  • Report:  #451403

Complaint Review: Chicos INC LTD Spencer Payne Chico Prakazrel - Chicosinc.net Internet

Reported By:
- Atlanta, Georgia,

Chicos INC LTD Spencer Payne Chico Prakazrel
87 Queen Street, Morley, Leeds, LS27 8DX, England Chicosinc.net, Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Hi I like to introduce my self as Paris a victim of some sort of fraud I'm not sure about. It all started May 2nd 10 days ago. I sent out an email looking for a job in data entry, and I submitted my resume and got a reply from a couple of potential companies. One was Chicos INC LTD. They sent me a formal letter stating that they had reviewed my resume and would like to schedule me for an online interview. I was very skeptical because I have never heard of a company doing an online interview only, plus it had to be through Yahoo messenger. So I played along to see where this was going. After about a 2 min interview he says great we are looking for someone like you. He then sends me 2 email documents one containing a letter of employment and the other a hire form. Both looked legit, he even said specifically not to put your SSN or anything of that sort. I filled it out and he said great we need to get your mini office set up, I'm thinking great. No I was horribly wrong. He made me search the internet and put together a list of materials, equalling to about $2K. He then stated that he money would be sent via check through Fedex and said that it would be here tomorrow. For days I talked to this person about nothing he keeps ensuring me that the check is on its way I keep being patient. Everyday that passes its a new story just look for yourself

May 6 Hello,

How are you doing? Hope fine. I am sending you this email as an update and a reminder as well to grt you informed that the check payment will be sent to you today and will get to you tomorrow morning. Try to be online today for a very brief discussion as that will help us decide the way forward.

Send me an email acknoweledging that you did receive and understand this message.

Regards From Spencer Payne.

May 7 Hello,

How are you doing? Hope fine. I want to tell you that due to weather issue, the check could not be sent to you yestarday due to weather situations. It will be sent to you on monday and will get to you on tuesday. We will as well pay you compensation for these unforseen circumstances.

Write back to me acknoweledging that you did receive this email.

Regards From Spencer Payne.

May 8 Hello,

How are you doing today? Hope fine. I am sending you this email as an update and as well a reminder. You were surpose to get started today as the check payment was surpose to get to you today as planned. Our FeDex account ran out of funds and as a result of that we could not send the check to you yestarday, but it will get to you today. I apologise for the delays in sending this email to you. (so if they can send me 2K then WTF!!!!!!! it makes no sense)

Regards From Spencer Payne.

May 9 by this time I have given up on this and in turn wanted to do some research. Alright if you search for any of these people, this number, this company name, this address all come up with one thing. NOTHING and big fat vat of it at that. I make a mock email for my girlfriend that lined to my own personal email, so any emails she receives i receive. I enter a bullshit cover statement made the most bullshit resume that was less than a paragraph and guess what. Congratulations was have review you resume blah blah blah bullshit. When the interview came I blew the whole thing thinking of the most opposite answers ever. What happened next, they send her a d**n letter of hire and employment. (BULLSHIT) so I decided to let it go.

May 10 nothing May 11 Hello,

How are you doing? Hope you are doing great. I want to tell you that you will get started today. Its a money order payment that is sent to you this time around so as to quicken your resumption process. It was sent to you via USPS and will get to you today. The USPS tracking number is EO 960 620 730 US.I will be looking forward to meet you online for a brief discussion and as well let me know when you receive it.

Regards From Spencer Payne. (:So let me clear this up, prior to me faking an interview I told them that the checks seemed to be too much of a hassle to come form England and wanted it direct deposit. They said fine, I gave them my direct deposit info and none too personal and they tell me to check my account over the weekend. i did and its still bullshit. So the I get this email about the USPS package and its real the package does exist but what was inside just pissed me the f*** off.

An express envelope enclosed in an express envelope lol how does that work. But anyways upon receiving my package, before even opening it I think "Maybe I should look at the return address, and sure enough it about what I was expecting. Lakeview, Florida (OMG soooo much bullshit is involved with these guys its sickening.)" So I open it anyways and inside there are two obviously fake money orders each for a amount of $950, now I must say a personal conversation I had with the guy stated that it would be $2888.86. I just want someone to tell me whats going on so I goto the bank and try to get some info. They treated me like a straight crook, laughing at me on first site of the money orders demanding I tell the where I got them and threatening to call police. I was kicked out of the bank OMG I have never been so humiliated before I can't eve goto my own bank with which I have 3 open accounts (BULLSHIT) when I told the fake scamming a*****e what happeed he assured me that the money orders where valid and that they should not have gone that far. I explained to him in this country we take Fraud pretty d**n seriously He then assured me that the money would be direct deposited into my account with this email.

May 12 Hello,

How are you doing? Hope fine. I want to let you know that I wont be online this morning but in the afternoon. I will send you and email as soon as the funds is deposited into your account and also try to check online when you are done with your business meeting.

Regards From Spencer Payne.

(this is the last time I heard from a Mr. Spencer Payne if you want proof of this scam just send the most bullshit resume to [email protected] and also to [email protected], its kinda funny how stupid and desperate they are.

I just wish I had not got my hopes up and had not spent this much time on it.

Paris Atlanta, Georgia

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