  • Report:  #1328003

Complaint Review: Charter Communications - Suffolk Virginia

Reported By:
Broke But Not Broken - Chesapeake, Virginia, USA

Charter Communications
216 Moore Ave, Suffolk, 23434 Virginia, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I work from home and the only reason I used this service is because employers want SpeedTest results that show upload and downloads that Verizon does not offer in the area I live in. 

I got a bad taste in my mouth from Charter three years ago when I first moved to Suffolk.  I had their service for less than a week before I went back to Verizon.  Although it took months for them to send my a correct final bill, they sent my account to collections on an unpaid "projected" balance.  

Last winter I was forced to go back to them for service because of the speed test requirement and again their collections policies are more than absurd.  I was initally advised that their system showed that I had service at my address.  Acutally my neighbor signed up for service with them weeks before but they put my address in their system in error which meant I could not get service with them until they cleared that matter up.

I've gotten collection calls for being two days late on one months service, I've gotten collection calls for having a zero balance due and I've gotten calls asking me to call when there is no problem and no one can tell me why I got a call.  All these calls came to my cell phone which is illegal by the way and I asked them repeatedly to stop calling me on my cell phone. 

Last week on 9/8/16 I got a collection call on my house phone that I was two payments behind, I was advised via their automated service, that I could pay the oldest balance and keep my service on.  I chose to speak with a live representative.  This rep refused to discuss me making a payment because I could not confirm my phone number.  I gave my physical address, mailing address, my name I offered the account number from the billing statement but she refused.  I only have a phone because it's required.  I don't use my house phone for personal reasons and I don't know my phone number.  Even though my service was in jeapardy of being disconnected, this rep could not have cared less.  I advised her that I would just mail in the payment and I should be receive before the 13th, the deadline I was given was 9/12.  

My service as turned off on 9/13 for being one payment late.  I called in and spoke with a supervisor who informed me that if my service had been mailed in using one of their envelopes they could track it.  I advised her that there was no barcode on the envelope just as I advised the inital rep that my phone number  was not on the collection notice that I received.  They didn't care one bit to confirm anything I said.  These people treat you as if you're stupid or worse a liar.  

My shift didn't start until well after 2pm and I was more than sure that my payment would finally post and I could go on with my life.  Well 3pm came and went and no service.  I called in and and advised them that I work from home and as we spoke I have a no call no show because I couldn't call in.  A no call no show is considered job abandonment.  Charter could not have cared less.  I spoke to another supervisor and asked for confirmation that my service had been interrupted.  I was advised by this guy that I should send in my bank statement, or all the bills they sent to me regarding my service being interrupted if I wanted to proof that my service was interrupted.  

Right now as I'm typing this statement my service is back on and this is the same day as my no call no show but my shift is over.  There is no need to call then attendance line, there is no need to call or email my supervisor.  I didn't report to work and I did not call in.  

Do I hold Charter responsible for my cell phone company abruptly advising me that they no longer service 2g phones and cutting off my service without advanced warning, no.  Do I hold Charter Communications responsible for my not being able to get to my post office box regularly to check my mail, no.  I do however hold Charter Communications responsible for multiple unexplained shutdowns that they are held unaccountable for.  I hold them accountable for uninformed, arrogant customer service team who doesn't understand their own verfication policy, who has never seen one of their own collection notices, who doesn't understand that all of their envelopes don't have a bar code and if they do they should give their customers the benefit of the doubt and keep their service on for at least a day if for no other reason than their uncertainty of whether the customer is lying to them.  

I've had unexplained service interruptions, illegal, incorrect, nonsencical calls to my cell phone, I had slanderous reports to the credit bureaus about me and I'm still doing business with this monoply and have never made a public complaint but this is the worst company I've ever done business with.  I remember when I initally asked for a quote for service and they informed me that they need my exact address in order to give me a quote.  The area of Suffolk that I moved to is as close to destitute then I've ever seen in this state and I only lived on city away in Chesapeake.  I've never seen so much depression and so many unemployed or under employed people in one place but the utilities increase regularly here and I see that Charter Communications, who have an office just miles from me, seem to be doing their part to add to the despair and destitution of the area they do business in and what I've been through with them is proof of that.  I can only hope that none of the reps that work for charter in this area have share the sentiment that management seems to have.  

Thank your for taking the time to read my rant and I hope more people sound off.  Good night. 


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