  • Report:  #83476

Complaint Review: Bradley - Derry New Hampshire

Reported By:
- Waldron, AR,

Derry, New Hampshire, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Okay, "Bradley",

Are you trying to see if anyone is paying attention?

We are,darlin', and I am becoming very concerned about the rapid rate that you are "killing off" and "resurrecting" your identities....could it be yet another imbalance in your meds?

Your "I need no credit for this" tacked onto most of your early rebuttals is a dead giveaway....that is where you used to try to sneak in the fake "Consumer Advocate" claim for yourself under some other identities in the past.

You are rapidly cycling through your IDs now and it worries me...you have "killed" so many lately! And it seems you may be starting to answer some of your old identities with your new ones...this is not at all acceptable, medically speaking.

You are moving so much that I am concerned that you will develop severe, if not fatal, jet lag. It is making you very cranky, all this moving around and you are beginning to exhibit ugly behavior and remarks again.

You need to sleep some, too, hon. You seem to be sitting up all night way into the wee hours of the morning trying to make sure that we all know that you have a "learned opinion" on very conceivable subject.

You know by now that we will not tolerate it long here at this forum if you start acting mean and hurtful to victims, even when it is old reports you are digging up to comment on.

You are beginning to hang around the "lunatic fringe" again. I realize the moon is full right now, but a medication adjustment should help quell the urge you seem to feel to howl.

Please have your medication adjusted soon, calm down, and start posting sensibly and responsibly. You almost managed it a time or two.

Just curious. Why didn't you choose Derry, Maine for your new home?


Waldron, Arkansas

19 Updates & Rebuttals


New Hampshire,
Apology accepted Robin...

#2REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, July 06, 2004

Okay Robin, I will accept your apology. I knew you had it in ya. Thanks for clearing up your accusations on me. Tootle do!


Curiouser and curiouser...Bad checks...collection agency??

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, June 21, 2004

Aw, shoot, Bradley, Just when you were actually beginning to act as though you had it in you to make some real sense on this board, you come up with this steaming pile! What exactly is it I am supposed to deliver? A letter, a package, proof? Proof of your trolldom? I say again...anyone visiting a complaint board for the express purpose of laughing at and goading victims is a troll. YOU qualify in spades and the "evidence" is all over this site. And what is all this "bad check" and "collection agency" crap? Whatever made you come up with that example in the first place? Having just balanced my checkbook this morning, I can assure you that ALL my checks have cleared in good order. This seems an attempt to malign my character in an insidious way and to subtly threaten me...so, by all means, send in those bad boy collectors. What could they do? Duct tape my keyboard? Pull my plug? Pour water in my computer? More likely, they will depart posthaste with their tails between their legs, never to be heard from again. Send in the clowns...can't wait to hear from them!


New Hampshire,
"Robin" still hasn't DELIVERED!!! She better watch out, my collection agency may be calling soon!

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Mon, June 21, 2004

Hi Deb. I think this is a good time to point out the fact that "Robin" still hasnt made good on any of "her" allegations... of course that seems to be a common theme with her...Some people might say "she's writing checks that her rear can't cash!" She better watch out, my collection agency may be calling soon! ;-) Thanks RJ for sticking up for me and giving this "Robin" some real advice- You are commended for using this website for what it was intended for... I hope she is helped by it. Until next time...


you people are hysterical - Waiting your "sharp" retort

#5Consumer Suggestion

Sun, June 20, 2004

I stumbled on this website a few months ago-just wanted to let you know that this particular complaint and the rebuttals are vastly amusing! Waiting your "sharp" retort


RJ, welcome to the "die-hard club" yourself! Note to Tom.

#6Consumer Comment

Thu, April 01, 2004

RJ, Get a clue, would ya'?! I have seen your writings on this site as well, telling folks that "their ramblings are not fit for this site", and many telling folks that it is their own fault for falling into a scam. Gee, thanks. If scams did not exist and people did not fall into them, we would not be here, would we? Yes, I am a "die-hard" and stand by my assertion that Bradley is a hateful troll. You obviously have not followed Bradley's "career" here at RipoffReport.com fully or you would see Bradley for what Bradley is. This "Bradley" has been with us for quite some time, under various names, trolling around with nasty comments. And, as Tom pointed out, he is peculiarly drawn to certain topics that are pretty lightweight in the great scheme of things. So, I may be full of myself as you say and taking a hard-line stance on this issue. You are certainly entitled to your opinion. You should just ensure that it is an informed opinion before sticking in your two cents worth. Since it appears to me that you are riding in the very same boat yourself, I will say: WELCOME TO THE DIE-HARD CLUB! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tom, I believe I have "hit the dirt" and counted the rivets on your brother's plane as he went over in the past! (Not really, but it is tempting to just fall over when they fly so low). Your brother has guts to do what he does. I salute him! Keep watching; the IDs change as people catch on, so a new name is in order soon. I think you will probably recognize him/her/it??!!


New Hampshire,
Sad situation

#7Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 01, 2004

Hey Bradley Troll. Im only responding to you to apologize for the actions of others. My name is just Bradley, not Bradley Troll. But due to the fact that some "people" have too much time on their hands they are causing people like yourself and this website these kindof problems. These internet "spammers" need to be eliminated. Tom, thanks for the consumer suggestions, real helpful. your alls everlasting obsession,


Extremist Tendencies?

#8Consumer Suggestion

Wed, March 31, 2004

Robin and Jacqueline: Robin introduced the terms lunatic fringe and "hate forum". Those terms very much appear to apply to your writings. The ranting that you two have offered so far does not paint a pretty picture of either of you. Jacqueline, you called this Bradley person, whom you don't know, a bigot. Who knows if he is or not? You certainly don't! "Extremist is a synonym for bigot and both you and Robin undoubtedly are exhibiting extremist characteristics. Another synonym for bigot is die-hard: One who stubbornly refuses to abandon a position. Sound familiar? Perhaps you both should take Robin's advice to Bradley to calm down, and start posting sensibly and responsibly. Surely you don't want readers to conclude that you two are diehards and very much full of yourselves?


Bradley Troll from Lake Charles, meet Bradley the Troll from Derry!

#9Consumer Comment

Wed, March 31, 2004

Mr. Troll, Typing the words "Bradley Troll" into Google yields 267,000 results as of this morning. One of those results happens to be this report. Your name is not being used as no one has ever heard of you until just now. If you had read the report, you would see that there is no mention of a Bradley from Louisiana, only a Bradley from New Hampshire. And it is "Bradley TROLL ALERT", not "Bradley Troll". The report is NOT "fraudulent". Bradley Troll from LA, meet Bradley the Troll from NH. Something tells me you probably are already well acquainted with each other.


Thx Robin

#10Consumer Comment

Wed, March 31, 2004

So it's Bradley now, is it? Well, thanks for bringing this to light. I don't keep up with the posts much these days, but ferreting this guy out is more fun than reading about Tupper Lake. I like how he doesn't deny the accusation of multiple identities, just provides you with the burden of proof. Easy cop-out. And the ever famous "I'll sue you". For what? Telling the truth? We should band together and file a class action lawsuit against HIM for pain and suffering related to his hateful opinions on this site. Perhaps the penalty would be not staying up late with the grownups, taking away his access to a computer, and professional help. An apology would be nice too, for all the people he flamed who might have had bad service, or a bad haircut. I'd like to see him offer some real solutions to someone being screwed by a credit card company, CAMCO, or a bent over by a car dealership - instead of focusing on fast food places or retail stores like Circut City. Pretty narrow field of expertise if you ask me. Take it easy Robin. Hey, my oldest brother lives in Benton. If you see a Black Hawk flying at about fifty feet full throttle, it might be him!

Bradley Troll

Lake Charles,
why my name is being used, Bradley Troll

#11Consumer Comment

Tue, March 30, 2004

I stumbled upon this website by doing a websearch for my name, Bradley Troll, and I found it here under some type of fraudluent report. I would just like to know why my name is being used. Please let me know


New Hampshire,
Robin I will help you with your questions

#12Consumer Suggestion

Mon, March 29, 2004

Okay Robin I still have only one diagnoses for you. You are obviously an insane love deprived attention monger, who instead of being on here for the purpose of helping people, direct your posts to the people that actually are doing good. (you will of course argue this, so I tell you to point me to some of YOUR posts where you are actually offering any REAL advice and not attacking those who do.....tick tick tick) You accuse me of (see above) being Peter Pony? because he "posted in a hateful vein"???????? WTF??? EVEN you said "this site...is for seeking help with consumer PROBLEMS"....SO DO YOU NOT THINK THERE WILL BE SOME ANGRY POSTS ON HERE????!!!! I cannot and will not argue with that kind of logic so reread my diagnoses for you above. p.s. I am not a corporate shill (ie YOU) lawyer so dont feel so proud of your "legal expertise"-I think Kai might help me if I wanted as he has recently offered me "favor" ;-) Robin I can guarantee you would buy my book, wouldnt you? :-) I think you would be called a "one handed reader" Go ahead and crank out some meaningless (ie without substance) rebuttal to this but dont expect me to respond anymore until you prove any of your allegations...TTFN your latest obsession,


You have destroyed your own "good name"! You cannot deliver!

#13Consumer Comment

Tue, March 16, 2004

Awww, you are onto me....I must be a corporate shill. So all you have to do now is figure out which corporation, then you will have me cornered! Then you can bring on your legal team (something tells me that Mr. Kai would not be interested in working for you) and sue me for "slander". Oh, wait, "slander" only pertains to auditory falsehoods, spoken, oral. I have not SAID one thing about you. The term you are groping for is "libel", and you need to know that before you start waving lawsuits around. Or even threats of lawsuits. You do not want to seem a moron by filing the wrong allegations, do you? I am still looking for that "magic" post where you have offered help to anyone. So far, all I am finding is inflammatory nonsense and downright rudeness from you. Where is all the "truth-telling"? Where is the "HELP" you claim to be giving? My inner peace is just fine and I am miles away from "exploding". As for my reading habits, why are you writing all this if you don't expect anyone to read it? Seems like a waste of time... You don't deliver (unless it is pizza), because you can't deliver! You are so full of yourself that there is no room for anything else. Crawl back into your troll hole before you disgrace and discredit yourself any further. Better yet, pay a bit of attention to your job and perhaps you will have less trouble with your employees. Oh, I almost forgot. The point..this site is for consumers and by consumers who are seeking help with consumer problems. It is not your personal message board for you to spread hate and discontent. It is not a forum for "The World According to Bradley". Perhaps your time would be better spent writing a book or something. I cannot guarantee that anyone would buy it when you are finished, but it would keep you busy for a little while. And that would be a blessing...


New Hampshire,

#14Consumer Suggestion

Tue, March 16, 2004

OK miss, (or mr?) Robin HOOD.... The only thing I have got from your rambling is that you have yet to even prove a SMIDGEN of your allegations against me, to which I could hire Kai boy right now to file a slander suit against you. (if I was that kind of guy) It is obvious that you are a corporate shill that is angered by my truth-telling and are out to discredit my good name, and hurt all the little people seeking help out there. Why else would you spend SO MUCH TIME reading EVERYTHING IVE EVER POSTED on the web for the hopes of finding some kind of fault with me??? I really think you need to seek inner peace b4 you explode! AND I WILL NOT TAKE ANY CREDIT FOR THAT!!!! YOURS TRULY,


I am thinkin', "Bradley", I am thinkin' indeed.

#15Consumer Comment

Sun, March 14, 2004

"Bradley", if you mean "fruitcake" as there is something in my genetic makeup that makes me particularly repelled by you, then I am, indeed, the "fruitiest" and the "nuttiest" of all fruitcakes! I am the biggest honkin' fruitcake you ever have run across! An American fruitcake, not a "Ruskie" one... You do not "upset" me as you seem to think you do; you are simply misplaced in your choice of venues. Trolls do not "upset" me, I simply expose them for what they are and go on. Your "As always, I take no credit for this" tag line interests me, as that is where You tried several times to sneak in "Consumer Advocate" when you posted as "Peter, from Pony, AL" in the same hateful vein as you are posting here. Why would anyone with half a brain WANT to take credit for the mindless drivel that you are cranking out? You are a moron that boasts your graduating year of school somewhere around the fourth or fifth grade! Yet you seem to feel entitled to ride down on others for their poor English skills, you egomaniacal idiot. You have a job that allows you to sit up night and day churning out this drivel, which to me means that you are not taking care of business, but are just showing up at work and drawing your check! You are undoubtedly working in some sweatshop where you routinely whiplash your minimum wage workers to produce more, more, and ever more while you grow fat from their sweat and broadcast your hate while on the job. Alas, I cannot prove the multiple identity issue without being on-site, and I have no idea where this site originates. The Editor of this site could do that, but probably is far too busy to take interest in low-lifes like you. So, we will say for the sake of argument that you suddenly showed up, and with no malice intended, decided to broadcast your uneducated and uninformed opinions covering everything from soup to nuts (and fruitcakes). From your many and varied opinionated posts, I have gleaned that you are "anti-everything". Anti-foreign people, anti-American workers, anti-gay (from your response to Jacqueline, which is the feminine form of the name), anti-Sprint, anti-Jiffy Lube, anti-Firestone, anti-Pizza Hut....and on and on, ad nauseum! I have yet to find anything that you approve of, other than yourself and your almighty "opinions". It is simply impossible to believe that you are that negative a personality and able to function in the real world. I pity the poor souls who labor under your direction...when you can get off your keyboard long enough to offer any, that is. Therefore, I must infer that you are that lowest form of Internet life, a huge TROLL, that runs from site to site with the intention of turning all sites into your personal "hate forum". You spread an insidious poison that is aimed at ultimately changing the site into what you want it to be. Since this site has a specific mission (helping ripped off consumers) that you really want no part of, I invite you to visit any one of a number of "hate sites" available on the Internet today. There you can spew your hate-filled commentary and be applauded for it. You will get no applause here for your efforts.I have no problems with you posting your opinions, if those opinions meant anything real. So far, all I have seen from you are attempts to spread rancor by attacking everything and everybody. Take a hike, "Bradley"; go where you will be appreciated. Professional Troll Basher (and I will take credit for this)!


New Hampshire,
Robin, you are a FRUITCAKE! and "Jac"ueline I think you need a girlfriend

#16Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 11, 2004

Robin, I dont know what to say to you other than I think you are a fruitcake... I honestly have no idea what you are talking about??? Im glad you are paying attention to me and checking what times I post things etc etc etc. The truth is I have a job that allows me a lot of free time to research and form opinions on things and to post here... Im sorry that upsets you and I hope you get some sleep yourself -(at least I am getting paid for this)

As far as the multiple identity thing??? I challenge you or any one of your "comrades" to provide any proof of this and I will gladly apologize if you can even find a hint of truth to this...So now you have an assignment, you seem to have lots of time, lets see how you do...

Your not going to "tolerate" it long here??? What are you not going to "tolerate"??? My opinions??? Thats what this website is all about (I know, news to you!) I now challenge you to try to bar people from posting their opinions here! You Ruskie!!!

"Jac"queline I say the same to you, you obviously have problems of your own and with me typing my OPINIONS. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT OH DEFENDER OF THE FREE WORLD!!!

I suggest you find yourself a mate- a nice, understanding young female to submit to your DOMINANCE...

I think I am entitled to my opinions as I employee both asians and indians (not just know them from the internet) and have alot of interaction with them. So I stand by my earlier statements that a language barrier is a huge HINDRANCE. It is VERY FRUSTRATING trying to communicate and comprehend these people when their english skills are not very good.. BUT I HAVE A HEART!!! and have only fired one so far (YET!) What have you done for these "poor people"??? People like you are just "armchair quarterbacks" so to speak and have no idea of what your really talking about or how the world REALLY WORKS!!! SO LAY OFF

Now to prove to the nice people out there that Im not a "biggot" as you call me, I will post another observation: While these people I employ have major language barriers and often are only looking out for their own best interests, they are somewhat reliable in that they will show up for work (generally on time) and not have a hangover or try to get out of work so they can "go party" etc etc etc. So that is something that many "americans" need to work on cause the ones I have hired have generally had these kinds of behaviours.

So "Jac" read all of my rebuttals you want- THATS WHAT I WROTE 'EM FOR!!!




I PRAY this website does not turn into a special gathering for BIGOTS!

#17Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 11, 2004

People from all over the world submit Reports here. This is a global site, but some don't seem to understand, or don't want to accept this reality. This is NOT a site made up of BIGOTS!

This guy (?Bradley?) or troll was part of lynching party, in the Private Schools section. Access:http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff83007.htm

He's complaining about a Law Student from Burma, seeking a higher education, in America. For some reason he wants this man, a Graduate Student of Law, to work in Nike sweat shops. I don't know why, it doesn't make sense. The student is NOT a hindrance to our country, and poses no National threat. He just wants what he rightfully earned.

He (the troll) also complained about the mans English, while cranking out PURE s**t for grammer himself.

This is one of the new crowd of bigots/trolls filing Rebuttals lately, he was not the only one, tightening the rope. There were others.

It is perfectly legal for students in the free world to enroll into classes, here in the United States. This student specifically is having an administrative problem, and may very well be a victim of racism. The credits from the university in Burma, transfered and were accepted at a 3.0 grade average. Since an AMERICAN university ACCEPTED those credits, then he can't be all that bad. Hmmmm---maybe we shouldn't turn Burma, into a Nike sweat shop afterall.

Where did all of these troll bigots come from? Can we transfer them to another site? (OK, maybe not) Troll, bigot or not, if you complain about someones grammer, LEARN how to write. Practice what you preach. YOU don't have the excuse of coming from a foreign country. You were born here in these United States.

I plan to review some of his other Rebuttals.

ATTENTION ALL TROLLS: This is a Human Rights related website. Human Rights and Bigots don't mix.


I PRAY this website does not turn into a special gathering for BIGOTS!

#18Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 11, 2004

People from all over the world submit Reports here. This is a global site, but some don't seem to understand, or don't want to accept this reality. This is NOT a site made up of BIGOTS!

This guy (?Bradley?) or troll was part of lynching party, in the Private Schools section. Access:http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff83007.htm

He's complaining about a Law Student from Burma, seeking a higher education, in America. For some reason he wants this man, a Graduate Student of Law, to work in Nike sweat shops. I don't know why, it doesn't make sense. The student is NOT a hindrance to our country, and poses no National threat. He just wants what he rightfully earned.

He (the troll) also complained about the mans English, while cranking out PURE s**t for grammer himself.

This is one of the new crowd of bigots/trolls filing Rebuttals lately, he was not the only one, tightening the rope. There were others.

It is perfectly legal for students in the free world to enroll into classes, here in the United States. This student specifically is having an administrative problem, and may very well be a victim of racism. The credits from the university in Burma, transfered and were accepted at a 3.0 grade average. Since an AMERICAN university ACCEPTED those credits, then he can't be all that bad. Hmmmm---maybe we shouldn't turn Burma, into a Nike sweat shop afterall.

Where did all of these troll bigots come from? Can we transfer them to another site? (OK, maybe not) Troll, bigot or not, if you complain about someones grammer, LEARN how to write. Practice what you preach. YOU don't have the excuse of coming from a foreign country. You were born here in these United States.

I plan to review some of his other Rebuttals.

ATTENTION ALL TROLLS: This is a Human Rights related website. Human Rights and Bigots don't mix.


I PRAY this website does not turn into a special gathering for BIGOTS!

#19Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 11, 2004

People from all over the world submit Reports here. This is a global site, but some don't seem to understand, or don't want to accept this reality. This is NOT a site made up of BIGOTS!

This guy (?Bradley?) or troll was part of lynching party, in the Private Schools section. Access:http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff83007.htm

He's complaining about a Law Student from Burma, seeking a higher education, in America. For some reason he wants this man, a Graduate Student of Law, to work in Nike sweat shops. I don't know why, it doesn't make sense. The student is NOT a hindrance to our country, and poses no National threat. He just wants what he rightfully earned.

He (the troll) also complained about the mans English, while cranking out PURE s**t for grammer himself.

This is one of the new crowd of bigots/trolls filing Rebuttals lately, he was not the only one, tightening the rope. There were others.

It is perfectly legal for students in the free world to enroll into classes, here in the United States. This student specifically is having an administrative problem, and may very well be a victim of racism. The credits from the university in Burma, transfered and were accepted at a 3.0 grade average. Since an AMERICAN university ACCEPTED those credits, then he can't be all that bad. Hmmmm---maybe we shouldn't turn Burma, into a Nike sweat shop afterall.

Where did all of these troll bigots come from? Can we transfer them to another site? (OK, maybe not) Troll, bigot or not, if you complain about someones grammer, LEARN how to write. Practice what you preach. YOU don't have the excuse of coming from a foreign country. You were born here in these United States.

I plan to review some of his other Rebuttals.

ATTENTION ALL TROLLS: This is a Human Rights related website. Human Rights and Bigots don't mix.


I PRAY this website does not turn into a special gathering for BIGOTS!

#20Consumer Suggestion

Thu, March 11, 2004

People from all over the world submit Reports here. This is a global site, but some don't seem to understand, or don't want to accept this reality. This is NOT a site made up of BIGOTS!

This guy (?Bradley?) or troll was part of lynching party, in the Private Schools section. Access:http://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/ripoff83007.htm

He's complaining about a Law Student from Burma, seeking a higher education, in America. For some reason he wants this man, a Graduate Student of Law, to work in Nike sweat shops. I don't know why, it doesn't make sense. The student is NOT a hindrance to our country, and poses no National threat. He just wants what he rightfully earned.

He (the troll) also complained about the mans English, while cranking out PURE s**t for grammer himself.

This is one of the new crowd of bigots/trolls filing Rebuttals lately, he was not the only one, tightening the rope. There were others.

It is perfectly legal for students in the free world to enroll into classes, here in the United States. This student specifically is having an administrative problem, and may very well be a victim of racism. The credits from the university in Burma, transfered and were accepted at a 3.0 grade average. Since an AMERICAN university ACCEPTED those credits, then he can't be all that bad. Hmmmm---maybe we shouldn't turn Burma, into a Nike sweat shop afterall.

Where did all of these troll bigots come from? Can we transfer them to another site? (OK, maybe not) Troll, bigot or not, if you complain about someones grammer, LEARN how to write. Practice what you preach. YOU don't have the excuse of coming from a foreign country. You were born here in these United States.

I plan to review some of his other Rebuttals.

ATTENTION ALL TROLLS: This is a Human Rights related website. Human Rights and Bigots don't mix.

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