  • Report:  #67495

Complaint Review: Bill Heard Chevrolet - Las Vegas Nevada

Reported By:
- Las Vegas, Nevada,

Bill Heard Chevrolet
444 South Decatur Boulevard Las Vegas, 89107 Nevada, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On September 18, 2003 I went down to my local Bill Heard Chevrolet Dealership with the intent of looking at their stock of used cars. I had called ahead and laid all of my cards on the table and was told that the fact that the car that I wanted to trade in was in-operable and that I didn't have the best credit in the world. I was assured that this would not cause me any problems and that they would be able to secure a deal for me.

My husband and I went down to the dealership and spent about forty-five minutes looking at cars before we found one that we absolutely loved. We took it for a test drive, checked under the hood and when we were confident that all was well we decided to go for it. We had the preliminary papers signed and as part of our deal we received a free car alarm that they were going to install for us right then and there.

They brought out the C.S.I. girl, who was all of about three years old, and she proceeded to fiddle under our car's hood. After about five minutes she informed us that she didn't know what she was doing and called over another guy who also fiddled under the hood before declaring that he didn't know what to do either. We decided to wait for another time to install it and went home. On the drive home the service engine soon light blinked on but the car ran perfectly fine. I called the next morning and informed them of this and was told not to worry because they had messed with the relays and that the light would go out on its own.

Fast forward four days and we are now on Monday September 22,2003. I receive the call that the deal was final and that they had even lowered our payments! All we had to do was come down and sign the final papers. So, we go down there where we mention the light again and sign the papers. They then send out another three-year-old little girl to install the alarm. She goes under the hood, then declares that they don't work on Suzukis (which is the model that we bought)and she gives me a number for some guy that will do it for me.

Now here comes the fun part. Twenty minutes after having signed my final papers my CAR DIED! I lost all power and the inside of my car reeked of gasoline. I immediately called the dealership and was told that they would take car of it for me. My car was brought back down to the dealership, we were given a loaner car (that had no gas in it) and told that our car would be repaired and ready for us by today.

Well, I called yesterday and found out that they never delivered my car to Suzuki and that they had FORGOTTEN about it! After playing phone tag for about five hours we were assured that it would be personally delivered to them and repaired today. I called Suzuki at 10:00 this morning and was once again informed of the fact my car was NOT THERE! So, called Bill Heard again and played phone tag for about two hours before an actual person informed me that they had lost the only set of keys to my car and that they couldn't even find my car!

So now my car is lost, my keys are gone and no one will speak with me. Not even at the corporate offices! So, I will finish this now so that I can go down to the dealership and finally get this settled my way. Now the lesson that we must all learn from this: BILL HEARD CHEVROLET SUCKS!!!


Las Vegas, Nevada

6 Updates & Rebuttals

The Great Thorn - Rip-off Report Consumer Advocate

New York,
OK Carlee's loving caring Mom. You have your homework cut out for you.

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sat, October 18, 2003

To Carlee's caring Mom. Per our little chat. I would send a "Printer Friendly Version" or this Rip Off Report to the following people. Don't get me wrong, I don't want you to think that they will help you. You might find what I believe is true. That is most of the media will not do a story on a franchised car dealer. It is called protecting their revenue. They need big money to pay their window dressing you love to watch every night. Try CBS channel 8 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] NewsroomFAX (702) 792-2977 News Hotline (702) 650-1960 Next we have good old NBC TV 3 Email them a copy of your Rip Off Report. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Ben Correa is a REPORTER is he willing to REPORT? [email protected] Denise Rosch is a reporter, is she willing to report? I bet NOT! [email protected] Darcy Spears is a reporter, Is she willing to report? let's try her. [email protected] next we have ABC's TV13 13 Action News FAX machine - 702-876-2237 Craig Hume, [email protected] Jim Prather, [email protected] Charlie Henrich, [email protected] Next we have your local newspaper. Reporter Jeff Simpson [email protected] Phone: 702.477.3871 Editor Rod Smith [email protected] Phone: 702.380.4592 Reporter Chris Jones [email protected] Phone: 702.477.3893 Executive Director Al Gibes [email protected] Phone: 702.383.0478 In other words, Don't bite the big hands that feed you. I truly hope we here @ www.ripoffreport.com have helped you and your loving daughter Carlee. Something tells me that you and your daughter will not have to worry about the auto dealer sending the deal to a bank.

The Great Thorn - Rip-off Report Consumer Advocate

New York,
Car dealers think they can do what ever they want and get away with it

#3Consumer Suggestion

Sat, October 18, 2003

Carlee Car dealers think they can do what ever they want and get away with it. Well, times have changed. Now they have to worry that consumers will put them on Rip-off Report.com Carlee go to this Rip-off Report web address and see what another Bill Heard victim has gone through. Look at both pic's on her Report. http://www.ripoffreport.com/report52158.htm Carlee you said As of October 17, 2003 you have returned the vehicle, at your own accord. You NEED to make d**n sure that this so called car deal has been completely unwound. If not, they just might try to send the deal to a bank and get you approved and drop of what you don't want right in your driveway late at night. Trust me on this one, dealers have done this before.


Las Vegas,
At the request of Bill Heard Chevrolet's General Sales Manager, Corey Crackey, I am making an update on this report.

#4Author of original report

Sat, October 18, 2003

As of October 17, 2003 I have returned the vehicle, at my own accord, to the dealership. I have been fortunate enough to find another company who was successfully able to finance a vehicle for me without any song and dance. I will never again visit another Bill Heard Dealership, as a matter of fact because of this experience I will probably never again visit a large volume, cross-country dealership. My advice to any and all consumers is to research any company thoroughly before making a large purchase.


Las Vegas,
At the request of Bill Heard Chevrolet's General Sales Manager, Corey Crackey, I am making an update on this report.

#5Author of original report

Sat, October 18, 2003

As of October 17, 2003 I have returned the vehicle, at my own accord, to the dealership. I have been fortunate enough to find another company who was successfully able to finance a vehicle for me without any song and dance. I will never again visit another Bill Heard Dealership, as a matter of fact because of this experience I will probably never again visit a large volume, cross-country dealership. My advice to any and all consumers is to research any company thoroughly before making a large purchase.


Las Vegas,
At the request of Bill Heard Chevrolet's General Sales Manager, Corey Crackey, I am making an update on this report.

#6Author of original report

Sat, October 18, 2003

As of October 17, 2003 I have returned the vehicle, at my own accord, to the dealership. I have been fortunate enough to find another company who was successfully able to finance a vehicle for me without any song and dance. I will never again visit another Bill Heard Dealership, as a matter of fact because of this experience I will probably never again visit a large volume, cross-country dealership. My advice to any and all consumers is to research any company thoroughly before making a large purchase.


Las Vegas,
At the request of Bill Heard Chevrolet's General Sales Manager, Corey Crackey, I am making an update on this report.

#7Author of original report

Sat, October 18, 2003

As of October 17, 2003 I have returned the vehicle, at my own accord, to the dealership. I have been fortunate enough to find another company who was successfully able to finance a vehicle for me without any song and dance. I will never again visit another Bill Heard Dealership, as a matter of fact because of this experience I will probably never again visit a large volume, cross-country dealership. My advice to any and all consumers is to research any company thoroughly before making a large purchase.

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