  • Report:  #1316607

Complaint Review: Beatrice Marot - California

Reported By:
SkepticalofPsychics - Maryland, USA

Beatrice Marot
California, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

 This woman was nice and helpful at first, but she started to do some strange things. She emailed me randomly and I told her that I wasn't doing readings anymore. Here's the reason why. -She started to make multiple insensitive comments, which can get the customer upset. When I tried to confront her about it, she said I needed to let go. If I am paying you money, why is it hard for you to be polite? Why is it hard for you to take a customer's feedback? You can give me advice and suggestions during a reading, but you don't have to be rude. If you feel bad or are in tears after a psychic reading, that's a sign to not talk to them anymore. She will tell me she loves me so much, but I don't agree with her snarky comments. . -She talks way too much about herself, and vents about her problems. Again, is the client paying you $50-100 bucks to hear you dominate the session about you? Since this woman is going through a lot, I think that's why she started to make insensitive comments. She is taking her frustration out on others. It's a turn off to the client, because this is their time. -She has gossiped about other clients to me and other people. She says her readings are confidential, but I was weary of how true that is. If she is gossiping about others, is she gossiping about me? -She has given some questionable advice, and she hung up on me saying "go do this right now! If you don't follow my guidance, you're not going to get the results." That's manipulative and forceful. You cant legally force a client to follow your advice, especially when it's destructive. -Contradicts her advice. She says one thing and then something else. How can you be psychic when you are telling multiple different things? I was hesitant to confront her, since she flat out told me that she can be a total b**** and get nasty. I think it's best to cut ties with her. If you're a fan of psychic readings, choose your astrologer wisely.

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Burbank, CA,
United States
Kimberly Glasnapp has passed away

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, December 14, 2021

This is Beatrice Marot and I recently found out that Kimberly Glasnapp has passed away.

She never stopped cyberbullying me since 2010 and was still at it in 2018.  The only reason she stopped was because she overdosed on drugs according to her daughter's Facebook page.

My heart goes out to her daughter Cassandra who is really trying to change the future generations of her family tree.  Cassandra is teaching Yoga and having Goddess Circles and I for one, could not be happier for her.

The only positive thing to come out of all this hate was all the love I share and enjoy from my Goddess Central page on Facebook.  Here you will see the truth about me.  I have been blessed to find light within this darkness.

Kimberly, I hope you have found the light too and that your heart is healed from all the darkness.

Rest in Peace . . . All is forgiven


United States of America
This is a client of mine who is a deeply troubled woman

#3REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sat, September 03, 2016

I am not going to say who she is because she is a clinical psychologist and I have no desire to hurt her reputation as I believe she has the power to do alot of good in this world and I only want the best for her as I do for all of my clients.  However, I am deeply hurt that someone I did care about very much and I have read for her for several years would actually write this terrible report about me without letting me know how she felt which I had no idea since she never once expressed any kind of anger towards me but she constantly expressed her anger about everybody else she felt slighted by and that was a lot of people.

I found out who she was because ten minutes after writing my original "rebuttal" I got the hit to look up the name of the woman who introduced me to her.  She is a "dating coach" and sure enough . . . an even more horrible report was written about her, so that is when I knew exactly who wrote this report about me.  I am truly surprised.  I considered this woman a friend as well as a client and I did the best I could to help her over the years.  Why did you keep coming back and why did you not express your disappointment to me directly instead of writing a rip off report?

Here is the sad thing about this woman.  In the last few months we worked together, she told me that she self mutilates.  She cuts herself which I find to be a profound sign of lack of self love.  She cannot forgive anyone or anything and that is why I was constantly telling her to "Let it Go!!!" and yes, if you come to me for guidance, then you need to listen to it or the results won't be there and yes I do share success stories of other clients to inspire and it usually works.  That is the whole purpose of seeing a psychic guide.  She is very frustrating for her complete inability to let go of past hurts so if I said anything insensitive, that is the reason.    

She is 33 years old and of East Indian heritage which is a culture that puts a lot of pressure on their youth to get married and this is her deepest desire . . . but remember my friend . . . You have to love yourself first to attract the kind of love you seek.  You have to stop hurting yourself with razor blades to start with.

She liked my readings so much she had her mother get a reading from me and in October of 2015, I got the following email from her.   This is why I love doing what I do.

Funny story about mom's reading

Hi bea-when you read for my mom, she told me how you saw a man waiting in India with open arms.When she went to India, it turns out she was able to connect with her ex-boyfriend from college.  She hadn't seen him in 40 years.  My mom had to get an arranged marriage with my biological father so they lost touch decades ago. So ironic.  Hope you're well.

And I wrote back "That is awesome.  How cool." and she replied, "I told her you're right and you have good psychic abilities!"

In June of 2016 she asked me for a reading and then she told me she was sick and in the hospital.  I checked on her a few times and got no response and then on July 4th she told me she was taking a break from readings.

And then she wrote this ripoff report a few days later.

My friend, you have hurt me deeply by writing this report but I just want you to know that I do love you because I believe in unconditional love and I hope all your dreams come true especially in matters of the heart and that a wonderful man will cherish you for the rest of your life.  Peace and love to you my friend.  Bea








Woodland Hills, CA,
United States of America
Sorry you were not happy with your reading whoever you are

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Fri, August 12, 2016


I have no idea who you are but you should have called me and I would have been happy to reimburse you if you were not 100% satisfied with your reading. 

As far as the bulk of your complaint . . . I have no idea what you are talking about.  What emails did I send you? What exactly did I tell you to "Go do this right now"  But then you would have to reveal who you are and of course you are not going to do that because you are not telling the truth. I have read for thousands of people and my clients adore and love me for my accuracy and honesty.  

Sure I can be a bi*. . . but it looks like you wrote the book.

Take care of yourself.  I forgive you and wish you well.  Love, Bea

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