  • Report:  #967108

Complaint Review: CArlton Burnett Saunders Gryphon Financial - San Diego California

Reported By:
Vince - Carlsbad, California, U.S.A.

CArlton Burnett Saunders Gryphon Financial
Doesnt keep an address any longer San Diego, 92114 California, United States of America
Doesnt keep a website or address
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Where should I start. The lies never end with this guy. Good old Carlton Burnett Saunders! Gryphon Financial of San Diego! In the area of category, when it comes to this person, its every category listed regarding RIPOFF!

If you need a car, a truck load of oranges, a line of credit, a credit facility, a loan, a real estate transaction, a diamond or gold bar. Just the fraud of claiming to be capable with such transactions and not having a license alone, how is it that a guy like this is not in Jail. Aside from hiding and alluding the authorities, how is it that someone in this persons community or family has not turned him in? There is zero competence with a person like this and I can only warn you...run or turn him in, heck you will probably get a reward. Shoot I'd pay you 500-1000 myself.

I hate to say it, but I've not trusted to do business with a person of color ever since. I wont even grace this Carlton Burnnet Saunders with suggesting he is African American. I have friends that are, and this thief con artist crook is not African and he is the furthest thing from American. He is not a man, I cant describe him, he is a perosn that lies to people to take money...that is how he makes a living, a crook, a con artist and if its not me saying it then look at all of the others who have posted this about him. He has perfected the game of being a liar.

He came to me with a business transaction requiring 5000.00 dollars. Not a couple hundred or a grand. He went grand theft. We met, he proposed to have an escrow account and we did business. He went to escrow and liquidated the account at McKluskey escrow and I was surprised to hear they would allow it but it was his will to do so. I asked for the money back and I even have in emails from this thief that he had no intention of ever giving me my money back and he admits to being a crook. He does this in not one email but several.

I have voice-mails that I have saved for years, asking me to stop calling him cause I'm harassing him. There is nothing anyone could ever prove to me or any court that would otherwise over turn the facts. I have the emails, I have the docs, I have the persons ID picture...if you need it I will provide it. If you wish to do business with this person, just do yourself a favor and do not.

I've talked with his crying mom, pleading not to have me press charges. A grown man living in his moms house conducting business in this manner. I could have took the house. It was the place of business listed on Kenyatta...probably didn't spell that right but if you do your homework you will figure it out.

If I get my 5k back great, I will post on here that this Carlton Burnett Saunders guy did the right thing and paid me back. Doesn't mean he's not a crook, a liar and a thief, but if he pays me back then great.

None the less I doubt I will ever be paid back. So what ever business you have with this person, know this. He is an expert of nothing other than being a crook, a con-artist and a liar. Find some one else. I'm sure that person will provide you what you need with result that don't end in you losing money.

As for Carlton, well if your reading this, you know who I am. Give me my money back. If you feel I'm demeaning your character then lets go to court. In case your wondering if I have the correct person or not.... Carlton is about 5'-9" or 5'-10" or so, he is black, I recall he had a burn or a scar on his arm or something of that sort. He lived in his moms house in San Diego. Gryphon financial. He worked from the garage.

He is the sort of person hat would walk an unsuspecting old lady across the street and grab her purse. Worst even, he is kind of son that would conduct business out of his moms house and leave her with having to deal with the issues. Wow what a guy.

A person like this hurts his neighborhood, his community, hard working persons like me who work hard for their money and even his family. Do yourself a favor and run. For those of you who were taken by this guy as well, sorry to hear about it. Its been years and I know if I want my money back I will have to collect in Karma dollars and simply go see the guy in jail or defecate on the dirt that hold his crooked lifeless soul.

Anyone that needs information pertaining to this persons character, I have it,but whats the point of proving it, unless your a judge! If your good ol' Carlton, know that I'm happy others have written such awful things about you. Maybe your family will finally get fed up enough and turn you in with hopes of saving some face. There is enough horrible garbage about this piece of garbage on rip off report to hopefully get the point across. Bottom line, you cant trust this guy with the trash. He is a crook, he is nothing more, so like someone else wrote....avoid this guy like a disease.

If i have not convinced you to run from this person, look at what I wrote about him conducting business of this nature out of his parents house. He doesn't care about the one thing that means the most. His poor mom was in tears asking me to not press charges to the point that she got upset and she was angry. This Carlton is not a spring chicken. So why would you put that on your mom, why would you put such a stressful situation on a lady that works her a*s off to keep a roof over your head. Knowing that you were causing your mom harm, both financially and physically. I hope his mom is ok, she had enough dignity to at least return a call, meet with me and discuss the matter. This grown man placed his own mother in harms way. If she is still around I would be surprised, stress like that... if anything maybe she kicked the idiot to the curb and did herself a favor. Wow hate to write such shitty things about someone, but if you are doing business or are about to do business with this turd at least you know what he's all about.

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