  • Report:  #145768

Complaint Review: Chase Manhattan Mortgage - Chase - J.P.Morgan - Avanta - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Pensacola, Florida,

Chase Manhattan Mortgage - Chase - J.P.Morgan - Avanta
Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I live in Pensacola, Fl. We had a major Hurricane hit our City in September 2004. We filed bankruptcy in 2004, because of financial difficulty.

Even though Chase has a Code of Ethics. They refused to work with us... Thus... bankruptcy. I also want to mention that when we were trying to refinance our home through another company. We were told that Chase would'nt finance us. Then the day we were signing with a different lending co., we were told that Chase bought our mortgage.

Our bankruptcy went to court Aug 25, 2004. Hurricane Ivan hit 22 days later.

Since this time, Chase and thier Bankruptcy Lawyers Codilis & Stawairski(who are in Tampa, Fl. and were hit by 2 major hurricanes right before us) Have made our lives a living HELL!! We started trying to call them about 3 days after the hurricane. We would be put on hold for 45 minutes, transfered around, or left messages with no call backs.

Only after I wrote the O.C.C., Governor Bush, FDIC, and anyone else I could think of, did we get any kind of response. Only to have them come back and bite us in the a*s at a later date. Since we could not work for about 3 weeks after the hurricane. There was no way our payment would make it there on time if at all. Either for that month or the next.

We had to use some of our mortgage money for Sept.to buy hurricane supplies.We had trees on the house and all around it.It took 2 days just to get the trees off our cars.

We were 18 trees down in all.We have been fighting these people hard to keep them from foreclosing since Oct. 2004. Not only did they charge us $3,000.00 in atty. and late fees. (During a Presidental State of Emergency, our state was considered a catastrophy state.) But they took this from our Insurance proceeds along w/the mortgage payments we were behind. $6,300.00 in all.

They continue to tell us we are behind in payments. Sometimes its 1 month, sometimes its 2. But it always comes with the threat of 72 hrs or else. At which time, I AGAIN ask them for a detailed account of my mortgage account, I wanted any and all transactions made to or against my account from Aug. 2004 until the present date. This is the same account I have been asking for since Dec. 2004 and have not recieved as of yet. I now want to see all transactions for my account since the begining of my mortgage with them.

This is also not to mention the fact that Chases Lawyers held on to our Insurance checks for one and a half months without even telling us they had them. Since there was no communication, solely on their part,we had no clue the checks were in their possession.

We live paycheck to paycheck we were then and are now having to use our funds to repair, clean up depris, buy a chain saw, gas, etc..

It is not hard to figure out that us, along with many other Floridians needed these insurance funds along with payment deferrments, in order to survive Physically, mentally and financially. They didn't then, and don't now, give one crap.

They continue continue to apply my payments late, despite the fact that I sent them return reciept and know exactly when they get there.

If I could refinance w/someone else I would, but Chase has messed our credit up so bad that this is impossible. And whose to say that they wouldnt just buy this motgage up also.I have spoken to a few people this has happened to. This seems to be common with them.

I have recently fired our bankrupty lawyer Because I didn't feel that she was looking out for our best interest. I am also trying to start a petition in order to try and get a class-action lawsuit started in Florida. So please anyone that wants to sign. Come on!

I would also like to add that I am not afraid of Chase Manhattan or their Mobster Lawyers! I will do everything in the power of my being to bring their theiving, manipulative Corp. out in the open for everyone to see. I honestly believe that Chase Manhattan and their lawyers are doing preditory lending and forclosers.

And one more note for Chase while this is my home and I love it dearly, My home and the home of my children is where we make it. Not you. I should also tell you that wether or not I win this round or not. Watch out, because I am going to be starting back to school in the next year and guess what I am going to study??? MORTGAGE LAW!!!!


Pensacola, Florida

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8 Updates & Rebuttals


What now Brett

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, September 07, 2005

I was just curious as to what you think about all these other victims to Hurricane Katrina? Do you think they were/are prepared for their fates?Do you believe that they can over come this distaster?How many people will have to suffer through not only mother natures wrath but the wrath of mortgage companies and insurance companies?How many people do you think had a nest egg put aside just in case?Hey, maybe the ones that are still around can just use chases tactics and take from the ones that didn't make it,but I'm sure you guys have already started the paperwork to beat them to it,why hell, they are still in shock,couldnt be a better time to swoop in. Just interested in your feelings on this. Oh, by the way I start school Oct.3rd


What now Brett

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, September 07, 2005

I was just curious as to what you think about all these other victims to Hurricane Katrina? Do you think they were/are prepared for their fates?Do you believe that they can over come this distaster?How many people will have to suffer through not only mother natures wrath but the wrath of mortgage companies and insurance companies?How many people do you think had a nest egg put aside just in case?Hey, maybe the ones that are still around can just use chases tactics and take from the ones that didn't make it,but I'm sure you guys have already started the paperwork to beat them to it,why hell, they are still in shock,couldnt be a better time to swoop in. Just interested in your feelings on this. Oh, by the way I start school Oct.3rd


leave this site to those who have been wronged not those who do not prepare

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, June 17, 2005

wow, Dianne, As I stated before leave this site to those who have been wronged not those who do not prepare. As a human being, I empathise and sympathise with you for struggling day to day as a result of something that was out of your control. Last years hurricane season was devastating to many people. All I said is that if you chose to live paycheck-to-paycheck, when a problem arises, you have no resources to fall back on and thus are forced to declare bankruptcy. That's all, I am not a shark. I am simply someone who keeps his finances in order and prepares for the unexpected.


leave this site to those who have been wronged not those who do not prepare

#5UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, June 17, 2005

wow, Dianne, As I stated before leave this site to those who have been wronged not those who do not prepare. As a human being, I empathise and sympathise with you for struggling day to day as a result of something that was out of your control. Last years hurricane season was devastating to many people. All I said is that if you chose to live paycheck-to-paycheck, when a problem arises, you have no resources to fall back on and thus are forced to declare bankruptcy. That's all, I am not a shark. I am simply someone who keeps his finances in order and prepares for the unexpected.


leave this site to those who have been wronged not those who do not prepare

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, June 17, 2005

wow, Dianne, As I stated before leave this site to those who have been wronged not those who do not prepare. As a human being, I empathise and sympathise with you for struggling day to day as a result of something that was out of your control. Last years hurricane season was devastating to many people. All I said is that if you chose to live paycheck-to-paycheck, when a problem arises, you have no resources to fall back on and thus are forced to declare bankruptcy. That's all, I am not a shark. I am simply someone who keeps his finances in order and prepares for the unexpected.


leave this site to those who have been wronged not those who do not prepare

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, June 17, 2005

wow, Dianne, As I stated before leave this site to those who have been wronged not those who do not prepare. As a human being, I empathise and sympathise with you for struggling day to day as a result of something that was out of your control. Last years hurricane season was devastating to many people. All I said is that if you chose to live paycheck-to-paycheck, when a problem arises, you have no resources to fall back on and thus are forced to declare bankruptcy. That's all, I am not a shark. I am simply someone who keeps his finances in order and prepares for the unexpected.


Lets pray that if you ever hit a "bump in the road "Chase does'nt hold your mortgage

#8Author of original report

Fri, June 17, 2005

My, My,look what the cat dragged in! My response to you Sir is that you obviously have no clue to the obstacles life, Mother Nature, and greedy, kick you when your down, non-bean counting, loan sharks disguised as Mortgage companies, can throw into peoples path. But then again, you do have somewhat of a clue to the latter part of my statement, since low and behold you are a part of the Shark pool! Perhaps you read my complaint wrong, since I don't remember shedding one tear while writing it. One reason we live paycheck to paycheck is because after your company signed a legal document as to what payments they would accept for bankruptcy payments,decided that they wanted more money and raised our mortgage payments $205.00 and then raised the bankruptcy payments $60.00 more dollars.Not to mention the fact that Chase continues to missapply payments,lose payments,and continue to tell us (along with many others, as I am sure you have read) that we have not made payments, that we have proof of paying. Then when asked for an account of mortgage statements, which is required by law if requested. We are ignored. And as for not having any savings, The damage our home, as well as many other Floridians, recieved from Ivan. Well exceeded any amounts that the insurance companies paid out. Many people are still fighting for the funds of policies they so trustingly paid into. This is not to mention the fact that the insurance and mortgage companies collected interest on monies that rightfully belonged to us, the consumer, while we struggled to make our children, homes, businesses, etc...safe! While you, your company and many others like you, Cha-Chinged all the way to the bank, Dancing, no doubt! Just whose money do you think that consumers where spending at this point? Do you also consider the survivors of 9-11, their families, The tsunami victims, people who live in tornado alley, California Earthquake victims, or Victims of the Holocaust (I am referring to the lawsuit filed against Chase and other banks in which they are accused of seizing the accounts and saftey deposit assets of Jewish customers during the n**i occupation of France and failed to return them after the war ended.) as to hitting a bump in the road? While I in no way mock or compare our (Florida's)Hurricane catastropy to the gross inhumane and unjust treatment of the Jewish people or those who fell victim to Binladens tyranny and insanity. The fact remains that none of the acts forementioned, wether it be the insane, demonic afflictions that human kind has had to endure, or the wrath of Mother Nature, should hardly be considered a bump in the road nor should it be an excuse to take advantage of any humanbeing. I am now going to refer to Chases own Code Of Ethics... Which States and I QUOTE: 5.6.1.Fair Dealings J.P.Morgan Chase & Co. You should always endeavor to deal fairly and in good Faith with the firms Customers, Suppliers, Competetiters, Business Partners, Regulators, and Employees. It is our Policy not to take unfair Advantage of others through Manipulation, Concealment, Misuse of Priviledged Information, Misrepresentation of Material, Facts or ANY OTHER UNFAIR DEALINGS! I also quote.. As an industry begins a new chapter, most would do well to recall the words of J.Pierpont Morgan, who testified in 1912 that Character was the key to sucess,"...before money or anything else. Money cannot buy it... Because a man I do not trust could not get money from me on all the bonds of Christendom. "Few men were richer, and even fewer gave such lucrative advice for free. Taken from The Banker, Published February 02,2003. At this time I am also going to refer to Tom Gallagher, Floridas Chief Finanical Officer at The Florida Department of Financial Services... of which was taking decisive steps to assist consumers in the wake of four back to back Hurricanes... amoung other issues such as , insurance, percentage public adjusters can collect, waiving resrictions on prescription refills, and setting up mediation programs at no cost, They were also urging ... I quote again... Banks and Credit Unions to expedite loan applications, eliminate late fees on loans and waive A.T.M. and check cashing fees for storm victims. And speaking of your third assinine remark, It wasn't that I did not pay ,it was that I could not pay. There is a difference. And YES, I do think that a company worth billions of Dollars, (In my opinion, at the expense of others) can defer a payment for a month or two, especially since it is not giving consumers "free months" it is added on to the end of the loan and interest is still collected. You see, We don't want Charity. We just want Fair Dealings And that Brett, of Royersford, Pennsylvania, is our response. And in closing, until you have walked a mile in our shoes you have no right to tell us what is a legitimate complaint or what is not! Sincerely Dianne, Pensacola,Florida, United States of America


stop crying

#9UPDATE Employee

Wed, June 15, 2005

1)Just because Chase will not finance a loan for you does not mean that they will not buy your "mortgage paper" from another lender or service the loan 2)you mention living "paycheck to paycheck", this is the real problem, you had no savings to prepare any disaster. More and more Americans choose to do this, so whenever any bump in the road occurs, they are forced to file bankruptcy. 3)Chase had every right to hold the money to pay YOUR back mortgage payment and fees that you had not been paying. People seem to think that mortgage companies can just magically grant you a deferal for a month or two if things struggle. You signed binding legal documents that you would make certain payments EVERY month. What is your response to that? Please leave this site to those who have legitimate complaints.

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