  • Report:  #459012

Complaint Review: Berlin Atlantic Capital - BAC Structured Life Group BAC Infrastructure Management & Development - Atlanta Georgia

Reported By:
- Atlanta, Georgia,

Berlin Atlantic Capital - BAC Structured Life Group BAC Infrastructure Management & Development
5 Concourse Pkwy, Suite 3100 Atlanta, 30328 Georgia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Berlin Atlantic Capital (aka: BAC Structured Life Group, BAC Infrastructure Management & Development, BAC Life Settlements) is the worst company out there. It is run by people with sick, twisted minds! Although most of the lower level employees are all a bunch of retards, the worst part about this company is the management. So that is what I'm going to focus on starting with the executive team:

Nicky Weil- Managing Partner: honestly, what is wrong with you? I understand that you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth and that you're use to getting instant gratification, but you don't have to throw tantrums every time you don't get EXACTLY what you want. The world does not revolve around you! Get over yourself.

Stefan Beiten- Managing Partner: Cocky SOB. He spent so much of the company's money on things such as hardwood floors, that the company had no money left and had to lay off 60% of its employees.

Dan Ryan- CEO of BACIMD: Slimy. Gross. Slob. Hits on every young girl in the office. He doesn't know how to tie his own shoes. He has made so many bad managerial decisions that his company has dwindled down to only 3-5 people. He has lost a lot of money. He also goes to the public office restroom with no shoes and no socks on. Seriously, how sick are you? He also hires people that he likes and allows them to sleep in the office.

Christopher Conway- Executive Vice-President of BACSLG: Completely delusional. He decided to hire so many people that he was overstaffed and he ended up having to lay off most of them. He is a pleasant person but makes horrible decisions. He tries to be best friends with all of the managers and white people. His little "boys club in the office" consists of young white people. He instigates favoritism and even though I was on his good side, I'm smart enough to know that it's not healthy for a company. He refuses to fire the people that he should solely because he likes their personalities. He completely disregards their low quality work.

Mike Graviss- Senior Director of Operations: He is the biggest jerk that I have ever met! He was nice enough to me but only because I'm white. I feel sorry for any non-white person at this company. Mike is really a 13 year old girl trapped inside a 30 year old man's body. He is a HUGE brat! He acts like he is a big man and a mature person but he complains non-stop and gossips about EVERYBODY including the people that he is nice to. I have heard him say horrible things about every single manager at this company and they are suppose to be his friends! He is always asking, "why does everybody complain so much?!" but he complains non-stop. He'll ask you what's wrong and he'll pretend like he cares about your problems BUT then the second that you turn around, he will talk s**t about you and call you a complainer. I have news for you Mike: if you ask people what's wrong, they are going to tell you what's wrong! Therefore, you should NOT b***h when people sound like they are complaining to you especially since you asked them to tell you what was wrong! Idiot! What do you expect to hear when you ask people what is wrong? Mike, the truth is that this is a miserable place to work and you make people feel terrible. So if you don't want to hear the truth, then you should not ask, "What's Wrong?" Mike tries to "name-drop" every chance he gets-it's pathetic. He makes everybody feel horrible and he likes it when people are afraid of him. WTF?

Stephanie Pearle- Director of Compliance: Talk about a woman that eats her feelings. She is the most unprofessional person that I have ever met! She makes the entire company look bad. She is extremely loud and whiny. I got so tired of hearing her complain about how hot it was!!! Lose 50 pounds and maybe you wouldn't sweat so much. She brings her personal life to work every day. She is constantly talking about her kids, her husband, her friends. She craves attention so anytime she talks, she speaks extra LOUD because she is hoping that somebody will stop and talk to her. One time I walked past her office and she was CHEWING off her toenail. SICK! Her work output is horrible because she is too busy talking about her personal life. She is also extremely rude and patronizes everybody. She talks to EVERY single person like she is their mother. Yes, she is older than a lot of people in the office but she is dumber than all of them. She affected my work because she would be talking so d**n loudly that I couldn't even hear myself think. She thinks she is smarter simply because she is older. However, she is as dumb as a rock.

Don Le- Director of Acquisitions: BIGGEST PERVERT EVER! He talks about the attractive women in the office non-stop! He is always talking about their bodies, and how hot they are. He tries to "accidentally" touch every women and is always saying the MOST inappropriate things. One time, he asked one of the women how often she had sex a week. WTF? I feel so bad for every women that has to work with him. The funny things is that he is married. I wonder what his wife would think if she knew she was married to a molester. The company had to have a "sexual harassment, sensitivity training" because of him and he did not take it seriously at all. The company does nothing about it though because he is apart of the "boys club" and him and Chris Conway are BEST FRIENDS.

Jen Fleming- Director of Investment Opportunities: RACIST. If you are not white, she will treat you horribly. She will do her best to not associate herself with any non-white person. I am white so she was semi-nice to me, but she is very s****..

9 Updates & Rebuttals

Donny the Deadbeat Dad

Donny the Deadbeat Dad

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, July 22, 2013

"donny Le" "don le" is a deadbeat dad to his FIRST TwO KIDS!!!And Mandy you're kids with him are no better girl. 

process c.

United States of America
Donny Le

#3General Comment

Mon, October 04, 2010

So Donny Le is going to be a dad for a 3rd time! Congrats on your daughter "man". Your second kid, oh wait, and what about that son of yours?  So that's 3 kids from 3 different women.  If you were white yo'd be white trash brotha. Well, I would hope you will be there for that baby like you weren't for the others - as what's noted on the internet -considering this one is born close to the date/month of your other one.  Your wife is absolutely stupid and you are too to bring a child into a relationship like yours.  your wife even know about the other kids? probably not - she'd be smarter than to get knocked up by a dog like you. guess that marriage counseling is really working for ya. and going to process church - such upstanding members. congrats brotha.  make sure your baby girl don't marry a filthy dog like yourself.

On behalf of Stefan Beiten

United States of America
Request for Retraction

#4REBUTTAL Owner of company

Tue, June 01, 2010

Dear "anonymous - margate (USA),"

Your statements, including any implication that sexual harassment is tolerated at BAC, are completely untrue and offensive. Nothing of this sort has occurred or would be tolerated within BAC. On behalf of BAC, its shareholders, Don Le, and other senior management, I repeat my request, posted Friday, May 28, that you retract these statements and ask you to ensure their permanent removal from this website.

Stefan Beiten

Berlin Atlantic Capital US, LLC

Atlanta, GA

On behalf of Stefan Beiten

United States of America
Request for Retraction

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, May 29, 2010

Dear "Advocate / Atlanta, Georgia / U.S.A.," "Mike.d - Fairfax (U.S.A.)," "anonymous - margate (USA)," and "former worker (United States of America),"

On behalf of BAC and the shareholders and senior management named here, I request your full retraction of these statements
and ask you to ensure their permanent removal from this website.
These statements are completely untrue and offensive.

Nothing of this sort has occurred or would be tolerated within BAC.

Of course, if any inappropriate conduct were to occur, we would take immediate corrective action.

BAC is always prepared to address legitimate concerns.  

Stefan Beiten

Berlin Atlantic Capital US, LLC
Atlanta, GA


Still Cheating

#6UPDATE Employee

Fri, May 07, 2010

Don Le is a gross dirty dog and still cheating on his wife. 

former worker

United States of America
Ashley and Nick

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, January 29, 2010

I have one that involves only people at the Atlanta location. I used to work at BAC, and I had a great time there. People would complain a lot, about stupid stuff like, "hey my quarterly bonus was only $1000", or "he was mean to me because he told me to do my job" etc. Anyway, Ashley Hyun and Nick Johnson were complaining about the managers one day (usual), and then they said something that sounded like they had gone out on a date. I was pretty close to Ashley, so I asked her about it. She told me that she and Nick had been having sex for about two weeks. She was doing him to get back at some russian boyfriend of hers, and he was doing her, because, he's a guy.

She also used to eat lunch at her desk for an hour and tell everyone she couldn't help them until her break was over, then she would clock out and go out shopping for an hour or so. I heard that she also slept with Dan Ryan, then later on she slept with Chris Conway so she could keep her job. Does she still work there?




Tue, August 18, 2009

Mike D-- do you know how to get in touch with the wife of Don Le. I believe that I was an unknowing victim of his digusting antics and would like to let her know


Don Le

#9Consumer Comment

Tue, June 30, 2009

IF THIS is the same Don Le that moved to Atlanta from the DC area...watch out. He is married but cheated on his wife so many times. So much so that he got 2 girls pregnant. He never even told them he was married. He's never met his children and was such a d****e that he left the area because of so many internet comments about him. He's a liar and a horrible husband and employee. He never worked and would come and go as he pleased when he worked at NY Life. This sounds like the same. Just look him up under "Donny Le". He's obviously not changed his ways and either his wife is too stupid to realize he's cheating on her or has such low self-esteem to still be with a serial cheater...and FATHER of 2 kids he's never met. He's disguisting and gives men a bad name. I knew him at work and church...can't believe a guy like this would actually go to church. It sounds like this company isn't worth anyone's time or effort if they have employers such as this one. BEWARE LADIES!!!!

Outside One

New York,
What this report really tells you

#10Consumer Comment

Wed, June 17, 2009

First i would like to thank the creator of this site and those who operate it, i think it's the ultimate form of expression. With that said what does this report really say not to do any sort or business with BAC. I ask the question why? No where in this report did the author give any examples of any unprofessional business practices only unprofessional actions and habits of those who are employed by it. Obviously these are the rants and one sided opinions of someone who was fired, layed off or hurt by someone in the company on personal time. They know the people in the office and things that they do so this person spent lots of time there. I have no stake in this company nor do i care if they grow and thrive but i would take a hard look at my life if i was so unhappy to write this things about so many people but supply no examples of how the company makes bad business decisions. I found it very offensive the way they spoke of Jen Fleming the author wrote she was "RACIST" and then said "i am white so she was semi-nice to me" what examples of racism did this person witness i failed to see any examples. They also commented about Dan Ryan again i didnt see how he has made bad business decisions, the only thing i saw was "He has lost a lot of money. He also goes to the public office restroom with no shoes and no socks on. Seriously how sick are you?". I think no sicker than the person who followed him into the restroom and felt it necessary to comment about it. If i was to consider business with BAC i would be delighted to read that the author used "was" so often because this person obviously wasn't a team player there nor did they care about being one because they seemed to be very concerned with everyone else in the office. I would like to see some specific examples of why not to do business with BAC other than the personal habits people who work there have. Thank you for giving a place to rebuttal because i don't think it's right to attack anyone or idea without any examples to back it up.

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