  • Report:  #68393

Complaint Review: Cingular Wireless - Neosho Missouri

Reported By:
- Neosho,, Missouri,

Cingular Wireless
Neosho, Missouri, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have had cingular service for the last year. When I first started my service, in March of 2002 they sold me a plan that would not work in my area. After correcting that problem, I received a different plan, in my mothers name to keep from paying a $250 deposit. Both times that I was in there I received horrible service. The salesperson was very rude to both my mother and I and another couple that was in the store at that time.

I paid 33.73 per month for 250 anytime minutes on the Cingular Nation plan. After having my plan for 1 year, I decided to switch it from her name to my name and upgrade my plan. I increased my minutes and added an additional line for my fianc. This was done the first week of April.

In May, my mother received a bill for 91.58. This bill showed that I had 350 anytime minutes and 5000 nights and weekends. This bill was incorrect. The plan was wrong, the name and address had not been changed. But, I went ahead and paid this bill thinking that they were still processing the paper work and that it would be correct on the next one.

My June bill was 69.72, which was what it should have been, except for the fact that I had been out of the country and hadn't used my phone for a week. The name, address and plan was still incorrect. I still assumed that they would fix this.

I received my July bill and it was 166.90 The name, address and plan still incorrect. My mother and I then went to the store in our town and explained to them that this was not correct. The sales woman, Melanie Nash, then became all defensive. She said that none of this was her fault. We never said that it was, we just wanted it fixed. When mom asked her to pull the contract, she did, then called the customer service center. She tried several time to get through, but each time was told that their was a wait. She told us that we could go on and she would take care of it. We declined this offer, and instead waited until she got through.

She explained that the contract had been faxed on April 8, 2003 at 12:26 pm. They then said that they had never received it, but the contract showed it from the fax machine at the top. She spoke with the customer service people, and then explained to us that it would be fixed. We left thinking that is would be fixed.

My August bill then arrived for 175.07. The address, name, and plan were still incorrect. We went back to the store and spoke with a very helpful young man that worked primarily in Aurora, MO. He spoke with customer service and explained to them that our bill was still incorrect and that we were playing more, because they had never switched our plan. After being there for an hour, he said that he had it fixed, but our next bill might still be incorrect and we should bring it down to the store if it was. We left happy with the customer service that we had received. He was very helpful, which was a nice change.

We then received a summary for 4/03- 8/03. This bill was 109.01. We were charged for a transfer of service, $30, which to me, seemed wrong, since I had been paying the bill all along. I then called the CINGULAR customer service line AGAIN. The helpful gentleman looked up my account and he seemed amazed at how messed up it was. He could not believe that it had taken so long for them to fix it. He then told me to pay only 70.11. I paid this, and once again I thought it was corrected.

Three weeks later, my mother received a credit to her account for the amount of 170. But they were also closing her account. There was no check, nothing. Will they send her one. We doubt it.

Today, I received my September bill and it was 89.26. This bill would be correct, but in several places it still states that we are on the 350/5000 plan. I then called the CINGULAR customer service line AGAIN. I spoke with a CRYSTAL CAVAZOS. I tried to explain to her that we had been trying to correct this problem for some time. She informed me that since we did not correct it within 60 days, we couldn't do anything about it. That it was my fault for not correcting it sooner.

I then asked her what I needed to do to get it fixed. She said they had already corrected it, and there was nothing to fix. I tried again to explain that my bill was still showing the 350/5000. But she insisted that it was correct and if there was something wrong, I should have taken care of it before. I told her that I had tried and her attitude was very rude.

I then asked if I needed to get a lawyer to get this straightened out and she informed me that I would lose because I had not taken care of it earlier. Her customer service was HORRIBLE. I then asked what I needed to do, just to cancel my plan, she stated that I would have to pay $300, that would be $150 per line. But why would I want to do that?

I have decided to cancel my plan and spread the word of how bad the service and customer service sucks.


Neosho,, Missouri

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