  • Report:  #24444

Complaint Review: Audiofile - Orlando Florida

Reported By:
- Orlando, Fl,

Orlando Orlando, 32792 Florida, U.S.A.
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Hey all,

I was ripped off by these exact assholes we all speak of. This happen to me about 2 months ago here in Orlando. Ive been awaiting the moment when i could run back into those cons.

Im here to return and show all of the people that were also ripped off that its a small world for those idiots. I was driving with a friend earlier and i heard a guy say something about speakers and my face turned red.

I was about to jump out and bash those bastards to the ground, but instead we got there Licence Plate Number off there car. I spotted them in Orlando today. Ill be going to the police with these numbers too but i thought all the others that were ripped deserve to know.

They changed cars. Now driving a White, new model, Dodge Grand Caravan, license plate # V68-FQN , Florida plates. I looking forward to running into them after tracking the plates, i encourage anyone else to help bring these assholes down.

Im totally serious about all of this, thanks, happy hunting

please email if you can help


Orlando, Florida

*EDitor's Comment: Rip-off Report confirms contact info salesman misrepresentation ripoff

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