  • Report:  #314828

Complaint Review: Citibank South Dakota N.A.- AT&T Universal - Sioux Falls South Dakota

Reported By:
- West Palm Beach, Florida,

Citibank South Dakota N.A.- AT&T Universal
701 E 60th St North Sioux Falls, 57117 South Dakota, U.S.A.
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I believe a white collar case of identity theft perpetrated for the purpose of committing credit card fraud has gone on virtually undetected, for at least ten years. I did not have any idea and it is just by chance that I have discovered it now. I believe I have figured out how it was done.

If you see a similarity in this scenario, you may have been a victim as well. If you were and you did recognize it at the time, were you sued as I have been, to silence you? Or did you not have any proof? Whatever the case it would have been very difficult for this criminal to be caught. Hopefully until now.

I hope I can some input here so she does not get away with it again. There is no mercy, no thought whatsoever to the harm and damage caused to her victims. I myself had no more than SSDI to live on, yet she took everything. The mental abuse aimed at my disability of depression caused a total breakdown , and yet it continued.

In Aug 1998 I became unemployed. I contacted the bank and advised them of my situation. That very month two Citi accounts were opened, according to my credit reports. I have just noticed them, so I have no comment as yet on them.

In Dec 1998, I was late on my payments and this is when another Citibank Sioux Falls, SD credit card account was opened in my name. It seems as if this card was set up as a replacement of my credit card, had my card been lost. As it was not lost, and not canceled, the debt would not transfer to the new account.

I did not default on the payments, and I do not know what transpired with this bogus account.

In March 2001, I had a hardship and contacted the bank. The account was closed. An agreement with Citibank was made to pay $50.00 a month, beginning in August, as I refused to renege on my obligations. (If they were my obligations, now I do not know) The bank agreed to stop all fees, finance charges and interest would not be charged. This would not be the case until November 2001. Every conceivable fee was charged and duplicated, as evidenced.

Calls from collections began despite the payment agreement and the harassment was so harmful to my depression a settlement was negotiated directly between Citibank (see contact information) and my longtime friend and attorney. This bank employee is still with Citibank and still has the same telephone number. She would not assist me when I called her, as she told me she is no longer in that department.

The payment, per IRS 1099C was made June 29, 2001, for 75% of $10,644.00. This amount is the same on both accounts in my name per my credit reports. My account would not be credited with this payment.

However all statements stopped and I trusted my account was closed and paid. It was not. My payment went to the linked bogus account.

My account would have a $10,000 balance indefinitely thereby satisfying the banks account reconsolidations. As my payment(s) were not entered and the debt remained there would be no discrepancies.

In my case, I was to be scammed again ten months later, by a collection agency who used my vulnerable state while infirm with disabling depression, anxiety and panic attacks. These verbal assaults and threats caused me to go into a nonfunctional state. Terrified when the phone would ring, unnecessarily, as they had already coerced me into paying with postdated checks, of which were already in their possession.

These checks were payable each month on the day of my social security disability direct deposit. This went on for four years, until I woke up in May 2006 and realized all my debts on all my credit cards had been paid in 2001.

The media was all about credit reports at that time and I pulled mine for the first time, and I saw that after four years, the debt was still at $10M. I began a dispute.

Transunion said my account was never in collections and no payments were made to my account.

I requested copies of the statements, and after a length of time I received the statement years 2002 and 2005. Finally, when I did receive the year 2001, I saw the mailing address, beginning with the August 2001, were to my current address, (as of October 2003) not the 2001 address as they should have been, had they been legitimate. They were forgeries.

With these and other discrepancies, I was sent to Citibank's Recovery department for answers. The Recovery Dept is like an island unto itself and there was no one and no where else I could go to. I was denied a supervisor, and she would not give me her name. My questions were either not answered or answered with complete lies. I have kept a record and I have the Documented Evidence.

I had initiated an investigation with the Office Of The Comptroller Of The Currency which was immediately stopped when this lady in Recovery sued.

It is a violation of the FDCA to make collection attempts while in a dispute, but that was the least of the crimes that were committed and subsequently committed in a cover up. Perjury, forgery, and contempt of court by filing false allegations.

The proof they provided the Court as a Cause Of Action, was a 1999 generic credit card agreement. The inception date of my account was 1992. The Plaintiff's Caretaker of the Records, who swore as to having full knowledge of my history, said that I had not requested the reduction to 6% interest. If he had looked at my records, he would have seen I had 0%. He would have seen statement periods with overlapping dates, fees duplicated in finance charges, due dates as "DUE NOW" with late fees, and that none of these fees were in the agreement to be charged in the first place. They ended in October/November 2001.

I have not heard from the Plaintiff since mediation and there has been no good faith effort to resolve this case through mediation, although I called many times, to resolve.

It has been since October 2007, and I wish to contact the judge and show the fraud, I also want to countersue, and that is on the record.

Every bit of it is a lie, and I have all the evidence to prove it. But if I have to go to trial, I will probably lose without proper procedure.

The statements also have checks missing as far as payments and they show bounced checks. My canceled checks show otherwise. However since none of my payments were applied to my account, would the statute of limitations apply with a last activity date of March 2001?

And just to add insult to injury, the phone number on the back of the checks do not belong to a bank but to a girlie hot line.


West Palm Beach, Florida


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CLICK HERE to read about Credit Card Scams... find out how to get your money back. Consumer makes harsh but accurate statements. *Rip-off Report Investigation follow-up provides valuable information.

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