  • Report:  #1391456

Complaint Review: Ayahuasca Ceremonies and Retreats in PORTUGAL and EUROPE -

Reported By:
Ayahuasca Ceremonies Portugal - Alabama, USA

Ayahuasca Ceremonies and Retreats in PORTUGAL and EUROPE
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

Unregulated and untrained amateur Ayahuasca Shamans operating in Portugal and Europe put participants metaphysical wellbeing in danger and such Centres should be avoided.


One Centre is the Sanctuary 1860 Ayahuasca Retreat in Portugal who advertise Ayahuasca Ceremonies in Portugal and Europe.

To quote an expert:-

Ayahuasca is a medicine that has an ancestral tradition of many thousands of years and MUST be applied using proven techniques which have been in use for centuries. It is a medicine and, like all medicines, it must be administered in the proper quantities and dosage as indicated by a specialist. Used in large quantities Ayahuasca may resemble a type of poison with many negative effects on the participants.

The facilitator is a shaman – a physician whose obligation is to know how to identify the issues of all participants and give them adequate treatment. To have the good intention of helping others does not suffice.

The person who administers ayahuasca without adequate preparation will potentially assist 5 people meanwhile placing 30 others in danger – the costs are of no return, not to mention the karmic debt.




It is only within ceremonies conducted with a Maestro (a proper Shaman), in small groups, that one can be assured of safety from such dangers.

If these entities are incorporated within the body of a person (especially in the neck region) they can cause lack of energy, various illnesses and perturbations in life.



Those operating as amateurs in Europe do it to be number one and for money, but forget that without the right moral and ethical grounding, or the right training, their intentions to help people, only harm and put people in serious danger.


NEVER EVER drink Santo Daime or Ayahuasca anywhere with untrained shamans or amateur guides.

Ask to see a Shamanic Training Certification and a Code of Ethics that many reputable centres will have.

2 Updates & Rebuttals

Questionable Shambala Circle Intentions by Daniela Markert and the Akats - The dangers of drinking with inexperienced shamans / My experience of sickness / disturbances

#2Author of original report

Wed, August 09, 2017

I had some experiences of drinking the Ayahuasca with Daniela Markert and Alexandra and Attila Akat, before they started the Sanctuary 1860 and I was always experiencing heavy disturbances. The first time I drank with Daniela and Johannes, was at a rented house before they started Earth Connection Portugal.

In that experience, the medicine tasted acrid and bitter and within 20 minutes felt very ill and vomited many times, and then overheated, and had to rest outside, and then I could not drink again.


In another ceremony, I found that the hosts were trying to get me to live with them so that they could have a free mentor in their house. The work was very hard and I vomited maybe 12 times, and straight after everyone is asking me questions, and it feels so unpleasant and something felt very wrong.

For months afterwards I got very sick, had nightmares and had numerous near death experiences, and it was because they did not know what they were doing.

I reflected back to them their intentions in a letter to tidy up the matter and to show them where they went wrong (with some information redacted)

Dear Daniela,

It may also be useful for me to reflect back to you the questionable intentions of that 'fateful' Shambala Circle where I was invited to drink the Ayahuasca tea, with your family (which included Johannes, the Akats as well as Andi and Olly).

It would appear, on reflection, that something about that work was very bad indeed, and reflects on your questionable

ethical integrity as hosts and what happened violate the founding ethical and moral principles with regard to practice in

your work as amateur hosts.

At first when I reflected on it I was very curious why I vomited at least 12 times in that work and why it was so extreme,

and why I have spent the last 16 months of my life figuring out what went on in that work.

It seems to me the root cause was your questionable intentions, and the intentions of the others. You both made a big

deal about you wanting me to live there (and thus experience separation as you wanted me to leave my partner behind).

On many occasions, including in the work, both of you tried to suggest that again, and for reasons that are somewhat

dubious and an attempt to abuse, control or manipulate the energy field of a Spiritual Teacher for egoistical purposes,

namely wanting to be the number one in Portugal.

As you had spent a lot of money on refurbishment, building yurts and similar, you wanted to recoup the money, and thus

trying to get a Spiritual Teacher was clearly alluring.

The presence of a guru in your home would certainly have inflated your own egos and self-importance, albeit with severe detriment to my wellbeing.

The 12 times of vomiting in the works was clearly my energy field repelling the collective intentions, as your family and

friends were clearly in on the plan, as they all would have had a free mentor.

Not only would I have had to have paid Euro 30-50,000 (to quote Johannes) to live with you, I would also have had to

have given free mentoring to anyone that wanted it, so that people would feel good and like you in return (thus inflating

your egos).

Also, as you did not believe I should have any money (despite your family bragging about luxury cars and the like), you

would have wanted me to become totally and utterly dependent upon you, and thus basically, you wanted me under your

control, so that you could please and uplift your family and yourselves, and because you were not healed and happy in

yourselves, so needed a 'lift' so to speak.

When you invited me to the work, I was not supposed to talk about the collapse (and your sister did not want to be

frightened by any prophecies), but perhaps if I had talked about the collapse, you and your people might have developed

some wisdom, and avoided the collapse self-evident in all of your own lives now.

Instead, some of your people only wanted to hear good things (things that inflated their egos) because on some level,

they were all part of the plan to try and pull me into living at Earth Connection Portugal.

Had I have moved there, I would also be facing jail, as Johannes was hell bent on growing more and more cannabis, so

much that he was throwing big amounts away!

The trouble with your plan was that it did not respect my awareness, energy, integrity or anything else about me and my

work, and clearly backfired.

As that plan failed, when I decided to leave your lives, foreseeing inevitable trouble, instead, you put a cord in me, to try

and effect the same intentions, but metaphysically instead of in the physical, which explains why all your lives are ruined,

for that cord you have made will unravel all of your lives until there is nothing left standing and until I am free from all of

your karma.

Your intentions to be the number one in Portugal blinded you to the path of ethical integrity and the importance of

respecting awareness, and you thought that my focussing hard enough you could put a cord in a Spiritual Teacher (without his consent) in order for you to 'uplift your family'.

It is obvious now that only a proper sorry to me can undo the damage done. It might be that instead of me giving you

Euro 30,000, you might have to pay me that (or much more) in damages for defamation's and death threats, unless you

and your family take the olive branch proposal offered.

As you can see, my prophecy of catastrophe was right and is clearly a lesson for all of your egos in respect for

awareness, the medicine and the energy fields of other people in tea works.


I also prophesized a police raid in October 2016 and then in November 2016 Earth Connection Portugal were busted.

They had no fences and had many strangers visiting, and they had a big cannabis plantation, and the locals were unhappy over the business of building their yurt, and their egos were so inflated, I saw big trouble, and told them to step back and rethink matters, and made other recommendations to avoid the disaster.


They did not believe their mentor and just wanted to be number one in Portugal for Ayahuasca Ceremonies, even though they did not know what they were doing, and admitted having toxic relationship issues. Daniela Markert complained that Johannes had a darkness eating away inside of him and went into dark spaces when left alone.

I told Johannes to stop hosting tea works but he did not listen. He said also growing all the cannabis took much energy, so I said why not just grow for yourself instead of for so many other people. But he did not listen and then grew 14 kilos.

He wanted to be loved by everyone for providing all the cannabis for the Ayahuasca ceremonies.


I chose not to live with them and I thank my Higher Power I did not otherwise I would be in trouble for cannabis.


A Shambala Circle is another word for an informal Ayahuasca Ceremony, using the Ayahuasca tea.


Cannabis raids in Portugal Ayahuasa Retreat Centres, some apology received from Santo Daime Church and my opinions about the Santo Daime Church and the movement

#3Author of original report

Wed, August 09, 2017

Some of the retreat centres in Portugal also are involved in cannabis cultivation or supporting those who do, for more proof of that see here:-


Despite growing cannabis being illegal in Portugal, several members of the Portugal Santo Daime Church were caught with a big amount of it, thought that I told the police about it, and then made threats (see report above)
The individuals involved growing the cannabis were told to 'tone it down' as I foresaw trouble, but they thought they knew better, and were caught in November 2016, and now face prison and Court cases for drug trafficking and making death threats.
In my opinion:-
Members of the Santo Daime Church seem to have a pre-disposition to flout the law, as many of its members seem to grow proliferous amounts of cannabis despite it being illegal.

When caught, they then do not take responsibility and blame others for their misfortunes.
For many I have seen, all that matters is drinking the Santo Daime and being at the centre of attention as (inexperienced) hosts and for many, getting high on cannabis on the land or the dream of 'One Love, out of the Matrix, believing they are enlightened and wise, whilst displaying an egegrious lack of wisdom whilst claiming to know better than anyone else.
Their egos get high on the Daime and attention 'fix' and then serious trouble is the end outcome for their leaders do not foresee the inevitable downfalls.  
They (the followers of the Church) often believe that by thinking positive, one does not have to pay any taxes, one can break all kinds of laws, because somehow the Daime is the healing and that nothing can go wrong, a very dangerous delusion indeed.
Because the Santo Daime opens people to the energies of the astral worlds, they are exposed to an energy that many of

them cannot really handle.

Without the right training and foundations, going into the astral again and again reinforces ethical twists and this explains

why the Santo Daime movement is riddled with people all into 'love and light' but really it is a superficial veneer which

covers up abuse, law issues, darkness, a lack of integrity, a lack of respect for the Santo Daime and a host of other

maladies that no amount of Santo Daime will fix without a proper foundation in integrity before going so deep into the

Daime space.

This explains why operators of retreat centres (who claim to be wise and host retreats about spiritual wisdom and similar)

get into big trouble, and they show to the world clearly, that they are not suited, and set a bad example.

How can one claim to be a gateway for healing or similar, if you end up in big trouble with the police?

There troubles are caused because integrity does not matter for these people, as they have had no training in it and the Santo Daime Church clearly did not see the importance of instillling integrity in people before allowing them to drink large amounts of Santo Daime.
This is why one has to be VERY discerning in where to drink Ayahuasca or Santo Daime.
The screenshots also show the people involved and the police tweets of the cannabis that police found at Earth Connection Portugal, run by Daniela Markert and Johannes.
I warned them to tone down their cannabis operations, because they were afraid of getting caught and were growing huge amounts. I told them to keep it personal, but they thought they knew better and Daniela refused to send Johannes over to see me so I could informally tell him to keep within the law, and to address some other issues.
She said I had no right to summon people, and thus as their teacher, I had to let them find their own way.
They were arrested in November 2016
This sums up the scandal

I did receive an apology from Adrian Freedman of the Santo Daime Church for the troubles caused to me and he has been billed a private amount to settle some of my damages because some of those involved were members of his Church.

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