  • Report:  #649600

Complaint Review: Bank of America - Internet Arizona

Reported By:
Kimberly - Gilbert, Arizona, United States of America

Bank of America
Internet, Arizona, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I purchased a home in Gilbert, AZ about 5 1/2 years ago - previously I was a home owner for 11 years in IL and I rolled that equity into my new AZ home.  During the past year the home market crashed and me as well as everyone lost all their equity in my home.  My home was about $80,000 to $100,000 upside-down with a 7% interest rate.  I was paying a large amount of money on a $300,000 home that was now worth $150,000.  I tried for over 6 months calling Countrywide and Bank of America to try to refinance.  I just wanted them to look at my mtg. to see if it was an option.  No one would talk to me.  I called weekly for over 6 months and every time I called they said they only way they would work with me to refinance is if I was behind on my payments. 

So finally in March I held my payments to get them to review my account.  It worked I received a Fed X from them saying they would work with me, fill out these forms.  I filled out the form which only asked 3 pieces of info (mgt. payment amount, car payment, and income) and fed X it back.  3 days later I received another Fed X letter from BoA stating they would be working with me, someone would call me within 30 days with my options.  It stated there would be multiple options and "As long as we were working together and talking, my home would not be foreclosed". 

Two weeks later I received a foreclosure letter.  I called the bank weekly, and then as the foreclosure date got closer I called and faxed them daily. 

Every single time I called the person said "don't worry" as long as we are working together your home will not go into foreclosure and if you have a job and can pay the mtg. you will be approved".  Then the time got closer and closer and no one ever called and nothing else came by mail.  Then they said they would submit a postpone for the foreclosure - it will be delayed no problem cause we are working together.

Now we come to the week of the foreclosure date.  No calles from BoA, no options, no review of my finanicals, they didn't even tell me I could pay a ton of money and reinstate the loan.  NOTHING!!  My documents were not reviewed at all. 

So here we are my home was taken from me 2 weeks ago, 2 weeks before the BoA freeze due to fraud.  I owed $230,000 and would have paid it, they started the auction at $47,000 (are you kidding me) and the home sold for $147,000. 

All I wanted was a lower interest amount - or they could have just said NO - but they took my home.  They lied, cheated and stole my home without at least trying to work with me on one single call. 

It's all lies.  They are forging documents, not reviewing and just taking your homes and mostlikely taking government $$ over and over again. 

I would have paid, I can pay my mtg. they didn't even give me that option. 

Any lawyer out there that can help me take on BoA please help me I am ready to fight right now!

Good luck to everyone else out there - don't believe anything they tell you when you call.  If they can take your house they will - they are making to much money from they government paybacks!!

16 Updates & Rebuttals


Highlands Ranch,
"FED POEM 2"...

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, November 23, 2010

seems to be an appropriate poem for everyone to read on this date.

Anyone can 'Google' this- FED PREDICTS WEAK RECOVERY FOR YEARS, and read the related articles on the web, right?

*Just type in 411913 and "FED POEM 2" appears as 'Consumer Comment #4' at Ripoff Report #411913.

Thank You

Ronny g

North hollywood,
bman I see your point..

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, November 23, 2010

I guess I overlooked the obvious.

Google "Bank of America foreclosure lawsuits" ...as a start.

I did not mean to imply your advice was bad..but it seems like copy and pasted canned and generic. There is no point in suggesting to the OP in something as serious as this..to write a senator or congressman, when THEY are the ones trying to pass legislation to make these foreclosures even quicker and easier for the banks to conduct on a MASSIVE scale with NO accountability.

It is reality. And even though Obama did veto the last one..does not mean another could slip by and pass, perhaps hidden deep in the bowels of another bill. Oh..and writing the President will do no good either. I would think in all logic and reasoning, that our politicians are well aware that the American taxpayers and VOTERS do not want to be kick out of their homes. But apparently, they are not concerned too much about "these" voters.

So what else does one do in the good old US of A when you are wronged and NO ONE will help stop the powerful GIANTS?

Lawsuit comes to mind.


Highlands Ranch,

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, November 22, 2010


(Please sing to the tune of- "Hokey Pokey")

Anyone can 'Google' this- DO THE HOKEY POKEY SMART CENTRAL, and click on- 'Midi: Hokey Pokey' and sing the following lyrics to that tune, right?

Here we go- 1, 2, 3...

They give the bankers cash
They start this thing called HAMP
They piss the people off
'Cause the HAMP is just a 'scam'p
They do the HAMPy-TARPy
And they swing their arms around
That's what it's all about!

They give 'em lotsa cash
They're looking mighty sharp
They call up Goldmin Sax
And they give 'em lotsa TARP
They do the HAMPy-TARPy
Then they raise up both their arms
That's what it's all about!

Foreclosures every day
This thing might never end
They fly way far away
And they dance with all their friends
They do the HAMPy-TARPy
Then they raise up both their hands
That's what it's all about!

(Keep Repeating Verses Until Tune Ends)


Anyone can 'Google' this-RAW VIDEO: OBAMA DANCES WITH INDIAN CHILDREN, and watch the related videos on the web, correct?

Anyone can mail a copy of their Ripoff Report to the White House. The address is available at this site. 
Just type in 529757 and it appears at the end of 'Consumer Comment #29' at Ripoff Report #529757.

Thank You



United States of America
What in the post is bad advice?

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, November 22, 2010

If something works it works. Nowhere do I mention any Pay Pal scam, and my goal is not to sound smarter than anyone else in this site. My goal is to help people address their wrongs in the ways that are available to them. Nowhere do I lay claim to authorship like one would do in say a novel. With the suggestions (as Ronny g would say) I stand firm and the map of possibilities may even help people find a way to counteract the damage that is being done to them. Or address the wrongs that are being done them, once criminal acts (like usury), made legal by a now screwed up financial system that by design defrauds the poorest American people. This is my only true goal. If, as you maintain, this leads to a class action suit you may offer how the readers can begin this process since the information would be USEFUL. Thank you!


Ronny g

North hollywood,
bman..I know you mean well...

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, November 22, 2010

..but stop copying and pasting information from a WELL KNOWN SCAM site to offer as help to these victims of the foreclosure debacle.

Congress AND the SENATE have already attempted to quietly "sneak" through a bill, that would have made it even quicker, and easier, for the banks to foreclose on US taxpaying citizens homes. Obama vetoed it. This bill essentially, would have allowed them to "group bulk" foreclosures, without signatures, or reading over the paperwork...well kind of like they are already in the process of doing illegally in bulk.

The only thing that is going to stop this sad to say..is class action law suits...OR, if the banks decide to do the RIGHT thing on their own....which as history shows, is highly unlikely.



#7Consumer Comment

Mon, November 22, 2010

Defaulting on your mortgage to try to get the lender to lower the interest rate is very questionable from a legal standpoint, and certainly not advisable.  It doesn't sound like BofA did anything wrong here.  The lender is under no obligation whatsoever to negotiate with you; as soon as you default, they are free to start a foreclosure proceeding.  They probably felt that a loan mod was not likely to work out, given how far underwater the house is, or maybe they were just incompetent.  I'm not sure what the foreclosure fraud stuff has to do with anything, since you don't dispute having a loan from BofA/Countrywide. 

You should have had at least 3 months to resolve the matter with BofA, which is plenty of time to learn about how foreclosures work and how to stop them.  It's not the lender's responsibility to act as your attorney and to advise you on the options.  It's a little too late to try to find a lawyer, especially since it doesn't sound like the bank did anything even remotely wrong.


United States of America
Here are a few suggestions...

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, November 22, 2010

You cannot get your home back and this is a horrible reality to experience. You cannot trust anything that is not in paper in American business. This site has countless reports about people that were told one thing and then the actions of a company is not as instructed. I too have experienced this kind of action multiple times, and once I was screwed myself, actually quite a few times by big business! This needs to be reported and I hope the sources I mention moves you in the right direction concerning having your story told and finding restitution?

Contact Your United States Senators


Every state has two United States Senators. Senators are elected on a state wide basis and represent your entire state in Washington D.C.. Your United States Senators have enormous power and enormous influence. A simple letter or phone call from a U.S. Senator's office can move mountains. Every United States Senator has an office that deals with constituent complaints involving a number of issues -- every problem imaginable are handled by your United States Senators' office. Plus, they want to get re-elected and they serve their voters not the business.



Contact Your United States Congressman/woman


Unlike Senators, your state has anywhere from one to over 50 United States Congressmen/women. In your congressional district, you have ONE United States Congressman/woman. Like Senators, members of Congress deal with a huge amount of voter problems -- you name the topic, and they can and will help you.



Contact The United States Department of Justice


The Department of Justice is the federal government's chief law enforcement agency and prosecutorial office.



And my favorite:

Contact The Federal Trade Commission (FTC)


It is the only federal agency with both consumer protection and competition jurisdiction in broad sectors of the economy. The FTC pursues vigorous and effective law enforcement; advances consumers interests...

This is the agency that companies fear.


Contact The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)


This agency regulate all companies that are trading stock publicly. They also are very concerned with companies who engage in fraudulent activity which might manipulate their stock price and give investors a false picture of the truth of a company's heath.



Contact The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)


Report the offending company to this feared and effective government task force. Your aim here is to highlight the criminal and fraudulent nature of the companies activities. You must be able to detail how they wronged you and stole your money.



Contact The Council of the Better Business Bureau


The Better Business Bureau is another group that many businesses need to answer to -- first it has enormous influence and second, many businesses are members. Since it is paid for by businesses it may not be as effective as the government agencies that are created to protect you.



Contact The National Consumer Law Center


"The National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) is the nations consumer law expert, helping consumers, their advocates, and public policy makers use powerful and complex consumer laws on behalf of low-income and vulnerable Americans seeking economic justice.

Todays consumer marketplace is complex and full of potholes, even for those of us with all the necessary skills and advantages. For unsuspecting low-income consumers its far more treacherous - even the smallest misstep can lead to financial ruin and a sense of hopelessness that paralyzes individual progress."



Contact The National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C)


They will help you with filing a complaint against the company showing you how to do it and provide other resources. White collar crime is a term coined for something that many businesses engage: it is fraud and outright theft committed by those wearing a white shirt and tie to work everyday.





You Got The Foreclosure Fraud Blues

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, November 21, 2010


Bank of America, Brian T. Moynihan, cashes your checks but Bank of America, Brian T. Moynihan, cannot correctly post your payments.

Bank of America, Impac Mortgage and Reconstruct Company, Steve Curry, Jason Curry, Reconstruct Company, Wendy McKnight, Tamara Brown, Kathleen Walker, Temena McGee, Michelle Langley, Ashley Stix, Brandon Coltin, and Brian Moynihan is illegally foreclosing on you, your family, your pets, your garage, your yard, your kitchen, your bedroom.

Last night you were depressed at their illegal foreclosure of your home,

so you called Lifeline, and each one of them.

Each time you got a call center in Pakistan.


You told each of them each you were suicidal over their illegal foreclosure of your home.

Bank of America, Tamara Brown, Kathleen Walker, Temena McGee, Michelle Langley, Ashley Stix, Brandon Coltin, and Brian T. Moynihan, Impac Mortgage, Steve Curry, Jason Curry, Reconstruct Company, and Wendy McKnight, each and every one of them, asked if you could drive a truck.


Lender, Fact Check Thyself. Dont just expect Americans to be ditto-heads and to just believe you.


       Beware Of Fraudulent Foreclosure Notices


Good Guys Don't Have Degrees Of Integrity



CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Be afraid. Be very afraid.

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, November 21, 2010

Be afraid.  Be very afraid.  You are more afraid, way more afraid of the lenders, Wall Street, these corporations, including NPR, and mortgage investors, than you ever were or are of the 9-11 terrorists.  For they, each and every one of these mega-corporations and their employees, is A Terrorist for Sure, even Terrorist Extraordinaire.


Youre way more afraid of these guys and gals Brian, Steve, Wendy, Bank of America, Reconstruct, Impac Mortgage, NPR, Zilow, BrooWaha and the rest of you clowns than we have ever been over 9-11.


All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.  The truth about this recession is that it corporate executives bad decisions and fraudulent AND ILLEGAL behavior that created and maintains this Hell of a Recession.


NPR, Zillow, BrooWaha, Reo Gazette Journal among others, has and is willfully interfering with Free Speech in their public squares.  Its been clearly defined and addressed by the courts.  And THAT is just more sick, sad, disgusting, anti-American, anti-patriot behavior frightening as hell to us citizens.  It is a terror.


Terror is a state of intense fear, one or something that inspires fear, a frightening aspect terrors of invasion, a cause of anxiety, worry, an appalling person or thing. That's all very clear and straight forward to me in my continuing nightmare of terror with Terrorists Extraordinaire Bank of America and Impac Mortgage and Freedom of Speech interferences from the likes of hypocrite NPR, National Public Radio and BrooWahas Cease & Desist Tom Lewis, Sock Extraordinaire and Yapper Alan Handwerger, Who is Jack? Jack Bates, I Killed Broo Tony Berkman, CPA oops did I make a mistake that Charles Harmison caught, Im outta here John, and Along For The Ride But Now Wish I Really Wasnt Angie Alaniz.


Terror is EXACTLY how my family and feel from these home lenders and mortgage investors and the likes of NPR, Zillow, Reno Gazette Journal, and BrooWahas Free Speech Interference.  Got that Avarice Moguls Bank of America and Brian T. Moynihan AND IMPAC MORTGAGE AND STEVE CURRY AND NPR, ZILLOW, Reno Gazette Journal, AND BROOWAHA?  YOUR community, YOUR family and YOUR COUNTRY, hell most everyone YOU know these days, are more afraid, way more afraid of YOU AND YOUR CANT PROPERLY POST A PAYMENT THEN ILLEGALLY FORECLOSE ON YOUR HOMES WHILE ILLEGALLY REFUSING TO LET US TALK ABOUT IT than we ever were or remain over the 9-11 terrorists.


Were way more afraid of you guys and gals Brian, Steve, Wendy, Tony, Tom, Bank of America, Reconstruct, Impac Mortgage, NPR, ZILLOW, Reno Gazette Journal, BrooWaha and the rest of you clowns than we have ever been over 9-11.


Highlands Ranch,
Kimberly & Anonymous, It's very difficult to read the mail sent to the White House when...

#11Consumer Comment

Thu, November 11, 2010

you're thousands of miles away in India dancing with children, wouldn't you agree?

*You can 'Google' this- RAW VIDEO: OBAMA DANCES WITH INDIAN CHILDREN, and watch it on the web, okay?

Good luck to you & your families.

P.S. You can read "USA POEM" right here at this site by typing in 261157 and it appears in the consumer comments section at Ripoff Report #261157.

Thank You

Ronny g

North hollywood,
The president does not often read the mail...

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, November 11, 2010

..he is a little busy. But I tried to google the steak dinner poem. Took me to some poetry page written by pre-schoolers.


United States of America

#13Consumer Comment

Wed, November 10, 2010

I went through the same thing you did and i also mailed and faxed my report to President Obama,  and I never  heard from him.    Not a word from him.  He does not care neither. 


Highlands Ranch,
Kimberly, You can mail a copy of your Ripoff Report to President Barack Obama...

#14Consumer Comment

Tue, October 12, 2010

so he can see what's happening to people like yourself, correct?

*If you 'Google' this- STEAK DINNER POEM, it should take you to Ripoff Report #529757 where his address appears at the end of 'Consumer Comment #29'.

Good luck to you.

Ronny g

North hollywood,
When you are done googling all the useless info..

#15Consumer Comment

Tue, October 12, 2010

..try 'googling' this.. "bank of america mortgage lawsuit", and read through a few.

I do not know if anything was left out of the report or not, and personally I would have continued to pay regardless of what anyone "told" me..but if you were willing and able to pay the mortgage and they took the home anyhow, I would think you have a legit case. Especially if you can prove any documents were forged by them.


Not a smart move.

#16Consumer Comment

Tue, October 12, 2010

   If I read your post correctly, you were perfectly able to make your mortgage payments, but you intentionally defaulted in order to try and get concessioins from the lender?   You're nuts. 

   Loan mods are for people who cannot afford to make the payments on their house and are at risk for forclosure.  

"If they can take your house they will"

  Not if you pay your mortgage.   Once you stop, your home is at risk.

  If they did not follow the law in the forclosure process, it's possible that an attorney can get you some money from the bank.   The problem is going to be finding a competent attorney that works cheap.  An unlikely combination.


Highlands Ranch,
Kimberly, It's become quite obvious to some people that the Federal Reserve controls the U.S. Government....

#17Consumer Comment

Mon, October 11, 2010

along with Wall Street, and they even control the Mainstream Media.

Most of the politicians are 'puppets' who will do whatever their master says. The laws in the USA (many of them) were written to protect the corrupt people who control the banking system and Wall Street.

The ones who created the housing mess (Fed) have been able to manipulate the system and they're now PROFITING from what has taken place in the past few years due to the foreclosure mess. The politicians work for, and serve, the Fed.

It can no longer be denied. 

If you take a look at what's been happening in the USA you'll be able to see that the ones who are really being helped are the Fed and Wall Street, right? The Fed is simply a private corporation owned by a cartel of bankers. These bankers run the USA and Europe.

Guess what?

*The USA and Europe are COLLAPSING due to their poor management, correct? These bankers believe in FRAUD! If you 'Google' the following documentary and watch it on the web you'll see that it's 100% true:

'Google' this- FRONTLINE: THE WARNING, and watch it on the web.

Then 'Google' this- FRONTLINE: INSIDE THE MELTDOWN, and watch that documentary too.

The ones who have been helped by all of the 'bail-out' money are the Fed and much of Wall Street, right? And the people of the USA, along with their children & grandchildren, are being charged for all of the money that was printed and injected into the system.

'Google' this- WHO OWNS THE FED?, and go to the site with the 5 charts and take a look at the companies listed there.

Here are just some of those companies that received BILLIONS of dollars in 'bail-out' money, which is TAXPAYER'S money that came from the 'TARP'. ('Troubled Asset Relief Program')

Morgan Stanley (Appears in 'Chart 1')
JP Morgan  ('Chart 1')
General Motors ('Chart 3')
Chrysler ('Chart 3')
Wachovia ('Chart 3')

*You'll see one of the companies responsible for the 'Meltdown' listed in 'Chart 1'. That company is Lehman Brothers, correct?

Here's a simple way to look at things: 

The Fed controls Wall Street and the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government does what the Fed tells them to do so Wall Street can prosper and so the Fed can continue being the boss. It's that simple. The Fed, Wall Street, & the U.S. Government, are basically one entity preying upon the innocent and unsuspecting people of the USA and all over the world, wouldn't you now agree?

Good luck to you.

P.S. Don't forget to pay attention to the fact that 'Twentieth Century Fox Corporation' is listed in 'Chart 4' and 'General Electric (NBC)' is listed in 'Chart 5' when you visit the site "WHO OWNS THE FED?".


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