dr. Nice has a psychiatric problem where he does statewide campaigns against other physicians instead of 20-minutes; the narcissistic personality disorder. Fractures = TSH + Vitamin D level = nothing to do with my personality, nothing to do with psychiatry = lab work; Ohio State Medical Board Members order 6 evaluations before blood work = stupidity = Ohio. I've been called every 'name' in the book, and beaten up twice, because I wasn't worth one set of blood work. Dr. Nice had every blood test ordered on him 3 months before my second fracture - while he laughed around Hillcrest that I was 'unlucky.' It had nothing to do with luck, just the bad MDs that were too full of themselves to allow the Mayo Clinic or Cleveland Clinic to finish the workup before they jumped to conclusions and destroyed my life for 17 years - all the sacrifices of my parents, my hands that Alice Chalifoux trained = I wasn't worth it in Ohio and I'm still not. What kind of people are you?


New York,
Play nice!

#35Consumer Comment

Wed, April 15, 2009

Hey everyone, I've been following Rita's (and Charles') rants for some time now. I am always amazed, particularly in regards to Rita, at how much they sound like my kids having temper tantrums! Since this is a CONSUMER website in which we can share experiences in the hopes of helping one another, I suggest we all start ignoring these idiotic rants against the world. All they do is feed the paranoid monster living inside, and he's been getting hungrier and hungrier! Basic psychological theory holds here - quit rewarding someone for what they do and they'll stop doing it. The more we respond, the more she writes. Ever notice that? Rita - you've made your point (ad nauseum) that the State of Ohio medical board and the rest of the world is against you. Why not give it a rest? There comes a time when you have to face the fact that you've lost on this issue. Sure, there's a few people out there who probably live for the entertainment of reading your posts, but what is there to gain? Oh wait - you're hoping someone will agree with you, right? Ain't gonna happen honey. We've all been warned now about the medical board and the evil men that run the place. You've done your job as a consumer. Now let the rest of the world have their say.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
Rita is not the victim, she's the attacker

#36Consumer Comment

Wed, April 15, 2009

Andromeda: Why you're standard posts are both non-productive and fail to give even a hint of an argument, you simply attack the person...just like Rita does. Two peas in a pod? However, not to stoop to your gutter level The point here is that RITA has made unsubtantiated claims about roughly 45 people or more. Rita has insulted their gender, religion, hobbies, spouses, honor, along with every other item that SHE deems appropriate. Giving this self centered, egotistical, vindicitive, psychopathic, lying, misrerpesenting, mentally unstable EX-physician a bullet and flames protected platform to throw down her vile hatred is not in ANYONEs best interest. I'm sure even someone from New Mexico (see, I can do it also) can understand it. It's moronic knee jerk self righteous do gooders such as yourself who can't see past the obvious who eliminate reasonable argument and discussion from these issues (darn, let me climb out of your gutter again). So it would be more helpful if you address issues by issue (and there are hundreds of pages of issues) before you launch your personal attacks, which seems to be your only weapon to use. Now be safe out there.


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,
Dr. John

#37Consumer Comment

Tue, April 14, 2009

To the 'coward' named Doctor John MD. Hey stupid! you are pretty good at repeating un-proved information and innuendo. I dare you 'chicken' to answer the following questions and try to be a 'man'. You are all hot air, and no foundation to lean on. What do you say for yourself stupid? I read the report. Tell me doctor John, Why didn't her doctors order Thyroid and Parathyroid tests and Calcium and Phosphorus tests when she started to fracture? We are all STILL waiting for your answer 'Doctor'! Tell us on your next post. You are doing a lot of guessing and interpreting using evidence that may or may not be totally factual and may have been altered. Did you miss that when you read the report, or just choose to leave it out? Tell us on your next post. I think anyone who would make 'fun' of someone's problems is a 'VERY SAD LITTLE PERSON' who needs counseling to find out why they they choose that behavior. In case you don't know, I mean YOU. Explain this on your next post. What is your connection to the Medical Board, and why are you defending them so vigorously? WHY DON'T YOU PUT YOUR REAL NAME AND LOCATION HERE? Rita had the courage to do that! Ill bet it is because Rita knows you. Explain this on your next post. Unless you have constructive information that can help Rita NOW, your posts are not relevant, and should be in a 'chat' room. This website is to offer good help and advice to people who honestly feel they were treated badly. RipOffReport thread authors are 'protected' on here! Here is a quote from the founder of RipOffReport. I capitalized key points for you! START OF QUOTE 'If you are familiar with this site, as you seem to be, you will know that we are dedicated to the plight of victims. In the event a victim comes to this site for safe harbor to obtain support/solutions, we are further dedicated to precluding further victimization by attorneys, corporate shills, or HEARTLESS BASTARDS who just DON'T CARE WHO THEY ATTACK. We may get more than a little vigorous, but it is important that all victims understand that these waters are TRULY FRIENDLY.' END OF QUOTE This means YOU Dr. John! What's the matter with you? Didn't you ever learn to read and comprehend? Try hard to read and understand the paragraph above, and see if you finally 'get it'. If you still have a problem, and continue to post, you will be the 'dumbest' person I have ever run across, and I have met many other 'empty headed' people. WISE UP STUPID! You have your own 'mental' illness to deal with. Just read your posts. You seem like the type to 'kick' someone in the head when they are down. I think you probably used to do that to animals didn't you? I can see that you are one 'mentally' ill 'sadistic' piece of crap! Just take your tiny brain with the HUGE 'kick them while they are down' attitude to Iraq, where you can have 'fun' doing the same thing with guns. Unless you were there, you are just another sadistic, low IQ flunky who believes every word of self serving text, including his own, and falls for all of it hook line and sinker. Get lost! The world will be a much better place for the rest of us.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
Wow, the worthless return of Andromeda

#38Consumer Comment

Tue, April 14, 2009

Wow, activity, what fun: Andromeda: Again you prove your worthlessness and failure to understand the global picture. While protecting a victim seems appropriate, protecting this egotistical racist, bigotted, arrogant, self centered egotistical liar does not fall into that category. The reason the ORTHOPEDIST didn't order these tests, is because that's the job of the INTERNIST, which includes, well, before her license lost, RITA. This isn't brain surgery...Rita goes to her internist and goes "wow, I keep breaking bones" and the internist goes, "stop drinking" or "let's do a metabolic panel. It's nice however that anyone who DISAGREES with the poster should be beaten for not protecting them and need to "wise up dummy" Wow, great debater you are....if you can't argue the facts, you lost, and,...you lost. Rita: Who cares about the confidential informants, we just read your own words and letters which ARE well documented in the report which shows that you have mental illness. I think the letters to George Bush on down are the works of a psychopath...but keep writing, it's entertaining. Not that you actually answer questions instead of going off on your tangents, but if the court threw it out, why are you still missing a license??? Because, well, MENTAL ILLNESS. What part of that are you to mentally ill to understand. Stacey: Welcome back. John: As usual a helpful fellow.


New Jersey,
Now it's 'beatings'? LOL.

#39Consumer Comment

Tue, April 14, 2009

As you were proven wrong again on 4/5/09 A Donna Sweets M.D. was on DHC CME discussing the AIDS epidemic in the country. Seems the men in the vocation are doing a poor job at keeping your conspiracy theory alive.I thought you said male doctors were keeping all females from the medical field and not just the incompetent ones such as yourself. The Discovery CME program has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm


Mayfield Heights,
Regarding typing out the story & comments on this site. . .

#40Author of original report

Mon, April 13, 2009

It's expected that I'll get beaten up again, as the Medical Board of Ohio has no fair way of ending my case without their liability for 'buying' it without checking the facts. Speaker Budish doesn't care as long as his wife, and his Jewish women friends, get their blood work and correct casting and care of patients - as long as his dogs get care. If I'm beaten up again, it's doubtful that my hands will come back this time, and the beatings always go for my wrists, arms, hands, and face the last time - the black cop in Jacksonville even started at my face for daring to disagree with him that I was not 'on drugs' - he didn't know what thyroid pills were, he talked at an 8th grade level if that = the level that they hire at the Jacksonville airport. I came back to Cleveland, to graduate classes with bruises on my face. That's the level that Mrs. Nice and Dr. Carla O'Day pay = the borderline criminal element. With the airport problems, many airports have hired cops/security people with criminal records and little education, who don't have the capacity to think before they act or falsely accuse and beat up. Jacksonville FL (JAX) Airport Security has a pile of airport traveler belongings, cash, etc from throwing the baggage around and just dumping things - it's a disagrace and has nothing to do with 'terrorism;' you can sell all this stuff or just cash in the cash that fell out of the purse that you dumped ON PURPOSE to get the passenger to start crying. Times are hard economically - lose cash is a great find. This is intentional, as is the Medical Board stuff in my case = they have nothing better to do in Ohio and no real jobs. So they find ways to get me beaten up, no penalty was done to Dr. Keith for doing this to me in his office - he just can. Male colleagues can beat their female MD colleagues up for care disagreements in Ohio.


Near Roswell,
New Mexico,

#41Consumer Comment

Mon, April 13, 2009

Doctor John Califon, New Jersey U.S.A. I read the report. Tell me doctor 'John', Why didn't her doctors order Thyroid and Parathyroid tests and Calcium and Phosphorus tests when she started to fracture? We are all STILL waiting for your answer 'Doctor'! Tell us on your next post. You are doing a lot of guessing and interpreting using evidence that may or may not be totally factual and may have been altered. Did you miss that when you read the report, or just choose to leave it out? Tell us on your next post. I think anyone who would make 'fun' of someone's problems is a 'VERY SAD LITTLE PERSON' who needs counseling to find out why they they choose that behavior. In case you don't know, I mean YOU. Explain this on your next post. What is your connection to the Medical Board, and why are you defending them so vigorously? WHY DON'T YOU PUT YOUR REAL NAME AND LOCATION HERE? Rita had the courage to do that! Ill bet it is because Rita knows you. Explain this on your next post. Unless you have constructive information that can help Rita NOW, your posts are not relevant, and should be in a 'chat' room. This website is to offer good help and advice to people who honestly feel they were treated badly. RipOffReport thread authors are 'protected' on here! Here is a quote from the founder of RipOffReport. I capitalized key points for you! START OF QUOTE 'If you are familiar with this site, as you seem to be, you will know that we are dedicated to the plight of victims. In the event a victim comes to this site for safe harbor to obtain support/solutions, we are further dedicated to precluding further victimization by attorneys, corporate shills, or HEARTLESS BASTARDS who just DON'T CARE WHO THEY ATTACK. We may get more than a little vigorous, but it is important that all victims understand that these waters are TRULY FRIENDLY.' END OF QUOTE This means YOU Dr. John! What's the matter with you? Didn't you ever learn to read and comprehend? Try hard to read and understand the paragraph above, and see if you finally 'get it'. If you still have a problem, and continue to post, you will be the 'dumbest' person I have ever run across, and I have met many other 'empty headed' people. WISE UP STUPID! You have your own 'mental' illness to deal with. Just read your posts. You seem like the type to 'kick' someone in the head when they are down. I think you probably used to do that to animals didn't you? I can see that you are one 'mentally' ill 'sadistic' piece of crap! Just take your tiny brain with the HUGE 'kick them while they are down' attitude to Iraq, where you can have 'fun' doing the same thing with guns. Unless you were there, you are just another sadistic, low IQ flunky who believes every word of self serving text, including his own, and falls for all of it hook line and sinker. Get lost! The world will be a much better place for the rest of us.


Mayfield Heights,
regarding the summary by John, and the general public misrepresentations, lies, fabrications, and slander

#42Author of original report

Mon, April 13, 2009

Look all that Dr. Nice/Keith were asked, when things went wrong was to transfer the care, sign off, terminate me, with a one sentence or one paragraph summary. They refused, campaigned, lied all over Cleveland. No one knows why; they shouldn't have been testifying anything at the State Medical Board in 1992 - they were asked to sign off in 1990 and 1991 - multiple times - with or without medical records. Why would you refuse to TERMINATE a patient that requested that you do so - only if you had done malpractice on them and wanted to try to edit the records over time = answer. They refused to terminate because the next orthopedic would have written a nasty note about them and their care - as Mayo Clinic did privately = why we need medical mistake laws in Ohio. But so what? None of this made any sense. The information passed to Delta Airlines was that I was 'on drugs' - it wasn't at a Federal level - a local level - and it got me mistreated and beaten up by a crazed black cop probably on 'roids as many of his associates were at the time = known fact. There are no drugs except some thyroid medication - and I don't look foreign or even like Dr. Nice - this was probably Mrs. Nice or Carla O'Day MD - both of whom have a continued interest in discrediting me and getting me beaten up at regular intervals - these comments are to hopefully stop the beatings & incidents, to document them. Delta Airlines has big problems with this kind of fraud. When 10 beatings of me have occurred maybe something will get done; about colleagues & their wives abusing women MDs. All these 'incidents' have happened since I reported Dr. Nice for not sending the medical records, and only in connection with Ohio. I've soloed private airplanes - traveled extensively with no problems until Dr. Nice. Dr. Nice also harassed the office for patients, and used 'dirty sex talk' in his daily comments, medical record notations (no 'sterile cockpits' for him) - that I was 'seductive' and to 'understand' him - stuff no physician should be doing, saying, or writing. The level of this situation is bottom-feeder; even your gross comments, when you know nothing about this case unless you are being paid by Mrs. Nice. Why are you so interested? Why so many comments & summaries? Dirty sex talk between medical colleagues is not justified by 'aequanimitas' - the Oslerian philosophy of non-reacting to the problems. And when you don't say something about this 'dirty sex talk,' it just gets worse. So it's being put here so that someone stops some of it in the medical offices, on hospital staffs, at the Medical Board of Ohio, or in residency training programs in Ohio. Currently 'dirty sex talk,' on charts or on rounds, is ok; it rocks. The carpal tunnel occurred with Dr. Nice's casting - no padding, bizarre direction, after 5 days of EXCRESCENCE and swelling (while he made fun of me, told other orthopedics that it wasn't broken, even my parents were told this) = summary. Care no fracture should get. If this happens the orthopedic needs to check the neurovascular status, document, and recast - Dr. Nice was supposedly out shopping for polo ponies or was 'in church'? (the church of getting it on the side?) - he couldn't check his casts for neurovascular status; no follow-up as he was always out riding or practicing his 'polo swing.' The recast came from Dr. Keith, an 'experimental' recasting, 2 weeks later. But Dr. Nice hadn't signed off - takes 5 minutes, or one-minute of staff instruction for the termination letter. The http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf was thrown out, disproved, etc long ago. One diagnosis was from a falsified Rorschach test, admittedly falsified by the Board (they laugh that they could get away with this, and that they 'pulled a fast one' - they got me on this?), and interviews where I wasn't allowed to say what happened - that the care was inadequate and not referred. It's ok to make mistakes, but not to lie about them or not refer. I've never implied that I'm always 'right' or 'perfect,' but I don't accuse patients of being crazy or on drugs, or lie about things when medical mistakes happen. The problem here was not the mistakes, it was the way they were handled - accusing me of personality problems instead of just sending the files/medical records, terminating the care, and referring to the next guy up the orthopedic ladder of expertise. Even in 2000, part of the problem is that I have to refer to Dr. Nice if I get my medical license back; why would he want that? Dr. Nice had some obsession with me, some fixation that I was going to do personal things for him - things he gets done by other staff or up and down Mayfield Road. I don't expect you to understand. But everything at http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf has been long ago debunked - it's the only case that the State Medical Board has apparently - they have no new case so they keep recycling the old one hoping that it will make it true. It's irresponsible government. They don't have a way to handle mistakes at the State Medical Board in Ohio except to tell Delta Airlines that I'm 'on drugs,' a 'threat,' and don't deserve to fly? Let's grow up here. I can type easily on keyboards, as I've always had to do my OWN papers in class and I've returned to graduate school (the guys wouldn't type for me of course), work in congressional or other offices, doing computer work, and it's the ONLY defense that I've had to the lies - the fractures were 17 years ago and still hurt but I can type. Initially I couldn't. And I've tried to get the truth out in other ways - in case I'm beaten up to the cerebral hemorrhage point some day. Thyroid function tests are ordered on every Jewish-princess in Beachwood Ohio, every woman attorney in Columbus, every Jewish woman MD - but I couldn't one set of thyroid function tests ordered and the results from 1990-2. The question is why? Every dog in Beachwood has these tests run on them, and every dog gets a cast with padding before 5 days of eXcrescence.


Mayfield Heights,
The information at http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf has been disproved several times - first by the Ohio Court of Appeals in 1993

#43Author of original report

Mon, April 13, 2009

The information published by the State Medical Board of Ohio at http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf has been disproved several times now - was first thrown out by the OHIO Court of Appeals in 1993 -at which time the Ohio Court of Appeals asked the Medical Board of Ohio to produce the evidence, the witnesses (names, addresses, phones, degrees), and verification that the 'confidential' complaint in my case even existed - the Ohio State Medical Board refused AND CONTINUES TO REFUSE - which Speaker Budish allows. There's fraud in Ohio, there's the offices that allow it. There's just no way to sue the State Medical Board of Ohio for slander - no physician has the money for this, no malpractice insurance has the money for this. Some lawyers have felt that the 'confidential' complaint doesn't even exist, as everything is 'confidential' no one knows except the Medical Board. The Ohio Court of Appeals hasn't seen any evidence that the complaint, which caused the investigation, exists - since 1992. Now that should happen first - the complaint should have to show up somewhere even in Speaker Budish's office - if he was doing his job - but he isn't and wants Carla O'Day to keep walking with her millions - maybe he's getting a cut? Even if he doesn't read it one problem has been solved: the complaint exists, someone saw it. Nothing at that site, in that file, has been verified, proved true or even happened in the way it was written out (the Board's writing is problematic, weird, and inflammatory at best, outright 'psychotic' at worst - it would get a 'D'-'F' in any Kent State writing class, even the creative writing classes, and the experts/lawyers have had trouble READING the files/information, let alone verifying). Whoever writes the stuff for the Medical Board of Ohio is very poorly educated - ? college degree with BASIC WRITING SKILLS not demonstrated. Anyways, the diagnoses cited were false, without the DSM criteria required for these disorders, and the Ohio Board could not vote to accept either of their experts - but they paid for them and keep publishing this rot (that they can't vote on) - because they can't say the truth. Getting 'mad' because you can't get your records to the experts/consultants, when Dr. Nice is 20 feet away at most in his office in the Hillcrest Medical Building, isn't a personality disorder - it's a fraud problem - let's stop making excuses for the DR. NICE 'BRAT' - who has never 'grown up.' An argument always has two sides - an injury and a reaction to stop the injury. Dr. Nice didn't keep medical records and then started fabricating dates, care, etc - and that doesn't work. Dr. Nice felt that for certain patients, physicians etc, that he didn't have to keep records - so that when things went 'wrong,' and he started to try to remember, it was a mess = what the Board doesn't know. Dr. Nice, and other physicians, have very bad record-keeping in Ohio; they write notes in charts, days to months to years after the visit might have occurred - not what the Cleveland Clinic mandates - that you dictate right after you see the patient or get fired - the day you bill you dictate. Carla O'Day MD made a lot of money on this case - got a multi-million, multi-year Emergency Services contract from Dr. Nice/Hillcrest Hospital sometime in 1992-3. Dr. Nice had to approve all Emergency Room privileges at Hillcrest Hospital - his wife was on the Hillcrest Board of something - and that was another reason that there was no proper equipment in that ER at the time. If Dr. Nice didn't know how to use it, the Emergency Room didn't have the equipment at Hillcrest. What both of my fractures needed was manual reduction, which Dr. Nice didn't know how to do, or reduction with one of the orthopedic external reduction devices for wrist fractures - which he didn't have the ER order or know how to use. This is fracture 'reduction' business is HUGE reimbursement monies for the Hospital - take to the OR, anesthesia (local required), reduce, cast = hundreds of dollars/hour - which Hillcrest threw down the drain by having no orthopedic who could do it on staff. If you ask for this 'treatment,' you are 'paranoid' and this should be a caution for other patients. And Dr. Nice would never call the Hand Orthopedic on staff at Hillcrest Hospital for my case - he didn't have to. The Ohio Court of Appeals likes to find for Ohio Boards - but in open court they told the Ohio State Medical Board in 1993, regarding my case, to solve this problem in a different way as it was a colleague-colleague dispute about care practices that needed to be reassessed, ie fracture care paradigms at Hillcrest Hospital for wrist fractures - how to triage, how to handle. There was obvious neglect in my care, and I was a physician-patient. The case had to be given back to the State Medical Board because no one in Ohio government can force the Ohio State Medical Board to come up with their evidence for the Ohio Court of Appeals to hear the case or review the case and render a judgment = it's a roundabout that never ends especially in a wrongful case of politics at the Ohio Board of fraud. The Ohio State Medical Board is currently run like Marc Dann's office was being run - and Governor Strickland & Speaker Budish know this - no one is really 'on the job' - they are just partying, drinking, imagining, and reading bestsellers - just ask Anita Steinbergh DO what bestseller to read for your medical license - she's not reading textbooks of medicine or orthopedics that she can quote you. PAYING FOR DIAGNOSES THAT DON'T EXIST: The two experts that the Medical Board used lied, made up test results and diagnoses, and did everything to just get paid - and with the second expert the Ohio Board used OHIO taxpayer monies to pay for a psychiatric diagnosis that doesn't exist/never existed - a diagnosis that he made up for $ = why we are broke in Ohio paying for things that don't exist. There wasn't a real diagnosis, so to save his medical license in Ohio, he made up a diagnosis twisting terms around - he got creative and the Medical Board BOUGHT it for at least 6 months????? The Ohio Medical Board was so stupid that they used taxpayer monies to pay this expert, and didn't realize it until after he CASHED the check. So instead of penalizing the OHIO psychiatrist who lied, and getting the money back for the Ohio Treasury, the Board just keeps publishing the nonsense that they paid for and pretending that this is ok? So the Board got scammed and published the rot anyways to look 'official' - what Speaker Budish won't stop. The Ohio Board can't admit that they got scammed with their second expert - DR. SKODOL tried to tell them as he writes the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Psychiatry for the whole country - this textbook is just not accepted in Ohio by the Ohio State Medical Board - they do psychiatry differently in Ohio than the rest of the US and can't accept any out-of-state opinion or textbook. This is the textbook used in all the court systems, even in Ohio, but just not at the Ohio State Medical Board - where they write their own textbook of psychiatry revising every day - they decide you have this 'diagnosis' and you have to have that 'diagnosis' as a physician, or not get your license back - even if you have no criteria and were just trying to get your medical records out of Dr. Nice's office. The file was completely debunked by Dr. Andrew Skodol in his report of 1996 - which the Board accepted, won't publish, and then decided that they DID NOT HAVE TO ACCEPT - that they could cite the http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf file and keep ordering Ohio 'goes' at me until they got 'something' - even if it took decades. The Ohio Board can publish anything that they want on you, and there's nothing you can do - there's no review, no one in charge, and no checks and balances. This is psychiatric malpractice even for terrorist suspects - you don't keep ordering 'goes' on a woman physician because you don't have a case - you dismiss the case. Mr. Whitehouse wants me to endure and pay for unending 'goes' at me - for disagreeing with Drs. Nice and Keith after I almost lost my R hand to their negligences and experiments. Medical Mutual has refused to go along with this fraud, the medical insurances won't go for this, and you can't buy a medical insurance that will Speaker Budish. Find me medical insurance for this. Sometime in the 1990s, some Ohio orthopedics felt that they didn't have to cast wrist fractures (that they could try just splinting - which causes HUGE DISPLACEMENT OF THE FRACTURE FRAGMENTS) - some Hillcrest Hospital orthopedics still feel that they don't have to cast wrist fractures - that whatever happens to the fracture happens, and they bill for casting, reduction and follow-up that they don't do - Dr. Nice tries this. It's fraud - which you are asked to report to BC/BS or Medical Mutual as the patient; I did try to say something because orthopedics have to bill for what they do, not what they imagine or pretend to do. When you see a Hillcrest Hospital or Hillcrest Hospital attending bill, check to see that the services were rendered (Mayfield Heights, Ohio). Everything is outpatient, for wrist fractures mostly, and no one ever knows and this is mostly elderly patients, and physician-patients (the women because the orthopedics think that we are air-heads). And to be honest, with those orthopedics any casting or reduction probably makes things worse as they are so bad - like Dr. Nice (and Dr. Keith at times). Dr. Nice took a completely undisplaced wrist fracture and created a malunion in my case - he should not TOUCH wrist, hand or foot problems. He's a hip/knee orthopedic and he was asked to suggest names of hand orthopedics for me and REFUSED - he thinks that you are his 'property' if you ask him a question. But the procedure is supposed to be that if you have trouble reducing a fracture you call the expert at Cleveland Clinic or University - Dr. Keith wasn't the hand expert at University at the time - Dr. Lacey was and still is. Because of all the false information - there have been huge problems caused me in every aspect of my life - planes for one. Whatever was going on at Delta Airlines - and whatever information they got that I was 'on drugs' - was completely fabricated by SOMEONE. Some of this fabricated information has been traced DIRECTLY BACK to Mrs. Timothy Nice and her government/political/travel agent/newspaper connections. But you do start crying when a 'roid rage black cop, talking 'black' talk, takes you outside on Martin Luther King night, after groping you PUBLICLY in a Starbucks (your chest of course, a 'T-- check'), and keeps repeating that you are 'on drugs' and 'admit it.' What drugs? This cop and his 'butch' companion hung up on my mother on the phone, refused that my parents could come back and pick me up, and Delta Airlines has other huge files of this kind of behavior on their part - they cause you trouble and then they don't reimburse your ticket - it's a business fraud - they get money and cause you trouble. The government, state or federal, won't get after Delta. One travel agent, in Cleveland, in 2008 told me that a similar 'incident' happened to her son - she was a travel agent with an airline reputation and business connections - her son had never had problems before or after with any other airlines. There's a attitude problem at Delta that you travel at their abuse - that they don't have to help you or care that you make your connections. I asked at the desk why stuff was getting thrown all over - had to pick things up ALL OVER over the security area and their boxes - and whether I would make my connections? - they were talking about dating and guys, and strutting around looking bored - they didn't pick up the double-ticketing and charging even - they just let the double-charge go through. American Express couldn't get it back even. For whatever reason, if you question your connections, or say that things got 'rough' in the security area with DELTA - and when they get tired they throw things all over in the baggage check areas without even running the bags through the cameras, they just dump and dump, just throwing for fun and arm practice - Delta uses that as an excuse to call a threat - even if you are 5'2" and have a ROUND TRIP TICKET. There are huge abuses in the Security Areas at Jacksonville Airport, the airlines probably pocket all the stuff that you leave there by mistake - it's halfway across the room by the time they get through - money, cameras, travel checks, clothing, everything is gone. . . It's fraud, it's Delta, and it's a way to get passengers off and collect for their ticket monies without doing any work. Delta charged me for that ticket twice - that lady at the gate and at checking in knew it - so they got paid twice, and I was trashed, beaten up by a 'roid rage cop (because he's black he wasn't drug tested apparently, not tested after this episode anyways - that's prejudice to ask for), and not able to use the ticket or get a refund. Delta has cheap ticketing sites that do this double-ditching. Before you accuse airline passengers about drugs, especially if it is a black cop talking dirty in crude Jacksonville gutter terms, and the Mayor of Jacksonville knows this goes on (this was one of several episodes at the same time - race is a problem in Jacksonville), you should have some evidence - the bags were dumped many times that night and all that was found were the prescription thyroid pills. Delta needs to apologize, the Mayor's office in Jacksonville needs to stop this and apologize. But the misinformation about 'drugs' was planted from somewhere - Carla O'Day working with Mrs. Nice was the likely source as I had just been in court about Dr. O'Day. The case at the State Medical Board needs to be opened, all the information 'out there,' and the Board needs to stop publishing misinformation from 1992-5 that even the Ohio Court of Appeals threw out - they have nothing better to do at the Ohio State Medical Board except publish stuff that they fabricated from over a decade ago?, from over 15 years ago now - that's MR. WHITEHOUSE not doing his job - he just collects a salary and you don't know what he looks like even - if he exists in any 'unconfidential' way - he could be a computer intelligence. Dr. Nice should take a casting course and re-practice his reduction skills - he doesn't try, either manually or with a finger-trap apparatus, to reduce wrist fractures - he casts them how they 'fall' - doesn't work. Hillcrest knows this, Cleveland Clinic that bought Hillcrest knows this, but they won't do anything - Dr. Nice won't even refer to the experts at Cleveland Clinic - you have to refer yourself. From what I saw, Hillcrest Hospital just didn't bother to buy the finger-trap reduction device to allow better reduction of wrist fractures in 1990-2: no apparatus for dynamic external fixation of distal radius and wrist fractures was ordered for Hillcrest Hospital by Carla O'Day MD; for sure they didn't have one in 1990-2 that anyone used or knew where it was? do they have any reduction devices in 2009? My case at the State Medical Board of Ohio needs to be opened up and reviewed by the Ohio Court of Appeals or an external review - that is what had to be done in the Marc Dann case - the Board will not self-correct or self-review. There was also a missed thyroid diagnosis that was left untreated, because of the Medical Board misinformation, for over a decade - resulting in thyroid, liver, and possibly heart damage - some of which will repair, but not all. Classmates from high school or medical school, who were Jewish, did not have to endure this misdiagnosis - it doesn't happen to Jewish women professionals in Ohio Speaker Budish - Steinbergh et al is on the Board. No Jewish Beachwood Ohio woman MD has this diagnosis missed on her, the Medical Board Members wouldn't dare, just the Catholic girls who are supposed to be 'easy' for Dr. Nice to pick on. There are other problems here - Steinbergh on Board, etc. Anyways, a thyroid missed diagnosis for 10 years is still malpractice, and would be suable if I weren't a physician - physicians have to swallow the malpractice or never have a medical license - the care of physician-patients shouldn't be malpractice bad in Ohio. Speaker Budish the file needs to be opened so that I can leave Ohio - or do you want more beatings, more damage until I die? Your choice. No one on the State Medical Board of Ohio is going to do anything for a Catholic girl who wasn't 'easy' when she was supposed to be. But I am publicly asking that Mrs. Nice stop her campaing of misinformation - I asked her husband to refer and sign off 11/1990 - with no fault, no blame, just refer and transfer - this is 2009.


New Jersey,
But you are not a doctor...who are you to make these decisions?

#44Consumer Comment

Sun, April 12, 2009

As you were proven wrong again on 4/5/09 A Donna Sweets M.D. was on DHC CME discussing the AIDS epidemic in the country. Seems the men in the vocation are doing a poor job at keeping your conspiracy theory alive.I thought you said male doctors were keeping all females from the medical field and not just the incompetent ones such as yourself. The Discovery CME program has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm


New Jersey,
But you are not a doctor...who are you to make these decisions?

#45Consumer Comment

Sun, April 12, 2009

As you were proven wrong again on 4/5/09 A Donna Sweets M.D. was on DHC CME discussing the AIDS epidemic in the country. Seems the men in the vocation are doing a poor job at keeping your conspiracy theory alive.I thought you said male doctors were keeping all females from the medical field and not just the incompetent ones such as yourself. The Discovery CME program has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm


New Jersey,
But you are not a doctor...who are you to make these decisions?

#46Consumer Comment

Sun, April 12, 2009

As you were proven wrong again on 4/5/09 A Donna Sweets M.D. was on DHC CME discussing the AIDS epidemic in the country. Seems the men in the vocation are doing a poor job at keeping your conspiracy theory alive.I thought you said male doctors were keeping all females from the medical field and not just the incompetent ones such as yourself. The Discovery CME program has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm


Mayfield Heights,
As far as being a 'brat,' leaving thyroid disease untreated causes bone fractures, liver damage, high cholesterol, and heart damage - it kills you slowly and needs to be treated before a decade - what Carla O'Day MD knew - just let the competition die

#47Author of original report

Sun, April 12, 2009

This isn't about being a brat, thyroiditis left untreated, like mine was, can kill you - it doesn't just cause fractures - what the State Medical Board of Ohio knew when they blocked the blood work (or saw part of it) - they knew it was something that could possibly kill me over time - getting rid of the problem that I was, and am, with a slow painful death (like poisoning) that wouldn't appear to be related to their false suspension. And Speaker Budish KNOWS THIS. The psychiatrists in Ohio, the Ohio Medical Board Members, are so bad that they would not be able to diagnose a thyroid problem if you showed them a thyroid problem with a label - they saw me at different times and saw nothing except competition - most of the Members don't know where the thyroid is or how to examine it. And 'crazy' is what you call your competition - in every field. The Ohio ob-gyn, Dr. Tonya Heyman in the late 1990s - a friend of Dr. O'Day's - just watched the TSH climb - without ordering the test for the thyroid antibodies. We went to the same high school, she has the same thyroiditis, but she's supposed to live and have children - she's Beachwood Ohio Jewish, and was Carla O'Day MDs 'friend.' So she wouldn't order it in the 1990s - even though she had the blood test ordered on herself and the condition treated - so she would be able to get pregnant and not destroy her bones, liver, or other end organs with metabolic damage - my case she didn't care about as the Medical Board would never go after her for neglecting my blood work. Dr. Cassie Nowak was threatened about what would happen - if she dared to order bloodwork in 1992 - by Hillcrest before the suspension of my medical license. This is about really cruel intentional medical neglect for competition, for covering up medical mistakes or liability - the Medical Board was liable after they 'bought' the bad case from Hillcrest Hospital and Carla O'Day MD. The thyroid antibodies were finally ordered at Georgetown University Hospital - and then Dr. Fred Lafferty refused to renew the synthroid - resulting in another fracture in 2004. In the end, Dr. Lafferty would mistreat anything for his retirement plan. Somehow this 'killing' of the competition, the misdiagnosis and mistreatment of women colleagues - even ones you went to high school with - needs to stop. Soccer moms are out, MD moms withholding care from their women 'colleagues' and preventing them from having children are in. The Medical Board of Ohio has to find another way to deal with medical mistakes - other than taking me out - or any other woman physician misdiagnosed and mistreated in the 'fray' of medical care for the stats. This isn't about my patient care, has never been about being any threat to patients - it was about being 'prophylactic' malpractice liability prevention for Drs. Nice, Keith, Suppes, O'Day and Hillcrest Hospital - as Mr. Whitehouse puts it brazenly - to 'let the statute of limitations expire.' The Ohio Medical Board wants the women MDs to be the bad physicians, then they don't have to discipline the men - so we are just surrogate disciplines with double-standard rules - expendable lives because the Board won't change the rules to be reasonable - to go after the medical mistakes and refusals to refer mistakes - like at HARVARD. There's a double-standard at the State Medical Board of Ohio regarding women physician disciplines and male physician disciplines; my case allowed the Board to not go after a whole pile of male physicians with multiple medical mistakes - they had their quota with me. So the Medical Board of Ohio makes up that I made Drs. Nice & Keith do the bad care, make the mistakes, refuse to refer - how insane things have gotten - that with two wrist fractures I was suddently 'seductive' to a balding, fat, polo playing, crude, and married-well orthopedic? Suddenly seductive despite my mother speaking to him, my speaking to him and my not touching or encouraging this, my trying to end any association with him? - which was not allowed by the State Medical Board of Ohio - I'm still supposed to refer to Dr. Nice if I ever get my Ohio medical license back. What's a girl got to do in Ohio to say 'No' and have it accepted? It isn't about being a brat, it's about how lethal the healthcare community has become - how bad things are from Governor Celeste to Governor Strickland; the inpouring of FMGs and Mexicans from across the border or from countries that need their own physicians, the outpatient everything so everything is botched, lost and missed, the bad care to get a surgery on the rebound, or the taking to surgery so that a black medical student gets to cut or mutilate a white woman MD for his learning 'rights' (can't say 'No' to a black incompetent medical student from God-only-knows-where who just walks into your surgery without asking = black rights) - with no workup so that Dr. Sarr can cut all the abdominal muscles and remove a 'normal' nerve on pathology - at Mayo Clinic Rochester MN - where Andy Oldenburg MD sacrificed his integrity to go and train - Ohio was not good enough for him and his plans. So now he's at the Mayo Clinic where they don't even bother with the workups - they just cut. It's gone to ground, and it is not 'fine' or ok. The Ohio State Medical Board couldn't win their case, but if they could leave me without medical care for long enough, then I would hopefully die or have enough medical problems so that I couldn't return to practice ever = PLAN B = 17 years now. The Medical Board of Ohio now wants to know ALL my medical problems - everything so that they can make more excuses - lay Members & lawyers too - cleaning staff and secretarial staff - medical 'confidentiality' out the window. They don't like my sex life, my thyroid, my personality, my anything - they need a statistic and are looking for another eXcuse. And the other benefit: I wouldn't ever have any children to compete with any of my Medical School colleagues - what has the world come to? Dr. Heyman had 3 children with the same treated thyroiditis - it's in the 'background' if treated, but it will not kill her at least - me it might. Plan B was to let me go with no medical care for decades, to discourage any physician from helping me; two Cleveland Clinic physicians knew about the missed diagnosis in 2000 and the withheld care - Dr. Wulf Utian and Dr. Chad Deal - yet I was expendable for their careers - both big deals and neither would help me with anything - so there were 4 more fractures after 2000 courtesy of Dr. Chad Deal & Dr. Wulf Utian. Who's the brat here? In Ohio we are using medical knowledge to kill our medical colleagues, to get rid of the competition, and to blame the medical mistake on the physician-patient. What level of Dante's hell is this nightmare?


New Jersey,
As you were proven wrong again on 4/5/09

#48Consumer Comment

Sun, April 12, 2009

A Donna Sweets M.D. was on DHC CME discussing the AIDS epidemic in the country. Seems the men in the vocation are doing a poor job at keeping your conspiracy theory alive. I thought you said male doctors were keeping all females from the medical field and not just the incompetent ones such as yourself. The Discovery CME program has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm


Mayfield Heights,
The Ohio Medical Board's entire case was thrown out by the Ohio Court of Appeals in 1993 - but they couldn't get the 'confidential' files to review, hear and decide the case fairly - why? the 'confidential' files are all over the Cleveland area

#49Author of original report

Sun, April 12, 2009

Everyone in Ohio, in the Cleveland area, knows what's in my 'confidential' file at the State Medical Board of Ohio except me, my legal counsel, my parents, and the Ohio Court of Appeals - probably even 'fry guy' (who keeps writing that I'm a 'few fries short of a Happy Meal') is a put-up who has the file. Various versions are all over town. And what's that guy, who has nothing better to do, being paid? He surely needs a job in Ohio - the problem also - no jobs except Medical Board 'losers' and investigators - there's a business of physician disciplines in Ohio - physician 'case workers' - big money at Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP and there aren't that many truly 'bad' physicians - just false cases at the Ohio State Medical Board. This is known by the American Society of Legal Medicine - just call their offices in Chicago; physicians are advised not to try to practice in Ohio at this time. Everyone's investigating the physicians in Ohio, and the physicians who aren't doing the care are just paying off the investigators. . .to go after the physician who complains about the mess - the woman MD who is 'paranoid' because she can't take it - the bad boy stuff - with Steinbergh 'aequanimitas.' The Ohio Court of Appeals in Columbus threw out the Ohio Medical Board's case in 1993 - citing irregularities (psychological tests with interpretations, but no answers, no evidence of the tests being done properly or legally with a witness), 'confidential' files, anonymous witness, and that all the problems occurred in the offices of the TWO orthopedics that goofed and couldn't REFER - no other physicians were involved, and no other patients or patient care - it seemed a put-up case to get the orthopedics off questionable care practices - practices that the Medical Board should have been reforming long ago, and long before 2009. It should be mandated, by standards set by the State Medical Board of Ohio, that women patients in Ohio get decent fracture care, before 5 days of eXcresence, and some blood work to find the cause of the fracturing. We are not all just Keith 'unlucky.' I've been beaten up, disfigured with bruises and deformities, multilated, malunioned, and all to prove that the status quo in Ohio is ok. The same physicians, DOs, lawyers, lay persons keep getting re-appointed to the State Medical Board of unending tenure. These are some of the most unusual people in Ohio. The Medical Board's website, by Richard Whitehouse et al, is the stuff that the Ohio Court of Appeals threw out, but the Ohio State Medical Board doesn't have to recognize the Ohio Court of Appeals decisions - they just 're-write' and have the same case, over and over the same broken record - stuff that I never did, said or was in Ohio at the time for - had to live in NYC 1992-8 because of citings, quotes. Speaker Budish knows this - and that one of the profiteers was Dr. Carla O'Day - a prominent Ohio DEMOCRAT who was then on the State Medical Board of Ohio - she walked with millions of dollars in a hospital contract from Hillcrest Hospital - she never sat for re-appointment as it would have come out. Speaker Budish doesn't want to open this as no one wants to know what Carla did and how much money she got (hear no evil, see no evil, conspiracy of silence) - no support for airing the Democrat 'dirty laundry' in a Democratic administration. Governor Taft tried unsuccessfully to have Carla O'Day MD investigated in 2005 (would have saved the airport mess from happening) - but the Board are her friends and co-conspirators - they also want to collect from cases and hospital systems that they vindicate. If the Ohio Medical Board had a LEGALLY legitimate case, all they had to do was give the information to the Ohio Court of Appeals in 1993 - any real need for 'confidentiality,' where indicated would have been respected by 3 really classy judges, the Board would have been vindicated and the case over in 1993 - but the Board refused to show their information to the Ohio Court of Appeals as they didn't have a case or the 'confidential' file doesn't exist - as some lawyers have thought. Whatever, the case isn't a case that the Ohio Court of Appeals would recognize, just a case that the Ohio Medical Board can collect on and judge. There are legal cases and political cases, mine is political, and I'm a political 'bad patient.' The Medical Board can just start a case to destroy a physician if they don't LIKE that physician, or if the physician raises questions about care practices in Ohio - they have no external review at any point and never have to show the evidence, that they constantly change, to anyone. They are an arbitrary, autonomous, self-serving Board - with no real check on their powers, no real review of their cases. They are the stuff of Henry VIII, of Stalin, of Hitler = anything goes with their SS and People's Court - they have their own Hearing Officers, Judges, and laywers - a system within a legal system. All State Representatives involved have agreed that the case has been 'changed' many times at this point - because everything is 'confidential.' Dr. Nice's orthopedic 'care practice' was to let wrist fractures swell to EXCRESCENCE, and then try to cast them with casting without padding - so that the cast needed to be removed in several days after eating through the back of you hand - not just carpal tunnel - so that you would agree to one of his surgeries or plates. Dr. Nice is allowed to do this at Hillcrest and an ER person watched him cast this way and said nothing - one of those guys in those tight scrubs. . .writing this out helps the tendons - they were all swollen with tendonitis for months in 1991-2 and swell every day. The stockingette padding Dr. Nice takes and conscripts for the polo ponies, people don't get that treatment - he's sadistic. What is on the Medical Board's website hasn't changed since 1992 - even though the State Medical Board threw out the first experts who lied, fixed tests, and had anger problems themselves. . .they were the strangest Ph.D./MD that I've ever seen in practice - the MD psychiatrist had a neurological disorder himself, the Ph.D. was almost autistic in demeanor. One of them had trained in Soviet uses (misuses) of psychiatry - to get dissidents to admit false cases - the lawyers couldn't believe it - something like that - it was on his CV. We are now using the European system in Ohio. So the case should have been over, within the proper legal channels, in 1993 - but the Board then re-heard the case, re-wrote the findings, and hired & paid a Columbus 'expert' who made up a diagnosis that doesn't/didn't exist - also published on the Board's website. Fry guy goes for the diagnosis that doesn't exist - doesn't get the irony - as most don't in Ohio. When the Ohio State Medical Board doesn't have a case, they makeup a diagnosis to continue the case. Nothing gets dismissed. And all this is without one patient complaint - the usual reason for any Medical Board action in any state - not that you disagreed with two quack orthopedics. The cause of the fractures wasn't discovered for over a decade as the Medical Board blocked my doing my own blood work, and told physicians in Ohio that they didn't have to care for me - no penalties - and that it was all my exaggerating bad fracture care - admittedly bad fracture care with no equal. Colleague jealousy, my not 'understanding' Dr. Nice, or just Dr. Nice and Dr. Keith unable to salvage? The Indiana Hand Clinic physician who saw the case in 1991, told Dr. Lacey at University Hospitals in Cleveland that this was not 'ok care for University Hospitals of Cleveland,' as he put it Dr. Lacey 'heard about it' - but nothing has been done about it to improve care practices. The out-of-state orthopedics were the only 'conscience' involved here. It wasn't good or even adequate care for a 90-year old - if Speaker Budish claims to want to improve elderly heathcare in Ohio. It wasn't even NYC 'dog' fracture care - they get casts with padding. The cause - just that no one could order a complete set of thyroid function tests - only one fracture should have occurred and then some blood work - but this is Ohio, and the Ohio State Medical Board wants women MDs fracturing and side-lined. So it took over a decade to get the thyroid function tests, finally in Washington DC, and the bone condition has started to improve since 2001. Regarding the airport mess - Mrs. Dr. Nice had/has a travel agency clearance - someone apparently put on my ticket, or on the computer somewhere that I had 'drugs' (= thyroid medication Mrs. Nice) - so that was the initial cause of my upset - that I was being ripped apart for 'drugs.' 'Drugs' I have never used, and didn't have, but there have been so many unjust, unfair, and ridiculous accusations - even by Daniel in Speaker Budish's office - since 1990-2. So I don't fly anymore, but before that I took flying lessons, soloed, and had no problems flying. Coming back from Jacksonville, I had no problems on Northwest; the Judge made my parents be in the airport until I got to the gate = what I have to do now, ie not be left alone in the security baggage check until I get to the gate - or Mrs. Nice might alert someone to beat me up for 'drugs.' Some family Member has to be in the airport. My stuff, rosaries, books, some clothing, my purse contents - were all over Jacksonville airport/streets at various times that night, my wrists were bruised up by the black cop - why go after my wrists all the time? - who's behind this? The bad care should have been stopped by Hillcrest Hospital, by the Ohio State Medical Board, by warning Dr. Nice to come up to the standards of every other orthopedic practitioner in Ohio or lose his medical license - but Dr. Nice is still doing bad care because he 'can' and is 'protected.' Ditto Dr. Michael Keith, ditto University Hospitals of Cleveland. The black cop at the Jacksonville airport kept telling me to 'admit the drugs,' and that I 'didn't deserve to fly' - stuff that was pure Mrs. Nice. Mrs. Nice also had a false article published in the Cleveland Sun Press in 1992, traced to a 'stringer' she paid who ended up in Alaska, when my mother found her. This was an article about how I tried to speak to her husband - how I was chased down the hall in the building - and get him to 'call the Mayo Clinic,' if he didn't believe me that the Mayo Clinic had another view of his abominable, neglectful, and 'crazy' care - the worst part being that he wouldn't refer the case/care in time to preserve hand function. This is still an emotional nightmare; that you can't go to a colleague physician and get even minimal care without jealousies, lust, and other emotions coming out in spades - without his WIFE getting into the act. The mayor of Jacksonville knows that there have been a handful of other black cops beating up on single travelers - for black 'kicks' - some of the cops were apparently proven to have been on steroids at the time = the 'roid rage in Jacksonville. The cop, we came at me or 'came on' to me, had a sadistic 'butch' white woman partner (common in Jacksonville airport also) - who watched him grope me. The Jacksonville airport cops all pick single women, who cry and then it looks likes the women just can't 'take it,' and the women cops watch and laugh - because in normal life they know that I wouldn't let a black guy, who TALKED and USED HIS HANDS like that, touch me. It's called a T-- 'check' - a term that the Jacksonville mayor knows and allows the use of IN THE AIRPORT. But the fractures didn't need to happen, if Ohio physicians knew how to order a complete panel of thyroid function tests and read or interpret the tests. AND BOTH Drs. Nice and Keith, within weeks of their orthopedic insanities, were both asked to officially sign off the case sending whatever records to the consultants - Cleveland Clinic or Mayo Clinic. They wouldn't sign off, take their names off the care & case, and kept writing stuff in the charts, saving any letters or requests in the files - it became a 'campaign,' a team sport - to KILL - a neurotic, paranoid campaign. Regarding Mayo Clinic, the University Hospitals of Cleveland surgeon, didn't want to admit that post-his-surgery, a nerve got inflamed (Dr. Chief of General Surgery STELLATO) - one of Dr. Keith's friends - so he ?lied to Mayo Clinic so that they would do a bigger mutilating procedure? There was definitely misinformation - that allowed abusive surgical decisions and care - and I can't return to Mayo Clinic. There was no reason for the surgery there - under an anesthesia that I refused, with a 4-month intern who just wanted to 'cut' someone up and a goon black student with no interest except touching me without a reason (the blacks always want to touch the white woman and grope without any reasons or indications? = 'scoring') - and I refused the procedure 3x, as did my parents when they finally spoke to Dr. Sarr 'after the procedure' -they didn't understand his need to mutilate someone else's adult child for money AT MAYO CLINIC. Dr. Sarr just needed to fill an OR slot, and what better case than a discredited ALREADY beaten up woman physician - he could abuse me and no one would care - they could have killed me and the Ohio State Medical Board would have clapped and declared a state holiday. They removed a 'normal' nerve and called it a 'procedure,' this is thought 'dangerous' in all of the medical literature on abdominal wall pain. I guess too bad that Mayo Clinic didn't succeed, as they put me under an anesthesia without checking the thyroid function tests, ie could I even metabolize the anesthesia? Dangerous is the medical care that I now get - hoping that I die. . . That's the problem with false cases and allowing the Ohio physicians to beat you up and mistreat you - it keeps going, ie the abuse, the comments, the Daniels, the Mindys, the Mayo Clinic Dr. Sarrs, the black cops and the black medical students - all want a piece of the action. From what I know Carla O'Day MD still has her Hillcrest Hospital contract and still collects the money. Now this needs an external review of the case in Ohio - what Speaker Budish is determined to block. Like in Marc Dann's AG office, abuse of women goes on in Ohio at Administrative Boards and Government Offices - to this day - Speaker Budish knows this - but doesn't want to 'open' it up anymore than the Dann investigation. But if the Medical Board had a case, they could have given it to the Ohio Court of Appeals - a court that likes to back the state and render for the state - and all would have been over in 1993. But no files, witnesses, or corroboration of the Medical Board's case showed up at the Ohio Court of Appeals in 1992-3 = a walk across the street with a box. Even today, the Ohio Court of Appeals could be asked to review the case. . .but the Ohio Board doesn't have a case - the care was abusive and allowed in 1990-2. Orthopedics in Ohio need to be on a par with the Indiana Hand Clinic care - that's Indiana that Ohio can't compete with orthopedically. It's like a 'game' for Speaker Budish, for Mindy, for Daniel, for Dr. Stellato & Dr. Sarr - if the woman's been abused, beaten up and hurt - just do it more and get a piece of the abuse. It's men with huge mental problems about women colleagues, it's blacks who like to touch and bruise to get back - for what I didn't do to them. It needs to stop before I'm dead Speaker Budish. It's not that I'm always RIGHT - it is just that there needs to be some long overdue reforms, an end to this case so that I can leave Ohio and heal to return to the practice of medicine (with no patient complaints), and that the abuse of women physician colleagues and patients in Ohio -and elsewhere - stops. The only form of physical abuse allowed at present - is the abuse of women patients for procedures, Medical Board cases, learning of stupid residents/students, and for black cops in the Jacksonville airport to grope their chests. . .groping a woman physicians is a 'coup' - that the white Mayor of Jacksonville allows - we're all on 'drugs' and 'don't deserve to fly'? This is just so SAD, so cruel, and so unmanly of every guy involved. Dr. Nice can't take responsibility to admit a mistake and refer = what's behind this = the need for MEDICAL MISTAKE LAWS that most other states have Speaker Budish. Even President Obama is for medical mistake laws, just not Ohio, because it's too much fun with the 'fry guys' = seeing what happens to the women physician 'mistake' - how many times they can get beaten up, mutilated, miscasted, abused (emotionally & physically), group by black men for no medical purpose and made fun off - 17 years now. Fry guy you are an abuser; you need help just like Dr. Nice, Dr. Keith, Dr. Sarr, Dr. Stellato and Daniel.


Mayfield Heights,
The answer to Dr. Nice's problems is not to punish me, and NO I'm not a brat, or anything else - but the truth needs to come out. . .

#50Author of original report

Sun, April 12, 2009

The answer to Dr. Nice's problems is not to hurt the people who he hurts - what's at the State Medical Board are total lies - that have caused other problems for me - the care in records there could never be verified or reimbursed - that's the insurance company not me. There's comments that I never said or did and the psychiatrists pointed this out but it was cut out of the report on the Internet - Dr. Nice lies about his care, his abilities, his sexual prowess. Dr. Nice couldn't cast my fracture for 5 days, 3 visits of fooling around - his right apparently. Just like the black overweight crude guy at the airport - it was his 'right' to see that the white girl didn't fly as she didn't 'deserve' to as he put it - not on Martin Luther King night. And I don't look foreign and I don't smell like the men - including that cop who had a very dirty mouth about my being not deserving of anything. Why are there no problems with my present physicians? Why have other orthopedics - besides Nice & Keith been able to cast my fractures? Why did all the consultants disagree with Drs. Nice & Keith -- the State Medical Board of Ohio has those letters and won't publish them - they say how bad the results are and the complications. Why have other airlines treated me appropriately, kindly, without black insults that I 'don't deserve to fly'? There's a problem here - only recently since Dr. Nice in my life - I've taken flying lessons, soloed, etc all without any problems - no brat there - paid for myself. Why have I gone most of my life (until age 35) without this kind of trash, behavior and problems - I'm the oldest of nine kids, who had to work for what she got. I don't have a husband paying my way, like Dr. Nice's wife pays his - she got him his present house - her family has the money. The Medical Board report has behaviors where I was in NYC, not Ohio, office visits that Blue Cross couldn't pay for as they didn't occur. Care & x-rays that didn't have any reports or verifications. A fracture was casted in eXtreme flexion for 5 days with essentially no padding or x-ray - it had to be removed and then I had to work without anything for 2 weeks while the boys played and sprayed themselves with cologne. I expect that white or black the physician will know the case and not force their inexperience or stupidity on me. In medicine I expect that physicians will behave - even on ripoff - that it will not be my problem that they can't cast a fracture or refer. All Dr. Nice was asked to do when his cologne became too much was REFER - with 2 sentence of summary and a 5 minute phone call that we would have paid $100 for or more - anything to get away from him - my father offered him whatever to sign off. Anything he did, even walk in the room, he could have billed for - even the cast padding that I had to bring. And when he walked in the room he was strutting his groin - showing his stuff and functions. Which I expect that the fry guy does. The answer is that there are no problems with any current physicians who don't lie, smell, act rudely, or say that I don't deserve things because I'm a white woman. The black student at Mayo Clinic was asked NOT TO BE IN THE ROOM - he was asked not to touch me as he did not know the case - so he had to force himself on a patient - it was requested because it was a re-do procedure - that no student, black or white, be doing the procedure or participating as they didn't know the case - not one sentence of it - had never seen me - I didn't know who they were, where they came from, and who they trained with, or who they slept with. I have a right to know the physicians that care for me - the airport guy thought that my bone pains were not real because of all the misinformation. The Airport police in Jacksonville is full of black cops with crude attitudes and butch women partners. There are a lot of problems in medicine. They are not my being a brat - they are a State Medical Board of lies, complaints by physicians that hate my father and want to hurt the daughter - and if I have carpal tunnel - then you do to - and why are you so interested in trashing me? What have I done to you? Why are there no patient complaints if I'm a BRAT? Patiets are the first to complain of that - we had about 12 patients complaining about what Dr. Nice did to them. And you know how would you react if you walked into a physician's office for an appointment and he was standing in the middle of the waiting room getting his pants hemmed, wanted you to watch this exhibition with his son running around the office making fun and playing? You can't get care that way. What's at the State Medical Board are lies by the orthopedics - who were asked for years to refer and sign off - both of them were asked by my father to send the records and refer the case. Dr. Nice was asked to sign off officially to the Cleveland Clinic 11/1990, as of today he hasn't signed off. Dr. Keith was asked to sign off and send the records 5/91, 6/91, 7/91, 8/91, etc, and hasn't signed off yet. No other physicians do this - they send a letter, send the records and go away. Cologne and all. Daniel got on the phone and behaved atrociously - there wasn't any reason and the Speaker apologized. But the files needs to be opened. Mrs. Nice - to protect herself - has put piles of lies in papers, etc. 10/1990, I sent her husband 'back' to her, my mother told him to stop his flirting and expectations of me 10/1990 - MY MOTHER HAD TO GET INTO THE ACT BECAUSE DR. NICE WAS MARRIED AND HIS WIFE WAS CALLING MY MOTHER? There was no cause for any of this. When the care didn't work, the physicians were asked to sign off and refer. When Delta's flight didn't work, Delta was asked to take their ticket back, no reimbursement requested, too much trouble, and to let me leave without harassments - my parents would come back or I could go in a car service - I was standing outside on the pavement when the BLACK COP tackled me - waiting for a car service - with no airline ticket in hand. It was cop on the make, on the tackle, on the ANDROGENS. After my experience it came out that many cops, black and white, in Jacksonville were taking steroids and acting irrationally - there have been a handful of episodes just like mine that the WHITE mayor knows about - it wasn't just me. Unfortunately they didn't drug test the cop that night, but he was in 'ROID RAGE - as were many of his then colleagues in the Jacksonville police force - but he was BLACK. When at Mayo Clinic, I requested that the surgeon - Dr. Michael Sarr - do the procedure without the students, my right to ask, and that it be 5-minutes and without anesthesia - that he then call my parents and advise what should be done - he couldn't do that and made a party out of my care. Dr. Sarr hadn't done the workup, and neither had the black medical student - who walked in and did what mutilation that he could - it took a plastic surgeon over an hour to just fix some of what that monster did - because he was black and just could - white woman. Nothing that I asked was wrong, I'm not a brat, and nothing at the State Medical Board is correct and they know this - they have the BC/BS refusals of reimbursements for Dr. Nice. There needs to be fairness and transparency. It's not just the carpal tunnel, the fractures were never set correctly as Dr. Nice/Keith coudln't use a rules - every woman orthopedic that I've consulted subsequently measures things. The typing helps the hand pain, kind of works out the hurt every night -I have to exercise, etc. Any kind of movement of the fingers helps. . . the malunions are for life. The answer is that Dr. Nice improve his quality of care, stop lying, and REFER. Yes I did call, but Dr. Nice threatens other physicians who 'take' his patients without his consent - he claims that they are 'stealing' his patients. . .Daniel's emails are the epitome of a brat - Jewish Beachwood spoiled boy-prince - who gets everything without asking even - he exists and is lauded and adored - just like the fry guy with good 'action' - like Dr. Nice.


New Jersey,
I can't wait until tomorrow morning to see that you are proven wrong again

#51Consumer Comment

Sat, April 11, 2009

As you were proven wrong again on 4/5/09 A Donna Sweets M.D. was on DHC CME discussing the AIDS epidemic in the country. Seems the men in the vocation are doing a poor job at keeping your conspiracy theory alive. I thought you said male doctors were keeping all females from the medical field and not just the incompetent ones such as yourself. The Discovery CME program has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story.


Mayfield Heights,
Armond Budish should be able to write legislation for a State Medical Board that allows women physicians care-to-fucntion before taking a medical license without a workup or care - for stats - for boy fun - for Carla O'Day MD PROFIT

#52Author of original report

Sat, April 11, 2009

Speaker Budish - thyroid hormone can have an effect on skeletal integrity. Get Mindy Spain to google it and print out the references. If a woman MD fractures a stack of bones, and has bone pains, you need to check thyroid function tests before you allow the State Medical Board of fools, FMGs, DOs, and business people to take a Board Certified woman MD's medical license for exaggerating. It's not FINE to keep fracturing bones - it hurts - especially when you get horrible care because the Dr. Varyani crowd has put out that you 'made too much' of bad care. That you don't deserve a life or care; your wife would request the thyroid function tests. How can you make too much of bad medical care that shouldn't be going on at all, and still is going on under Dr. Varyani et al? If something shouldn't be happening, it shouldn't be happening, and hiding the facts for 17 years isn't going to improve things. The only physician who wasn't impaired in my care - was me. It's not my fault that 'friend's of Medical Board Members are doing 'bad' care because the Medical Board lets them. Dr. Nice refused to refer to Cleveland Clinic, University or the hand surgeon at Hillcrest Hospital - and no one would take the care right away without his phone call. You need to grow up that the State Legislature has some responsibility to make good legislation for the State Medical Board of Ohio - and appeals which don't allow a physician needed medical care - that just insane - which means YOU need a mental status check. Call Dr. Licata at CCF yourself - pick up the phone for 5 more minutes. . .


Mayfield Heights,
Armond Budish should be able to write legislation for a State Medical Board that allows women physicians care-to-fucntion before taking a medical license without a workup or care - for stats - for boy fun - for Carla O'Day MD PROFIT

#53Author of original report

Sat, April 11, 2009

Speaker Budish - thyroid hormone can have an effect on skeletal integrity. Get Mindy Spain to google it and print out the references. If a woman MD fractures a stack of bones, and has bone pains, you need to check thyroid function tests before you allow the State Medical Board of fools, FMGs, DOs, and business people to take a Board Certified woman MD's medical license for exaggerating. It's not FINE to keep fracturing bones - it hurts - especially when you get horrible care because the Dr. Varyani crowd has put out that you 'made too much' of bad care. That you don't deserve a life or care; your wife would request the thyroid function tests. How can you make too much of bad medical care that shouldn't be going on at all, and still is going on under Dr. Varyani et al? If something shouldn't be happening, it shouldn't be happening, and hiding the facts for 17 years isn't going to improve things. The only physician who wasn't impaired in my care - was me. It's not my fault that 'friend's of Medical Board Members are doing 'bad' care because the Medical Board lets them. Dr. Nice refused to refer to Cleveland Clinic, University or the hand surgeon at Hillcrest Hospital - and no one would take the care right away without his phone call. You need to grow up that the State Legislature has some responsibility to make good legislation for the State Medical Board of Ohio - and appeals which don't allow a physician needed medical care - that just insane - which means YOU need a mental status check. Call Dr. Licata at CCF yourself - pick up the phone for 5 more minutes. . .


Mayfield Heights,
Armond Budish should be able to write legislation for a State Medical Board that allows women physicians care-to-fucntion before taking a medical license without a workup or care - for stats - for boy fun - for Carla O'Day MD PROFIT

#54Author of original report

Sat, April 11, 2009

Speaker Budish - thyroid hormone can have an effect on skeletal integrity. Get Mindy Spain to google it and print out the references. If a woman MD fractures a stack of bones, and has bone pains, you need to check thyroid function tests before you allow the State Medical Board of fools, FMGs, DOs, and business people to take a Board Certified woman MD's medical license for exaggerating. It's not FINE to keep fracturing bones - it hurts - especially when you get horrible care because the Dr. Varyani crowd has put out that you 'made too much' of bad care. That you don't deserve a life or care; your wife would request the thyroid function tests. How can you make too much of bad medical care that shouldn't be going on at all, and still is going on under Dr. Varyani et al? If something shouldn't be happening, it shouldn't be happening, and hiding the facts for 17 years isn't going to improve things. The only physician who wasn't impaired in my care - was me. It's not my fault that 'friend's of Medical Board Members are doing 'bad' care because the Medical Board lets them. Dr. Nice refused to refer to Cleveland Clinic, University or the hand surgeon at Hillcrest Hospital - and no one would take the care right away without his phone call. You need to grow up that the State Legislature has some responsibility to make good legislation for the State Medical Board of Ohio - and appeals which don't allow a physician needed medical care - that just insane - which means YOU need a mental status check. Call Dr. Licata at CCF yourself - pick up the phone for 5 more minutes. . .


New Jersey,
You actually need patients in order for one to complain.

#55Consumer Comment

Sat, April 11, 2009

but since your license was rightfully revoked permanently so you can not bucher innocent people, you could never have had any. And you were proven wrong again on 4/5/09 A Donna Sweets M.D. was on DHC CME discussing the AIDS epidemic in the country. Seems the men in the vocation are doing a poor job at keeping your conspiracy theory alive. I thought you said male doctors were keeping all females from the medical field and not just the incompetent ones such as yourself. The Discovery CME program has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story.


New Jersey,
You actually need patients in order for one to complain.

#56Consumer Comment

Sat, April 11, 2009

but since your license was rightfully revoked permanently so you can not bucher innocent people, you could never have had any. And you were proven wrong again on 4/5/09 A Donna Sweets M.D. was on DHC CME discussing the AIDS epidemic in the country. Seems the men in the vocation are doing a poor job at keeping your conspiracy theory alive. I thought you said male doctors were keeping all females from the medical field and not just the incompetent ones such as yourself. The Discovery CME program has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
These get funnier

#57Consumer Comment

Fri, April 10, 2009

Who is Mindy Bain? Why would anyone care what she thinks? And, if we cared, HOW did she form this opinion. Did she read ALL the documets? I doubt it.


Mayfield Heights,
Mindy Spain in Armond Budish's Office thinks it funny' that in Ohio a woman physician gets her license taken for objecting to the wrong fracture care with no blood work for the endocrine bone problem no patient complaints for 17 years

#58Author of original report

Sat, April 04, 2009

Based on the testimony of the two orthopedics, and their friends, who goofed and cost this woman 2 years of healing from what started out as simple' wrist fractures. Nothing was simple' after the Ohio orthopedics touched it. Does the girl have a brain = that this is a waste? You can't sign a pile of lies so that everything's alright' for the State Medical Board 17 years is not even done to physicians who kill patients - it's like a prison term. There must have been something right,' or too right' causing jealousy, if this woman physician didn't have ONE patient complaint? and isn't allowed to practice with her father or brother MDs. And something was VERY WRONG with the fracture care and the IMPAIRMENT for trying to stop the 'care.' Armond Budish (sorry it should have been an O') runs a legislative House office with staff jokes about Ohio women physician Medical Board mistakes;' that the Medical Board can get away' with this, ie taking licenses without allowing the woman physician care-to-function,' or to defend herself against the complaint, with a Rorschach test with no answers, with a diagnosis that doesn't exist EVERYTHING is confidential' - so that The State Medical Board can never be sued. And it's not my obsession after 17 years. The care' wasn't care;' leaving a wrist fracture uncasted for most of 3 weeks, while Dr. Nice shopped for polo ponies and told colleagues that I didn't deserve' care?, casts with no stockingette padding?, and no fracture reductions as the Hillcrest Hospital ER didn't have the equipment (run by Dr. Carla O'Day then on the State Medical Board)? The Daniel' attitude is to keep the woman physician away from Speaker Budish - just get rid of her for another 17 years so that she never has a chance at even a belated life, health, or marriage she DESERVED it for objecting to what Dr. Timothy Nice and Dr. Michael Keith were doing to her and that was nothing normal.' This woman doesn't play the Ohio State 'games' like Daniel does, well she was an ology (microbiology, endocrinology) science student, not poli-sci or sci-fi. And the current jobs aren't going to take 17 more years of pirated versions of the confidential' complaint surfacing one-by-one for debunking; so Daniel & Mindy have jobs, but not this woman MD in Ohio educated beyond employment in Ohio with an MD and no patient complaints. And the Ohio State Medical Board won't resolve the mess for her to even join the ARMY. This woman physician is, per Daniel, just crazy' because she had to say something' finally because of course the legislators won't improve care in Ohio by themselves. Ohio legislators vote the best medical care for themselves in benefit packages and it isn't Dr. Nice or Dr. Keith. And Mindy don't worry women in the Speaker's Office, and Jewish women in Beachwood, will get their thyroid problems treated just NOT Catholic girls, who are supposed to supply the easy' for medical colleagues. In Ohio women MDs don't have a chance not even for a complete set of endocrine blood work before our chances are trashed to the male ego blood work doesn't matter to the Ohio State Medical Board. They don't know what thyroid function tests are at the State Medical Board of Ohio, ie Lance Talmadge MD, Anita Steinbergh DO, any of them (Varyani et al) blood work doesn't matter with bone pain it's just 'psychiatric,' and needs a new right' Ohio psychiatrist. Everything in Ohio, at the State Medical Board, is PSYCHIATRIC left over from Carla O'Day MD. When Carla O'Day MD works her ER shift, every diagnosis comes up psychiatric in paragraphs. But the blood work did matter as it turned out, and the bone density went to ground' in 1999 before those tests were ordered despite four evaluations' by talking-heads without a neuron between them. Fracture care, or any care of women physician-patients in Ohio, is POLITICAL you have to like' what the men do to you they are learning' from your case as Dr. Keith at MetroHealth puts it so succinctly = his right.' But what Mindy Spain doesn't know is that if women physicians don't stick up for women's medical care improving in Ohio, then no one sticks up for it improving. THE POSTER CHILD THING: And I surely didn't want to be a poster child for anything. Appeals to the State Medical Board don't work if you can't get the confidential' complaint that says what you did because it wasn't about patients, and isn't in the current law as a reason for discipline or medical license suspension it was about pleasing colleagues in tangible ways that you can't do = those personal' touch things that are phrased differently in confidential' complaints; as just 'not going along' or 'fitting in.' No documents about the case' against me have been available for the last 4 years since Mr. Whitehouse he's still looking' for a case. And the Medical Board has changed the rules' in my case; every time that they lost a point, an appeal, or an expert bit the dust.' My case has changed a Book of Medical Board Rules & Procedural Policies - but because there is double-jeopardy, nothing is dismissable - it goes for another 'go' on rewind until the Medical Board wins. The confidential' complaint, meanwhile, is currently all over the Cleveland area, in every hospital system, but I haven't seen it to defend myself = Budish justice in Ohio = the joke is that everyone knows the joke, but the woman physician and her lawyer(s), experts. Armond (with an 'O') Budish is part of the legal lobby' that needs false cases at the State Medical Board of Ohio to fuel the legal establishment in Ohio government. Lt. Governor Lee Fisher's former law firm (Hahn Loeser Parks LLP = a loser of physician client money) made millions in the last 2 decades on these endless cases.' This legislative legal lobby is also so that the Medical Board Members can collect when they settle' a confidential' case in favor of the negligent hospital system; trickle-down economics. Medical Board Members are allowed to run investigations at hospitals where they attend, at hospitals where they are involved in the complaints and of course the hospitals are cleared' (& Member), no matter what has occurred, and the Medical Board Members stockpile contracts, appointments, privileges, consulting fees, and guaranteed retirement plans - in Anita Steinbergh's case for 20 years - no term limits. Governor Strickland, with his friends & family plan, looks the other way. Everything's confidential' with every wrong excuse for the confidential.' Confidential' is so that no one sees the money, and where it goes, not to protect patients who complain that's a joke and did those patients try to DISCUSS anything with the physician FIRST? With Dr. Nice, and he was next door in the office building, I tried for months - years; if you have friends on the Medical Board you don't have to DISCUSS anything, you let the Medical Board handle your negligences. Currently the Medical Board solicits for complaints on their website, without any substance problem-solving HELP for physician & patients on the website except the one word DISCUSS.' It's a sound bite that having confidential' complaints will encourage patients to complain responsibly nothing confidential' is ever responsible or verifiable it's just TROUBLE like certified mail. The patient confidential' complaints in OHIO are morphed into what the Medical Board wants to investigate; they are changed - and patients should realize this. The best chance that any patient has is to find a physician who will DISCUSS from day #1, when you have to file a complaint with the Medical Board in Ohio - all is lost to the politics and most complaints are never investigated even the serious life-altering negligent ones. Medical Boards should function to set standards of care; be a channelling for medical mistakes and their recognition, prompt referral, and improved quality of care; and for discipline only in eXtreme circumstances where the diagnosis or trouble is proven not for prophylactic suspensions because the woman physician won't send enough orthopedic referrals to Dr. Nice, or to let a statute of limitations eXpire because the orthopedics are PARANOID. The confidential' in my case, which is not about patients, needs to come out then I can appeal because of prosecutorial misconduct' failure to disclose what this has been about really for 17 years of taxpayer money waste. It's a case to cover up bad care practices in Ohio; discourage discussion about medical mistakes with suspensions mistakes that even physician-patients are victims of = fracture care is a mess in Ohio. Friends and family' of Medical Board Members are allowed to do anything in Ohio they don't have to refer, consult, send medical records, or do standard of care they just do billing codes and collect $. The Medical Board of Ohio needs to return to the setting of standards of care, not the justifying of mistakes, and move forward to formulating medical mistake laws like in 35+ other states and at HARVARD. The problem in my case was that I was supposed to lie about the mistakes, and I couldn't, so I lost my medical license as was threatened Dr. Nice, Dr. Suppes, Dr. O'Day, and Dr. Robert Botti Sr. No one knew how to do care,' but they knew how to threaten, campaign, and destroy a life & career the guy stuff like on the football field terminating women physicians is a team sport in Ohio. The Ohio orthopedics were trying to practice psychiatry, and the psychiatrists were trying to justify the orthopedics. BUT if there's no case in 17 years, there's no case = earth to Speaker Budish. MR. WHITEHOUSE ISN'T GOING TO END THIS UNTIL SOMEONE HIGHER' UP TELLS HIM THAT HE CAN WITHOUT IT BEING ON HIS RECORD.' NO ONE WANTS TO TAKE THE BLAME' FOR THIS MISCONDUCT WHAT THE OHIO COURT OF APPEALS TRIED TO POINT OUT IN 1993; the conundrum that to end this someone in Columbus has to take some blame. AND THE APPEALS THOSE ARE JUST ANOTHER JOKE MINDY. THE OHIO STATE MEDICAL BOARD IS AN ARBITRARY SELF-SERVING ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD THAT YOU CAN'T ARGUE WITH OR YOU WILL NEVER PRACTICE MEDICINE AGAIN EVEN IF THEY ARE WRONG. For 17 years now they've wanted me treated for a diagnosis that I don't have, and chosen to ignore that I'm not getting treatment for the endocrine bone condition that I do have. Please eXplain.


New Jersey,
Fraud was stopped and your ability to butcher people was rightfully taken away.

#59Consumer Comment

Fri, April 03, 2009

You may want to review this to confirm: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf


Mayfield Heights,
Speaker Budish is for Members of the OHIO State Medical Board doing investigations of problems at their own hospitals, then benefiting with contracts, appointments, hospital privileges everything's confidential' from the real issues to the Member(s) in

#60Author of original report

Thu, April 02, 2009

This is a sweet state deal' for the Ohio State Medical Board Members they then have a way of getting hired/consulted so that hospital systems avoid censure, discipline, and can do this for friends' and collect. It's the 'friends and family' deal of the century. And then Speaker Budish can be counted on to not investigate, or contemplate reforms starting in the House Speaker's Office - where reforms have to start. Reforms are needed which would allow that Ohio physicians would know what they are accused of by the State Medical Board from the very beginning; BEFORE A CASE STARTS, or goes to Hearing, and legal fees compound with appeals that aren't really appeals. Unless there is INTEREST in knowing how much which Democratic Board Member actually walked with (i.e. opening the cases), Speaker Budish is content to look the other way. There's no interest in reforms if you benefit from the cascade of money with legal cases that shouldn't be cases the legal lobby in the state legislature, of which Speaker Budish is a Member. Lee Fisher's former law firm (Hahn Loeser Parks LLP) has benefited for 2 decades with Medical Board cases going further than they ever would if the facts were out there and debunked right away information that should have been provided to the physician to defend himself or herself from the beginning. The confusion that ensues with everything being confidential' all makes for huge monetary losses for the physician involved many times falsely but who knows if everything is confidential?' The Ohio legislature allows the Medical Board to threaten physicians over lifetimes into admitting the case without disclosing the crucial files = blackmail as the physician needs their license to make a living. Even if the physician is multi-talented, they will have given up pursuing other fields of employment long ago - when medical training starts to require 100% of a person's time & attention. The word of Medical Board Members is accepted without question, without review, and without information; Member misconduct is normal, more 'normal' than physician misconduct. That transparency' at the State Medical Board of Ohio would lower state malpractice rates is never considered, despite Speaker Budish's mantra that he's for improving HEALTHCARE maybe his own because Members of the Legislature that look the other way for Medical Board loopholes get better healthcare - better everything. The only improvements' are for the lawyers involved in all manner of false inappropriate cases at the State Medical Board, not the physicians falsely accused and paying, and consist in the lawyers having a stable guaranteed ongoing income of such cases cases for non-payment of child support, making too much of bad orthopedic care,' etc. - the cases get more ridiculous by the month. The criteria for investigations of physicians are not the legal ones in state laws. IMPAIRMENTS of physicians are voted without requisite criteria, and with the crucial evidence withheld intentionally = administrative misconduct that the State Legislature looks the other way for. The Members then donate to political elections of the legislators that allow them such bonuses - Carla O'Day MD is a big Democratic donor - from O'Shea to Obama. Some cases are unresolved even from the Celeste Administration because of all the fraud. No other state investigates colleague confidential' complaints, about a physician not being able to take bad' medical care, in situations where there are no patient complaints, ie for prophylactic suspension of a woman physician who disagreed with a more senior male physician about her own care. The prophylactic was for the 'statute of limitations' on the bad care to expire - per Mr. Rich Whitehouse. The Board fails to disclose evidence of innocence as it is confidential' for 17 years a total waste of a physician's training, career, and personal life. Since the Celeste Administration, The Ohio State Medical Board can take physician licenses if the physician is a bad patient' for one of their friend' physicians; disagrees, has an unanticipated result (might sue another Ohio MD), wants blood work, or just wants the standard of care in the area or every other state. Everything is morphed, without checks & balances, at the State Medical Board. There's no Board prosecutorial misconduct as everything goes and it's all confidential.' Certain information should have been provided to my lawyers and experts in 1992 the confidential' complaint so that the signers could have been interviewed, evaluated, and questioned this wasn't about patient care so that the confidential' complaint is the crucial evidence or case. Speaker Budish is a lawyer, who knows about 'confidential.' But these 'confidential' files then show up at every hospital system in the Cleveland area; every hospital/administrator/physician then has a copy of that confidential' except the physician, her lawyers and experts the Medical Board disregards the Constitution regularly. It's all for fun to hopefully make the case 'real' - with more false evidence. Cases at the State Medical Board of Ohio need open files and for physicians to know, and understand, what they are accused of from day #1 of any physician complaint. If's it is a colleague-colleague fight about updating care paradigms - then this fight should be handled in a way to evaluate the care choices and improve the standards. Standards of every type of medical care need updating regularly. What happens is that the newly trained physician comes out and find themselves in antagonistic positions with the old guard at the hospital - who have been doing things in a certain way for years - and it might have just been proved not the best way in the literature (literature that the old guard hasn't read yet). It's hard for a newly licensed/trained physician to go backwards from what they were just told to do in training. Surely a physician's life can be better used/spent than arguing lifetimes away with corrupt Medical Boards and Members out for themselves, better spent than arguing obvious legal points with Speaker Budish in 5 minute phone bites.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
Forgot to point out how many folks have looked at this problem...not just a private group

#61Consumer Comment

Wed, April 01, 2009


Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
Please - Share these newspaper Articles

#62Consumer Comment

Wed, April 01, 2009

Rita: Could you share these Mrs. Nice newspaper articles with all of us? A link, a copy, something?


New Jersey,
I realized Sunday morning that you are proven a liar every week on Discovery Channel.

#63Consumer Comment

Tue, March 31, 2009

The Discovery CME program (or whatever it's call) has a panel of 3 REAL doctors on discussing different ailments and every time I have watched there has ALWAYS been at least 1 FEMALE doctor on the panel thus proving you are a liar. The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story.


Mayfield Heights,
Speaker Budish you need to re-learn some lessons about 'confidential' files from Jewish History - check out the Maltz Museum

#64Author of original report

Tue, March 31, 2009

Speaker Budish expects me to go along with the Ohio State Medical Board of perverts & fools with no legal checks & balances' with no rules of evidence' with procedural rules' that change every time the Medical Board loses a point or has a cocktail party before a vote. The Ohio State Medical Board Members currently are physicians, lawyers, and lay Members who you wouldn't consult for anything (not even driving directions Google does a better job), let alone want to have the unregulated power over your medical license and career, power over your healthcare as a physician, and with the ability to review your medical records without your consent or permission 'confidentiality' of physician medical records does not apply to State Medical Boards. When did this oversight happen Speaker Budish? And why? Please explain some HISTORY here history that apparently is confidential,' like everything else at the State Medical Board of Ohio. And these Ohio Members have UNLIMITED possibilities of 5-year appointments; there are no term appointment LIMITS for State Medical Board Members Anita Steinbergh DO is now approved until 2012 (20 years). Confidential' complaints are useful in a limited and narrow sense always with HUGE POTENTIAL FOR ABUSE. The persons involved with confidential' records need to have unparalled ethics, impartial judgment, and the ability to discern lies and half-truths which no one has in Ohio. Indeed William Blake, in PARADISE LOST Book 3, states that: neither Man nor Angel can discern Hypocrisie, the only evil that walks Invisible, except to God alone, By his permissive will, through Heav'n and Earth.' Even the angels lack sharp-sightedness, and the ability to discern the real issues or motives, and could not discern with disguise (the Blake 'confidential' file), the false dissembler unperceived' = Satan. So how can any state expect a State Medical Board to act sharp-sightedly, based on confidential' files? Doesn't by definition, or human endowment, happen humans lack discernment by nature. The Statistics: Confidential systems, by definition, will take medical, legal, and other professional licenses with a certain % of false positives unnecessarily and politically terminating careers that the public has paid heavily to educate, support and develop over huge years of time. A medical community, like what existed in German prior to WWII, has not come back' in Germany to this day - ditto the Army in Germany. It would be like doing appendectomies based on confidential labs, x-rays, and symptoms the natural % of false-positives would increase beyond any probability depending on whose confidential' the surgeon relied on. Hitler would terminate, or operate, on every Jew, Catholic, and dissenter - regardless of any medical anything, saying that the 'confidential' didn't matter = what the State Medical Board of Ohio continues to say to the present day = I'm guilty and the 'confidential' doesn't matter. Every fact matters in every legal case - witness DNA polymerase testing today = the only fact that really matters in some criminal cases. Most states in the US do not investigate confidential' complaints against physicians, so as not to take medical, legal, or other professional licenses to destroy or terminate careers - without all the facts being considered, weighed, and validated and sources confirmed as being other than a professional liar (Dr. Timothy Nice). There are a lot of physician liars. Using confidential' in professional licensing - and for government positions where anonymous' can cause huge damage led to World Wars in the last century situations where there are huge professional jealousies unleashed. Speaker Budish you claim to be Beachwood Jewish and to know what's in that MALTA MUSEUM of Jewish Heritage but you haven't learned the lessons implicit in that monument how Hitler got to power and those concentration camps = he undermined the legal and medical, ethical and procedural systems, to be subject to his whims without external review. The State Medical Board of Ohio is not without personality problems, self-serving decisions, and arbitrary actions and there is no outside appeal review of the Board - the Ohio Court of Appeals can't get the evidence to assess the files. And careers don't come back a fact that Hitler knew only too well and counted on. Hitler used anonymous false 'confidential' files to get rid of his opponents before WWII. One of the best or worst examples, of how Hitler misused confidential' sources, was his getting rid of the Commander-in-Chief of the Army in 1938 so that the n**i Party could dominate Germany's armed forces. Hitler found a confidential' police file that alleged that the austere bachelor Commander Fritsch had a homosexual encounter in 1935, as observed by a professional blackmailer: the documents were a tissue of outrageous lies like the seductive' nonsense in my case at the State Medical Board of Ohio (no one is 'seductive' with two wrist fractures). Fritsch opposed Hitler's plans for an Anschluss (union) with Austria and an annexation of Czechoslovakia. The lifetime soldier Fritsch was too humiliated and dumbfounded to speak when confronted with this accusation, and Hitler sent the outraged Fritsch on indefinite leave - effectively terminating his career and giving Hitler the power to start WWII. My medical career has been on indefinite leave since 1992 allowing Drs. Nice & Keith to mistreat and misdiagnose other women patients with thyroiditis - a cause of bone weakening that can go to the point of the bone density not coming back. Courageously, Claus von Stauffenberg, who was later to plant the bomb that almost killed Hitler in the Valkyrie plot, stood up in class at the War Academy at the time and demanded to know the real reason for Fritsch's dismissal he later had to die for that confidential' police file's misuse. You have to be careful with confidential' as to who you are protecting: the state, the individual, or the corrupt system the legal lobby in the Ohio Legislature? The Ohio State Medical Board edits confidential' files constantly, morphing to find a case or get the Board out of liability for a false case (no better than Hitler's Gestapo or the SS) - cases that they should have thought about more before they acted on preliminary hearsay or diagnosis in a prophylactic sense just like what the Fuhrer did to his dissenters. Hitler knew the meaning of prophylactic terminations. Unlike Commander Fritsch, I've not even been able to be speechless' about the actual file Hilter had more decency than Mr. Whitehouse. What Mindy ----- doesn't know is that the appeals' system, at the State Medical Board of Ohio, is no better than the n**i People's Court. With the takeover of the legal system, Hitler codified into law like the Medical Board of Ohio makes new rules without dissent or external review that Jews were denied the right to full German citizenship just like the Medical Board of Ohio has codified by precedent that I can't work with my father MD in medicine, get married without disclosing my sexual life to the State Medical Board, or get health care without telling them what diagnoses or health problems I have not that any of them are the Board's business' or impact on my patient care. Where did things go so wrong? I might as well be wearing a Jewish STAR on my sleeve for all the 'confidentiality' that I have in the Cleveland/Ohio area. Finally, allowing Medical Board Members, none of whom are psychiatrists in Ohio, to order endless new right' Ohio psychiatric evaluations on other practicing physicians without criteria prophylactically just to see what they would say evaluations that their personal physicians are not ordering for good reasons is akin to a former champagne salesmen stinting as the ambassador to Britain for Hitler (no diplomat training, looking for business opportunities not detente), and the n**i Brownshirts being run by an openly homosexual Ernst Rohm (looking for potential partners in a brown' field) people operating outside their purview and for self-serving reasons. The practice of psychiatric evaluations, ordered indiscriminately on every physician to be re-licensed in Ohio, has to be regulated and/or stopped. Physicians should be ordering and diagnosing within their training the problem with Drs. Nice & Keith in my story; both Drs. Nice & Keith were unable to do wrist fracture orthopedics with an average result, but insisted that they were competent in psychiatric diagnosis ditto Dr. Carla O'Day who could NOT order the necessary orthopedic casting materials to run her Emergency Room at Hillcrest competently but she was directing everyone else's life at the State Medical Board of Ohio for 5 years - every one of her cases needs to be reviewed independently. Speaker Budish, you need to review history. Much of the above comes from COUNTDOWN to VALKYRIE' by NIGEL JONES. Count von Stauffenberg's son writes a chilling afterward. The other problem with 'confidential' in Ohio is that nothing is confidential if you have 'friends' on the State Medical Board of Ohio - you get your complaints and favored treatment in resolution. But important to remember: 'confidential' files started WWI by getting rid of the Chief Army officer blocking Hitler's plans in 1938.


Mayfield Heights,
Top 10 reasons for Speaker Budish to stop the medical license frauds at the State Medical Board of Ohio - where woman physician licenses are taken for being 'bad patients' and disagreeing about their own 'wrong' care

#65Author of original report

Mon, March 30, 2009

Top 10 reasons to reopen my case file at the State Medical Board of Ohio 1992-2009 - the chief one being that the case was run by a classmate from CWRU Medical School, who participated in the bad care in the Hillcrest ER, and who benefited with an appointment and multi-year hospital contract at Hillcrest Hospital for Emergency Room services from getting my medical license suspended for disagreeing with Dr. Timothy Nice. Women physician medical licenses in Ohio are taken for disagreeing with Dr. Nice - which most physicians at Hillcrest have done if they work with him - but only the women have to pay with fracture malunions, threats, and that they never pratice again in Ohio. Carla O'Day MD, who wouldn't help me get my wrist fracture recasted for 3 weeks in 1990 (that what's competition does to you at CWRU - you laugh while your classmate is passing out), was involved in the complaint, ran the investigation, and signed the 'confidential' complaint. Signers of a 'confidential' complaint against a colleague-classmate physician shouldn't be running the case at the State Medical Board of Ohio, and you can't tell that unless the file is 'out-there' for the involved parties and legal counsel. Conflicts of interest can only be determined from all the documents, and all facts about who is getting paid or appointed by who - not just the names going to a third party judge - who hasn't a clue = Mr. Whitehouse's offer last summer. How would anyone know that those are THE names of the signers? This is just a fraud case with documents that 'don't exist' for 17 years. Currently the CONFIDENTIAL COMPLAINT ABOUT ME is known at every hospital system in the Cleveland area, but I've not been allowed to see it or defend myself - hardly 'confidential' hardly justice or governmental fair-play = what Speaker Budish is teaching his sons? If I've done something 'wrong,' then that the complaint should show it - but if it's just a pile of personal lies that started a false investigation . . . then I have the right to 'clearance' of my good name - like any guy or Carla O'Day MD. You are in government, like my father was in medicine, so that you can show your children good government or good medical practice - not how to cheat legally. The confidential' complaint was fine-tuned by the Hillcrest woman lawyer at the time, who sleeping with the lawyer that Hillcrest Hospital told me to hire pretty sleazy even for Ohio legal ethics - and it took my family several paychecks to find that out - funny isn't it Speaker Budish? Lawyers in Ohio, on opposite sides of a case, are allowed to sleep with each other and share documents. That male lawyer, like every other person in the Cleveland area except me, saw and read the 'confidential' complaint - helped morph it for 'insurance' for when we fired him. Taking licenses for care or practice disagreements: Basically no medical licenses, or legal licenses, should be taken for confidential'- which resulted from a disagreement about care practices, or legal principles = the stuff you are trained to disagree about to save lives and morbidity = stuff that certain physicians/lawyers can then profit immensely from if the rules are changed to favor bad care/administrative practices causing unnecessary medical treatments or legal fees. No physician/legal license should be taken for an easily treatable 'impairment,' or physical condition, where the medical care was withheld for spite, vengeance, jealousy, or to de-license the competition = the Carla O'Day MD maim the competition way. Dr. Nice needed to sit down and discuss what was wrong = what he hasn't done to this day. Dr. Nice has mandated that my father can't help me in practice - can't ever work with my own father per Medical Board mandate since 1992 - while his children watch him bloody patients in the OR for hip replacement surgery since being pre-teens which even Hillcrest hospital was not happy with. Medical licenses should be taken for patient problems, and not prophylactically that a woman MD won't send enough patient referrals to Dr. Nice, and not impairments' caused by the withholding of needed medical attentions, workups or therapy this was not psychiatric - one fracture should have resulted in consultation and Cleveland Clinic Foundation referral Dr. Nice was not a wrist fracture orthopedic and shouldn't have been trying his care with threats on a colleague that if you say anything about what he did/does to you, you will never practice medicine again in Ohio. These points are why Ohio medicine is behind EVERY OTHER STATE. And you don't want to listen or hear, or speak to any MD in another state - why? Dr. Nice wanted me to be impaired,' but if I get back in Ohio he wants my patient referrals and he wants to continue the innuendo that I just don't handle well - he plays with you and has obsessive agenda - the Board psychiatrists won't admit his problems. I deserved a family a husband, and children too tell your children that you destroyed all my chances - couldn't have kids because their father was part of Democratic corruptions that have gone on since the Celeste administration - where Governor Celeste appointed his wife Dagmar's support group Members to the Ohio State Medical Board. TOP 10 REASONS: 1- So that my serious' bone condition can be treated and followed, other WOMAN patients can be recognized that have this endocrine bone problem in this area, a physician returned to clinical practice as healthy as 17-years of physical neglect/beatings can make things. No more fractures would be casted in OHIO without casting padding materials, or in bad alignment without reductions, fractures angles would be measured for medical records (there isn't one angle in Dr Nice or Keith's records - Medical Board Members are too stupid to read between the lines), and no more experimental' stuff tried in Ohio or at Mayo Clinic on a woman physician patient for kicks. The woman physician would deserve care and medical attention for the first time in 17 years; be worth it. Neither Dr. O'Day, nor Timothy Nice, would order the correct cast materials for the ER even - or their offices - they both forget the cast STOCKINGETTE PADDING - which keeps the cast from eroding into the skin and subcutaneous tissues. All Dr. Nice's casts 'ate into my skin' - like flesh-eating bacteria he likes to torture women patients this way - and the Medical Board lets him. Dr. Anita Steinbergh let Dr. Nice do a practice cast on you and see how it feels. 2- That state legal taxpayers fees for this and other false cases at the State Medical Board of Ohio would stop no more investigations of bad physician patients' where the care was admittedly bad, wrong, inadequate and negligent. It's not the State's responsibility to make the physician take it' with therapy, or to make the physician say that everything's 'fine.' Nothing is fine Speaker Budish, as Tom told you I'm barely alive after 17 years of this - and you are saying that's ok to Mindy & Daniel. 3- That a family would get vindication and healing, a physician be returned to clinical practice; the 'conspiracy of silence' in the Cleveland medical community end the complaint would be out there, and the signers who signed for personal benefit be exposed, and not allowed to do this again to another colleague; that confidential' against a colleague to let the statute of limitations expire on bad medical/orthopedic care would stop; 4- That orthopedic mistreatment of women patients/physician-patients with fractures would be open to more scrutiny and improvement in care practices; preventative workups for bone conditions required for significant unexplained fractures (like mammograms); male osteoporosis would also get improved diagnosis and earlier treatment; you say that you are interested in HEALTHCARE Speaker Budish. . . 5- That the resolution of my case would usher in long-overdue ethical & procedural reforms at the State Medical Board of Ohio - as well as new suggestions for picking and rules for approving Medical Board Member appointments (that majority vote can table an appointment, ie 5:4 in the Senate Health Committee). FOR MEDICAL BOARD MEMBER APPOINTEES: That there be a requirement for medical knowledge, and a demonstrated commitment to evaluating & improving standards of care required - not just standards of abortion care, ie 3rd trimester abortion procedures are not an improvement in the standard of women's medical care (Lance Talmadge MD); 6- Fines for abusing colleagues would stop the misinformation and colleague-colleague fights, ie refusing to provide fracture stabilizing care or referrals; physicians with multiple fractures should not have to 'refer themselves' as Mr. Tom Dilling allowed. Carla O'Day MD might be fined, Lee Fisher's law firm might have to repay legal fees that would NOT have been unnecessary in more than one former case at the State Medical Board of Ohio might be a source of income for the state. Carla O'Day MD watched a colleague's fracture collapse and laughed. . .and she's still got a medical license to do this. Padding the legal fees because pieces of the case are missing for decades the confidential' complaint that started it all - would stop malpractice fees would be reduced. Physicians have to carry malpractice to protect against false complaints by the State Medical Board of Ohio at least $25,000 protection' Speaker Budish, and that was about 5 years ago. Carla O'Day MD's other medical board cases would be reviewed, other false cases ended fairly any case where she benefited monetarily at a hospital or hospital system; with appointments, contracts, or privileges. Any case where another Member benefited. This isn't golf game money. 7- That the false citings, airport dramas, & authoress articles in the Cleveland Sun Press stop (Mrs. Nice) the boxes of false stuff stored in Columbus can be recycled; I don't do drugs and I'm not the hysterical female type,' but if you beat me up I still bruise Mrs. Nice. Physician complaints being transparent, and discussable, would mean that the Legal Lobby' in the state legislature would end, PHYSICAL beatings of women physicians would stop, legal fixing & excessive legal involvements in Medical Board false cases would end. Physician complaints would no longer be confidential' and unverifiable before any Hearings, Appeals, or 17 years as in civil court; Ohio would be on a par with other states that refuse to investigate confidential' complaints for obvious reasons that the complaint is not the complaint that would be filed openly as others could then come forward and testify against it. Confidential means that the Board fixes' a case, and can continually change the case for double-jeopardy purposes. 8- Reasons for Medical Board investigation would be clarified, objectified, and CRITERIA put forth; MEDICAL MISTAKE LAWS would happen to deal with any unanticipated medical/orthopedic/surgical care result or misdiagnosis in time to fix' the problems as much as possible; that failure to deal with medical mistakes would be disciplined - and not the mistake necessarily giving everyone a chance with rare problems and encouraging physicians to work together' to solve clinical problems; 9- Unnecessary psychiatric evaluations of women physicians would end and not be a condition' of re-licensure as the psychiatrists in Ohio have nothing better to do and have to profit from every Medical Board case. NO discussions of a physician's sexual life, dating partners, and why they don't want to 'do it' with certain 'nice' male colleagues - would be allowed or tolerated = 'sterile' Medical Board rules, like those nice cockpit coversation rules, about patient care practices not how many males the physician dated and their names for public records. Could we get the names of every women you dated Speaker Budish - for Ohio public records and to 'go after' those people for administrative spite and fun? This case has gone beyond the ethics of any other state Medical Board; where no other Medical Board has gone before or since to 'find a case.' Medically I'm cleared by Cleveland Clinic to return to practice, my practitioners there can order any evaluations' that they feel are needed, and not for the Medical Board discussion. It's not the Medical Board's business how I feel' about what has been done to me, if need to I'd find private help and my current physicians are more than able & willing to help me. The problems with my fracture care did not impact my patients, it impacted that I didn't/couldn't/wouldn't refer to Dr. Nice that I might sue Drs. Nice or Keith. The psychiatry had NOTHING TO DO WITH PATIENT CARE, it was just a way to make a case. 10- The Ohio State Medical Board would return to being about PATIENT CARE PRACTICES and standards of care; unnecessary surgeries and procedures would be investigated and stopped; continued mistakes would be fined and the physician, or physician's malpractice insurance have to pay for the complications. Suspensions/disciplines would not be acted on without a proven TRANSPARENT case; the Medical Board should not be taking licenses prophylactically based on hearsay, innuendo, misinformation, and no patient complaints - for Carla's bank account. Taking medical licenses for being a 'bad patient,' because care practices are so bad, would stop. This is the healthcare challenge Speaker Budish.


New Jersey,
YOU are not fit to practice....that's why YOU aren't. There are plenty of women in medicine.

#66Consumer Comment

Thu, March 26, 2009

The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story.


Mayfield Heights,
Speaker Budish should start improving healthcare by improving healthcare for women physicians in Ohio so that we can make it to at least 10 years in practice like the guys. . .

#67Author of original report

Thu, March 26, 2009

Speaker Budish likes his women physicians with fracture malunions (not one fracture in correct alignment as it's too much trouble' for the orthopedic surgeon boys), beaten up by neurotic orthopedics worrying about their sex with their wife, personalities wiped clean to a blank placid slate of thought and self-awareness, and perpetually analyzed by ever crazier psychiatrists that the OHIO STATE MEDICAL BOARD approves for gos' at women physicians who disagree with male barbarity. Speaker Budish wants women MDs in Ohio 'wiped.' And there are no criteria for psychiatric diagnoses in Ohio it's political. It's not an anger management problem'; it's a total disappointment, shock, disbelief/outrage reaction that this bad boy stuff triggers' that it is still going on. Anger is something that tells the mind that something is WRONG; it is not necessarily bad - part of the fight or flight reaction - you need ANGER to fight back. And accepting the status quo, or having the women MDs get counseling to endure the men, is not the FINAL ANSWER; we don't have character flaws that only show up with certain guy MDs or in two orthopedic offices. Keeping women physicians from making a contribution, suspended and disciplined for disagreeing, is very unhealthy for the medical system and UNETHICAL. Mind-wiping women physicians, to a childlike state of placid agreeability - because you don't like their personality - like in the Fox network's DOLLHOUSE series, obliterates the possibility of changing the medical system for the better of women's healthcare. You have to be a thinking neuron to evaluate the next step. Men don't know how to care for women patients very well in Ohio that's a rather obvious fact - but arguing about it isn't getting anyone better healthcare. Women physicians need to be able to get the same orthopedic care as the men fractures casted within 48 hours, with the right angulation, including the stockingette padding, with x-ray confirmation and with a chance of successfully healing without MALUNION = the University Hospitals of Cleveland treatment that Victor Goldberg gets when he fractures a bone. And without the sexual innuendo jokes; 'sterile cockpit rules' should be in effect during care of a patient or physician-patient - in the OR or casting suite. Airplane landings, and medical care, don't do well on autopilot. There's a different gender template workup of lab tests to order, but fractures are never simple' and the template has to be used, ie the blood work ordered. Most orthopedics in Ohio simple-mindedly think that women have 'simple' fractures - because they don't are about bone pathophysiology. Ohio male physicians don't seem to understand about women and vitamin D, thyroid, and other endocrine 'issues' - too messy for thought - well, that's what 'gives out' in the bedrooms. Women physicians should never be beaten up, or removed from an office, as they wait for a DISCUSSION of the clinical problem whether the problem concerns their own care or another patient's care it's a huge step BACKWARDS. This is going back to the 1970s, when the surgical case discussions were in the male locker rooms while the guys were stripping with the door locked. In surgical residencies you get locked out of the shared on-call room as the guy needed his undisturbed REM sleep for his late date the next night. The Medical Board is wasting the lives of women physicians trying to say that everything is fine' - mistreating them medically to cover ignorance. You can't say that a fracture malunion, a lost career, bruises, emotional scars from brutal evaluations' over and over again - that any of the above are 'fine.' Armand Budish, and the Democrats, are letting the Medical Board Rule with FIRST DO HARM IF THE PATIENT IS A WOMAN = the legal lobby.


New Jersey,
Who cares.

#68Consumer Comment

Wed, March 25, 2009

The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story.


New Jersey,
Who cares.

#69Consumer Comment

Wed, March 25, 2009

The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story.


New Jersey,
Who cares.

#70Consumer Comment

Wed, March 25, 2009

The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story.


Mayfield Heights,
The following was emailed to Speaker Budish - who thinks that the State should pay for Carla O'Day MD & Dr. Timothy Nice's problems

#71Author of original report

Wed, March 25, 2009

Regarding 'confidential' files, about where the $ is, and 'medical mistakes' allowed to destroy a physician's career: Look the 'confidential' file - already all over the Cleveland area, except for . . ., has to be opened and 'answered'/responded to - for my case to end and for everyone to move on - it's the crucial file and shows the mistakes, mine and everyone else's in judgment, and I can't sign a resolution that any other state license will accept without that being included and over. No one wants any stray pieces of paper showing up in 2025 - for another Judgment Day. And, there's a care problem that needs to be improved; the diagnosis, treatment and recognition of thyroid bone problems. 1% (1/100) of women have this problem - so you let them all fracture and disable them, prevent them from having a family like you did me for jealousy? Even if they are professionals, and the diagnosis is one blood test (wasn't ordered until 2001 because the Medical Board said that I was 'exaggerating' to the whole country in the Data Bank), and the treatment thyroid hormone (synthroid) = pretty easy? You wouldn't be doing this if it was Mrs. ------- that had the problem. My previous physician Dr. ------ (very very Beachwood Jewish JEWISH) has the problem also, but her bones aren't affected. So this is a BEACHWOOD Jewish women's problem too - not just Catholic - she went to my high school by the way. So when enough Beachwood women have the problem maybe you'll change Ohio law, as re-interpreted by the Ohio State Medical Board, that this is not an 'impairment'? In 1992 - The Ohio State Medical Board acted arbitrarily based on hearsay/rumor/innuendo - more so than any other Medical Board has ever done - in taking a woman physician's medical license for alleged 'bad patient' behaviors, mostly exaggerated, about admittedly very bad orthopedic care where the 'boys were being boys' (Mr. Dilling's own words of admission to me). The problem was with the 'boys being boys' - that you couldn't agree with, or reason with 'boys' - ie Drs. Timothy Nice, Michael Keith (one of Cleveland's best?), Fred Lafferty and Carla O'Day. There was no way that I could go along with the therapies proposed and the lack of workup - very arbitrary, confusing, political, full of intrigue, and suspensions flying. The Ohio State Medical Board is supposed to be 'democratic,' fair, transparent, oriented to patient care and standards of care - no hidden agendas as medical diagnosis, and impairment, requires criteria - like fracture care at most hospital = x-ray and grade of fracture - which Drs. Nice & O'Day can't do. The statute of limitations has expired - per Mr. Whitehouse - the reason to take my medical license per the Medical Board = a statute of limitations on suing the 'confidential' signers and physicians involved in the mess. There is just no reason to not open and discuss what happened - seeing where the mistakes led to an extreme action - taking a medical license is a very eXtreme action when there are no patient problems . . . Carla O'Day MD was allowed to run an investigation at Hillcrest Hospital in 1992, where her ER procedures/lack of them were part of the problems, where the physician complained about (Dr. Timothy Nice) was her 'mentor' in the ER job, at Hillcrest & with her career there (this has been admitted, he tells you he can 'make or break you' as the line goes). Dr. Nice - who I complained about to starting the mess - was the person who her continued salaries, contracts, and Emergency Services Directorship offer at Hillcrest all directly depended on - no one got ER privileges without Dr. Nice. Carla O'Day MD could not allow Dr. Nice to be investigated if she wanted to continue her career at Hillcrest - something I didn't initially know - but it makes sense retrospectively, as to why my complaint about him could never be INVESTIGATED. No one could go around Dr. Nice at Hillcrest in this regard as his wife was 'on the Board' of something there, and her family has $ = 'he married well' as he puts it. Carla O'Day MD's pleasing Dr. Nice, and keeping him free from investigation, sanction or discipline was one of the reasons that he hired her there - admitted - so I was the victim of this 'insurance scheme' of his in a way - couldn't win because of the loopholes at the Board, and who hired Carla O'Day at Hillcrest Hospital in the first place. Dr. Nice thought he could then continue his rather 'high-handed' care and abuses (which caused him trouble at Geauga Community Hospital prior to 1990) - his abuses with me were before any work harassment laws were passed and supposedly 'legal' at the time. And he threatens you from day#1, which you get 'sucked' into - why I asked him about my fractures and then he wouldn't refer. He told me that he could 'make or break me at Hillcrest' - it's one of his lines along with 'come up and see my antique car collection sometime. . .' Carla O'Day MD's main source of income in 1992 (when she was going after me trying to find me 'unstable' that I couldn't endure Dr. Nice's 'care') depended on keeping the goodwill of Dr. Timothy Nice - who for some reason had control over Hillcrest Emergency Room appointments & privileges at that time (1990-2). Carla O'Day MD is no stranger to complaining about men, or taking them to court (her ex), but for her income/career reasons, she could not see my problems with Dr. Nice - she had too great an interest in her $ from Hillcrest and her promised Directorship contract there. Dr. Nice would then plainly tell you that he had 'friends' on the State Medical Board of Ohio (ie Carla for #1), and could keep you from ever 'practicing medicine again' if you didn't 'change your story' - his threats to me when he wouldn't admit the mistakes, DISCUSS, talk to the ----- Clinic or send the medical records and stop his harassments so that I could get the diagnosis, treatment and heal from the fractures. Then to edit the medical records that finally showed up in 1992, Dr. Nice went to every physician, etc, that I ever spoke with, to get the 'diagnosis' he thought that I had (they were all wrong), and rewrite his medical records - which read insanely as everything is all over the place even dates - records worse than any I have ever seen - which the Board ignored. This all can be seen by opening the 'confidential' case file, and there was a partial investigation of Dr. O'Day - the conflicts of interest, procedural irregularities, and lack of any patient problems about me - at the request of Governor Taft in 2005 - Taft just couldn't get the recommendations for reforms further than that after the golf game stuff that the DEMS put forward. Carla O'Day walked with much more than that amount in delivering a suspension of the wrong physician to clear Hillcrest and her ER - the Board needed to blame someone. In a better state, physician care disagreements are settled in non-punitive paths at least initially - some reaffirmation of 'acceptable' standards of care. Medical Board Reforms in Ohio are needed consistent with almost every other state at this point - MEDICAL MISTAKE LAWS so that the mistakes are not covered up and lied about for decades, but referred for consultation and salvage - like my wrist fractures needed to be. Then the penalties can be for the failure to recognize an 'unanticipated result' within a week, and get a plan - which allows most physicians a decent chance to avoid unfair discipline, sanction, suspension or unfair malpractice suit - no liability is initially admitted as most times the mistakes can be decently 'fixed.' States still have plenty legal fees under these laws - no state is complaining in this regard - and most view Ohio's laws as archaic for the 'legal lobby' - the boys. But suspending someone who can't lie about what happened as there was underlying 'missed diagnosis' - is unethical, cruel, arbitrary and beneath what I've heard about you Speaker Budish. . .and those 'appeals' at the Medical Board. . .there's more 'justice' in 49 other states - where they are not protecting Carla O'Day and Dr. Nice. Medical Board procedures, discipline criteria are going to have to change to bring the Ohio State Medical Board into the 21st century - within the next 5 years. President Obama did put forth a 'medical mistake law' while in the Senate, and probably will again as there's more Democratic support now - Ohio should get into this problem before the Federal Government is dictating all the healthcare rules - almost every other state has.


Mayfield Heights,
The CONIDENTIAL CORRUPTION of Ohio Legislature Speaker Armand Budish

#72Author of original report

Tue, March 24, 2009

Everything is 'confidential' at the State Medical Board of Ohio, so the public can't see that Ohio State Medical Board Members are allowed to conduct/run/profit from investigations at their own hospitals where they are on staff, or of physician 'friends' in their own communities - so that things can be 'fixed' for the highest bidder and the friends. Members will sign complaints against colleague physicians - and then run the case. Even when the Members are involved in the complaint, they are running the investigations - so that they can 'clear' themselves and their 'friends.' This means that once the case is fixed in favor of the hospital, or the physician hirers of the Medical Board Member, that everyone gets a bonus ($) appointment, salary increase, more hospital privileges. It's not a bribe, it's just payment for services rendered. There is no review of these 'cases' and everything remains 'confidential' - for decades. And you can't appeal in any normal sense as everything is 'confidential' and the physician always has to hire Lee Fisher's Hahn Loeser Parks LLP for 'special' considerations and 'favors.' Because of this, the State Medical Board of Ohio is now suspending the licenses of physicians who publicly disagree with one of their 'friend' physicians, even not allowing that physician care-to-function or blood work - that physician does not deserve care if they don't know the 'right' physicians and play along for the $ of the Members. No one ever looks in the legislature, ie Speaker Budish = not his job?


Mayfield Heights,
The CONIDENTIAL CORRUPTION of Ohio Legislature Speaker Armand Budish

#73Author of original report

Tue, March 24, 2009

Everything is 'confidential' at the State Medical Board of Ohio, so the public can't see that Ohio State Medical Board Members are allowed to conduct/run/profit from investigations at their own hospitals where they are on staff, or of physician 'friends' in their own communities - so that things can be 'fixed' for the highest bidder and the friends. Members will sign complaints against colleague physicians - and then run the case. Even when the Members are involved in the complaint, they are running the investigations - so that they can 'clear' themselves and their 'friends.' This means that once the case is fixed in favor of the hospital, or the physician hirers of the Medical Board Member, that everyone gets a bonus ($) appointment, salary increase, more hospital privileges. It's not a bribe, it's just payment for services rendered. There is no review of these 'cases' and everything remains 'confidential' - for decades. And you can't appeal in any normal sense as everything is 'confidential' and the physician always has to hire Lee Fisher's Hahn Loeser Parks LLP for 'special' considerations and 'favors.' Because of this, the State Medical Board of Ohio is now suspending the licenses of physicians who publicly disagree with one of their 'friend' physicians, even not allowing that physician care-to-function or blood work - that physician does not deserve care if they don't know the 'right' physicians and play along for the $ of the Members. No one ever looks in the legislature, ie Speaker Budish = not his job?


Mayfield Heights,
The CONIDENTIAL CORRUPTION of Ohio Legislature Speaker Armand Budish

#74Author of original report

Tue, March 24, 2009

Everything is 'confidential' at the State Medical Board of Ohio, so the public can't see that Ohio State Medical Board Members are allowed to conduct/run/profit from investigations at their own hospitals where they are on staff, or of physician 'friends' in their own communities - so that things can be 'fixed' for the highest bidder and the friends. Members will sign complaints against colleague physicians - and then run the case. Even when the Members are involved in the complaint, they are running the investigations - so that they can 'clear' themselves and their 'friends.' This means that once the case is fixed in favor of the hospital, or the physician hirers of the Medical Board Member, that everyone gets a bonus ($) appointment, salary increase, more hospital privileges. It's not a bribe, it's just payment for services rendered. There is no review of these 'cases' and everything remains 'confidential' - for decades. And you can't appeal in any normal sense as everything is 'confidential' and the physician always has to hire Lee Fisher's Hahn Loeser Parks LLP for 'special' considerations and 'favors.' Because of this, the State Medical Board of Ohio is now suspending the licenses of physicians who publicly disagree with one of their 'friend' physicians, even not allowing that physician care-to-function or blood work - that physician does not deserve care if they don't know the 'right' physicians and play along for the $ of the Members. No one ever looks in the legislature, ie Speaker Budish = not his job?


New Jersey,
Still haven't been able to find someone to extort money from eh? hahaha.

#75Consumer Comment

Sun, March 22, 2009

The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story.


Mayfield Heights,
The wost part is the sexual innuendo that I'm supposed to admit re Dr. Nice, and that Dr. Keith tried anything but ego . . .

#76Author of original report

Sun, March 22, 2009

The worst stuff to say 'no contest to,' are the lies about Dr. Nice - that I was in ANY WAY SEDUCTIVE towards him - I was trying to be fun, to be pleasant to be professionally upbeat, in a dull world of Cleveland Ohio, but there was not ONE IOTO of desire on my part for a balding, paunchy, short, cruel, coarse married man smelling of Polo cologne - a whole bottleful at times. It makes me start crying every time I think of it - that that's how the orthopedics in this Cleveland town get out of not being able to cast a fracture. Then there are page of comments in public records that I never made, never said, ie that I asked Dr. Nice 'out ice skating' when he couldn't skate? Phone calls I never heard of, etc. Dr. Nice was inquiring where I skated and I asked 'WHY' - do you skate?, DOES YOUR WIFE SKATE? The answer was 'No,' but my kids do - so he got the name of a FAMILY RINK that he didn't like - 'cause that wasn't what he was after and I could see that after the 'come watch me play polo' line. But even if I start, like at Rocky River, I'm suddently responsible for pages more lies that I wasn't even in town for - it's like there are no true cases of physician's doing mistakes on patients, just my case and every lie in the State of Ohio. No, I did not have fair Hearings, fair appeal, a chance of any kind of orthopedic care, or a chance at a life - I was supposed to 'do it' with Dr. Nice or face the consequences. And I can't respect the decisions of a Medical Board that would 'cheat' repeatedly and think that that's they way to do the Medical Board problems. Every single Member on the present Board has lied about my case - even the new ones who can't disagree with the old ones. But Mrs. Nice - I went to her house to drop off meds when Dr. Nice was sick in 1990 - completely Good Samaritan - and to ask why he piled his office furniture in the hallway blocking my father's office door - causing trouble between my father and me - intentionally. Trying to figure out 'his game' while he was sick enough to maybe admit the truth about his intentions in wanting the use of my father's office FREE. The thought was that if Nice didn't stop this, then I couldn't work with him - and he seemed to think that irking my father, while my brother was battling melanoma, was a 'nice' thing. But for anyone to think, and this has been the only 'sex' in life - the imaginings of Dr. & Mrs. Nice for Dr. Nice? - that this was true, is just gross. And to expect that I'll admit it after over 10 notes saying that 'I was not INTERESTED, YOU HAVE A NICE WIFE' - is Medical Board fraud. There was nothing improper that I did in the presence of, or expected of Dr. Nice - he needs to cancel his lies. And there's boxes of them. Dr. Nice needs to grow up and take responsibility for his actions, ditto Dr. Keith, and to make decisions to transfer a patient in time for correction of mistakes. But that Speaker Budish thinks that I'll admit piles of innuendo - simply because the Medical Board has no other case - that's something that no good Jewish girl would have to do. It's the sex, and the bizarre comments that I wouldn't even think of saying, that are in public records for 17 years, that really hurt. There's maybe one statement, ie that I was not interested in touching, being with, doing anything with Dr. Nice other that MD patient care, that is true. As I've said on the phone, have your office staff schedule at appointment with Dr. Nice or Dr. Keith, Dr. Lafferty has been retired, and see what they think. No one can get along with every other physician. But it's the personal touches, the destruction of my reputation, that hurts. If I had done something, then I'd take the reputation torpedo, but with two wrist fractures touching anything is painful, even doing the laundry, brushing your teeth, taking a shower, trying to eat. The making fun has got to stop, the total insensitivity and the lack of understanding of what is reallly going down at the Ohio State Medical Board - it just makes you cry for the loss of my life, any joy, any use of my hands to play the harp - you could have left me that. . .hope that someone destroys your son's hands and then maybe you will understand. . .my poor parents. . .


Mayfield Heights,
Ohio has the only case in the US of a woman physician whose Medical License was taken for being a 'bad patient' and not going along with what the 'boys' wanted to do to her

#77Author of original report

Sun, March 22, 2009

Speaker Budish (Representative D-Ohio) does not think it's worth it to open an old Medical Board case from the 1990s, where the physician lost her license for disagreeing about the wrong care OF HERSELF with a very stupid Medical Board of appointees from Governor Celeste's time - when he appointed his wife's support group friends to the Medical Board, desperate governor-husband as he was. Mrs. Dagmar Celeste was experimenting with lifestyles, divorce, and everything else during that time - her friends were 'bohemian' and hardly mainstream anything -Carla O'Day MD was appointed in that group. This physician, her family & friends, think that it is worth it, and that reforms of the 'confidential' physician complaint system in Ohio are long overdue - no other state has this system because of the false legal fees & disciplines that it produces. False disciplines are hard to appeal as the Medical Board of Ohio won't admit that it makes mistakes and has no external review system. Once they make a mistake at the Medical Board, they expect you to help them cover it up or you will never get your medical license back - they play to keep their position no matter how they abuse it. Carla O'Day MD plays this hand - she gets a false discipline, or Rocky River Court case started, and then the person who was 'had' won't admit that they were 'taken' with her lies. Michael O'Shea at Rocky River Municipal Court is regularly a 'take' for her; he's a regular stooge for her and she leaves him in court lying about when she's coming. But the problem: The 'legal lobby' in the Ohio State legislature wants this legal 'goldmine' - no matter how false a 'vein' it is - there are legal fees for the false investigations, for the malpractice insurance that you have to carry for these false investigations, for the false Hearings, for the false appeals, and for the damage that this does to physician careers, standards of care (very behind in Ohio), and personal lives - you can't have a marriage that will survive a false investigation by the State Medical Board of Ohio - what the lawyers want in Ohio. It fuels a legal bureacracy of physician discipline = jobs for Ohio the wrong way. Representative Budish, State Senator Grendell, Representative Dolan, even State Senator Coughlin (not a lawyer, but one of the 'boys'), and the rest of the lawyers in the State Legislature of Ohio won't budge on these excess fees and physician complaint laws - even if a physician might commit suicide unable to handle the messes that the 'confidential' causes. Lucky for them, being a 'good Catholic girl' I can't commit suicide, or sign a pile of lies, so my case of being the 'bad patient' physician continues with faith. But the emotional hurt will not go away for the rest of my life now (as the psychiatrist in 1996 told the Medical Board would happen - he couldn't assess the damage that would happen if the case continued another 10 years) - even if my license comes back, I will need help with the emotional Ohio PTSD stuff - the nightmares of the bad jobs I've had and the things said about me = what physicians will do if their careers are threatened by making medical mistakes on a colleague. The solution as in 35+ other states, and at Harvard (Obama even supports this, but not Strickland), are medical mistake laws. There are at least 36 'models' of these laws out-there and working well. Representative Budish would not continue this law if his wife was a physician - she'd have to pay malpractice insurance yearly to protect against her husband's laws and 'sick' way of making legal monies - things he doesn't tell his sons. And healthcare reform begins at the State Medical Board of Ohio - they have to improve the standards, policies and atmosphere. The other states don't hesitate to call this system what it is = a corrupt legal lobby in the Ohio State Legislature = boys being boys. Ohio breeds boys. The 'confidential' complaint system, at the Ohio State Medical Board, is known to result in false complaints about physicians, false investigations, false disciplines and disciplines or 'impairments' for just disagreeing with the Medical Board - but until 1992 there had been no case of a physician with her medical license taken for not agreeing to bad medical & orthopedic care - admittedly bad and wrong care = Carla O'Day MD kind of care. Care that the Mayo Clinic labeled as abusive in 1991. I was supposed to die in 1990-2 of neglect. Because the Medical Board in Ohio is so poorly representative of any kind of Board that other physicians can respect (it's physicians that you would never ask for a consult or send a dog to), it's hard NOT to disagree with their tactics, standards, behaviors, and rulings - they are not appointed from suggestions within the physician ranks = they are gubernatorial 'paybacks.' It's hard to be in a room, or have a conversation, even with one of them. And, I've tried with Anita Steinbergh DO in 1996, 2000, etc. - she doesn't talk to you, she dictates at you. This is why states such as Rhode Island will NEVER INVESTIGATE an ANONYMOUS or 'CONFIDENTIAL' physician complaint - they want their physicians to be concentrating on medical care and not destroying each other. The worst 'confidential' cases are where the physicians gang up on each other, mistreating each other medically, orthopedically, psychiatrically by ordering unneeded 'evaluations' of their competition, and just destroying the professional atmosphere of exchange and debate about patient care problems and rare diagnoses. In Ohio, the Medical Board thinks that you can destroy the opposition by getting them psychiatrically evaluated, endless 'gos,' and 'helped' to understand the malpractice, negligence and bad boy stuff. I need the Medical Board's help to accept the bad care that I got, and I needed improvements in orthopedic care to be standard. Dr. Nice should not be leaving wrist fractures to swell to EXCRESCENCE, and Dr. Keith shouldn't be trying EXPERIMENTAL casts on women physicians who need their hands for children, families and patients. It is suggested that Speaker Budish open some of the known false discipline cases at the State Medical Board of Ohio. In 1999 my case was the worst, but one of a PILE that Mr. Dilling knew about and was supposed to 'get rid of' - put Mr. Dilling on the hot seat - he's still there making 'massage therapy laws' instead of medical mistake laws. Dilling got fired in 2005, in part because of threats to me and my family, about what he would do if I didn't. . .and that my case wouldn't go away with threats. Dilling knows the names on the list from 1999. I'm a good physician who deserves to get back and 'give back' her education to patients - and yes that will mean disagreeing with male colleagues who in Ohio don't know one straight sentence about women's health care as they skipped those lectures in medical school for the B-ball courts and pool tables (required equipment for the boys in Ohio as lectures don't keep their attention).

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
Great you got that off your chest.

#78Consumer Comment

Sun, March 22, 2009

Now don't you feel better getting all that out?..you really need to spend more effort in expressing yourself. Reading all of this, it seems as if you really DID miss your calling. Harping seems to come natural to you. So even at CWRU you had a shot across the bow that you didn't play well with others, wasn't that a HINT? Of course the medical training complaints are nothing new, read: The Making of a Woman Surgeon Author: Elizabeth Morgan. Don't think she practices either, there was that whole kidnapping, false accusation, go to jail for two years kinda thing...Birds of a feather?


Mayfield Heights,
Look if you didn't want me in medicine in Ohio, you should have just let me return to MUSIC

#79Author of original report

Sun, March 22, 2009

but I was 36 and had had two serious wrist fractures, seriously mistreated, so that it took 2 years for the tendons to heal - two years that I could have played my harp and did home-ec stuff for a husband. You don't want me to do anything, but be a Medical Board Statistic because the guys can't be it - and it's not a sex thing - and Nice couldn't 'have' me so no one can work with me. Even after his abusing me, he wanted me to refer to him - that's 'sick' - and my poor mother RN tried to tell Grendell this (Grendell has never tried to speak with Dr. Nice). I'm not responsible for the bad care in Ohio, the missed diagnoses, or negligences of Drs. Nice, Keith, and Lafferty - but that's the way you would have it. It's like blaming Marc Dann's office staff for his blunders - and then letting him go. You have to have 'fair' rules at the State Medical Board of Ohio - and you can't just disable a woman physician and say go back to music. If I had been a musician, I would have gotten 'good' care for my fractures, but the boys wanted to disable me for everything - life in general - as I didn't play the sex card and didn't promote them. Like at Georgetown when one morning a classmate started yelling at me at the back of the Science Building that I 'was just taking a guy's place and life.' He would have started punching me, but it was broad daylight and others came around and he stopped. Dr. Nice didn't look out his window and send me patients out of the 'goodness' of his heart - he gave so that there were IOUs - the kind of 'get back' that you teach your sons - make sure the woman puts out. What Mrs. Nice knows her husband does, but won't put her 'foot down' about. Just leave the woman the ability to work in another profession and say you're not wanted in Ohio - just say the truth - OHIO and the STATE LEGISLATURE HATE WOMEN PHYSICIANS. I won't fit in here after 17 years of abuse, two beatings, and boxes of lies because you have nothing better to do in Columbus - even sex is second to me - there's some secondary something here. There need to be some rules. Yes I could disable you for law if I wanted as a physician, physicians have that power, but that's what Medical Boards are supposed to prevent; that they discern standards and abuses with aberancy and do something about them, warnings, disciplines. But in Ohio you only discipline the mistake, the abused, the error, the hurt person - as the other guys & gals pay you off - the Members investigate their own hospitals & friends keeping things 'friends and family.' The problem was that in mistreating my hands and beating me up, you left a mess for any job or profession - and you trashed the value of my education and your sons probably won't get into medical school as everything's given to them. No one would beat up or mistreat your sons. . .just me. They'd clean up the on-call rooms and language for your kids who will never believe what they do to women physicians who don't 'put out.' Carla O'Day MD puts out, and she just wanted to make sure that I paid my dues too - whatever way she had of trashing me to the public with things that I've never done, never said and wasn't even in Ohio at the time to do - live in NYC 1992-1998 - but there's boxes of what I did during those times - you couldn't leave me alone even in NYC - you had to keep ordering Ohio evaluations. It's like I was Madonna or something; am the best copy that the Board has to put out discipline sheets. And you won't admit that Ohio care of women is bad because your wife doesn't get it, just the Catholic girls who aren't 'easy.'


Mayfield Heights,
Just one more story

#80Author of original report

Sat, March 21, 2009

You know while I was in Medical School at CWRU, I was perennially in trouble in the Dean's Office, Dr. Scott, for saying the obvious and refusing to do bizarre things that the guys came up with as paid 'curriculum,' ie one pediatrician wanted me to roll-play patient phone calls with him in the evenings (when for sure he was supposed to be home with his wife & kids), home visits in Hough were the rule for our clinic patient that we followed the first year - this was right after the riots (my mother had to go with me as the 'gun'), and I had a black social worker in clinic who wouldn't let me exist without telling her my 'feelings' every week - and I flunked because I didn't have the right 'feelings' about her. Then in the clerkship years we shared oncall rooms with the guys - not always a good idea - and the rooms or facilities weren't even 'safe' (reason for the guys) or clean at times - just a room & a bed. We had another Dean besides Dr. Scott, a Dr. Griggs hematologist. He was totally 'out-of-it,' anything to do with facility or behavior management, and you could say the most tongue-in-cheek otherwise not-so-funny things, and he would take them seriously with a grin - like 'yeah I'm happy to be at MetroGeneral' (the food would give you food poisoning if you ate it, but I'm in a clerkship at CWRU). So I managed to graduate, academics weren't the problem, and moved on to residency. Then I heard that Dr. Grigg's daughter got into Case Western Reserve School of Medicine, and that things were changing fast - all the complaints and wish-lists of the women students, for the last decade, were all suddenly being taken seriously and not just by ordering the female student to an 'evaluation' so that they could discuss why they didn't like CWRU. Things had to changed, women students could be the Dean's daughter. Turns out that Mrs. Griggs was appalled at what her daughter was going through to get her MD - nothing 'special' that hadn't been done to every female student that preceeded Student-MD Griggs. So suddently oncall rooms cleaned themselves up, and at least where Ms Griggs did her clerkships, they were 'safe.' No attending could ask Dr. Grigg's daughter to roll-play with him when he should have been home, conversations on the wards during her rounds were actually decent - devoid of the dark male bullying and sexual comments. Mrs. Griggs single-handedly changed in one year what a decade of women students had been 'evaluated' and psychiatrically derided for suggesting. Now you want me to accept pre-fixed appeals, and you're a lawyer, admit 'confidential' files without knowing what insanity is in that 'confidential,' endure unending evaluations discussing my sex life, and be meek when beaten. And this has been going on for 17 years now, while you all eat & play well in the Ohio legislature. You need to have a daughter, get her some harp lessons, and then see what happens at CWRU Medical School, have an office visit with Dr. Nice or Dr. Keith and see if YOU can 'take' it the bantering and deriding. After Mrs. Griggs and her daughter, things relapsed at CWRU School of Medicine, but it was a lesson = the Dean shouldn't ask any female student/resident to do anything that he wouldn't want his daughter doing; the Ms. Griggs condition. Now I wasted 17 years and all my medical training on Ohio slobs who just cheat and cheat and cheat and if they can't win, they beat you up - and they don't lose their medical license for beating up a colleague - just a wife. And they want the woman physician to get 'anger management' to endure the male egos and abuses - that you can't get mad and say 'No' - you have to 'take' it or it isn't funny enough. Now your wife wouldn't TAKE one minute of what I've been through for 17 years, beat her up.


Mayfield Heights,
Speaker Budish you wouldn't ask your sons to admit a 'confidential' complaint for a medical/legal license

#81Author of original report

Sat, March 21, 2009

You are asking of me what you would ask of no other person, human being or even a cyborg - that I admit a 'confidential' pile of lies, be unendingly evaluated until I have no joy left in my life, ie no personality, and rehab in the dungeon of medicine = Ohio. See the sexual abuse that happens from this on the DOLLHOUSE series. As my one expert put it, the Ohio Board hates me that I have ANY personality - they are all just mush people who drink, have sex, and do abortions = the Ohio State Medical Board. My case is so poorly written that it was more than one drink to write it - maybe several weekends of drinking at taxpayer expense. You would go after a professional who beat your sons up in classes or in a medical office - you went after priests in Cleveland but no physicians. There's no justification for that behavior when the person has asked that the physician sign off the case for a year and say what happened. Yet you would make me endure it - did Ms. Chalifoux teach me so that my wrist fracture would be left uncasted for 3 weeks for boy fun, and my hands beaten up after they were only partially healed and having nerve problems? Would you beat her up? See after you re-injure, then you can say that the patient made you beat them up and reinjure and made things worse. That's why they did it - to get Dr. Keith off of the nerve problems from his 'experimental' cast - then it was my trying to 'rebreak' it and their bruising me to teach me a lesson. And you wouldn't let an orthopedic do an 'experimental' cast on your sons - they need the 'right' care. Men don't exit in Ohio.


Mayfield Heights,
Speaker Armand Budish is for contining the status quo at the State Medical Board of Ohio where the legal lobby rules, with cases of a physician objecting to the wrong care, going on for 2 decades you can't make a deal with the devil or Budish

#82Author of original report

Sat, March 21, 2009

The legislation for reforms at the Ohio State Medical Board, to make it similar' to most other State Medical Board would have to come through Armand Budish's office in the next 2 years and he doesn't want to update Ohio as his lawyer buddies are profiting hugely from the present corruptions, ie Hahn Loeser Parks LLP (Lt Governor Lee Fisher's former partner firm). So Ohio will remain as the worst Medical Board in the country for now. The problems include, but are not limited to: (1)The confidential' complaint system against physicians where physicians with friends' on the State Medical Board of Ohio will get their complaints, but not anyone else who doesn't pay the dues' and refer to the right physicians.' Supposedly it's a State of Ohio law, but my complaint is all around Cleveland. The compliant against me, a woman internist with no patient complaints, which started a mess and is from 1992, was put together by the woman attorney at Hillcrest who took her duty to the point of sleeping with my attorney. Hillcrest knew this before I did, and both attorneys still have legal licenses in Ohio it wasn't considered unethical in Ohio. So my attorney was sleeping with the Hillcrest attorney, and this attorney was recommended by the Hillcrest legal department (to work with their attorneys in a 'solution,' more like a free tryst) because they apparently knew this - pillow talk was writing the complaint that I was paranoid' that I disagreed with outdated bad care going on care that I thought was over for any patient: leaving fractures uncasted for days, casting fractures without stockingette padding, reductions, or x-rays, etc. All the Hillcrest orthopedics like to use the ER as an office' on their non-rent-paying days they all work in offices 10 orthopedics deep so the Hillcrest ER is an office' for all the right physicians and those visits go to the conference rooms for casting in between slices of pizza. (2) Complaints are not about patient care: The Medical Board physician complaints don't have to be about patient care, and are changed or morphed continually when one case' doesn't work = this has gone on for me for 17 years now. I just didn't fit in like the Carlas, the Jane Campbells, The Dagmars, the Mrs. Nices. The State Representative at times see the case,' or some documents, and say that it is continually changed' in my case. The Board (Mr. Whitehouse) claims that they now, after 17 years of harassments, have a case that I can't take their doing the insanities and baiting to me that I won't admit a false case and lie. Well what lies will appease this Board of liars? The Board wants my personality washed' like in the current Fox hit Dollhouse,' and they want me on drugs to make nice' to Dr. Nice so they can have a laugh. (4) Confidential' complaints are available to the whole state but not the physician involved just the physician can't know what they are accused of: Cases go on for decades, with morphing confidential' files where in my case the whole town of Cleveland has the complaint against me everyone knows what I'm accused of except me, my family, the lawyers, and any potential job. (5) Things never end. The Medical Board of Ohio will not give it up even if they kill me with the gos.' So the confidential complaint is not about my patient care, it's supposedly about how I didn't get along and go along at Hillcrest Hospital with bad care, bad behaviors, and just the general sleeping around. The confidential' complaints don't have to prove a case or even be true; they just can start an unending investigation about everything in your life because you complained about Dr. Timothy Nice who can't cast fractures and has friends' on the State Medical Board of Ohio. And you have to admit this or never practice again. Only my being Catholic won't allow me to admit the pile of lies, I have to have faith that someone will grow up. [Mrs. Nice I'm also not your problem, you allow Dr. Nice to prey on nurses, colleagues, and anything female shorter than him.] (6) Medical Board Members can run the investigation of cases at their own hospitals where they are salaried by the administration: Why did this complaint get so far because Hillcrest had the woman running their Emergency Room on the Medical Board of Ohio. In 1992, Dr. Carla O'Day was investigating the Hillcrest Hospital problems at the same time as she was being paid a contract stipend for managing the Emergency Room = the ex-officio Director. Members of the State Medical Board of Ohio are allowed to run' the case where they are salaried at the Hospital involved in the complaint, and part' of the problems that occurred there. Then when they fix' the situation for the hospital, they are allowed to accept long-term appointments, contracts, bids etc from that hospital or hospital system so that the hospital system pays insurance for the Board Member's goodwill and fixing' of the situation in their favor lifetime bonus. Carla O'Day MD has been getting her bonus for over a decade now, much more that those Taft golf games. Conflicts of interest don't exist you can be a Board Member and be paid off by the Hospital too. But if the compliant could be out there, we could all move on and play another game. It's this continual collection of data, the taking of me out of graduate school classes. . .Even Jane Campbell could get a Harvard Fellowship and medical care. (6) Governors can appoint support group Members of family members, ie friends and family, to the State Medical Board of Ohio it's like a SPRINT network. In 1990 Carla O'Day MD was a friend of Mrs. Celeste, who was in her Jane L. Campbell early divorce period; after Celeste left office they apparently belonged to, or were founding members of the same divorce support group. (7) The appeals are jokes' where the Board comes up with a second set of lies that you have to pay attorneys to debunk about your personal life and not getting along with men well even Jane Campbell has that problem, and she's got a job and was allowed to move on. There is no court, or external review, of Medical Board of Ohio cases it's all a contest of tarot cards, trial by fire, voodoo, or mediums = the complaints don't matter, just who you are and how you can benefit a Board Member. There are no rules of evidence. And how would Jane L. Campbell have fared after 5 evaluations over months and years, discussing every partner and why she doesn't like men? It would have been a lot more dicey than my evaluations about Dr. Nice balding, fat guy, short, smelling of Polo cologne - I didn't like him for at least 20 good reasons. I wasn't allowed to get married, but Jane was allowed her liaisons at Ohio expense. (8) The cases at the State Medical Board of Ohio thus can go on for decades but not for the physicians who cut legs off during knee replacement surgeries, or toes during deliveries just for the woman who refused to do things for Dr. Nice. The Board has endless gos' or evaluations, where your sex life is discussed, to try to make you a s**t' deserving of the bad guy talk. They need to find a case in my case so I'm dead meat. I'm bad because I noticed the bad care and said something to get my medical records to the consultants to stop the harassments long enough to leave. (9) Letting the statute of limitations expire on bad care for physicians: There's no rule about allowing medical care to function, or even blood work, before physician medical licenses are taken for the negligences of other physicians. My fracture care results were suable so I needed my medical license taken so that the statute of limitations' would expire. It's expired, but the compliant is still confidential' and I'm supposed to get another evaluation and go through rehab' in Ohio where they teach me how to practice like Drs. Nice, Keith, Suppes, and O'Day. If Dr. O'Day could have skipped anymore classes than she did at Medical School, she would have. Speaker Budish it surely looks as if some Medical Board reforms are long overdue. But allowing physicians who studied music, to have their hands beaten up to teach them a lesson, is a bit nasty - maybe someone could beat your boys hands up and see how you feel and your children feel after you've paid for all the music lessons. My orthopedics thought my music talents were a 'joke,' and I was in medicine to support my harp habit - it's expensive. And you apparently are teaching your sons to cheat on tests, to lie about classmates, to order evaluations or beat up the competition - what you allow done to me. I'm your victim and I'm not even Jewish. But the real problem is getting a job and moving on and not being able to defend yourself there was not one patient complaint. Maybe that WAS the problem, and I went to class in Medical School unlike Carla O'Day. And unlike most at Hillcrest, I sent Dr. Nice and his wandering eyes' back to Mrs. Nice. And she, and her children, know that he does this. What they should really do is dump me off a ski lift in Canada - it would be more merciful - and maybe that's the plan.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
But you compacted it so well, with excellent commentary

#83Consumer Comment

Wed, March 18, 2009

John: But you compacted it so well, with excellent commentary So what upset you most about these postings? The attack upon attack on people and their good name, with Rita always the victim, and everyone else just vile piles of human debris? Is it her racists, sexist, xenophobic rants? Is it her constant attempts to point out that she is SMARTER then all others, but doesn't understand that while you can measure smart?...In her case you can't measure stupid. You can be a member of Mensa, and still demonstrate how that you're stupid. Is it her screams that she's so special, but everyone else is worthless? Or here expectations that by insulting everyone, she'll get her way. DO WHAT I SAY OR I'LL WRITE A RUDE NOTE ABOUT YOUR WIFE/LIFE/DRESS/COLOGNE/WHERE YOU WENT TO SCHOOL/YOUR COLOR/RELIGION OR OTHER THING I WANT TO MAKE FUN OF. Is it the constant keyboard diarrhea? Or simply the fact that with all that schooling she's oblivious to the fact that she's a spoiled brat, who thinks the world revolves around her and is, as pointed out by the legislative aide, crazy. (A few fries short of a happy meal, bats in the attic, the light's on but no body is home). Thanks for your good work.


New Jersey,
I couldn't have done it without your help my friend.

#84Consumer Comment

Mon, March 16, 2009

In doing your research to the true story: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf I feel bad for omitting your due credit.

Intersted Person

Shelby Ohio,
Impressive Reporting there John

#85Consumer Comment

Mon, March 16, 2009

WOW John, what a tight summary and quite timely also. Who will be the next great boogieman/boogiewomen in the story. I bet it'll be Obama's Fault..or maybe the next Stayed tuned.


New Jersey,
Still haven't found anyone to cave to your attempts at extortion yet eh?

#86Consumer Comment

Sun, March 15, 2009

The decision was more than correct as has been discussed over and over in your other fraudulent reports. Luckily innocent people won't be butchered by you. http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/374/RipOff0374522.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/325/RipOff0325519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/330/RipOff0330124.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/383/RipOff0383736.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/331/RipOff0331399.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384729.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384765.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/358/RipOff0358870.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/329/RipOff0329263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332688.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/332/RipOff0332122.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/366/RipOff0366042.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/384/RipOff0384920.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385263.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/387/RipOff0387129.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/363/RipOff0363750.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/328/RipOff0328642.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/361/RipOff0361519.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/268/RipOff0268648.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/385/RipOff0385630.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/372/RipOff0372660.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/378/RipOff0378373.htm http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269685.htm Then there is the famous Delta report: http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/0/269/RipOff0269735.htm I would have to say that any alleged 'carpal tunnel' you may have is probably from typing all these false reports. You keep forgetting to include some very important links in your tales of woe such as this: http://med.ohio.gov/formala/35050161.pdf so that people can get the whole story.

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