  • Report:  #548281

Complaint Review: Broadview Multi Care Multi-Care Center Parma Ohio Dr Vivian Bochenek D O Parma Solon Ohio - Parma Ohio

Reported By:
Peggy - Broadview Hts, Ohio, U.S.A.

Broadview Multi Care Multi-Care Center Parma Ohio Dr Vivian Bochenek D O Parma Solon Ohio
5520 Broadview Road Parma, 44134 Ohio, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

In September, 2004 after having a trachea placed in her throat due to gall bladder surgery, my mother was transferred to the most horrendous nursing home in the state of Ohio, Broadview Multi-Care in Parma, Ohio. In addition, she was assigned to the most horrible doctor on staff at this facility named Dr. Vivian Bochenek.

When your loved one is transferred to a nursing home and your personal physician does not have jurisdiction at that facility, the nursing home assigns the doctor of their choice to care for your loved one. That doctor can be an MD, DO, or WD (witch doctor).

Our family physician has always been an MD and believed in medicine, but Dr Vivian Bochanek chose not to give my mother any medicine (including seizure meds) for the entire month my mother was under her care. My mother had been on many meds for the almost 6 1/2 years I had cared for her at home and this doctor chose to remove her cold turkey off all meds. Of course, my mother died. I find out now that Dr Vivian Bochanek is quoted under a "Visionary" site called "Partners In Syzygy" who taught "mind/body work and healing techniques." Dr Vivian Bochanek billed Medicare for this witch doctor care she gave to my mother and Medicare paid her. I was Power of Attorney for my mother and Dr Vivian Bochanek NEVER ONCE contacted me. I asked numerous times to speak with my mother's doctor and was not permitted to, so I had no idea what type of care my mother was receiving. I WOULD HAVE NEVER PERMITTED THIS SELF HEALING TYPE OF CARE THAT DR VIVIAN BOCHANEK GAVE MY MOTHER!

BEFORE ADMITTING YOUR LOVED ONE INTO ANY FACILITY, BEFORE YOUR LOVED ONE IS IN ANY FACILITY .... First, ask for an Admission Agreement to take home with you to read and Second, ask what type of doctor your loved one will be assigned. Go home and look that doctor up. Make sure that the Admission Agreement has no Arbitration Clause (a clause that waives your right to a trial in court even for wrongful death - 80% of nursing homes have this clause).

Here is my story....

My mom was transferred to a nursing home in Parma on Broadview Road to get weaned off of the trachea. I went to visit this facility just a couple of days prior to her arrival. I didnt care for the nursing home, because I felt the nurses were all stressed out. Bells were buzzing all over the halls and I just didnt like it for some reason. When I went to visit, they gave me a pamphlet about their activities they had. What I should have asked for was an Admission Agreement to take home and review, but I was unaware of this at the time. When I went upstairs to my moms room I was upset to find her in a small bed low to the ground with no bedrails, or no air mattress. Her trachea was hanging on the floor; her catheter was lying on the floor as well. There were mats along each side of her bed. This disturbed me greatly. I thought there was some kind of mistake, so I went downstairs and talked about this with the admission coordinator. She told me that bedrails were considered restraints and my mother was not allowed to have them. I was so ticked off, that I told them I never wanted my mother to come there in the first place, but the hospital social worker sent her there, because there were no beds available elsewhere. They tried to call the hospital and talked to the social worker, but the hospital would not take her back. I had nowhere else to take her. The social worker at the hospital mentioned to me about signing a release, so she could get bed rails. I told the nursing facility that I would do that, but they said no, that was not an option. I told them that she had just come from the hospital and had an air mattress along with bedrails, but they told me that nursing home rules were not the same as hospital rules. I thought what kind of crock is that?

The owner of the nursing home was an elderly well-dressed man. I spoke with him and he appeared pleasant, but not concerned about the residents. I told him that my mother could not speak, or move and I worried about the fact that she was in a room all alone without being able to press a call button for help. I also asked him why there were no monitors in the room and he said to me that they were against privacy rules and when the time came for my mother to die, no one would be able to stop him, or her (meaning God) from that happening. I looked at him and said: Its a Him. Now I felt worried, because I knew for sure that this facility was not going to go out of their way to take care of my mother. Little did I know at that time that this facility was one of the worst facilities in Cuyahoga County, but I didnt know how to research them at the time.

They asked me to sign the Admission Agreement and everywhere I signed, I placed a clause along with my name saying; I feel that my mom is in great danger here, because she does not have bed rails and this facility is doing nothing about it. Suddenly, they got real nice to me. They told me that I could sign a release of liability and they would now give my mom bedrails. They told me to go upstairs and the bed would be changed. I signed the release upstairs for the bed rails and asked for copy. The nurse said she would give me a copy, but I never received one and she never returned. The release amazingly disappeared. Her bed was changed right before my eyes. They brought in a hospital bed with bed railsjust the way I wanted. Then I went downstairs again.The admission director looked at me and smiled and asked me if I would sign the Admission Agreement without the clause this time. I said yes, I was happy now that my mom had a decent bed and was protected. So, I resigned the Admission Agreement without the clause.

The next day I went to the facility to find my mother in the very same bed that she was in when she first came to the facility. I was fit to be tied. I was tricked into signing the Admission Agreement without the clause. I went to complain again about how I felt I was tricked and the nursing home got very nasty with me.

I met with the wife of the owner at a meeting and upon entering she looked at me up and down as if to say who do you think you are. I realized my mother was stuck here and there was nothing I could do about it.

One day, I walked into the nursing home to find that my mothers catheter was taken from her and she was soaking in urine. I was already fed up with this nursing home to begin with, but it seemed like they kept doing more and more to her. I walked up to the office and asked again to speak to the doctor. A woman looked at me and said why do you want to speak to the doctor? I began crying and asked her who allowed my mothers catheter to be pulled from her? She said we dont believe in catheters here and if your mother needs a catheter, then she will have to prove to us that she retains water before we put a catheter back in. I said my mother had a catheter for five years. You dont just pull a catheter out on your own after five years. I told her I want that catheter back in! She said she was the nurse practitioner and I didnt need to speak to the doctor. She said that my mother was urinating fine. I said she is soaking in urine, because you dont have enough help to change the residents. I told her the only reason my mother is here is to get weaned off of the trachea, but they were taking it upon themselves to do whatever they wanted to her. They were doing everything but weaning her off of the trachea. I told her I did not want my mother to have skin breakdowns when she returned home. She said she would handle things. Well, she did give the orders to put the catheter back into my mother, but it was not right away. In the meantime, my mother began to swell.

The nursing home was the worst facility I had ever encountered when it came to working with the families. I did not like diapers on my mother, because she would get terrific rashes and water blisters from the elastic around her legs. I would use the disposable chux pads. When I brought these pads to the nursing home, they refused to use them and threw a big pile of them that I paid for away! They said our facility only uses cloth and we dont like the plastic touching the patient. They refused to work with the family members, so instead, they let my mother soak in urine while she had to lay in the bleached cloth as it soaked into her skin eating her skin away, because they did not have enough help to change her the way she needed to be changed.

One day, as I was walking down the hall, I overheard one of the nurses telling the other nurse that they were going to put an IV in the room where my mother was. I knew my mom was alone in the room and asked him why he was going to give her an IV. After finding out who I was, he said she had pneumonia. I asked how the heck she caught pneumonia. He said they all catch pneumonia when they are on tracheas. I asked why I was not contacted and he said he was going to call me, but got sidetracked. Did this surprise me that they did not inform me what they were doing to my mother? Why would they? No one informed me of anything they were doing to my mother. I would walk into the room many times to find her laying down almost flat while the kangaroo pump was running and feeding her through the stomach tube. When people are being fed through a peg tube, they are supposed to be elevated at a 45% anglemy mother was not that way many times. My daughter and I would continually complain, but they would do nothing. As a matter of fact, when the aids would come in to change my mother, they would lay her flat with the machine running. We mentioned that the machine should be shut off. The aids would say to us; We are not allowed to shut the machines off. I said then I will shut the machine off, but you cant lay someone down and change them with the machine running! They would not allow me to do that and continued to do as they pleased. Well no wonder why everyone had pneumonia at the facility! When we complained to the head nurse, she did nothing. As a matter of fact, she even defended the aid by saying it was all right to lay the people down with the kangaroo pump going!

In order to change my mother, the aids and nurses would have to kneel, because the bed was so low to the ground. We could hear them outside of the curtain, as they would complain throughout the entire time how their backs hurt from caring for her.

Day by day went by and I could see my mother suffering in this home especially since they would not allow her to have an air mattress. No one would show me what her back looked like, or her behind, because the aids and nurses would change her.

I would come into the room at times to find her ice cold, because they would open the window and place a fan directly on her in spite of supposedly having air conditioning. The heat of the oxygen machine made the room so stinken hot. Which is one of the reasons why I suggest requesting a liquid oxygen tank for home purposes.

They would leave my mom in a room that was pitch dark. I would come in to see the television playing and flashing in the dark. Now the television needed repair, so it was making strange sounds and causing more flashing. It was obvious that no one was going into her room. I asked them not to do this and to make sure a light was on in her room when it was dark, because flashes like that could give someone seizures and my mother was subject to seizures. They blew me off and told me that was not true! This television was not mine, but the facility's.

I looked down at her legs and they were swollen, because they removed her catheter and she was retaining water. Someone had put very tight fitting socks on her. They were so tight, that you could see how they were causing my mother so much discomfort. My mother made motions to me with her mouth like she was in pain. I went to one of the aids and asked her to remove those tight fitting socks, but she said she was busy and would get there when she could. This nursing home was a living hell and there was nothing I could do about it. No matter how many times I complained to the Ombudsman, nothing was done.

All this time I was looking elsewhere to have her transferred, but no beds were available, or the nursing facilities said they they too could not guarantee bed rails for my mom. Remember, there were only a select few of facilities I could chose from, because not all facilities took patients with tracheas.

I called State Representative James Trakas Office. At first, the gentleman I spoke with was unfamiliar about the restraint law and he himself was appalled at them not giving my mom bedrails in her condition. He said he would find out information about the law and call me back. I received a return call and Barbara Morgan faxed me the laws from Restraints and Enablers Requirements for Nursing Homes from the Ohio Department of Health. Included with this paperwork was the decision tree of how one is to decide if someone requires physical restraints (including bed rails). This was the most ridiculous law I have ever read in my entire life. I wondered how in the world lawmakers would ever allow a law like that to pass.What were they thinking about? There were so many pages to this law and so many stipulations that I wondered if the nursing home was just taking this law a bit too far and blowing it out of proportion. I told the gentleman I spoke with at Rep Trakas office if Rep Trakas could reconsider this law and he said he would write a note for him, but he had no idea if he would address it or not. I never heard from them again.

The nursing home had what was called Interdisciplinary Team Meetings. This meant that they would arrange for meetings to be set up to discuss the progress of your loved one at certain times. You were allowed a 10-minute meeting on a certain days depending upon which section of the nursing home your loved one was in. After one month I had my first meeting with this nursing home and was totally shocked at the outcome.

At the Interdisciplinary Team Meeting the responsible party had an option of appearing in person, or speaking over the phone. I didn't know what "responsible party" meant (it means that you agree to pay the nursing home out of your own pocket should they not be paid). I couldnt go in person after knowing everything that they were doing to my mother. I knew that the nursing facility did as they pleased and couldnt care less about what anyone thought.

This meeting was held one month later! I was only given 10 minutes at the times that the facility chose. I received the phone call to hear the following...The respiratory therapist told me how my mother was doing as far as treatment went. When I asked how she was doing in regard to being weaned off the trachea, they knew nothing about that. She told me that my mother did not meet their criteria for being weaned off the trachea. I said you have got to be kidding! YOU KEPT MY MOTHER IN YOUR NURSING FACILITY FOR ONE MONTH, USED ALL OF THE MEDICARE MONEY UP AND NEVER TRIED TO WEAN HER OFF OF THE TRACHEA? They told me that was not an option. I asked them what they thought my mother was there for. They said to me that they had no idea!

Then another person spoke to me on the phone and told me that a CATHOLIC CLERGY was seeing my mother daily! She emphasized CATHOLIC CLERGY. I wrote on my mothers paperwork Baptist. You see, they did as they pleased and didnt even respect the religious wishes that were on the paperwork (which was against the constitution of Freedom of Religion).

I called our family physician immediately after I got off the phone with them and asked him if the reason she went to this nursing home was for the purpose of getting weaned off the trachea like he originally told me. He told me that the reason she went to the nursing home was for the purpose of getting weaned off of the trachea and that process was called Protocol. He said to me; What are they doing to her? They should have had her weaned off a long time ago and she should have been sent home!

You see, that was not the desire of this nursing home, they wanted to keep her as long as possible so as to suck all the money out of Medicare that they could!

Shortly after the meeting I received a phone call from the nursing home saying that my mother was rushed to the hospital, because she had a broken ankle! They took her to the hospital of their choice. Not the hospital where I specified her to go on the paperwork when I first came in, not the hospital where our family doctor was and who knew of her past complicated medical history, not the hospital where she came from when she was first transferred, BUT THE HOSPITAL OF THEIR CHOICE!

The woman from Broadview Multi Care told me that they couldnt contact me, so they rushed my mother to the hospital of their choice - which was a lie because they had my cell phone number and there was never a call or message that was left or came in. When I asked how the broken ankle happened, she said; "it was an old fracture." 

I was as angry as angry could be. I rushed to the Hospital and took my digital camera with me. As I was walking down the hall, I saw my mom being rolled into the waiting area where she was to wait before having Xrays performed. I pulled the curtain closed and I saw the cold bag on her leg and removed it quickly. I was shocked to see my poor mothers ankle all bruised. I was fit to be tied. I took pictures of her leg quickly before they took her for X-rays. After I took the pictures, I assured my mother that she would NOT be going back to that nursing home. I walked back to the emergency waiting room and waited for her as I was told to do. I grabbed one of the nurses as I was crying and told her I MUST SPEAK WITH THE DOCTOR! I told the doctor in the emergency room everything that went on at the nursing home. At first, he said there was nothing he could do! Then he came back and told me that he reported the story to some agency. I never heard from any agency in regard to him reporting anything. When the doctor came in to place the splint on my mothers leg I told him the story as well. They all shook their heads when they heard it. They asked me if I wanted to have my mom transferred to St. Vincent Charity Hospital where our regular doctor was, but I was too afraid to move her and they told me that I would have to pay for it if they moved her and I didn't have the money. I told them to put the splint on, so she could feel better quickly. I thought I was safe with her being at the hospital.

I turned to the doctor and asked him; How is it that my mothers leg turned black and blue just now if the nursing home said it was an old fracture? He looked at me dumbfounded and then looked at my mothers leg and said to me; It isnt an old fracture. The nursing home lied to me!


The emergency room doctor told me that she was going to be admitted. They took her up to the room and began to check her in. I was sitting in a seat waiting for them to settle her in when I overheard the nurses asking what medication she was on. One of the nurses said call the nursing home. I got up and walked quickly to the nurse and told her I knew what medications she was on, because I was the caregiver for the past 6 years! As I began to tell her the dosage as well as well as the medication when she looked at me and said; Your mother is not on any medication according to what the nursing home says. I said of course she is, I give her seizure medication and medication for congestive heart failure as well.

Now I had already filed a report to the State Ombudsman about this nursing home and complained about everything that was happening prior to my mother coming to the hospital. The broken ankle was one more complaint that I filed along with rest of the complaints. Laura, the Ombudsman was very nice and called me frequently, but there was not much she could do for me. What she did do for me was helped me to find a
different nursing facility where maybe they would be able to wean her off the trachea like the last one was supposed to have done. She led me to a website and showed me how to research the nursing homes to find out which were good and which were bad and how many citations each one had.

I felt so much better, because I thought that my mother was being taken care of by a different doctor. I saw a different doctors name written above her bed and the nurses told me that the doctor whos name was written above the bed was the one who would be taking care of my mom while she was in the hospital. My mother
seemed to be much happier now that she was in a hospital bed and the nurses were angels. A couple of days before my mom was transferred, I sat at the hospital for 4 hours and told my mom that I was looking at a few nursing homes and assured her that she would not go back to the one she was at before. In the meantime, I ran to look at another nursing home in Medina on Rt 18 that Laura said was on the top
of the list. My mom was transferred on September 2, 2005 and I was so pleased with the nursing home.

On September 2, 2004 I went to visit my mom in the evening. The nurse said to me that my mom didnt seem like she wanted to exercise, or do anything, so the nurse just let my mom rest. She said my mom had been through so much that it was a good thing to let her rest for a bit. I thought that was a good idea too. I left in the evening and gave my mom a kiss and my mom smiled. That was the last time I saw my mom alive.

At 2:09 AM I received a call from one of the nurses at the nursing home saying that when she walked in the room my mother was not breathing; she was dead. 

 We were still all confused as to what happened to my mom; the funeral home picked her up from the nursing home and took her to the parlor. I received a call from the funeral home the next day and the funeral director said that my moms body was the worst body they had ever seen. They called the coroner and requested an autopsy,
because they said that they were not allowed to embalm a body that had broken bones. The coroner refused to perform an autopsy, because of my mothers age and condition. The funeral home was very uneasy with that decision, but she told me that could not make the coroner perform an autopsy if they declined. Still feeling
uncomfortable about the whole situation, they decided to take pictures of my moms body before embalming her.

The day before she was buried, the funeral home called me with some bad news. The doctors, who originally said that they would sign the death certificate from the last nursing home where she was at, now changed their minds. The funeral director was angry and told them that this woman was to be buried tomorrow and since she
died at their facility it was up to them to find someone to sign that death certificate. A person cannot be buried without the death certificate signed first. In the evening, the funeral director came to me and said that she had good news. My mothers long time doctor signed her death certificate, Dr. Vivan Bochanek . I said; Who? That
is not my mothers long time doctor! Who was this doctor who signed my mothers death certificate and claimed to be her long time doctor? I didnt recognize the name. I took the doctors name down and then called the Ombudsman Laura. I asked Laura what the name of the doctor was who took care of my mother at the nursing home
and Laura told me Dr. Vivan Bochanek it was this same doctor who signed my mothers death certificate. As a matter of fact, it was the very same doctor who took care of my mother at Parma Hospital. How could this be I thought? There was a different name above my mothers head in the hospital. The name of the doctor who was to have supposedly taken care of my mother at Parma was the associate of the same doctor who cared for my mother at the nursing home. This doctor followed my mother right to her grave!

It all made sense now. They took my mother to the hospital where the doctor practiced who took care of her at the nursing home. Then, apparently someone told the funeral director that this same doctor was my mothers long time doctor. Why would the previous doctor want anyone else to look at my mom? If they would have sent her elsewhere, someone might have noticed that her seizure meds levels were way down and perhaps she was not taken care of correctly. This doctor knew what she was doing and she was going to cover her behind anyway she could.

After the funeral was over, I called Laura and told her that my mother had died only 1 days later after she came from the hospital.

Laura, the state Ombudsman tried to get my moms file at the nursing home, but they declined her repeatedly saying that her file was all over the building and they had to get it together. Laura had to go back 5 times before they finally gave her my moms file. Of course, when she received the file, all of the Is were dotted and all of the Ts were crossed. The nursing home made sure that my moms file looked perfect and you guessed it, Laura couldnt find a thing wrong with the file, so the nursing home got away with murder. The doctor at the nursing home blamed the hospital that she came from in saying that there were no instructions from the hospital that she came from saying that my mother was to receive any medicine. The doctor said that my mother had Osteoporosis and her bones were so brittle that they could break from her lying in bed--what a crock that the nursing home doctor could get away with that.

After my mothers death, I also filed a complaint with the Department of Health. Laura told me that after the investigation was over, the Department of Health would contact me. I never heard from them. I tried calling them and left a message, but I never received a return phone call.

Now I couldn't sue Broadview Multi Care, because of their Arbitration Clause in their Admission Agreement that I was forced to sign. I was told to either sign it, or GET HER OUT! I HAD NO CHOICE BUT TO SIGN! I had nowhere to take my mother.

Not long afterwards, I received a letter from Laura with an article that she felt would benefit me. It was an article about illegal phrases placed in Nursing Home Admission papers. The article stated that another person who signed the Admission Paperwork at a facility won in court, because the clause that the nursing home states in the paperwork is illegal. The article said that the person who was signing was signing under duress. Laura hoped that this would be helpful for me, but it was not.

I looked at the Cuyahoga County Home Pages Civil records and found that another person was suing the same doctor that my mom had at the nursing home for wrongful death, so I contacted the same attorneys. When my daughter and I went for an initial consultation, the attorney said to me; How can we convince a jury that your mother didnt die of natural causes like the death certificate said she did? After all, your mother had a complicated medical history.

You see, because someone is old and sick it appears that their life suddenly has no value; thus, they are tossed aside in society. In the meantime, doctors and nursing facilities are able to get away with murder each and every day and there is nothing that can be done to them.

It appeared that in spite of this nursing home having many citations and complaints, it was still allowed to operate.

Was Laura ever able to write this nursing home up for any citations? Not that I am aware of.

I was shocked to see the pictures of my poor mothers body that the funeral home took of her before they embalmed her. This funeral home said that mother's body was all bruised and twisted and it was the most horrible body they had seen in all of the years they had been in business. I cried my eyes out. I am including a picture of my mother's body before she was embalmed which the funeral director took along with a picture of her broken ankle.

This nursing home and doctor got away with murder.

I finally spoke with Dr. Vivian Bochanek after my mother died and she denied receiving any file with my mother's medication in it when she was transferred to Broadview Multi Care. My family physician called her a liar and he said that those medical records were given when my mother was transferred.

Dr Vivian Bochanek killed my mother and got away with it and I have taught classes for the past five years at 11 different schools and colleges in the state of Ohio and tell my story of how my mother was killed along with a class on How to Get Paid for Caring for your loved one through Ohio's Medicaid Programs and I will continue telling this story and teaching this class until the day I die.

You may see how this "Visionary Identity Conscious Unity" site quotes Dr Vivian Bochenek. My mother, nor I ever wanted this type of healing for her, but we had no choice, because I didn't know and my mother was unable to speak, because she suffered numerous strokes and seizures and 3/4 of her brain was damaged.

If we don't do something as a society to stop this from happening, we are the next in line for this type of treatment.


Report Attachments

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Broadview Hts,
Broadview Multi Care Making My Life a Living Hell

#2Author of original report

Sat, October 23, 2010

Since my posting of my complaint regarding Broadview Multi Care Nursing Home, I have had nothing but problems from employees from this facility. They have tried to make my life a living hell.

When a nursing home like this one kills your mother like they did mine, we are supposed to keep our mouths shut, or suffer retaliation.

The employees and owner have posted false compliments about this facility on other complaint sites, so as to cover up what really happened to my mother! My mother is dead and suffered dearly before she died due to Vivian Bochenek's care, or shall I say lack of it and her failure to give my mother any medication. 

Many people have been hurt through this facility, just go to the Ohio county court site and type the name of the facility and/or the doctor's name and look at the lawsuits.
This facility has a double standard. You can't sue them in court, because they make you sign their Admission Agreement waiving your right to a trial in court, but they can sue you in court should a caregiver accidentally sign as responsible party on the agreement.
NEVER SIGN AS RESPONSIBLE PARTY ON ANY PAPER. When you sign, this means that you will pay your loved ones bills even if you are not responsible for them! When you don't pay, they will take you to court and sue you for the money!
This is the biggest racket going on with nursing homes now and the public needs to be aware.

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