  • Report:  #617088

Complaint Review: Bryan College - Rogers Arkansas

Reported By:
Mad Student - Fayetteville, Arkansas, United States of America

Bryan College
3704 W. Walnut St. Rogers, Arkansas, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
If you drive past Bryan College in Rogers, Arkansas, keep going!! Don't stop if you are tired of the dead end job and want to improve your education! Please don't stop in and visit, because you will be signed up and processed with a ball and chain around your ankle! Their staff is very, very aggressive and will promise you the moon, whatever it takes to get your Federal grant and loan money!

I signed up in February, 2009. At the time, I had a full job as a CNA and lived in Fayetteville.  I attended Bryan College for two weeks; then my truck broke down and I could no longer drive to Rogers. Sure, everyone seemed nice and understanding about this situation, but 30 days later, received a letter from a debt collector.  Seems I owed them $736.00. Unfortunately, didn't pay attention to this notice, and now I have been threatened with a judgment. When you are in this situation, no one can help you unless you are thousands of dollars, (over $10,000.00, either credit card or medical debt) and don't have the money to pay an attorney.  I just want everyone to know that my situation could have been far worse.  I would not want someone to graduate from this place, having signed up for Pell grants and student loans, looking for work and not able to find the promised career or job that Bryan College promises to do.

They have a "hybrid" course structure, which is supposed to be just great for returning students, promising flexibility.  Monday and Tuesday is class time, then you get to study and do on-line courses for the rest of the week. If you work full time, especially during evening and night shifts, you will be overwhelmed with deadlines to turn in assignments. I would not recommend this schedule for people with families who are trying to live a somewhat balanced life.


6 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Agree with post

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, March 07, 2012

I went to this school longer than 2 weeks. True, I made some good friends and had my favorite teachers, but I couldn't find not one person in the front that would work with me. I got told lie, after lie, after lie when I called to talk to someone about my situation. I can relate to the negative reports posted on this site because I, as well as some of the people I met here, have went through it. I kick myself everyday because I personally feel that I would have done better at the U of A. And yes, there was plenty of people that tired to transfer there credits to continue their education and was told that they didn't accept credits from this college. This college SUCKS and I have told alot of people asking about this college to not even waste their time.


United States of America
The "degree" that you get here is worthless.

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, February 01, 2012

   When  prospective employers see that you attended this school on a resume, I have actually  seen them laugh out loud.
   It started as  Bryan travel college , but with the events of 9/11 and people making their own travel arrangements online, they had find some other way to weasel their way into your wallet.
 There are so many  technical schools and colleges that offer the same curriculum that are better and less expensive, why waste your time & money here?


bella vista,
United States of America
Agree with the person who wrote this

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, January 24, 2012

I am a former graduate of this college. I wish I would have dropped out a long time ago. For one graduation was aweful, and not only that the education as well. Everything has changed from the time I start till the the time I finished everything has gone way down hill. I wouldn't recommend this school to anyone. Now that I am trying to continue my education, I can not find anywhere that will except my credits from this school. I feel as if I have wasted my time and money. When I could have been going to a better college from the start.


United States of America
Calling Bryan College a rip off after attending for two weeks is NOT fair.

#5UPDATE Employee

Wed, April 06, 2011

I am sorry that your feel this career college is a rip off because you dropped out and were partial charged for courses not completed.

I am very proud of this college and my daughter attends here and is getting a new and wonderful career behind her this summer.  If we didn't have career colleges many students would not have an opportunity to attend college.

The instructors are not only qualified to teach, but  they also work or have worked in their field bringing current information to their classes.  My daughter is a 4.0 student and studies very hard to attain that GPA.  With career placement assistance as long as she needs it I know that she will find a clinic or hospital that fits her needs.

These situations arise at ALL colleges and the best thing to do is make sure the balance is paid or work with the college to get it taken care of BEFORE it goes to collections.  I feel in order to make a good choice for your education you need to review all of your alternatives...if a public college works for you go for it...if not...I am glad that we ALL have other choices.  They should not be taken away.


Bryan College

#6General Comment

Tue, April 05, 2011

I have been reading the reports on Bryan College and am suprised.  I have been attending the campus in Rogers and am more than happy with it.  I am a mother of 4.  During this past year I have gone through a divorce, have gone thru 2 terms with brain cancer as well as moved my 80 year old grandmother in to take care of her.  During this time frame, I felt like giving up on everything!  The administration, the instructors and the wonderful new friends that I met, were awesome.  The school worked with me with missing class, they truely became a "family" for me.  I definitely would tell and do tell all my friends and family about the school and am a definite advocate for the school, administration and instructors.

Its unfortunate that there have been some bad experiences, but not all students feel the same about this school.


United States of America
I went to Bryan College in Topeka

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, July 15, 2010

Don't forget, they are greedy scam artists, for sure. So greedy for money they can make from desperate, naive, vulnerable, young or old, desperate, stupid suckers like you and me. I have to pay them $17K, that's for the diploma and AAS degree in Computer Networking. I do know another girl at Bryan in Topeka who took Computer Networking like myself, she told me she's out $30K for both programs. I have been trying and trying to find work in or toward Computer Networking/IT since January 2008. It's going in 2011 and still no job. It's not from the lack of trying. I do apply for IT jobs that I am qualified for just to never hear back.

I interview for IT jobs to waste time and gas when they aren't going to hire me when they see the "college" I graduated from airs in between commercial breaks of daytime television. Local employers don't know that, because they are at work during this time, they aren't sitting around the house watching daytime television like I am. Yes, I have been trying to get a State of Kansas Tech job since summer 2008, it seems they don't hire Bryan College grads, because the school is nationally accredited and they hire people who graduated from Washburn, K-State, KU, ESU, WSU, etc., which are all regionally accredited universities in the State of Kansas.

I agree, do NOT stop in and visit, if you do, you are warned: they will tell a person almost anything to sign them up in seats. I fell for their lies twice. I don't want anyone else to become a victim. If you made it that far to graduation, you won't find a job in or towards that field you spend your time and money studying for, doing homework, tests, etc. You are right back in the same old spot. Your competition is from people with a REAL educational background, qualifications, degrees, and experience from a traditional school that's well known, recognized, and it's going to be people who graduated from Washburn University or University of Arkansas.

You would of been better off going to the University of Arkansas - Fayetteville instead of Bryan College. I bet you got suck in that school like I did by their idiotic TV commercials, or you drove by there and stopped there. University of Arkansas - Fayetteville would of been a lot cheaper, better, regionally accredited, and you get a better educational experience than Bryan College. And, your education and degree won't get you laughed at by area companies. I will be a Washburn University freshman on August 23, 2010 at 27 years old. I don't know why on earth did I call their number after seeing one of their television commercials in 2006. When I scheduled for an appointment there, I shouldn't have went, I should of stopped, walked in, and made an appointment at a WU's admissions rep in Morgan Hall to start college in spring 2007. I will be graduating next year and I know what I will get at the end of attending 4 years of WU. I won't be in debt for $17K and having a hard time finding work. My WU degree won't get laughed at by local companies' HR or Personnel Departments.

Never again.



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