  • Report:  #634932

Complaint Review: Aurora Loan Services - Scotts Bluff Nebraska

Reported By:
Leigh - St. Pete, Florida, United States of America

Aurora Loan Services
2617 College Park P.O. Box 1706 Scotts Bluff, 69363 Nebraska, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?



My name is Leigh Clifton and I too have been going through the nightmare of Aurora's lies and deceit with regards to a loan modification I initiated in February of 2008!!

I was injured permanently on the job in 05.. I severed my left wrist in a bar accident. I was in an "interest only" loan with Lehman Bros, arranged by what I thought was a friend/acquaintance from the restaurant I worked in. Then Lehman went down and Aurora became my lender.

I called Aurora in 2008, thinking that my adjustable loan was going to go up; I was currently at 7.75%, which was high. . I was paying $888.00 on a $149,000 loan for a house worth HALF that... but it became clear that I could NOT return to work and that my income would be dramatically less than what I was making.

I had NEVER been late on a payment.  My loan, which I had refinanced in 05 to get more money out to live on  (still fighting work comp in Florida) was ACTUALLY not due to adjust until 2012!! But they never told me that. I was told NOT to make the February payment, that they would get me into a "loan mod program" and to wait until they sent me paperwork to pay the "adjusted amount. They sent paperwork, which said I owed $6000.00 which I immediately disputed.  I was told to "never mind that, thats just for our records"... I was asked to provide all info /banking, etc... I was applying for a hardship because of my permanent injury. I was no longer working and was on Work Comp, which they told me I had to list as "income". They ALSO had the audacity to ask "when would my lawsuit be settled" which I found repulsive. I told them there is NO statute of limitations in Fla and it could go on forever... (Its now been 5 1/2 years and STILL no settlement.)

I sent all necessary paperwork, and then got a "late fee" for February's payment! I called and spoke to SEVERAL different CSR( Customer service rep) all who told me something different EVERY time!!

I then started getting phone calls from them, wondering where my "payment was... I tried to explain that I was 'in the loan mod process" but they kept sending me letters for payment, along with late fees.

I finally was able to get to a "supervisor" after MANY calls, who told me that there were NO NOTES about what I was asking about. I hit the roof and started arguing with the guy, who THEN told me they could get me into a "forbearance" and "traditional loan mod with THEIR Company" which would actually RAISE my mortgage beyond unmanageable!!

Then I got a letter saying I was "missing documents" and the my "package was incomplete and I had 10 days to get them the necessary paperwork" I sent TWO sets; one by fax and one by Fed Ex, with a receipt required.

THEN I was told that I "didnt qualify" because "they couldnt contact me" which was PURE CRAP... they had my number and were able to call me and hassle me about "non-payment". THEN I was told I was in arrears with my escrow: they had added my state taxes WHICH I PAID MYSELF AND HAD THE RECEIPT FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA TO PROVE IT!! And that my escrow was in negative and therefore I "didnt qualify for a loan mod. Remember, I had been making the reduced payment THE WHOLE TIME AND ON TIME.

So I called again and asked for an escrow analysis ... sent them my receipt for the state taxes I PAID and then got no answer.

They started sending me letters, saying my package was incomplete EVERY TIME I SENT THEM SOMETHING.

I called several more times, sent many more letters and then was told that I was qualified for the "HAMP program (again) so I gave them yet ANOTHER set of financials, along with ANOTHER copy of my 15 page hardship letter and they put me AGAIN into what I THOUGHT was the program.

Then they started sending me letters about my "package being incomplete and I had 10 days to respond or I would be dropped" so I sent YET AGAIN, more info, faxed from my home. AGAIN they sent me letters , one right after the other; one saying that I was qualified for "help" with the HAMP program, the other saying I was not qualified. I called AGAIN and got ANOTHER supervisor who told me that I was NOT qualified for a loan mod.

In short they used the WRONG INCOME SUPPLIED (I was by now a freelance writer and making SOME money). They actually used 2009 tax returns , which coincidentally there WERE none since I HADN'T FILED TAXES SINCE 2005!@!!!!!!!!!

They used the 4000.00 I made to make a decision. Also, by THAT time I had started receiving SSI Disability for my injury which was permanent. I found out that they only used 25% of THAT income, which was SUPPOSED TO BE ALL BE USED to figure out my total monthly income!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I told them all this, they just kept saying "its time to move forward " and tried to divert me into one of "their" loan mods, which was HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS MORE A MONTH for a house worth half its value!! I got ANOTHER  supervisor who "assured me that I would NOT be in foreclosure until ALL records were reviewed"...

I am SO PISSED, its hard to write this.

Then I got a foreclosure notice in the mail... I call the attorneys for Aurora in Miami and TOLD them that I was in the loan mod HAMP program and they didnt care. I called Aurora back and raised major objection and the foreclosure "was put on hold".

NOW I have been told that the Investor is no longer participating in the HAMP program and wont take less than $800.00 a month for the property. I was told that because I "didnt qualify" he didnt want to assume the "RISK". A woman actually told me that he wouldnt take any LESS than $800.. the loan mod was a scam all along.

I called AGAIN and told the woman that THE WHOLE REASON I DIDNT QUALIFY WAS BECAUSE THEY USED THE WRONG NUMBERS TO DETERMINE MY ELIGIBILITY!!!!!!!!!!!! She actually acknowledged that they were  wrong, but "again, we have to move forward" She then had the temerity to tell me I was $14,000 in arrears for payments, which INCLUDED MY NEGATIVE ESCROW. I TRIED  to get her to look at the docs for me but SHE REFUSED!!!

I finally called HUD, which got me to Tampa Bay Development Corp. who HUD uses for "negotiations"  Mrs. Hernandez was my rep and she's called 3 times and gotten 3 different answers. They told her last week that I didnt qualify, yet the woman came back on the phone and said my "case was in review" by the underwriter and they would know by the 31st August.

Now we are waiting.. I was told to send in the " HAMP Hardship RMA" which I did last week.

NOW, GUESS WHAT?? I just received a LETTER  in the  mail that my "package is incomplete and to be considered for a modification I needed to send the HAMP RMA. I just had to laugh because this is such crap I cant believe it. Its how they get around having to follow the guidelines. I have looked online and there are HUNDREDS of complaints almost EXACTLY like mine against Aurora Loan Services. They are scamming hundreds of people out of their homes.

I just got my trim notice for next years taxes and my home is now worth $81,000.00 I had heard there was ANOTHER program for people who have lost major home values and but the Aurora rep would NOT answer my questions.

I DID find ONE rep there, Andie Dunn, who has done her best to help me.. Even SHE is absolutely stumped and SHE'S the one who recommended I call HUD in the first place! She put her job at risk for me. She has also  been keeping an eye on my account and is so sick about all this too. She says she can't believe it!!  She even talked to a Vice-president of the company, which is why I think theyre going thru the sham of a review. They also refunded my payment back for August, and are NOW calling me looking for my  payment which makes NO sense at all. On top of that they are assessing me late fees on the supposed unpaid payment. I paid the amount I would have owed from the trial period which was $609.00.

This company has continuously done bait and switch about my loan modification. They have actually lied on the phone with both myself and a HUD representative. They have succeeded in TOTALLY messing up my mortgage and the balance and what was left of my credit.

I have no equity as the bad loan I got into was interest only. I had just been injured and actually do NOT remember signing the papers with the broker the second time when I re-financed..

Please help me. These people are going to get away with theft and fraud.

I am now on SSID permanently and they did NOT use either the correct income I gave them (I freelance as a writer) or the FULL amount of my SSID payments. They even admitted that they used the wrong numbers and that was what took me out of the program. But all a CSR would say is that we have to move forward and I should think about selling my home!! The WHOLE REASON I DIDNT QUALIFY ACCORDING TO THEM, WAS INCOME. BUT THEY DIDNT USE THE RIGHT FIGURES, ADMITTED THAT THEY DIDNT AND STILL REFUSED TO LOOK AT IT AGAIN. Now they say its excessive forbearance on the loan. They have given me at least 5 different reasons at different times all in an effort to NOT modify my loan. Yet they tell me I COULD qualify for one of THEIR loans, at a much higher payment.
I have provided them with all docs relating to my injury and hardship. I have a left hand I cant use, RSD and severe pain and depression, ALL documented. I even included my doctors letters. 

Today I JUST got in my mailbox a Final letter of forclosure??? The guy dropped it in the box and RAN away,, I never signed for it anything!!!!!  I am supposed to have a 3 way conference call with the HUD rep and ALS on 31st!! as I am supposedly in appeal for HAMP? since they used the wrong income, which THEY ADMITTED


St. Pete  

Please I need your help. They should be investigated.




2 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Clarification of Mod Process

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, September 07, 2010

Hi Leigh,

I don't have a solution, but I have a few comments for you and others in your situation.  There are a number of things to keep in mind:

1.) Aurora Loan Services does not own your loan.  They have nothing to gain by foreclosing on your home.  They don't own it and they don't want it.  They get paid to service your loan.  A successful HAMP mod will pay much more (and should be easier) than a foreclosure or any other workout.

2.) HAMP is a government program.  All rules regarding eligibility are set by the government.  As you may know, the government is not efficient or well organized.  The rules have changed significantly from the start of the program.  The program was rolled out in early 2008.  However, few servicers received an explanation of the program until the end of 2008 and it changed several times through 2009.  

3.) It sounds like your loan is not held by Fannie or Freddie, which means a private investor owns it.  Private investors aren't obligated to do anything to help you.  They don't have to offer HAMP or any modification.  Most servicers will not disclose who the investor actually is (by order of the investor) or blame them.  In reality, the investor could be declining your modification and they won't be able to tell you that.

4.) Modifications lose money for the investor and HAMP mods are paid for by the tax payers.  You are not obligated or owed anything.  You signed an agreement that you are now not willing to comply with.  It is consumers in your situation that are causing the housing market to collapse, yet you'll blame the banks.  

5.) Never write a 15 page hardship letter.  It will not be read thoroughly or comprehended.  Underwriters might see 20 loans a day and won't take the time to read 15 pages.  In general, hardship letters should be short and include only facts.  Don't bother mentioning that your house has gone down in value or your loan is bad.  Those aren't hardships.  You may think they are, but they don't affect your ability to pay the loan.  Your hardship should have been 2 sentences describing how you were hurt, what capacity to work remains, and what your income has been reduced to.  Do not used the canned letters on the internet.  They don't negatively affect anything but they mask what the hardship actually is and frankly, as a former mod underwriter, it sends the notion that you don't care to write something on your own and that you are just stealing someone else's explanation.  It makes you look bad.

6.) If you are in an ARM, your rate is going to adjust much lower (almost always).  You should know what the terms of your loan are.  Most are tied to the LIBOR 6 Month rate and adjust to a margin plus LIBOR.  The margin is generally 2-3%.  LIBOR is currently .5% (as of 9/2/10).  In most cases your loan will reset to 3.5% or less.  

7.) If your payment is going up because of a standard modification, it means you can afford your mortgage at that higher payment.  That means you either haven't described your hardship properly or you shouldn't need a modification.  If you are making 4000.00 per month, you don't need a hardship on a $149K.  HAMP uses 31% of gross income as a target mortgage payment.  If you make $4K per month, HAMP will modify your PITI payment to $1240.  If that $4k is SSI, it will be grossed up 25% to $5000 and your payment would be $1550.  If you haven't filed taxes, then no one will use your income other than SSI.  Your freelance writing will not be considered because it is new and not guaranteed.  All are government rules.

8.) If you are asking for help, don't be offended if they ask you any question about income or assets.  To be offended that they asked about a lawsuit doesn't make any sense to me.  Most investors require they ask that and yes it is their business.  If it affects your assets or income now or in the future it is their business.

9.) All investors require the foreclosure to continue during modification. They can postpone the actual foreclosure date, but it will always continue.  Unfortunately for you, Florida laws are not favorable for you.  A foreclosure postponement is out of a servicer's control (most of the time).  It will have to be granted by a judge overseeing your foreclosure.  Florida will rarely postpone a foreclosure within 2 weeks.   

10.) Being declined for missing docs is required by investors.  If a letter is sent the government decided that 10 days from the date it was sent (not received) is sufficient.  Files can and supposed to be declined on the 10th day.  These are government rules.  Freddie and Fannie must follow them, and most other investors choose to follow them.  If you actually sent them and they were lost, that is Aurora's problem and unacceptable.  

I'm not saying Aurora is justified in their behavior.  It sounds like they were very disorganized.  I'm just trying to offer you some information so you can see the bigger picture.  They may be hard to deal with, but no bank is scamming you.  A scam implies they have something to gain.  It is a hard situation for all sides.  Servicers were overloaded with mod requests without knowing how to process them and they are just now starting to get clear directive and getting caught up.  Nobody is out to get you and no one wants your house.  Good luck.


St. Pete,
Aurora Loan services Loan mod scam on injured worker on SSID

#3Author of original report

Fri, August 27, 2010


 My name is Leigh Clifton and I too have been going through the nightmare of Aurora's lies and deceit with regards to a loan modification I initiated in February of 2008!! I was injured permanently on the job in 05.. I severed my left wrist in a bar accident. I was in an "interest only" loan with Lehman Bros, arranged by what I thought was a friend/acquaintance from the restaurant I worked in. Then Lehman went down and Aurora became my lender.

 I called Aurora in 2008, thinking that my adjustable loan was going to go up; I was currently at 7.75%, which was high. . I was paying $888.00 on a $149,000 loan for a house worth HALF that... but it became clear that I could NOT return to work and that my income would be dramatically less than what I was making. I had NEVER been late on a payment.  My loan, which I had refinanced in 05 to get more money out to live on  (still fighting work comp in Florida) was ACTUALLY not due to adjust until 2012!! But they never told me that. I was told NOT to make the February payment, that they would get me into a "loan mod program" and to wait until they sent me paperwork to pay the "adjusted amount. They sent paperwork, which said I owed $6000.00 which I immediately disputed.   I was told to "never mind that, thats just for our records"... I was asked to provide all info /banking, etc... I was applying for a hardship because of my permanent injury. I was no longer working and was on Work Comp, which they told me I had to list as "income". They ALSO had the audacity to ask "when would my lawsuit be settled" which I found repulsive. I told them there is NO statute of limitations in Fla and it could go on forever... (Its now been 5 1/2 years and STILL no settlement.) I sent all necessary paperwork, and then got a "late fee" for February's payment! I called and spoke to SEVERAL different CSR( Customer service rep) all who told me something different EVERY time!! I then started getting phone calls from them, wondering where my "payment was... I tried to explain that I was 'in the loan mod process" but they kept sending me letters for payment, along with late fees.

 I finally was able to get to a "supervisor" after MANY calls, who told me that there were NO NOTES about what I was asking about. I hit the roof and started arguing with the guy, who THEN told me they could get me into a "forbearance" and "traditional loan mod with THEIR Company" which would actually RAISE my mortgage beyond unmanageable!! Then I got a letter saying I was "missing documents" and the my "package was incomplete and I had 10 days to get them the necessary paperwork" I sent TWO sets; one by fax and one by Fed Ex, with a receipt required. THEN I was told that I "didnt qualify" because "they couldnt contact me" which was PURE CRAP... they had my number and were able to call me and hassle me about "non-payment". THEN I was told I was in arrears with my escrow: they had added my state taxes WHICH I PAID MYSELF AND HAD THE RECEIPT FROM THE STATE OF FLORIDA TO PROVE IT!! And that my escrow was in negative and therefore I "didnt qualify for a loan mod. Remember, I had been making the reduced payment THE WHOLE TIME AND ON TIME. So I called again and asked for an escrow analysis ... sent them my receipt for the state taxes I PAID and then got no answer. They started sending me letters, saying my package was incomplete EVERY TIME I SENT THEM SOMETHING. I called several more times, sent many more letters and then was told that I was qualified for the "HAMP program (again) so I gave them yet ANOTHER set of financials, along with ANOTHER copy of my 15 page hardship letter and they put me AGAIN into what I THOUGHT was the program. Then they started sending me letters about my "package being incomplete and I had 10 days to respond or I would be dropped" so I sent YET AGAIN, more info, faxed from my home. AGAIN they sent me letters , one right after the other; one saying that I was qualified for "help" with the HAMP program, the other saying I was not qualified.

 I called AGAIN and got ANOTHER supervisor who told me that I was NOT qualified for a loan mod. In short they used the WRONG INCOME SUPPLIED (I was by now a freelance writer and making SOME money). They actually used 2009 tax returns , which coincidentally there WERE none since I HADN'T FILED TAXES SINCE 2005!@!!!!!!!!! They used the 4000.00 I made to make a decision. Also, by THAT time I had started receiving SSI Disability for my injury which was permanent. I found out that they only used 25% of THAT income, which was SUPPOSED TO BE ALL BE USED to figure out my total monthly income!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I told them all this, they just kept saying "its time to move forward " and tried to divert me into one of "their" loan mods, which was HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS MORE A MONTH for a house worth half its value!! I got ANOTHER  supervisor who "assured me that I would NOT be in foreclosure until ALL records were reviewed"... I am SO PISSED, its hard to write this. Then I got a foreclosure notice in the mail... I call the attorneys for Aurora in Miami and TOLD them that I was in the loan mod HAMP program and they didnt care. I called Aurora back and raised major objection and the foreclosure "was put on hold". NOW I have been told that the Investor is no longer participating in the HAMP program and wont take less than $800.00 a month for the property. I was told that because I "didnt qualify" he didnt want to assume the "RISK". 

A woman actually told me that he wouldnt take any LESS than $800.. the loan mod was a scam all along. I called AGAIN and told the woman that THE WHOLE REASON I DIDNT QUALIFY WAS BECAUSE THEY USED THE WRONG NUMBERS TO DETERMINE MY ELIGIBILITY!!!!!!!!!!!! She actually acknowledged that they were  wrong, but "again, we have to move forward" She then had the temerity to tell me I was $14,000 in arrears for payments, which INCLUDED MY NEGATIVE ESCROW. I TRIED  to get her to look at the docs for me but SHE REFUSED!!! I finally called HUD, which got me to Tampa Bay Development Corp. who HUD uses for "negotiations"  Mrs. Hernandez was my rep and she's called 3 times and gotten 3 different answers. They told her last week that I didnt qualify, yet the woman came back on the phone and said my "case was in review" by the underwriter and they would know by the 31st August. Now we are waiting.. I was told to send in the " HAMP Hardship RMA" which I did last week. NOW, GUESS WHAT?? I just received a LETTER  in the  mail that my "package is incomplete and to be considered for a modification I needed to send the HAMP RMA. I just had to laugh because this is such crap I cant believe it. Its how they get around having to follow the guidelines.

 I have looked online and there are HUNDREDS of complaints almost EXACTLY like mine against Aurora Loan Services. They are scamming hundreds of people out of their homes. I just got my trim notice for next years taxes and my home is now worth $81,000.00 I had heard there was ANOTHER program for people who have lost major home values and but the Aurora rep would NOT answer my questions. I DID find ONE rep there who recommended I call HUD in the first place! She put her job at risk for me. She has also  been keeping an eye on my account and is so sick about all this too. She says she can't believe it!!   She even talked to a Vice-president of the company, which is why I think theyre going thru the sham of a review. They also refunded my payment back for August, and are NOW calling me looking for my   payment which makes NO sense at all. On top of that they are assessing me late fees on the supposed unpaid payment. I paid the amount I would have owed from the trial period which was $609.00. This company has continuously done bait and switch about my loan modification. They have actually lied on the phone with both myself and a HUD representative. They have succeeded in TOTALLY messing up my mortgage and the balance and what was left of my credit. I have no equity as the bad loan I got into was interest only. I had just been injured and actually do NOT remember signing the papers with the broker the second time when I re-financed.. Please help me. These people are going to get away with theft and fraud. I am now on SSID permanently and they did NOT use either the correct income I gave them (I freelance as a writer) or the FULL amount of my SSID payments. They even admitted that they used the wrong numbers and that was what took me out of the program. But all a CSR would say is that we have to move forward and I should think about selling my home!! The WHOLE REASON I DIDNT QUALIFY ACCORDING TO THEM, WAS INCOME. BUT THEY DIDNT USE THE RIGHT FIGURES, ADMITTED THAT THEY DIDNT AND STILL REFUSED TO LOOK AT IT AGAIN. Now they say its excessive forbearance on the loan. They have given me at least 5 different reasons at different times all in an effort to NOT modify my loan. Yet they tell me I COULD qualify for one of THEIR loans, at a much higher payment. I have provided them with all docs relating to my injury and hardship. I have a left hand I cant use, RSD and severe pain and depression, ALL documented. I even included my doctors letters. 

  Today I JUST got in my mailbox a Final letter of forclosure??? The guy dropped it in the box and RAN away,, I never signed for it anything!!!!!  I am supposed to have a 3 way conference call with the HUD rep and ALS on 31st!! as I am supposedly in appeal for HAMP? since they used the wrong income, which THEY ADMITTED Leigh  St. Pete   Please I need your help. They should be investigated.   Today I received a 'Final  Motion of Foreclosure. place in my mailbox. i did NOT sign for it. I called Aurora who assured me that there WAS no set date for foreclosure. HELP! Leigh , St. Pete Florida

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