  • Report:  #1376845

Complaint Review: Chetu Inc. - Plantation Florida

Reported By:
Advocate - West Hills, California, USA

Chetu Inc.
10167 W. Sunrise BLVD Plantation, 33322 Florida, USA
Phone:(954) 342 5676
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

Email sent to Chetu's corporate lawyer prior to lawsuits being filed:

Hi Joey

Let me clearly state for the record the following facts as documented by emails, witnesses, and invoices received and paid. All of which confirms the indisputable account of what transpired here. 
1) Chetu was engaged  by [redacted] (BBC) in November 2015. Thereafter Chetu was under contract for a total of 8 months before services were terminated in June. Total charges were approximately $35,000 for software development services.
2) A balance of about $4100 was due payable to Chetu at the termination of services. As confirmed by Chetu personnel, in the attached email, when inquiring as to the payment status he stated that once the $4100 payment was received, "Yes we can release your work product at that point."
3) Shortly thereafter a payment was paid by BBC reducing the balance to $2600. 
4) In March of 2017, BBC was bought by me personally. I am the 100% owner of that company. One of the terms in the sale was that the $2600 balance owed to Chetu would be paid in full by the prior owner of BBC. To that end we re-engaged with Chetu to pay the balance owed and process the return of the source code and valuable prototype for our hardware that our design firm was paid tens of thousands of dollars to create.
5) When we asked Chetu to send us a final bill, Nikita [controller] with Chetu responded with the attached email and invoice representing full and final payment for all amounts owed. 
6) A check was tendered within a few days of receiving that invoice from Chetu. That check was confirmed by Chetu as being received and it was paid by the bank. That resulted in a zero balance according to Chetu's own records.
7) Atal (Chief Executive at Chetu) sent an email to BBC instructing his personnel to commence the return process since payment had been received. 
8) During the return process Chetu sent an email referencing items it was going to return to BBC. The list was incomplete and we brought this to Atal's attention. He denied there being more equipment than what was referenced in his staff's email. An altercation commenced as a result and the matter escalated to the point where the return process was halted by Atal until additional sums were paid by BBC for "finance charges", in contradiction of his own billing records. 
9) Days later, On May 1st, Rakesh (Chetu Employee) confirmed additional equipment not listed on the prior list he tendered was located at another Chetu office and would be returned as well. He apologized for the confusion his initial email caused. Thus, BBC was correct in its assertion that Chetu had misplaced or other wise not accounted for property BBC left in Chetu's care. 
10) To date, not the previous owner of BBC, nor I, received a separate invoice relating to the phantom finance charges, which we estimate to be a few hundred dollars. We state those charges were waived by Chetu in tendering the final invoice and cashing that payment, in full. 
11) A review was posted by the inventor of the technology that Chetu is hindering development of. His review has been amended to state,
"If I could give this vendor no stars, I would. Chetu claims to offer "world-class" software development services. However, if their interpretation of world-class means outsourcing the work to India and having customers interface with personnel with  thick accents and not fluent in English so that the work relationship is hindered due to lack of communication with the development team, I would say, yes, they are indeed world-class.

But unfortunately the issues don't stop there with Chetu. They were paid nearly $35,000 to develop software, tendered a final bill for a few thousand dollars and the client company confirmed after the final payment posted Chetu would return that company's IP, hardware, and source code for the software that Chetu charged $35,000 for. However, upon receiving payment they claimed yet an additional amount of a few hundred dollars was owed because they forgot to add "finance charges" for a past due amount of $2600 after $33,000 had been paid to that point. The phantom finance charge was brought up simply because the client company pointed out that the inventory of items to be returned was missing key patented prototype hardware. Chetu later found the items that were referenced as being missing, but their lack of business etiquette or lapse of judgment is causing them to still currently hold the client's property and source code, out of sheer spite and lack of customer service. We are now on day 11, lawyers have gotten involved, and our project is at a standstill with competent developers waiting to proceed and bring the project to completion. 

Chetu is probably the worst company I've ever had the misfortune to deal with in my 20 years of being an entrepreneur and business proprietor."

The review above are the facts as we know them. The review is covered under freedom of speech and will not be taken down short of a court order. Furthermore, an equally scathing review was posted by another one of Chetu's unhappy clients 3 months ago. That review is attached for your reference. Thus, any claims as to the reviewer affiliated to us casting a shadow on Chetu's outstanding reputation is both incorrect and laughable since there are other comparable reviews of Chetu's lack of customer service and general business malfeasance. 
Please note that we had a written understanding with Chetu as to the invoice getting paid and our property being returned along with our source code. Chetu has breached that understanding and is causing us significant injury every day this recently patented technology (Approved by USPTO on April 24, 2017), is delayed in development. Moreover, Chetu has also violated section 10c of their own contract that states that upon paying all invoiced amounts, work product, source codes, and property will be diligently returned. 
Attached please find a Fedex mailing label for the prototype of our patented technology that we deem extremely valuable. We suggest you ship the equipment today or we will be forced to file a theft report with your local police department. We have already been in touch with a local attorney who was shocked at your client's behavior and would love to push this matter forward without us ever needing to step foot in Florida to file that claim. He suggests he can handle it all by himself as our attorney. He even commented that he knows the people down at the precinct closest to Chetu's office and that a detective would be visiting/calling Chetu once the matter is initiated through him and filed at the precinct. We look forward to that happening.
In the event your client fails to transform into a credible business that values it past customers as all businesses should, then the matter will proceed to both criminal and civil prosecution.  We refuse to sign any settlement agreement with Chetu since there is nothing to settle. We demand our source code, and property immediately. Once you have confirmed the florida shipment is in route, we will send you the international label for the return of our equipment from Noida. We also expect the source code to be emailed by your firm no later than close of business Tuesday. 
End of email....
Chetu's Chief Executive's response is very telling:
From: Atal Bansal <[email protected]>

Date: Wed, May 3, 2017 at 1:52 PM

Subject: RE: Scales

To: "xxxxxx." <info@xxxxx

Cc: Matt xxxx <matthewf@xxxxx

I am about to post on the internet that your scales are COMPLETELY For the cannabis industry. Utter failure and flawed. Try to sell them now !!!!!

They are piece of s***. Never worked. Never will….

Watch. The game just began. Do a google and see them come up on the top !

You want the equipment. Come get it !!

That email and other corroborating evidence is attached. When Chetu reponds to this complaint, please adentify exactly how much in finance charges is claimed to be owed that would warrant holding proprietary prototype equipment that isn't yours hostage, along with a source code that you charged $35,000 for and is now useless. Tell the world exactly why you would make our attorney send you a letter demanding that the stolen goods be returned, and why you have refused to do so, now going on over a mointh. 
Report Attachments

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Setting the Record Straight

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, June 30, 2017

As the Author states:

Chetu NEVER worked with the author. Nor did we work with his company.

The author and his company, BBC, bought another company, from Seller, which we used to work for.

Our relationship with Seller ended more than 6 months prior to the author buying the Seller’s company.

Our relationship with Seller was very nice and cordial. We completed the work on time and within budget. The Seller, was an inventor with an idea and Chetu built all their Software. Perhaps driven by Chetu’s work, the Author bought the Seller’s company.

Towards the end of the relationship between Chetu and Seller’s company, the Seller ran into financial trouble and owed money to Chetu. They still owe money to Chetu.

We are unsure if the Seller failed to notify the Author (or his company, BBC) of the pending amounts owed to Chetu or the author failed to do their due diligence.

After buying the Seller’s company, the Author of this post demanded that Chetu surrender all the IP and equipment to Author. We asked them to clear their dues, which had been pending for more than 6 months. We had been patiently waiting for them to clear their dues. They never paid.

The author refused and has still not cleared their dues.

A lawsuit has been filed by Chetu and is underway under Federal courts in the Southern District of Florida.

Author posted this article in retaliation.

I am the CEO of Chetu. My rant posted by Author (the only one to them and for which I apologize) was in frustration when the author was blackmailing and threatening us to post a bad review on the Internet. Passionate about my business, I went off on being unfairly blackmailed. Sorry.

However, they did make that post as we can now see. They still owe us money.

About Chetu:

We have worked for thousands of businesses over 17 years. We have grown organically through customer satisfaction from a 1 to 1100 employee company. We love our customers and do a good job for them. Which is why we have continued to grow, all organically.

This was one of the smallest engagements for us.

It is unfortunate that the author is not paying what they owe us. Instead of paying their dues or fighting a lawsuit they have resorted to posting on the Internet.

Derogatory Email by Chetu Not included in initial complaint

#3Author of original report

Sat, June 03, 2017

Derogatory Email by Chetu Not included in initial complaint

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