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CIC Credit Monitor Service ripoff Orange California
This is the second year I have been charged $79.95. Last year I was unable to find any information to get a refund. This year, thanks to Google I was able to find information and a complaint from someone else with information to possibly get a refund. I am not in a postion to spend this kind of money.
Because of this I am unable to pay my electric bill and face a shut off.
I lost a high paying job nearly three years ago and have found nothing but very low paying part-time jobs since. I cannot afford something I have no use for. My credit is awful, I don't need a report to find this out. Last year when I tried to access a report after being charged $79.95, I was unable to, due to the unser id and password were not accepted.
So I guess I have now lost $79.95 three years in a row.
If you are unlucky enough to et scamme into this, upn seeing the charge IMMEDIATELY call them at 888-888-8553 or 817-513-4175 and discuss your displeasure with your unauthorized charge.
THIS IS THE SAME AS THEFT! Do whatever you can to dispute the charge with the company. If things do or don't go well, if you are or aren't recredited, or if you get some bs story from them and told there is nothing they can do to help you (I have read that this is common with this company) GO DIRECTLY TO THEBETTER BUSINESS BUREAU! These folks will hlp you with al hey can.