  • Report:  #905898

Complaint Review: Book of Sex - Internet Internet

Reported By:
Deltoro - new port richey, Florida, United States of America

Book of Sex
Internet, Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Well, they fooled me and scammed me. Yep I got taken. I first found an ad for book of sex as a dating hook up site. They,  like a lot of  sites B.S. you into believing that an account is free, but I knew that just wasn't true, so I signed up anyway. After I posted what I was sure was an incredible profile, (ego out of check) I waited for the bait to be struck.

Sure enough man, I started gettting all these views and flirts on my profile, it was like awesome and incredible, Wow. So after the site posted that I had 35 views and 16 flirts, I saw a discount special for buy a 3 Month gold membership and get one month free, it also stated that I would be paying $10.99 a month for the three months- Guess what I got charged? $43.99 and the free month never showed up, it seems the Hocus-Pocus fine print {which by the way was in a point 3 font size and in grey color so that you can not see it} has you jumping through hoops to get this free month. NEVER MIND that when I called customer service I could not understand the person talking to me, NEVER MIND, I got disconnected everytime I called back. Its typical for a  company that practices deception and conforms to scam like practices to have poor customer service so that you will just give up! 

Wow, I should have done more investigating to find out that Various,Inc. who owns Friend Finder.com Adult friend finder.com, Alt.Com and several others, had purchased book of sex .com and owns it.
When I finally got to a supervisor on the phone (who by the way could speak very good english) just gave me these crazy answers that  made no common sense (Double Speak) and sounded like a robot reading off a script. She could not tell me why out of a total of 53 people who the site listed as viewing my profile, that 29 had somehow deleted thier profile on the same day as when I paid to join.... Of the 34 that had flirted with me, 27 had deleted their profile the same day as when I paid and joined. Get the picture here?

This company is a huge rip off, and have the biggest scam game going in our country.
They have the largest group of people ever to rip off, all the lonely horny guys, looking for sex and to hook up with someone. ANY NUMBERS OR STATISTICS THEY PURPORT AS TO THE SUCCESS OF THEIR CUSTOMERS IS THEIR OWN PROPAGANDA. IT'S MIS-DIRECTION! I have talked to a 4 women who never sent me a flirt or viewed my profile, the company did it.  I have also found out, think your profile is gone after you leave or delete your account think again, its broadcasted somewhere else, on a different site and most people never know. Which means NEFARIOUS AND PREDITORY BEHAVIOR IS GOING ON.

Here is what they must rely on, that these adult sites are frequented by cheating men and they have alot to lose by making noise and so they will keep quite and just fade away. Wellllllll, NOT ME, if people who read this will contact their States Attorneys Office, or State Fraud Dept. or file complaints to the FTC and or the Attorney Generals Office, something could be done about this company who is raking in Hundreds Of MILLIONS of DOLLARS.
Ok, thats my complaint and problem as honestly as I could state it.
My name is Roger Scoles and My address is 70shades@gmail

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