  • Report:  #1266831

Complaint Review: CellPhoneJM - Nationwide

Reported By:
widowrose - BOTHELL, Washington, USA

Nationwide, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I was contacted 4-times,last week,by some individual,with poor English,saying I won money from PCH,

Publishers Clearing House!!,on Monday,Nov,2nd,and again on Weds.the 4th,saying i won the lottery-2-times,and on Friday,the6th,of November,2015..

The numbers he used to call me from was-#1=1-876-480-3105,and 1-826-421-4143,and,1-876-586-9383=2times!!!

    The first time he says I won PCH's Sweepstakes,and wanted me to pay him $500.00-up front,they would have a Courier,come to my house and get the money,cash was suggested!! I told him NO,and he got mad at me,and told me off!!

    The second time he called me,he says I won the Lottery,and wanted the same thing,especially,"my-address",so he could bring me the money by Courier,but,for that to happen,i would have to pay the Courier a FEE of $5000.00,for the other money to be given to ME!!!Later!!!

   The third time,he called me 2-different times,to tell me I had won,$60,000,000.00,Dollars,so he wanted me to get excited,but,I would not,--I told him he woke me at 6:ooAM,so,I  was a lil sleepy!! Then I played,"stupid',and got info on HIM!!!

I asked him how I was to get this money,and he where was he?? He says he works for a company,over in Vegas,that collects money for unknowing individuals,susch as I,and he kept going on and on!! I asked him,"what would I have to do in order to get this money"??,and he told me,again,he would send a courier over to "my address",and collect,$5000.00,up front money,and the ompany he worked for,would send me the $60Million,by,Fed Ex,later!!!

    I laughed and told him I just could not do that,he became annoyed,and said to me,"Mam,don't you want to Win"??? NO,I told him,I don't want to play "this Game with you",for you have no idea,"Dude,you have called me before",and "oh yeah,you called the home of a retired-P.I"and I have sooo many contacts in my hip pocket,that YOU JUST GOT SCREWED!!!! Also,I live near Seattle,and I have the ATTORNEY-GENERALS-OFFIC,on speed dial,for I personally,have done work for them!!.YOU have a nice day,now,ya'lll!!! And remove my number,please!!!

I called The PCH-office,and got the fraud dept,they filed a complaint with "the Federal Trade Commission,and the local Sheriff's office,and yes,The Attorney General's Office,where they are,and it goes worldwide!!

   Next,I called the phone company,and had them place a Block on all incoming numbers,starting with 800-866-877-etc,etc!! Then I called a local newspaper,and a local TV-station,and made a report!!!

   WE,heard today,on the news,someone is sending out bocus letters,from PCH,saying,they won their sweepstakes,this is not tru!! PCH,told me,IF,you win,they will surprise you,not call or send letters,and they wanted Arerica to know,"you do not neccasarily,have to buy anything,in order to enter!!

    Good-Luck-and-God-Bless-ya'll!! "Report-report-report..if you get a check from anyone,take it to any Bann,and have them check it for you,a catholic Priest felt he had to pay for his winnings,and he is out $40,000.,00dollars,..check out any and all things you get in the Mail!!" 

1 Updates & Rebuttals

CellPhoneJm/still calling me/now getting sexual

#2Author of original report

Mon, November 23, 2015

This guy ,JM,that called me before,has been trying to get through,on my phone,yet again!!But,my phone company has these numbers blocked,so,he cannot!!

      He has updated the number's he called from,so,I think that they scramble their numbers!?? This past Friday,I got woke up,at midnight,and I answered,on 1st ring,(I had previously contacted my phone company,about another matter,and I thought they were calling me again!),wrong,this JM guy,was on the other end, now,getting very famaliar with me,when I answered,and he knew he had awakened me!!

     He started getting familiar with me,and wanted to talk to me,about my sexy voice,when I was woken up!? This disturbed me,to no end,so,I told him,"my mistake,I thought the phone company was calling me,"and he teased me back with,why don't I come over there and wake you up,in person??!! I asked him how he could do that,from way over in Vegas,where you say you were from,previously?,and he reinterrated with,"I know where you live,Miss Rose,over on ---street sw,",for I know more about you then you think",so,this got me mad&scared,and I let loose on him,with a few expletives,and told him to quit calling me,I know this all is a fake!!!

    On Sat,morning,I got woke up at 6:00AM,him again,and he was leaving me a message,saying,he wanted to get better acquainted,and please call him back,he was off this day!!(I did not) But,he has gotten very,very famialiar with me,and this disturbs me,and makes me wonder,exactly what this guy is really up too!!??

 the number this time,is-1-876-355-6760.....1-876-421-4143...the other time it was..1-876-421-4144--

OK,I am on "full alert,this time",I called my phone company,and asked them to please trace these calls,and told them,what was going on,they did,..this guy is calling from,"Richton,Jamaica",says the operator,and please make a Police report!! I tried,but the Police dept,says to me,"did any money transpire,like,did you give in,and give them money?"..huh,of course not...so,they tell me,they cannot do anything,and not to talk to this guy,if I was so disturbed by Him!!!!!(what kind of protection am I getting here?none)


  Well,as for as getting any satisfaction,on this matter,I have none,I am now being harassed,by a stranger,that has fallen in love with my "sexy-voice",so he says!!! What can I do now??/ he won't quit calling..he says he has my address..and tells me,he can send someone by to see me,any time he wants...what does this mean????? I have a beautiful daughter,here,I have to protect,and,why is this guy doing so much reserach on me??? Help??? whatever do ya'll think of this crazy thing going on???

   Please advise me???? Rose...Washington State

PS,doesn't he know by now,he has been reported???PCH,reported him to the Federal Exchange Commisssion,so they said,and he misrepresented himself,and them,so,they are furious,and I reported him to my Local news,and newspaper,"No-one-is-sayin-anything-about-this",so,where do I turn???

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