  • Report:  #307443

Complaint Review: Bid Fuel - Internet

Reported By:
- Clute, Texas,

Bid Fuel
Internet, U.S.A.
don't remember
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I was checking my e-mail and say a e-bay sucess kit advertisement for 1.97 for s/h. So I was curious and decided to check it out; for a 1.97 why not? Well shortly after getting the 2 disk "kit" I got an e-mail saying they enrolled me in their program, and I kept getting e-mails from my representative in charge of making me "successful". I e-mailed her and told her to take me off, I was not interested. She said OK. A few days later I noticed a charge when I checked my account for the 39.95.

I immediately called the number provided in the e-mail and told them to cancel and I expected my money back. The rep was extremely rude to me. He asked me why I ordered the kit if I wasn't planning on being a member. I told him I was just curious about what it was and had NO idea I was being enrolled into any kind of a program. He then refused to refund my money back to me. I told him he had better refund it or there was going to be some major problems, he still refused. So I asked to speak to his manager or whoever was in charge and available. He said no, his manager would tell me the same thing he's telling me. I said I don't care I want to speak to a manager.

He then refused again, and said they will just tell you what I'm telling you. Sick of his refusal to let me speak to his supervisor I asked him for his name, and badge number and told him I was going to hang up and call back in and when I did I was going to ask for a manager or supervisor and I was going to talk to them about his rude attitude and refusal to let me speak with them. Then I hung up and did exactly what I said I was going to do.

When I called back in I got a very nice representative who immediatly reversed the charges for me and after going through the reversal procedure passed me onto the manager/supervisor. I talked to the supervisor and told her how rude the previous rep was and that if I ever would have changed my mind about it I definately WOULD NOT after being treated so rudely by the earlier rep. I told her if I was her I would fire him for the way he treated people on the phone and how unproffessional it was. I hope he got fired!

Basically how BID FUEL works is:1. you order the "free" kit, 2.they automatically enroll you in their program, and 3.you have 2 weeks to cancel and get your money back BUT you have to call in and cancel over the phone NOT with your assigned "success rep".

In the last 2 weeks I have had 3 companies try and scam me out money and my advice to anyone would be to delete all junk mail in your bulk folder, no matter how inticing the offer may sound. 97% of work from home programs are scams, and chances are the one you fall for will be one too.

IF YOU DO FALL FOR IT call your bank immediately and 3 way them with the company trying to charge you money; this way you have a 3rd party witness to what's being said, what's being done, and they know they are being listened to. This way if they say they'll cancel it and they don't you can either press fraud charges or sue. Unforunately with bidfuel they do send e-mails to you stating what's going on and they do give you 2 weeks to cancel before your first charge, so if you don't notice right away it is perfectly legal and the blame is on you, BUT you can cancel at any time.

Good Luck! Don't ignore the e-mails from them because that's how they get you. They say we sent you an e-mail, and they are right. Hope all who fall for it can get their money back.


Clute, Texas


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