  • Report:  #1036580

Complaint Review: BMT Promotions - Atlanta Nationwide

Reported By:
MMW - San Francisco, California,

BMT Promotions
Atlanta, Nationwide, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I worked a convention for BMT Promotions in September of 2012. It was the Intel Convention in San Francisco. I found the company through Craigslist and after a group interview, was selected to work with the convention. I attended a four hour orientation on September 8th, the bulk of which was spent stuffing badges. I worked a ten hour day on September 11th. I did not work on September 12th, and was scheduled to work another ten hour day on September 13th. Around 11pm on September 12th, I received an email that my services were no longer needed, but that I did need to come downtown to return my uniform (otherwise my pay would be docked).

Seven months have passed since that convention. Not only have I yet to be paid, but I have not heard a word about this from BMT Promotions. I have written to them several times and they have yet to reply. Earlier this year I received an email from a different company, CMT Agency. CMT bought out BMT but was not responsible for any payments from BMT.

"CMT Agency is not responsible for any payments due to talent. Any payment issues must be handled via BMT not CMT."

Recently I sent yet another email to BMT, copying CMT (as that is the only contact information listed on the BMT website). Shelly Justice from CMT wrote me back to say that they only purchased BMT's database, and confirmed the email address that I had for BMT owner Matt Davis.

I have received emails from my fellow convention staff members. NONE of us have gotten paid. None of us have heard from BMT.

The worst is that I'm not sure what can be done. If BMT is closed, will they ever pay us the money that we earned? Not only did I work for free, but I purchased clothing items, and paid for transportation to and from the event (not to mention when I returned the uniform). I refused another temporary employment opportunity because it interfered with my BMT commitment.

Do not work for BMT Promotions and do not work for Matt Davis.

And if anyone from BMT Promotions is reading this now - that money you owe me could have come in handy the month that I was late on rent.

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Sept 2012 Intel Developer Conference Moscone SF

#2General Comment

Tue, April 16, 2013

I also worked the Sept 2012 Intel Developers Conference at Moscone SF and like you have not been paid. I actually have heard back from BMT via email (more than once) - but have not gotten paid a dime. I was told the business was closed in Dec 2012 and that they dont know when they will pay us. I told BMT I was going to contact Intel as my next step to let Intel know what happened. To this BMT replied via email stating simply "I understand". That was my last email from them (dated Mar 13, 2013).

One idea occurred to me - maybe each of the persons that has not (yet) been paid by BMT/Matt Davis for the Sept 2012 Moscone SF Conference could each consider to contact Intel themselves (NOT to suggest in any way or to ask Intel to be responsible to pay us, no), but just to let Intel know what has happened to (at minimum) some (perhaps  most/all?) of "us". I at the time of this writing admittedly do not know the extent of the non-payment issue for my fellow co-hirees.

I hope that this is an ok thing to suggest here. Please accept my sincere apologies in advance if I am not operating in the appropriate online space and if you would please direct me to whichever online avenue may be more appropriate. Thank you. 

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