  • Report:  #36513

Complaint Review: Berger & Company PLC - Edinburgh United Kingdom

Reported By:
- Manchester, M3,

Berger & Company PLC
8b St. Vincent Street Edinburgh, United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
"Bob" from "London" may well be right when he says that DTI officers are LEGALLY forbidden from discussing any investigation, even with those who complained, but they DO. I responded to an ad in Private Eye (way back) and received the following 2 forwarded e-mails.

From: "Slavin Andrew (Mr AJ)"

To: "'[email protected]'"

Subject: Berger & Co PLC

Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 10:19:21 +0100

Private & Confidential

Department of Trade & Industry

Company Law & Investigations Directorate

Companies Investigations Branch

10 Victoria Street

London SW1H ONN

Direct line 020 7215 3016

Our ref 8.14/AJS/16203

Your ref

Date 17 September 2002

Enquiries 020 7215 5000

020 7215 6740 Textphone

Fax 020 7304 0102

E-Mail [email protected]

Dear Sir,

Re: Berger & Company PLC (Reg No. 02802225)

I refer to your advert in Private Eye of 23 August 2002.

I work in the Department of Trade & Industry. I would be grateful for any information you have regarding the above company and its trading methods.

On 12 July 2002 the Secretary of State for Trade & Industry issued a petition in the High Court for the Winding up of Berger & Company PLC in the public interest. The company is contesting the petition that, as a result, is not likely to be heard for a number of months. Unfortunately I will not be able to give you detailed advice or information regarding Berger & Co PLC. However I assure you that the Department would be most grateful for any information you can supply.

Yours Sincerely

Andrew Slavin


From: "Slavin Andrew (Mr AJ)"

To: "'Richard Little'"

Subject: RE: Berger & Co PLC

Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 15:41:06 +0100

Mr Little

Thank you for your swift reply.

At this stage, to avoid taking up too much of your time or causing you any great expense, I don't feel that it is necessary to send me all of the printouts regarding Berger & Co PLC that you have received. However I think it might be useful to get details of the number of e-mails you have received and a summary of the main areas of concern that people have with Berger's trading methods. If I do need further details about specific complaints at a later date, I can contact you then.

I look forward to your reply. I am grateful for your assistance in this matter.

Andrew Slavin


Ergo, if "Bob" is right, then this particular DTI officer is breaking the law.


Manchester, United Kingdom

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