  • Report:  #46757

Complaint Review: CIC Credit Monitoring Consumerinfo.com - Orange California

Reported By:
- Herndon, Virginia,

CIC Credit Monitoring Consumerinfo.com
INTERNET One City Blvd. West, Suite 401 Orange, 92868 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Applied for a free credit report on their web site. There was a section where you had to enter your credit card number (it said that you would not be charged, this was for account validity purposes only).

I did NOT get a report online immediately (the first lie). 2 weeks after I applied I got a letter in the mail with login info. I logged in and got my report (which was utterly useless and formatted in a pretty illegible/incomprehensible manner). A couple of weeks later I saw a charge of $79.95 on my credit card.

I disputed the charge immediately with my credit card company. A few weeks later I called my credit card company and asked them about the status. They contacted CIC Credit Monitoring service and WERE ON THE PHONE WITH ME when I cancelled and obtained a refund. I suggest you do the same, ask your credit card company to call conference them on your behalf and let you dispute the charge. You will have less luck obtaining a full refund if you call them on your own.

Check out what the Better Business Bureau has to say about these jokers

One last note (which I read elsewhere): there is the potential that this company is performing identity theft as well by asking for secret personal information like "Mother's Maiden Name" and "Date of Birth". They can do a lot of harm with this info. Be careful!


Herndon, Virginia

CLICK HERE: Lawsuit Filed Against Consumerinfo.com to get victims thier money back

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