  • Report:  #68881

Complaint Review: Capital Acquisitions And Management Company - Rockford Illinois

Reported By:
- Kershaw, South Carolina,

Capital Acquisitions And Management Company
P.O.Box 5087 Rockford, 61125-5087 Illinois, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I received a letter Sept.25,2003 from CAMCO stating that I owed them $328.59. They said they had purchased this accounted from Commercial credit.

I called the number on the letter and spoke with Allison. I was informed I owed this from 1990 I asked her why I had not been notified and she said I had. I told her I had always paid my bills and did not owe anyone.

I asked her who I owed the money too she said she could not tell me but it was $150 but they would except $94.58. She said I could get a lawyer but that would cost me more than $94.58 so I should just send the money (right!)


Kershaw, South Carolina

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