  • Report:  #746658

Complaint Review: Camping World of NorthWest Florida - Gulf Breeze Florida

Reported By:
tony - Gulf Breeze, Florida, United States of America

Camping World of NorthWest Florida
6240 Gulf Breeze Pkwy Gulf Breeze, 32563 Florida, United States of America
(850) 939-3484
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Tony Williams, I was hired by Camping World, in Gulf Breeze Florida in March 2, 2011 by Shawn Rob General Manager and Quinton Geist Service Manager and Colin Orvis Human

Resources Director.  I have never flown on an airplane in my life, I was scared to death of the unknown, I put my fears aside and got on that Boeing 747 and on my way to Camping World Gulf Breeze Florida.  I was here for 4 days, I worked for them for 2 days.  On March 4, 2011 Me and my wife spoke with Quinton Geist and asked him on numerous times that I definitely got the job, he stated, "yes, you're hired you passed your criminal background, your drug test screening and you have a clear NJ driving record."  I explained that I am packing up my whole life, this is the biggest move of my life, I don't need no surprises, I am relocating my whole family here, he stated, "you have nothing to worry about, you're hired, you got the job, welcome aboard."  Before I pulled away in my rental car, I asked Quinton Geist again, I got the job, he smiled and said yes you do Tony, you got the job.  I will contact you on a regular basis and keep you informed of my status situation, if anything happens to change on your part, don't hesitate to call me, because I am packing up my whole life for this job.  They stated that  its's not necessary, I stated I will keep in contact with you on a regular basis regardless and that I did. We were pulling away in front of the store was Shawn Rob, and I asked him the same exact question and he said yes, see you when you get down here.  Qinton Geist said the same thing.  There was no start date, I stated to both gentlemen, its going to take me quite a few weeks to put all this into effect and save money for relocation.  Flew back to New Jersey, I own my own business, worked for myself conditioning myself and my life on paying your normal reality bills, opened up a seperate banking account and saved all the money possible for relocation.  No matter what money problems I ran into, I found another way around to make money without touching that account and that I did.  I busted my hump on making money, cutting deals on a job so I don't lose the job, so I can get down to Camping World in Gulf Breeze, Florida.  When calling Camping World from NJ I always stated when leaving my status, if anything is changed don't hesitate to call me, and if I don't hear from you, I'll take it as it is still a go.  Got down here on May 9, 2011, stated that I would see them on May 16, 2011 @ 8:00 a.m. showed up for work, and found out that I did not have a job.  They never notified me  on cell phone, fax, mail, nothing.  They led me to believe that everything was fine and it wasn't.  I found a rental property less than 7 minutes from Camping World and no job.  I have

been ripped off by Gulf Properties Realty out of Navarre, Florida, showed a listing on the Internet that was 7 years old before hurricane Ivan, showed up 3:30 in the morning after driving 19 hour straight to find out that the rental was nothing like the listing showed and also what was in the listing.  I also have two race cars 83 Trans Am and an 84 Trans Am, 1/4 mile race cars which was damaged  by On Time Delivery out of Newark NJ, and then to find out that I don't have a job at Camping World.  I left numerous of messages for Shawn Rob and Quinton Geist never returned my phone call, I had to personally drive to Camping World and track down Shawn Rob and ask him what are you doing to me and my family here?  You couldn't get a solid answer out of him.  The two men were going back and forth never got a straight answer.  Quinton Geist stated that I was taken out of the system and he didn't know who did it or why they did it.  Talked to Shawn Rob, and he stated Quinton Geist took you out of the system.  They didn't know if I was serious.  If I got on a jet and flew out to Florida what would make you think that I was not serious.  Received a phone call from Shawn Rob on May 18, 2011 and said he and Quinton is going to try to find some type of work for me to do since I'm already here.  But you knew that I was already on my way down.  Told me to show up on the following Monday which would be May 23, 2011 at 8:00 a.m. calls me back the next day, May 19, 2011 and tells me that I don't have a job.  His hands are tied. 

So since then, I met some neighbors who has tried to help me and my family, gave me information for local church's for food, a family member has sent me money through the mail and tried to do what they can, I am very thankful and greatful nobody can believe what Camping World did to me and my family.  they were suppose to reimburse me for the relocation they never did.  They were suppose to reimburse me on 1 extra night at the hampton hotel and a 4 day car rental, they stuck me with that.  I am thousands of dollars in debt in a place where I don't know where I am at, this place is very rural, very poor area, there is nothing here, trying to find work which is not happening, I should not have to be looking for work because I already had a job, that's why I'm here. There is no other reason for me to be here. I was on the Internet looking for work, and I seen that Camping World in Gulf Breeze, Fl is looking for RV technicians, I have a family member who has helped me with the Internet, Computer, land line phone and a fax machine to help me get out of this unthinkable horriable situation that Camping World put me in.  This is psychological torture, I have been suffering severe pains in the chest, panic attacks, anxiety and depression just don't know what I'm going to do.  I'm so backed up on bills  that can't be paid because I have no job.  I've recently brought by business from NJ to FL just got registered and licenced and handing out business cards all through housing developments trying to drum up some type of work.  Famil member has helped me through all of this and this in not their responsifbility.  This is all Camping World's fault for doing what they did and their putting other individuals through financial expences that's not their not responsibile for.  All I can say about this situation is how can you hire someone look them dead in the eye and tell them face to face and tell them you have a job and you have nothing to worry about, you relocate all the way down here, and tell someone that they don't have a job after relocating their whole life here and go on with your life like nothing is wrong but you know deep down inside you did something wrong.  How can you live with yourself by destroying people's families.  Camping World is nothing but liars, kinivers, misleading individuals, and bad faith employment.

6 Updates & Rebuttals



#2General Comment

Tue, October 28, 2014

 As someone who has to hire people I can state that NO BUSINESS is going to hold a job for TWO MONTHS!!!! THEY were probably expecting to see YOU within a month. A reasonable timeframe to be sure, not 2 months though. YOU are looking to place the blame for instances in your life on EVERYONE ELSE, yet YOU are an adult are YOU not? YOU are responsible for the choices YOU make. YOU made the choice to hold off and it cost you the job and nothing more. First if you are relocationg you NEVER just pack up and leave!! You ALWAYS cover your a**!!! YOU could have come down earlier and gotten everything rolling. Everything from filling out the paperwork for the job to getting a place for your family. YOU CHOSE to hold off. YOU CHOSE to NOT do those things that would have protected you and your family. Was it very nice that YOU lost that job, NOPE wasn't very nice at all. BUT!!!! Its a business and THEY cant sit there WAITING for YOU to grace them with your appearance. After 2 months the job went to someone who can start IMMEDIATLY and doesn't have to wait and save up money. YOU cant blame them for giving the job away because YOU took too long.

To the bitter poster below...REALLY??? Who the hell are YOU??? If that person whos 6 year old doesn't cry as much wishes to give their point of view then THAT IS THIER RIGHT!!!! YOU don't have the right to blast them because THEY don't believe the OP report. ITS THIER RIGHT!!! WHile yes it is ALSO your right to write what YOU think, it really goes to show YOUR lack of breeding with WHAT YOU HAVE POSTED!!! All I see is someone relating a correlation between their 6 year old child and the OP. THAT doesn't call for the "Pretty miss pristine" attitude that YOU have shown. So THAT person doesn't believe WHAT the OP has said, THAT IS THIER RIGHT!!! No where in what THAT person has said is there ANY derogatory statements. Its just that THEY don't believe the OP. YOU however have made a personal attack BECAUSE they don't believe the OP. Really just shows YOUR lack of maturity and YOUR lack of anything like respect for others. Its EVERY persons RIGHT to NOT believe anything posted on the web.

At one time the information presented online would have had a grain of truth in it, but NOT anymore. ANY person who uses the web should KNOW that ANYTHING can be written by ANYONE and ALL of it could be a lie. Lastly, to the OP. You do realize that there is ALWAYS three sides to ANY story. YOU have told YOUR SIDE, which makes this business out to be monsters. yet we haven't heard from the business itself. Do YOU think that IF they were contacted that THEY would have a similar story as yours?? No, they wont. Because its the web and because YOU get to sit there a WRITE whatever you feel like WITHOUT anyone having the ability to call you on a lie. WE don't get to see your body lauguage. WE don't get to see YOUR EYES, to guage IF you are telling the truth. There are ALWAYS 3 sides to EVERY story. YOUR side, which you have told. THIER side which we have yet to hear. And the TRUTH which is a miss mash of the two stories.


Camping World of Northwest Florida, Gulf Breeze Florida

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, October 28, 2014

Let me tell you something Miss Know It All unless you have been in someone else's shoes I suggest you do not comment on anything.  As for your kid this just shows your intelligence as a mother you should be ashamed of yourself.

If this happend to your kid what would you say then.....Miss Know It All?  What would happen to your little pristine life...little princess??  Grow up you should not throw stones at glass houses!!  Unless you live in a bomb shelter Little Pristine Princess.

If you relocated your family....and something messed up what would you do??  Cry Waaaaaahhhhhh Mommie....Daddie....I'm all alone down here come and help me....these people here had no help and knew no one here....

Little Princess shut your mouth....nobody wants to hear you I guess you have the Picture Perfect Pristine Priness Life Huh???  Go out into the real world and do what these people did...I guarantee you'll cry for your mommy and daddy to bail you out.

Your not strong enough to go through what these people did and still hold their marriage together...Princess Lilly White Hands....you have no idea what LIFE has in store for you...pass judgement what you don't even know or understand

or have a clue about....time will tell and remains to be seen.  Watch what you say about others because when you least expect it your carpet can be ripped out under your feet.  Karma is a son of a gun...watch what you do and watch

what you say about other people.  You could be next in line you your husband and the 6 year old brat.  Remember Princess....people who throw rocks at glass houses doesn't expect a brick to be thrown at yours........



#4Consumer Comment

Tue, November 20, 2012

My six year old son has cried less in his life and has more common sense than you do.  Florida is an at-will state.  Any employer can hire you, fire you, or decide NOT to hire you without reason.  You gave plenty of good reason for them NOT to hire you, though.  You are responsible for yourself and your family, not Camping World.  

Ignorant can be educated.
Crazy can be cured.
There's no cure for stupid.


Where's my violin

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, July 12, 2011

Seriously...get off the pity train.

You decided to leave YOUR business, and up-root your entire family from everything they know.  To do what?  I don't know what specific job this was but it would seem that if this was a job at a major nationwide retailer, that it would be a job that would be available a lot closer than a thousand miles away.

By the way what airline flies 747's from NJ to Florida? 

But you didn't take 2 weeks or even a month to get down there.  You take 2 months.  Then during this time we still have no idea whether or not you even talked to anyone personally or were just leaving messages.  But even if you did talk to them personally, how long can someone hear "I am going to be there...." before they finally say "forget it..we need to get someone else"

During these two months you wanted to save money for the relocation.  Okay that sounds good but opening up a separate account..really?

Now we start up the "Pity train".  So far you have been scammed by the rental property, movers, had a gun pulled on you all because of Camping world.

If you want to go down the "It's everyone else's fault" there are plenty of people on this site that can show you the way.  In fact one is only a few hundred miles away from you over in Alabama.  You might even want to take lessons from him because he has just about mastered this.

tony williams

Gulf Breeze,
United States of America
Man with gun threatened me in giving out business cards

#6Author of original report

Tue, July 12, 2011

Just an update,

I was handing out business cards in a housing development when a man drove up and told me to get out that I was not allowed to be in here handing out business cards.  The man followed me out towards the exit of the development, he pointed a gun at me  and said don't f---- with me, now get out, police was called and man arrested on aggeravated assault with a deadly weapon.

You know none of this would have ever happened if Camping World wouldn't had done what they did to me


Just how long do you expect people to wait

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, June 29, 2011

So let's see... You came down in March for an interview and were subsequently offered a job which you accepted. Then you put them on hold while you were getting your affairs in order. Sounds good for maybe a month but expecting someone to hold open a position for 2 months is kind of stretching it don't you think?

I noticed you didn't have a start date from your point of view but when did Camping World expect you to start? When you arrived and stated you would be starting on the 16th did you actually talk to someone or leave a message.

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