  • Report:  #86193

Complaint Review: Centex Home Equity LLC - Dallas Texas

Reported By:
- Peabody, Massachusetts,

Centex Home Equity LLC
P. O. Box 650783 Dallas, 650783 Texas, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have acquired a mortgage with Centex Home Equity LLC. Big mistake of my life. I was going through a divorce and advised by my attorney to refinance with them as he was Centex's closing attorney, so I trusted him to provide me with correct information and guidance, another big mistake. I was never told of the deal from the start, as my attorney (Centex's attorney) was handling everything. When I got to the closing and saw what the payments were going to be, I freaked, as I knew that I could never make those payments. They were $21000/mo, which was more than 50% of my pay. Knowing I could not make those payments, I refused to sign. My attorney told me that if I did not sign, I would be found in contempt of court because it was the last day that the probate court gave me to refinance the house and give my ex some money as settlement. He told me that I could refinance after 6 months. So, I listened and believed him. He told me to just sign the paperwork and I wouldn't have to worry after that and suck up making the payments for 6 months and then refinance.

Well, 6 months later, I tried to refinance with Centex. Remember, I still didn't know how bad they were until going through the second refinance with them. This is where it all starts. The appraiser refused to re-certify the appraisal. At that time, I didn't know why, but when Centex got the second appraisal back, it was less than the first one. My first appraisal was only $225,000 according to the broker and the attorney. Centex had an appraisal for $285,000, $60,000 more than what it was really for. I called the appraiser and he stuttered and said, "well you know how these deals work, we appraise the house and then the mortgage company tells us what it needs to be, so that's how that happened." FRAUD!!! The second refinance did not go through as the loan to value ratio was compromised.

Now, I was still trying to make those God awful payments and was getting behind because I clearly did not make that kind of money.

Several months down the road, July 2003,I got an outside broker with another bank who started the refinance all over again. I paid another fee for another appraisal and that one came in at $270,000, $10,000 above the second appraisal which was fine. This is the correct appraisal for my home, but it's still $15,000 less than what Centex had a year ago for my home. This was at a time when houses were inflating in value not deflating. The closing came in October 2003, and when we were ready to payoff Centex, Centex told the new bank that there was a 4-year prepayment on my loan, something that was never disclosed to me and I specifically asked if I had a prepayment fee and was told I didn't. Needless to say, the loan never went through again. Centex told me over the phone that I would never refinance with another bank ever again and that would own my home and they would see to it that my credit would be ruined so that I could never get approved for anything.

The bottom line, Centex wanted my home because I have equity in it. They are equity-stipping me and continue with all the fees and interest.

I have requested my file through a RESPA QWR and have only received another payoff and a printout of my account which shows attorneys fees, phone fees, etc.

The HOEPA violations come in with the high interest rate they gave me. My fully-indexed rate is 11.25%, which is 9.7% above the tolerance allowed under HOEPA. HOEPA only allows you 8% above the Treasury Securities and in 2002 when I closed the loan that index was at 1.53%, making my interest rate very high and too high constituting a violation.

The TILA violation comes in because they charged me twice for the original appraisal on my home. I have a canceled check in the amount of $280 which represented payment for the appraisal and the credit report. I also have a paper indicating that's what it was for and that was done by the original broker of CTX Mortgage. CTX Mortgage and Centex and all the same. When the closing was conducted, Centex charged me another $250 for the same appraisal. I never saw this at the time of closing as it was pointed out to me by a mortgage counselor who has told me about the violations I have on this loan.

I knew that Centex has to be doing this to someone else and I finally have confirmation at this website that there are so many others. A Class Action is definitely required to shut them down and put Centex out of busines. I never even got into the way they treated me and the threats over the phone, etc. I am trying to get this loan rescinded because of the clear violations of HOEPA and TILA.

Maybe we can all band together to get this out in the open and put them out of business. They are in the business of ripping people off and getting away with it. Let's not let that happen. Please feel free to contact me.


Peabody, Massachusetts

5 Updates & Rebuttals


Please file a complaint on the appraiser

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, December 09, 2008

Please file a complaint with the state licensing board on the appraiser who said: "'well you know how these deals work, we appraise the house and then the mortgage company tells us what it needs to be"


bouncing me back from one place to the next without complying with anyone of my requests

#3Author of original report

Fri, April 30, 2004

Well, Centex is bouncing me back from one place to the next without complying with anyone of my requests. The Broker I dealt with has left their office over a dispute. The closing attorney no longer has any commitment to Lender and told me to have my attorney contact him as he will be happy to help. Everyone who was involved in doing my loan is now saying that they realized then I had no ability to repay this loan and it looks like Centex did this loan solely with the knowledge that I had equity in my home for them to take. Definitely predatory. Mr. King refuses to do provide me with copies of my file. Keeps saying that he doesn't have to give anything but the signed documents to me. Just amazing!! Someone has to see what this company is doing and someone in the Federal government should do something as there are too many of us going through this. There is another law firm that I e-mailed who is willing to look over my documents. So, will be sending my documents to another law firm who handles Class Action suits. I guess the more the merrier. Centex has to go down and they will NOT take my home. BEWARE! Centex is a very bad company and no one should ever have any dealings with them whatsoever.


given Centex every opportunity to re-do the loan without me going to court

#4Author of original report

Mon, April 26, 2004

Well, I have been given a default notice and have until 5/26/04 to give them what they are asking which is not the correct amount (roughly $21,000). What I am hoping to do will be to ask the court to rescind the loan because of the violations they have committed. I have clear evidence of fraud, all the other violations I said in my original complaint, so am looking for a rescission of my loan and starting from scratch. I have given Centex every opportunity to re-do the loan without me going to court, but they have refused saying, "we will own your home." Don't think that will happen as I'm going to fight all the way with this. My loan never should have been approved and I have spoken to the closing attorney and he said that the Broker who did the deal could have reported that I made $75,000 for all he knows and that's probably why the loan went forward. Now that statement could get someone in trouble. I can't get copies of my loan origination file as Centex claims that I have no right to them. I did a RESPA letter and Centex refuses to give me anything other than what I signed for at closing, but they did give me an unsigned document stating that I got it, but that's not true either as it's unsigned and I never saw it. Centex is going to owe me all my interest I have paid into this loan all the money I have spent on this loan and all they will get from me in money is what they paid to my previous mortgage company as a payoff. That's what I'm asking the courts to do for me now. Looks like Court will be happening soon for me. If any authority out there is reading this, you should really look hard at investigating this company as they are ripping all of us out of our homes that we have been in for a while and stripping the equity.


Sick and tired of Centex's Bad Practices

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, April 06, 2004

Melody - Thanks for responding. I am currently working on getting somewhere with this. First, I'm trying to get attorneys on board and hopefully take notice. I have printed off all these complaints about Centex and have handed them to two entities. One being attorneys, the other being media. I have contacted everyone in hope that someone will do something soon. Centex needs to be stopped and I am diligently working to get this started. All your reports and others here on this site have been copied and documented. If I can get the Feds interested, then we might see some help. The process may be slow at first, but it's starting.


sick and tired of the harrassment on my job and at home.?

#6Consumer Comment

Mon, April 05, 2004

What do we do to get started with a lawsuit? I mean clearly they have gotten over on us 1st homebuyers, single parents, limited income people. Who do we talk to? I'm willing, because I'm sick and tired of the harrassment on my job and at home.

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