  • Report:  #847484

Complaint Review: Casinomeister.com - Internet

Reported By:
Stephanie32444 - Selmer, Tennessee, United States of America

Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I am going to post information about Casinomeister and the forum "master" Bryan Bailey that I think the public should know about. I and a roommate of mine were banned from the CM site based on our opinions. Lies were told I was creating multiple accounts in order to post on their forum but that was obviously not true. I even volunteered to prove that to this butthole, Bryan, but he was more than unprofessional. He is just outright immature. I will post the info below so you can see for yourself. I have in no way altered the information nor did I make up mulitple accounts to post on that stupid CM forum. They just didn't like that some folks were smearing their top paying affiliate casino! The forum posting is still on the site listed under the "Online Casino" tab in forums.

Here goes the first post by my roommate Josh:

28th February 2012, 12:09 PM

jturner128 Banned User - dreamgirli27 in disguise
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Bad experience with 3dice

I have come to find that the Casino Rep, Anna, has grown very rude to me and to some friends of mine that play on 3dice. I should say played, because most of them have stopped playing in real. Most of them (3 ppl and myself) are only playing out tournies if available. I got banned as a matter of fact because I made a comment about the gaming being bad in the forum. That is fine, I don't mind being banned but the casino rep mentioned above was and continues to be extra rude to me and to others. I also just seem to notice that if you've been a member and things are going great at first, that it definitely seems to turn cold after about a year of being with the casino. This isn't my experience with other casinos (Club World group for example). I'm just not satisfied with 3dice. I know some people just love this casino but I can speak from my personal experience and say that some of us really don't like it at all. Again, it's not from being banned that I base my opinion, it is from the treatment by a certain Rep at the casino and the gaming that goes sour that I draw my conclusion. You can draw yours but I do know I'm not the only one that feels this way about 3dice!

Here is a response that I made to Josh's post regarding the casino listed below that I posted on the forum:

Yesterday, 08:20 AM#30
dreamgirli27 Banned User - jturner128 in disguise 
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Well...  I haven't had the greatest experience with 3dice either but you will get blasted for saying anything about them on here. I've been with that casino for over a year and actually do not recognize about 70% of the ppl posting comments on here about your opinion. These forums are for your opinion and some people just do not have respect for that. I, myself, have posted comments about 3dice only to get blasted by people I've never even saw in chat (a majority of them anyway). I have also been red boxed by Anna a couple of times myself for petty stuff but I'm still there playing tournies. I do agree they have gone very cold on me though.

I will say this, my favorite rep there is Lance...he's very nice. Anna and I don't really see eye to eye on some things sometimes so I find it best to avoid contacting her as much as possible. While, I continue to be a member at their casino, I've stopped depositing for a while.....I'm in a long down streak and find it best to do that. I hate to hear your exerience with the casino and can see where you might get your opinion from. I just wanted to throw my two cents in on it since 90% of the folks that responded basically wanted to hang you up by your toes (LOL). You aren't the only one with mixed feelings about them....I sorta feel the same way but not as bad.

After this posting, Bryan, the forum master idiot posted this and banned both accounts (stating it was just me posting all this which was a lie and not proven):

Idiot Forum guy Bryan Bailey:

Yesterday, 11:44 AM#49
Casinomeister (icons removed)
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Okay - I think it's time to put a fork in this one. 3Dice doesn't have a problem with their customer service - they have problems with d****ebag players. The individual's accounts are being shut down. Adios amigo.

Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy ~Ben Franklin

So, naturally steamed and upset about this kind of immature and unprofessional behavior from CM and their precious Bryan Bailey. I sent this email:

Banned for what????

TO: 1 More1 recipient
CC: recipientsYou More
BCC: recipientsYou
Show Details
FROM: Stephanie T.
TO: [email protected]
Message flagged
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 4:15 AM

First off, I am a single person that you have banned from being on casinomeister it seems just because you don't like my postings!!! I do not have multiple accounts!!!!!! I have a roommate and he has his own account that he signed up for!!!! If you don't believe that then call him or myself. TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE HERE! Something stinks to high heavens on this one! I expect my account to be opened back up and I want a logical explanation as to why you think you can try to silence me on casinomeister!

Here's my digits (256)483****
Here's my roommate's digits (256)856****

You guys are crazy for banning me and him without proof it is two different people. It shouldn't matter what computer a person is on either. He can log in under his own computer and show you that, once it is back up and running. But I think this is way fishy and has something to do with 3dice! I demand an explanation and I want my account re-instated!!!!!!! If ppl from the same household can't have an account each, then it should have been stopped when he signed up or I signed up!!!! This is BS and I know it!!!! You need to get your facts and information straight and verify who you are dealing with!!!! That is the only reasonable and fair way to treat a member! I demand that and I'm asking you to verify it! Do whatever it is you need to do but don't ban me because I post something about 3dice (who pays you for their plugs!!!)

Username: Dreamgirli27
Stephanie T. (256) 483-**** CALL IT!!

In response, oh so professional CM rep Bryan responded with this to my email plus an additional email because he had not responded:

Re: oh, and by the way
1 recipients
CC: recipientsYou More
BCC: recipientsYou
FROM: Bryan Bailey
TO: Stephanie T
Message flagged
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 7:18 AM

Hi Stephanie, Could you please take a long walk on a short pier? Thank you. Sincerely, Bryan

At 11:41 2/29/2012, you wrote:
Do you people have a phone number where someone can be reached? I can solve this issue real quick! I'm filing a complaint on Casinomeister for this. You do what you need to do and I will do what I need to do also but you have NO PROOF that there is just one person with multiple accounts. PROVE IT! If you have a phone, pick it up and call the numbers I have listed in the previous email and will list again. Otherwise, provide a legit phone contact for your little business operation you have going on here! I am going to file a complaint with BBB online and anywhere else I can about this biased issue. If you want confirmation of two different users, then you need to specify how you want me and my roommate, Josh Turner to do so. If you aren't willing to do that, then you are useless to begin with as a forum site!! I know this had something to do with 3dice and the complaints. I am going to do something about that. Try to see what you can do about restoring my account which I have had for a while now! It is NOT right what you did and you know it!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stephanie T (256) 483-****
Josh T. (256) 856-****

Josh T. will email you on his own computer or call you as soon as possible (given you even have a phone)

With no clear evidence to prove that I was single handedly posting all these comments about the casino and without even offering to clear this up with me and my roommate, this idiot clearly did not care and was extremely immature and unprofessional in his treatment toward me and toward Josh. Josh has emailed him today...can't wait to see what he says to him! Anyway, the moral of the story is that CM is a sham and they are biased toward (it seems) the casino that pays them off to brag about them as their "affiliates". I will not tolerate being called a "d****ebag", except for some reason that idiot stated it as "d****ebags" (weird if there's only one person supposedly posting all this). These people do not care. I tried to do my best to clear up the situation and I was treated like crap. Don't go to their forums and believe the garbage. If you speak badly about one of their affiliates, be prepared to be slammed and/or banned. I hope this guy loses his job!!!!

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Bryan Bailey is a con artist.

#2General Comment

Thu, July 04, 2013

I have recieved similar treatment from Bryan and Max when I made a complaint against a microgaming casino refusing to pay me. They are biased to Casinos they are promoting on their website. Its funny how no microgaming Casinos whatsoever are in the Rogue list. 

Anyway my Pitch a b***h come back that I was a fraudster creating multiple accounts from random people I had added on Facebook. LOL what aload of bullshit. I understand there are some bonus whores who try to open multiple accounts and get caught with IP address etc but to label me a fraudster and claim I was using accounts from facebook is just stupid. How would i get the ID docs which all Casinos ask for from a facebook page.... MORONS. 

Anyway do not join Casinomeister it is all a money making scam and does not protect players but protects Casinos in cases of dispute. 


sugar land,
United States of America
Total agree with your complaint

#3Consumer Comment

Mon, May 28, 2012

The Casinomeister forum seems to allow a handful of members to bash and lie about comments others make. They twist other members words, make insinuations and bad mouth others. Yet, they are not the ones banned but rather it is the members being attacked that are banded.

There are far better casino forums that benefit U.S. players much more than CM.

Such as Latestcasinobonuses.com and casinodeals.com. Atleast at these forums they post exclusive bonuses that U.S. players can take advantage of and Casinodeal.com is great when it comes to helping players having trouble with a particular casino.

CM has been taken over by a small group of hateful members and poor moderators, such as MAXd who always sides with the handful of members whose only objective is to attack everything another member posts.

Stay clear of this forum as it is a waste of time, very negative and hateful.

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