  • Report:  #545901

Complaint Review: Be Productions - Santa Ana California

Reported By:
Carolina - Santa Ana, California, United States of America

Be Productions
3501 South Harbor Blvd Santa Ana, 92704 California, United States of America
714 619 4381
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

My 11 year old daughter and me while entering to Costco a young friendly lady came up to us and told us everything about Be Productions. We thought it would be very intresting if I would join my daughter in being famouse, and meeting all kinds of celebraties. She gaved us information of where to go and when. So the next three days we went to a place filled with all sorts of pictures of kids becoming famouse and kids getting cirtificates of working on a movie or any kind of disney show. There all sorts of families were sitting down waiting for them to be caled up. While waiting they showed us a vidieo of Miley Cirus how she was in the Be Productions and how she came of being in comercials  into being a total pop star.

Then they called us up and we met a "Talent Agent" named Jo Anna Coleman. She swore to us it was garantied  and told us that it would not take a cent from ur wallet. After convincing us she made my husban and I sing a contract to be one of their members. After we singed it she told us we just have t make a lito payment not more that $100 dollars. We dicided to see what the prices were they were way to high. But we new she had already convinced my daughter and nothing was going to change her mind. So we payed a high amout of money. She took some classes every Saturday And Sunday that had to be taken before advancing any more. We payed $50 for each of the classes for six weeks. After that we had to wait until an Agent called us. We waited for about 2 months. And i told my daughter to communicate with some of her friends that went there to. Just to make sure it wasent just us. She called and they said that they still havent called. So we called the Be Productions companie and the machine said "The number or code you dial has been disconnected". We new they were never going to call back.

So we waisted our money on something very stupped...

                              Stay Away Unless You Want Your Money Taken Away!!!

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