  • Report:  #82722

Complaint Review: Bernard Haldane - Edmonton Alberta

Reported By:
- st. albert, Alberta,

Bernard Haldane
10104-103 Ave, Suite 1920 Bell Tower Edmonton, T5J 4A7 Alberta, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am a currently serving member of the military. I was exploring employment possibilities in the civilian world to hasten my retirement. I responded to an add on the net for an Executive Assistant position. A week later I received a call from a Greg Molnar from Bernard Haldane, offering me a "free career consultation".

Like many of the others on this site, I was presented with an incredibly smooth sales pitch, leaving his office after an hour and a half with an incredibly swelled head. He used phrases like "there is no way after 20 yrs of service you should be paid your salary." "I can see you starting a new career within 2 months at a minimum of $60,000!" While he did mention "fees" he would not offer a specific sum.

He insisted on a meeting within 2 days, but I had to bring my husband because "he was the guy who knew me best". (No kidding!) At this appt, he explained the whole scheme to my hubby, mentioning the "fees" several times without giving us details.

Finally, he presented us with a contract of sorts, naming the fee of 5200.00 for their services and left the office so we could discuss it. We both agreed that we needed to go home to check our finances before we made a decision. Upon his return to the office, he started the pressure tactics. Seeing he was losing the sale, he said "just sign the form and you can call me back with your credit card number". He marked "Paid in Full" on the contract, and I signed it.

Once I returned home, my husband decided this was too risky to explore; our finances could not take a $5200.00 blow, regardless of his 90 day payment plan! Greg called me no more than 10 minutes after we arrived home. When I told him my credit card had expired and that I would not be receiving a new one for at least 5 business days, he insisted on me giving him the number of the expired card, and he told me "if I put in a different expiry date, it should still work"! Of course, it didn't work and he called me back in 5 minutes. He then proceeded to ask me if there was someone in my family who could lend me the money! I almost fell over when he said "surely your mother could lend you the money". To get rid of him, I said I'd call her. HE CALLED ME BACK AGAIN in about 15 minutes, inquiring to my success and I told him she was out of town.

Monday morning I called a friend of mine who works with the RCMP Commercial Crime Division. He was VERY interested in this strange series of events, but said he could not tell me why because of an "Ongoing investigation". I meet with him again on Thursday to show him all my documentation.

The office on the base who deal with payments of our military retraining on release program told me outright that this is a company to STAY AWAY from. After all the crap that Greg told me about the company being started to support ex military people, I was dissapointed to say the least. It's too bad that a company that Dr. Haldane created for just that purpose has come to this. BEWARE!


Edmonton, Alberta

CLICK HERE, You must read this!! ..Financial Post Article LINK - Haldane not up to the job ..exposing this company for what it really is - a huge scam

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