  • Report:  #1114021

Complaint Review: Attention Marketing Inc. - Flint Michigan

Reported By:
Ripped Off by Attention Marketing - City, Virginia,

Attention Marketing Inc.
720 Ann Arbor St, Suite 201 Flint, 48503 Michigan, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

The previous posters detail the basic premise of how the 720 CFO Program, run by Jon Miller and Louie Frias of Attentiona Marketing, is supposed to work.  As the others have also stated, they opened up well over $100,000 dollers in corporate credit in my name.  

The intended purpose of the credit was to purchase homes in Flint Michigan, which they would rehab and market to fist time home buyers.  Instead, they immediately drew out all available credit using various businesses controlled by Jon Miller.  They made payments for a few months, then stopped paying all accounts. 

They then stopped returning phone calls and emails, then disconnected their phone lines and email addresss except for Jon Miller's one email address from which the only reply was that they are reorganizing the business and will catch up all accounts soon.  Those have been coming since November 2013, when accounts were already 3 months overdue.  I was also never compensated the 20% as promised.

When pressed, Jon Miller, a 55 year old man in Fenton Michigan, became extremely agitated and stated he had no intention of ever paying the accounts from which he drained and ended with "go _ _ _ _ yourself".  

There is no evidence any homes were bought with the money they took from the credit accounts.  Louie Frias, a licensed real estate agent in Henderson Nevada, sent the address of a home they supposedly purchased to rehab and market.  In a recent check of that address, no owner affiliated with Attention Marketing or anyone else involved shows up on record.  

Jon Milller and Louis Frias both stated they had 160 people in the 720 CFO Program.  Whether that's true or not, there is evidence they have stolen millions from these credit accounts.  


8 Updates & Rebuttals



#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, May 03, 2014

YOU, the ANONYMOUS author of this  ridicuous statement, are nothing more than an idiot. I didn't force you, or anyone wlse for that matter into becoming involved with this now known scam artist. Until and unless you are going to reveal yourself, I suggest you focus your life on something or someone else to vent your anger at, because it's misplaced at me - also a victim.

Credit file ruined

YOU are nauseating, Louie!

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, March 09, 2014

All of us victims are nauseated by you, Louie, for YOU were the one that got us hooked up with Jon Miller to begin with.

So if you were truly a credit partner as well, what are YOU doing to get the creditors off your back?


Nauseating fabrication.

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, March 09, 2014

I am now, as always, been available. My email address and phone number are both still in use. If anyone in the program needed to reach out to me to discuss their concerns, using either is available. All email and/or voice mail received by me have always been forwarded to Jon for addressing. It is HIS company, not mine.

I was never, and am not now, been an employee, officer or owner of this company. I am a partner - one of the "160" informed by Jon that existed. Because of my accessibility, I am the "poster boy" for AMI and its owners. I too, have credit debts brought about by Jon which I am now facing. How does THAT make me the brunt of this posters anger?

There's a rowboat. I, and every other partner of this company is in it.

I give ZERO credibility to a site like this which is nothing more than an open website permitting anyone with anything legitimate or otherwise to vent their anger.

Is it unfortunate what's happened? You bet it is. Is it at my hand? Absolutely not. All I can say is I am doing what I can to reply to posts which appear here.

Whether you like or believe my response is of little concern to me; the bigger picture is what to do about it.

Louie Frias = Bernie Madoff

Louie is a cheat

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, March 08, 2014


HAHAHA..."liar and a coward"...you sound just like Jon!

So you've met Mike Dorris?  Gee, he's just a fogment of every other victim's imagination!

And, why pray tell, when all of uf victims called the number in the ads for 720cfoprogram in national publications such as USA Today, were YOU the one who took the calls to begin with?  If you are truly a victim as well, why were you Jon's point man??  Answer that!

Better yet, if you have a way of contacting Jon Miller today - since all of his other numbers are disconnected - post it here so all of your "fellow victims" can contact our ol' pal Jon.

No friend of Louie

Rhode Island,
Back it up Louie!

#6Consumer Comment

Sat, March 08, 2014


If you are truly a victim like the rest of us, prove it by showing that your payments are no longer being made by Jon Miller also.  You can write all you want here about being in the same boat as the rest of us countless victims, but all we know about you is that you were in on the scam with Jon Miller.  After all, when we all first called for info. on the program, you WERE the one we spoke to, NOT Jon Miller.


Louie is a liar

#7Consumer Comment

Sat, March 08, 2014

Do not for one minute believe that Louie Frias is innocent in the whole Jon Miller/AttentionMarketing/720 CFO Program ponzi scheme.  He can write all he wants here about being maligned and not being a part of the prorgram, when all victims know that Louie was the first point of contact from all of the advertisments run in national publications for the 720cfoprogram.  Louie answered all of the initial questions about the program and sent everyone to speak to Jon Miller next.  Louie was alwyas Jon's point man and is fully culpable in this mess.

Louie, it won't be long and you'll be behind bars along with Jon.  Count on it!


WHAT are these people talking about?

#8REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, March 05, 2014


Hoooeeeee. That’s pretty much all I can say about the first amendment being alive and well. Even for all the anonymous idiots who post on this retarded site. Anyone who posts without disclosing their actual identity, is nothing more than a coward and a liar.

The internet is both a great thing and a very bad thing. Good: To shorten a learning curve and provide access to an array of services that can be shopped to get better pricing all the way up to, BAD: slandering the good names of people they’ve never even met and cannot prove they had anything to do with their misfortune.

Regarding the 720 CFO Program administered by Jon Miller and Mike Dorris of Attention Marketing, Inc., I have never been an employee of either company. I am, as all others, a credit partner. Although I did pay a visit to their office as part of MY due diligence, I do no managing or administering nor do I have access to the “inner workings” of how those companies work day-to-day.

Because of my career in the real estate and mortgage business and the length of time in the program, I was used as a reference when a potential partner wanted one; in addition to me, if available in the new partners region, another partner could be utilized as a reference.

To categorically lump me into the mix of the den of thieves some of these posters elude to, is demonstrative of their stupidity. Because phone calls or emails at the corporate level were not returned, and I was available, I was the poster child and punching bag for their aggression and threats. Both amuse me.  Their anger and verbal abuse would be better channeled to those who actually caused them harm and the filing of documents with the authorities in the event they choose to file charges or institute a lawsuit.

If what everyone claims here is at all true, then we are all in the same boat.


New Jersey,
Victims of 720CFO Scam Unite!

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, February 24, 2014

Thank you SO MUCH for this post referring me to this professional investigator in White Lake MI.  

I "Googled" and found him!!!

We are victims of Jon Miller and 720 CFO "program".  "Program" is a nice way of saying Ponzi Scheme.

I had a very long and fruitful conversation with this professional investigator. Let me say that he CAN HELP you beat this and not owe what s-c-u-m-b-a-g Miller FRAUDULENTLY took off your cards.  Thomson is the real deal!

I am on board with him and I HIGHLY suggest that other victims of Jon Miller and 720 CFO do the same. 

Just simply google "Thomas J. Thomson, Professional Consultants White Lake MI" and you can't miss him!

Join him along with me and let's get our money back and put this Miller guy where he belongs.




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