  • Report:  #813794

Complaint Review: carnival cruise lines - miami Florida

Reported By:
anonimus - , Other, Slovakia

carnival cruise lines
NW87th miami, Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
   .crew is the one that is facing the guests and they are doing best they can cos all are scared for their jobs.the same thing goes for managers but they are covering up each other and these days ,amanda wants them to keep crew frustration and under pressure cos they believe that crew doesn't work hard enough.so to create that on the ship amanda's best housekeeping managers are firing people for nothing,its enough they write that they don't like you and you will get fired.under the law crew members have no rights.cruise line can discard them any way they feel like.these managers have their people in the office who tell them to do what they want they also have assistance housekeeping managers who have to write reports how they tell them so they can cover their asses.they are the ones making reports,even forging crew member signatures if necessary.they were seen and cought by crew members doing many bed things but crew members can't say nothing.they will eat their s**t just because they have families they have to feed and all they are left with is to pray to god just to survive contract and hope next contract they will have normal person for manager.office is very well informed of this cos common signs are that crew is getting fired on weekly bases,there is huge numbers of requests for emergencies or early vacations ,excuses in the hotel just not to go on those ships....when it comes to fun time it is adjusted daily.crew members don't talk anymore about it cos company got sued for it and they don't want to lose their job but the fact is overtime is completely normal,lets say suposse to start 730am until 12 30-1 00 pm but you can't possibly finish before 1 30 -2 00pm cos managment is coming with ideas what you could do in the last minute.suposse to start 5pm but to prepare you start at 4 30 pm and suposse to finish 9 00- 9-30 pm but is most likely 10pm and a bit later.not to talk about embarkation day when we start 6am very lucky to catch lunch,take fast shower if you lucky most of the time just change and run back meet the guests,...boat drill ...to take care of their requests forget dinner break and then finish at 10-10 30 pm.now working with guests is the easiest,boss is always in a bad mood,saying we never do a good job and how everything we do is wrong......managment is adjusting fun time and get upset if we forget.sometimes we don't but we don't have time to run to machine.now when it comes to safety is not the crew.most of them know their duties.maybe cooks ,crew in the galleys...know basic but they know what they have to know.problem are the ships.they are getting bigger and bigger ,it is imposible to evacuate 4000+ people .it would take way to long.by the time all the procedures are followed and announced ship will sink god forbid.it is also true that there is no safety when it comes to terorist .that is way to sceary just a thought of it.i belive that carnival is improving and they got smart so if other ship gets problem they make sure it doesn't happen to them.taking precaution is what they good at.about italians is true.officers,managers they can even smoke in their rooms,drink but only crew gets fired for it.some of them are great guys but they can do what they feel like and nobody question them or dare to say anything.i belive that carnival wants to get  rid of them as well and they are doing it by hireing romanians ,croatians....they have different problems there,company doesnt want to pay more if they can fix certain machine so they will rather make order for new one.carnival stoped listening crew members and it became big cos of crew members.when company started we had to buy cleaning solutions,toilet paper,candys....carnival grew thanks to crew and for years cared.now its corporation,workers are replaceable cos its shortage of work everywhere so to fire people is not a big deal.they put trust in managment and their judgment even they can see that some things don't ad up.everybody is mistreating the crew.they can  attac you with bunch of their own managment frustration and stil want you to smile and all you feel is to cry.it is impossible to do the amount of work and follow all procedures on the amount of time given.it is not enough crew members to do the job.big ships are short of at least 900 people.when it comes to washing in the laundry.guys there are working so hard.the problem there is that they don't have enough machines to wash and it is are unimaginable pile of loundry to wash that people have to see to belive.certain adjustments can be made to make it easier but it cost money.housekeeping manager is frustrated seeing pile wants it out of the way as fast as possible and then gives them s**t if there are stains.all the isues as over time ,or loundry or safety can be improved but its the coordination.usually weekly meetings are just there for boss to spit on crew for 45 minutes or more(and then run to crew mess to see who are the crew members to go and have dinner) instead to be used as a great tool to make things better.there are many things wrong on board but it is all work of managment.the ship is just the ship.people who run it make it what it is.usually the managers who don't know the job panic and frustrate and stress everybody.managers who know the job never panic and the job is done still with pressure but not with as much pressure and frustration with the ones not sure in what they have to do.to make it worse to cover for their on wrong doing they demoting and firing people to keep rest of them in fear that they might be next to go home.if you dare to say something,give sugestions...if you show that you have brain imidiately you are reaching top of the list to go home.asian people are welcome cos they don't listen what they say .all they saying is yes ,sir .yes sir.they don't listen or they don't understand.but as long as they say yes,sir its all they want to hear.will they do it or not it doesn't really matter.people from philipines most of the time use what is called sapo buissnes...which means cover your a*s by reporting others or make up stories just to make boss like you so he doesn't check you much and put you on one of favorite list,so you can get section you want and to be left alone.

not just carnival crew but all crew should have law to protect them.i belive that the best way to do that is to make international law to protect rights of human beings that work on the ships.after all no matter from where they come from they are stil human beings.we are all greatfull for having a job but they can do with us what ever they want like we are not humans,like we don't have brain,feelings or anything human.they can push us around,do with us what they please....to keep the job losing dignity.can say nothing to people who are there for you to complain too because ones they get together you get in a big s**t.they are getting complains about certain managers but they don't care.if we would have rights at least we could do our job with pride and dignity.ones people get fired they get them of the ship to the airport like criminals with security.such a shame and embarrassing and all you did was working hard.i am not saying if people steal ,fight....they shouldn't get fired but these days people get fired for reasons that have nothing to do with drugs ,fight ,....some of these people get hired again .carnival use to suspend people didnt fire them unless is something serious but these days they firing people like snaping fingers just cos they feel like or because managment on the ship decided they should be fired cos person is showing brain activity,or is too old,or should retire cos 20 years is to long to be on board and kids are still in colledge and where they will get work when they are 50.in this world today people are losing jobs daily but carnival hires daily so its not like they have to fire people but the managment on board is probably just following instruction from office ti fire certain criteria people.who knows????but its so humiliating to be treated the way people are on some ships.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Carnival cruiser

#2General Comment

Fri, April 20, 2012

I am a Carnival Cruiser.  My husband and I have taken 5 Carnival Cruises (the last of which ended today.)

I personally met a Carnival employee who was hospitalized in the port of call we departed from.  He stated that he was in the hospital there for 2 weeks...and then, since he WANTED to go home for his traditional medical treatment, he was off for several months.  After that he went back to work, and is working for them NOW.  This shows to me, not only a commitment of the company to employee health, but a willingness to allow their employees to 'heal' at home.  Being a nurse I know how important this is to many people around the world.

The Carnival employees that I have been around never seemed frightened or overly stressed.  I know the signs of being under severe stress, and none of them have ever shown them to me.  Like I said, I have been on 5 cruises with this company and have departed from 3 different ports.

The inability of the writer of this complaint to correctly spell simple words or use good English grammar and punctuation, leads me to believe that he or she is a disgruntled employee, who was terminated from their position.  I suspect this, because many of the persons working for Carnival are Asian and did not learn English as their first language.  It could also be an American who is EXTREMELY poorly educated.

I do know that many work long hours, with multiple positions.  This is something that I am familiar with.  Any nurse in a hospital has had to 'float' to a location in the hospital that is unfamiliar to her or him.  This is more difficult, but stil 'do-able'.  I worked for 3 1/2 years on a Medical/Surgical nursing floor, where I had a lunch break less than once per month.  Many times I have worked well past the scheduled time for my shift to end, in order to make sure that my patients were fully cared for any my documentation of care was correct.

Some of the direct service personnel (cabin stewards, waiters, etc.) are receiving only a gratuity for their wages.  They receive a percentage of the 'suggested' gratuity added onto the cruiser's bill at the end of the cruise.  I have NEVER had a cabin steward who was not absolutely excellent!!!  They get about $70 per cabin per week.  If one of them has 7 or 8 cabins, they get that money TAX FREE, because most are not U.S. citizens who have to pay federal taxes here.  Adding to that the fact that they have free room and board and their clothing is washed for them, significantly adds to their benefits.

I take exception to the idea the writer has about Asians not understanding what I say. I can understand that they may not be able to use good English grammar and puctuation.  However, they have responded intelligently to comments and questions that I have had.  What this person does not understand is that many persons from India, who are employed by Carnival, learn English in school.  Having friends who are from India, I know that they learn Hindi (their 'national' language), their local dialect, and English.  I am not saying they are as fluent in English as someone raised in an English speaking country...I am just saying they understand when you speak with them.

I have also noted that on ALL of our cruises, the captain is Italian.  Is this a racial issue....maybe, but it may not be at this point.  You don't know if any of the Asians who apply to work for Carnival are qualified to be a ship's captain.

All in all, our cruises have been wonderful experiences.  We really like Carnival for its affordability and for the really great crews they have on board their ships.


Summerland Key,
Holy Run-on Sentence Batman

#3General Comment

Sat, December 31, 2011

Paragraphs and periods are your friend.  Sorry, but that was too agonizing to read. 

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