  • Report:  #68066

Complaint Review: Cingular Wireless - Cincinnati Ohio

Reported By:
- Brookville, Indiana,

Cingular Wireless
4555 Lake Forest Drive Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I live in a remote area, and was assured I was well within their coverage area. Turns out, they were wrong. I was then told the better the phone, the better the signal I'd get. So, I bought a better phone.

That didn't help, but I thought since it worked in the nearby community where I spent most of my time, I'd just deal with it. I kept being assured that new towers were being put up all the time, I'd have one in my area soon. After the one year contract was up, I was again told that the phone I had was out-dated, and that a better phone would help the situation. So again, I purchased still yet a better, more costly phone.

This phone carrried a two year contract. They told me to try it for 15 days, and if it wasn't better, to bring the phone back and they would cancel my contract. I agreed, and took the phone back to them well within the 15 days, only to be told I'd have to contact their headquarters to have this done.

By the time I found their headquaters and took the phone and contract to them, it was the 16th day, and they refused to cancel the contract. Since then, I called to have the service shut off, which they did, but I am still recieving bills for usage.

How can I be charged for usage when the phone is not activated? There hasn't been a call placed on the phone since I had them shut it off! Shutting the phone off when asked to was the only thing Cingular did that they said they would or that they promised me would happen. My best advice is to stay away from this company! They do NOT follow through with their claims!


Brookville, Indiana

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